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Conversation Between CKMom and Traci S.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. Traci S.
    02-21-2010 07:58 PM - permalink
    Traci S.
    Hi. I just realized it is 4 days since you wrote for ideas on your son's scrapbook for his big missionary trip coming up. I came up with quite a few ideas. They are on the thread labeled "scrapbooks" under "theme." (I can never figure out how to get back to apage I have been I am just trying to be helpful, telling you where it is.) Please don't be offended.

    He IS Able,
    Traci S.

    I just thought of one more could type scriptures into the computer. Have some go up and down. Some across. (Like you might see on a stamp.) After you have a page or so full. Change the colors, and the fonts...and print it on a piece of card stock. I can't believe I didn't think of scriptures! You could use Great Commision, or God will protect him, or any of your favorites...don't forget those about HOME!