
Splitcoaststampers (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/)
-   Get it Together! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/get-together-67/)
-   -   Northern CA/Bay Area (in San Jose) Get Together! September (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/get-together-67/northern-ca-bay-area-san-jose-get-together-september-371546/)

SanJoseLady 08-09-2008 07:28 AM

Northern CA/Bay Area (in San Jose) Get Together! September
Do you live in Northern California, near San Jose?

Join us for a Northern CA/Bay Area get together!!

The plans are to find an afternoon on a weekend in September, specifically we are looking at early afternoon (12 or 1) of September 13, 14, 20, 21 or 28th, to meet informally and casually and stamp for a few hours!

We will meet at a GREAT spot in San Jose, A Work of Heart. It's an art/stamp/crop studio, filled with anything and everything you could ever want to use for your stamping. Here is a link to a list of what they have for our use.

The owners of the shop are waving the listed fee for the use of their studio, we can have the room for free, as well as use of their non-consumables. You can bring your own consumables or purchase consumables at the shop. They will allow us to bring in food - whether you all decide to bring your own food and drinks or send me checks ahead of time for a Costco run, if you want me to make a costco run please post a comment, I would imagine that $5 per person will allow us to get snacks and drinks.

This is an informal relaxed gathering, just a chance to meet other local stampers and SCSers, and you can either bring a project you're working on (like Christmas cards!) or bring nothing and use whatever the studio can offer. You would only pay for consumables.
With a short lead time (little over a month from now), I am open to other stamping suggestions.

There is room for 27 stampers besides myself.

Please post in this thread if you are interested and what date(s) are acceptable for you! Thanks.

Also, please post a link to this thread in your signature so that we can advertise this get together throughout SCS.

SanJoseLady 08-09-2008 04:14 PM

Bump : )

SanJoseLady 08-11-2008 07:08 AM

Bump again. The place that we are going to meet is wonderful, I was there for four hours yesterday and could have stayed four more without blinking an eye.

Don't forget to let me know what days/dates work best for you.

whoopsie daisy 08-11-2008 07:20 AM

Hi! I would love to join in on this fun! I live in West San Jose. Unfortunately, I am available only on the 13th/14th. It doesn't mean you can't have it the other weekends... I would stop by and visit since I am so close by! I'm off to email my other San Jose gals!

SanJoseLady 08-11-2008 07:23 AM

Wonderful! I am also going to list this on my blog tonight, am looking forward to meeting you!

whoopsie daisy 08-11-2008 08:38 AM

I've sent a few emails out. I'll post to my blog too! Looking forward to meeting you too! Thank you for organizing!

Marissa64 08-11-2008 04:07 PM

I would love to get together! Please keep me posted. My SIL and MIL may be interested in coming, too.

SanJoseLady 08-11-2008 10:34 PM

Don't forget to let me know what weekend works best for you, so far we have a vote for the 13th/14th.

Looking forward to getting together with everyone : )

Cathy H 08-12-2008 09:58 AM

I want to come --- but the 13th/14th DOESN'T work for me - either of the other weekends does. . . Will you maybe please oh I hope give a demo of your coloring with markers technique????????????????????

SanJoseLady 08-12-2008 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Cathy H (Post 10899410)
I want to come --- but the 13th/14th DOESN'T work for me - either of the other weekends does. . . Will you maybe please oh I hope give a demo of your coloring with markers technique????????????????????

Yes, I will gladly give a demo : ) Thanks for letting me know which date works/doesn't work for you : )

We will plan another get together for 2009 as well, maybe the spring

Cathy H 08-12-2008 01:11 PM

GOODY!!! I have to find some Bic Mark It's on sale - I want to get a large set. I tried your blending technique with my measly set of Sharpies - but I need more colors.

Marissa64 08-13-2008 05:36 AM

I'm available any weekend in September.

janacb 08-13-2008 06:03 AM

I'm available any of the weekends...at least I think I am! Having just moved in I'm a little scattered right now and haven't planed beyond next week! ;-) LOL

Sounds like a fun time. Are we just gonna stamp together or would anyone be interested in doing a shoebox swap???

Hope to see you all there!
-Jana (NOW in NorCal once again!)

michvan3 08-13-2008 08:55 PM

I'm in the area, and would love to join in the fun and meet everyone, if can, too! Have some things going on those dates, but should be able to come for at least a little while, depending which date works best for most!

And, would be up for a swap!


bjc57 08-18-2008 02:44 PM

I hopefully don't have to work those weekends, but I'd be up for the 13th/14th. Will forward to some folks to see if they can join too. :)

Not sure what I'll have going on at the time, but wouldn't mind a swap :)

SanJoseLady 08-19-2008 08:23 AM

Ok stampers, we are getting down to the wire....please note which dates work best for you, next Monday I will post the date of the get together, so stay tuned : )

CheeseHeadInCA 08-19-2008 11:06 AM

Hi there! Please add me to the list of interested people.

I am available September 13th, 20th, and 21st.

Thanks for putting this together!

CheeseHeadInCA 08-19-2008 11:12 AM

If you're still trying to find people, you may consider contacting people in these threads:


Cathy H 08-19-2008 06:59 PM

I'm out of town the 12th through the 14th. . .

relder 08-20-2008 06:16 AM

Keep me informed. Sounds like fun!

SammyStamper 08-20-2008 06:23 AM

Just saw this, I'm in Concord and would love to meet others.

I'm not available the 14th, but I think anything else works.

Thanks for organizing and I'm happy to chip in some money for a Costco run or I can bring my own.

eszabo 08-20-2008 09:43 AM

I'm available September 21, 27, or 28th, and I would LOVE to meet other local SCSers!

lmstout 08-20-2008 09:54 PM

I would love to come. Sept. 20,21,26, or 27 work for me. I can pitch in on food or bring something. What about a swap or shoebox swap? Anyone interested?


ctyler 08-21-2008 12:18 PM

I would love to come just tell me which day and I'll be there!

Thanks for organizing!

lmstout 08-22-2008 08:55 AM

I was checking the calendar again and realized Sept 20 and don't work for me. Looks like only Sept 21 and 28. I hope that works out.

Lisa s.

msb4u 08-26-2008 12:41 AM

I would love to come and meet some of local crafters, sounds like great fun!! I am available on September 14th and 27th.

:) Irina

Cathy H 08-27-2008 08:08 PM

Do we have a date yet?!?!?!?!?!?!

jendo1 09-02-2008 02:51 PM

I just found this thread and I would love to go to a San Jose get together. Was a date chosen?

Cathy H 09-03-2008 02:12 PM


sweet&sassystamper 09-05-2008 08:56 PM

I want to come

Originally Posted by Cathy H (Post 11174651)

I would love to come. Has a date be chosen yet? I am available on the 21st and the 28th. Whereabouts is this place? I'm not too far from San Jose, I'm in Morgan Hill.

whoopsie daisy 09-06-2008 07:48 AM

Hi everyone! I've read through the posts but it doesn't look like a date has been set yet... has it? We're getting really close! I'm just stopping in to let you know I can do the 13th but other than that, it's just to stop in for a visit. Would still love to meet you all, regardless of when you meet. Please post the date soon!

CheeseHeadInCA 09-13-2008 08:21 AM

bumping hoping for a date :)

sweet&sassystamper 09-18-2008 08:37 AM

I don't think this is happening. I went ahead and put my own group together for the 27th. I have one spot open if anyone is interested. I'm located in Morgan Hill....send me a message for more details.

saxontoy 10-05-2008 12:22 PM

Anyone interested in getting together in October
Hi all,

I am a new stamper but could offer my home in Newark as a place for about 6or 7 people to come and have fun stamping. Newark is 20 min from San Jose and Palo Alto, 30 min from Pleasanton and Oakland and 45 min from San Francsico.

What days work best for people, I was thinking maybe October 19, Sunday in the Afternoon from about 2 to 4.

Will need to know by say October 12th or so if interested.

Just a few notes. first, I have cat, dog and birds, so if allergic, might not be a good thing. Second, we are redoing the floor in the kitchen so it looks like crap right now, not sure if it would be done by then or not but if not, no worries about spills..hehe

Let me know if your interested.
P.S. Will most likely start a new thread.

saxontoy 10-05-2008 10:20 PM


saxontoy 10-06-2008 08:29 AM


CheeseHeadInCA 03-21-2011 12:56 PM

Was there ever a get together? If there's one coming up or someone wants to put one together, my girlfriend and I are very interested!

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