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-   -   Fourth Reisterstown, MD Shoebox Swap - Saturday, 27 September 2008 (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/get-together-67/fourth-reisterstown-md-shoebox-swap-saturday-27-september-2008-a-366527/)

Cathleen7 07-23-2008 05:47 PM

Fourth Reisterstown, MD Shoebox Swap - Saturday, 27 September 2008
Hi stampers!

Following what seems to be my tradition of hosting a Shoebox Swap during Cindy's "off month", I'm happy to announce that the next Reisterstown Shoebox Card Swap will be held on Saturday, 27 September, from 9am-3pm, at All Saints' Episcopal Church. There's room for 25 people, with each person bringing a shoebox swap for everyone to make, and a snack, beverage, or dessert to share. There will be a $7.50 charge, payable in advance, to cover the rental of my church hall.

If, as last time, we have a smaller number of participants than 25 ( say fewer than 18 ), we'll each bring two shoebox swaps, so that we'll end the day with a nice collection of cards. That seemed to work well in April :)

All cards are to be full cards. There's no theme for the swap, but please bring enough supplies for everyone to make your card, including all cardstock, stamps, inks, embellishments, and tools. Include one sample, along with stamping and assembly instructions, in your shoebox. Envelopes are optional. Please make sure that all of your supplies are labeled with your name or initials, in case items tend to wander during the day. (How do they do that?....) In addition to your shoebox containing your card kits and supplies, bring your own adhesive, bone folder, and scissors to use throughout the day. All cards should be made using Stampin' Up! stamps, cardstock, papers, and inks. The stamp sets and ink/cardstock/paper colors can be current or retired ones. No restrictions on embellishments.

Please sign up via this on-line thread if you'd like to join us. Tell a friend, too! When you sign up, indicate if you can bring either a beverage, snack, or dessert to share. I'll provide ice and pizza for lunch, along with the paper products and cups. Then please send your $7.50 fee, along with the following info (your name, SCS name, email address & phone #) to Cathy Eller, 3507 Oxwed Court Westminster, MD 21157. [Sorry there's no registration form attached; my computer is new, and I can't seem to figure out how to work my WORD 2007 application.] I'll confirm your seat once I receive your payment. If you find that you have to cancel after you've paid, I'll return your money only if I'm able to fill your seat with someone else.

Thanks! I hope many of you can join us for a fun day of stampin'! Cathy

1. Cathy (Cathleen7) - pizza, ice, cups, plates, napkins, silverware
2. Vera (Vera) - water - PAID
3. Michelle (heart) - brownies - PAID
4. Connie (Connie Stamper) - soda - PAID
5. Ann (girlscout) -
6. Marcia (mkfrances) - cookies - PAID
7. Katie - bagged salad - PAID
8. Cindy (CindyL) - veggies & dip - PAID
9. Fran (FranT) - tea - PAID
10. Lori (ltecler) - blueberry bread - PAID
11. Cris (clmcdm1996) - chips & dip PAID
12. Ashley ( any2008 ) - salad dressing - PAID
13. Kathy (scrapkathy) - Tastefully Simple desserts - YUM! - PAID
14. Donna Hilse (donnahilse) - Fruit salad - PAID
15. Patti Hipp - chips, pretzels - PAID
16. Theresa (Theresa Romani) - Chex mix - PAID
17. Judy C. - bagels & cream cheese - PAID
18. Brenda M. -muffins - PAID
19. JoAnn (premienurse) - snack - PAID
20. Lisa (LisaMNaples) - snack - PAID
21. Lynn (craigsgirl) - snack - PAID
22. Amber - salad croutons - PAID
23. Kim C. - PAID
24. Sandy A. - PAID
25. Loretta (ms.rhetta) - soda -

Vera 07-23-2008 06:15 PM

Count me in, Cathy! I will bring water (regular and fruit-flavored).


heart 07-23-2008 06:15 PM

Love to attend!
Have brownies will travel!

heart 07-23-2008 06:17 PM

My goodness, Vera, we posted at the same time!

Connie Stamper 07-23-2008 06:34 PM

Please include me. I would love to come to your swap. I'll let you know later what I'll bring.

Connie Seifert

mkfrances 07-24-2008 02:59 AM

please sign me up!
Hi Cathy,
Please sign me up! I'll bring cookies, unless you need something else. Katie would love to attend, too, if possible!

CindyL 07-24-2008 03:56 AM

Woohoo! Cathy, please sign me and Mom (FranT) up for this. One of us will bring veggies and dip and the other will bring tea.

ltecler 07-24-2008 04:54 AM

Count me in, Cathy! Looking forward to it. I'll bring a dessert unless you'd like me to bring something else--just let me know.

clmcdm1996 07-24-2008 06:16 AM

Hi Cathy please sign Ashley[any 2008] and myself up. We will let you know waht we will bring by this weekend. Thanks.

CindyL 07-24-2008 08:04 AM

Cathy, please sign up Kathy (scrapkathy) up too. She cannot access SCS at work, so she asked me to add her name.

Cathleen7 07-24-2008 10:52 AM

Thanks, Cindy - will do!!

Scrapkathy 07-24-2008 05:50 PM

Here I am Cathy checking in officially and all.

I will bring some Tastefully Simple desserts. Not sure yet what but something TS.

Have a STAMPendous Weekend.



donnahilse 07-25-2008 08:52 AM

Kathy, Please sign me up Donna Hilse and Patti Hipp
I can bring a fruit salad and Patti can bring chips,pretzels

Cathleen7 07-25-2008 01:32 PM

You're on the list - glad you'll be joining us!! Cathy

Theresa Romani 07-25-2008 05:31 PM

Sign me up! I'll bring the Chex Mix.

Cathleen7 07-25-2008 05:50 PM

Great, Theresa - you've got a seat! Ladies, the sign-ups are looking great; if you are undecided as to what to bring to share for lunch, I think we could use a bag salad or two, a bottle or two of salad dressing, and a few 2-liter bottles of soda. Thanks, everyone :) Cathy

Connie Stamper 07-25-2008 08:13 PM

I'll bring two 2-Liter bottles of soda.
Connie Seifert

CindyL 07-26-2008 04:46 PM


Scrapkathy 07-27-2008 03:50 AM

doing the bump, bump.........

CindyL 07-28-2008 04:09 AM


premienurse 07-28-2008 04:21 AM

Whoohoo, I made it...sign me up please. Your last event was relaxing and fun. Can't wait for this one.

LisaMNaples 07-28-2008 05:52 AM

Sign me up. I will get a check out to you today. I will bring something we can snack on all day. Unless there is something else that you need me to bring! Can't wait!!

Cathleen7 07-28-2008 09:15 AM

JoAnn, Lisa - I've got you on the list! Lisa, I saw your post on Cindy's thread regarding her 23 August swap. If you haven't been to one of hers before, you'll get to meet a lot of "her followers" at my swap. I promise you'll have fun and meet a great group of stampers! Look forward to meeting you. Cathy

Cathleen7 07-29-2008 02:57 AM

Vera, Donna - I got your payments yesterday - thanks so much. And Vera, the card you sent is beyond gorgeous - it's so elegant! Thank you. And of course I must know - where did you get the "thank you for..." stamp - custom made? See you soon - Cathy

premienurse 07-29-2008 05:44 AM

My payment went postal today Cathy. I will bring a snack of some sort, not sure what yet....

Vera 07-29-2008 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Cathleen7 (Post 10714250)
And of course I must know - where did you get the "thank you for..." stamp - custom made? See you soon - Cathy

I will have to look it up when I get back home, Cathy.

Greetings from Salt Lake City!


LisaMNaples 07-29-2008 03:53 PM

Cathy, I mailed my check today. I didn't get to the post office yesterday.

CindyL 07-31-2008 04:05 AM

Woohoo Cathy! It's filling up...lots of familiar faces too and some new gals to meet - yeah!

Cathleen7 07-31-2008 09:19 AM

Just got back from a college campus visit to Rutgers with my daughter. Found some payments in the mail, and have updated the list. Thanks ladies! Cathy

Cathleen7 08-01-2008 08:43 AM

More payments received - thanks, everyone! I'm still hoping to fill the last four seats. I've sent messages to a few stampers I know - if you have a friend you'd like to invite, go right ahead! We've already got a good group, so I know it'll be a great stampin' day. Cathy

craigsgirl 08-02-2008 02:05 AM

Count me in!
Cathy, please count me in. I had such a great time and learned so much last time. Lynn

Cathleen7 08-02-2008 04:23 AM

So glad to hear from you, Lynn - you're on the list! Cathy

bmurphy 08-02-2008 12:23 PM

my friend Pat would like to attend. I sent you an e-mail about her. I will bring muffins.

Cathleen7 08-02-2008 02:02 PM

Brenda - I'll add her to the list - thanks. I wasn't sure if she was a definite; I sent her an email with some swap details, but I haven't heard from her. I'll make sure she has a spot! Cathy

craigsgirl 08-02-2008 02:29 PM

Thanks for adding me Cathy
I put my payment in the mail today, and I will bring a snack of some sort. Lynn

Cathleen7 08-04-2008 05:10 AM

Just a quick Monday morning bump :)

Cathleen7 08-04-2008 06:42 AM

Swap is full - will take names for waitlist
Well I'm excited! The Reisterstown swap is now full with 25 stampers - this is a first for me! There are some new folks on the list; from work, from Splitcoast, and friends of previous swappers. How fun! I'll begin a waiting list for others who may be interested, and will post more info about the swap as the date gets closer. Thanks, everyone!!! :) :) :)

Theresa Romani 08-06-2008 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cathleen7 (Post 10745589)
Just got back from a college campus visit to Rutgers with my daughter.

My DH has been running around doing the same with our youngest DD. (Eldest DD is out of college already, yeah!)

On a sadder note, on Monday we had to say goodbye to our fur baby, Amber. She was 14 years old and we just discovered terrible cancer all through her liver and spleen.

CindyL 08-07-2008 04:16 AM

Theresa, so sorry to hear that! Hugs to you!

Cathleen7 08-07-2008 07:03 AM

Theresa - I'm sorry too, to hear about Amber. I know it's hard - I just got a new puppy last week, nearly 15 months after our beagle Casey died. It took me a while to be ready for a new one. I now have a new beaglette, Bailey, and I had forgotten just how entertaining new puppies can be :) I won't be feeding her any of our people puppy chow, though! Take care, Cathy

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