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-   -   Yoyo Yellow & Green Galore horror! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/yoyo-yellow-green-galore-horror-54614/)

Bonnie Beal 05-25-2005 04:20 PM

Yoyo Yellow & Green Galore horror!
You'd think that I would have made myself clear yesterday when my 5 year old son decided to freshen my sheets, pillows and carpet with furnature polish, window cleaner and Mediquick - I was so, so mad! I'm going to need to live with the smell of 'orange' forever!

Today I go upstairs to find this same little monster covered with green and yellow spots from head to toe! After blowing my top he points me to his closet where he emptied my reinkers for Yoyo yellow, green galore and as many fabric paints as he could open... His stuffed animals are covered with stains (guess that makes them easy to get rid of) and my light beige carpet required bleach to get the mess out before daddy comes home.

When is it going to end???

MonTigg 05-25-2005 04:24 PM

What a turkey! So sorry- my daycare kids were all naughty today too, something in the air I guess!

JennTate 05-25-2005 04:26 PM

it will NEVER end, they always find new and creative ways to push buttons... my advice is:

Take pictures, scrapbook them, and later on show them to every girlfriend/boyfriend they ever bring home!

camsmom 05-25-2005 04:27 PM

wow Bonnie-that sounds awful!

Hopefully he is just going through a spring fever rebellion and has it out of his system!:o

Granny Hawkins 05-25-2005 04:33 PM


Heather_M 05-25-2005 04:40 PM

(((Hugs))) I think you need a big one!!

Melissa 8791 05-25-2005 05:39 PM

I bet this is just a phase that he is going through...it will get better. My daughter would write on everything and she eventually stopped. We gave her gentle reminders (and not so gentle reminders on her tush ;) ) and she outgrew that stage.

Good Luck,


bonniejo 05-25-2005 06:16 PM

I still find my son's name carved in places. He is 18 now. Just a few weeks ago my dh discovered his name carved next to a step to the basement. Back 7 or so years ago, I would have been po'd. Now we just laughed at it. It brought back many wonderful memories of what a little stinker he was. My ds still melts my heart.

Scrapbook the pages. The will come in handy to embarrass his. Also, if you are blessed with grandchildren you can show them what a little stinker your ds was.

Jennifer Jones 05-25-2005 06:28 PM

My darling 5 year old twins decided to ink up their feet with blue ink and stamp on paper, they then walked all over my white burber carpet! Fortunately it was washable ink. (I bought washable ink and crayon products after they decorated thier bedroom floor with rainbows in non-washable crayons.) I finally had an evening to stamp but no I spent it cleaning the carpet with the carpet machine instead! I was soooo mad!

yvaloveeh 05-25-2005 06:29 PM

I know how you feel!!!
It's funny you should mention this. My 2 yr. old was about to be given up for adoption the other day, when I found that he had been in my craft drawers and had emptied out all of my embossing powders and my RETIRED glitter stacks on the floor of my basement! I was SO PO'd!!! It's still too fresh of a wound for me to look back and laugh at! ;) I'll get over it though. I just placed an order yesterday, and my new stuff is on it's way to make me feel a little better. Of course, the glitter was irreplaceable, but I just try not to think about it! Anyway, I feel your pain!

mamakimberly 05-25-2005 06:33 PM

OH yikes! My daughter is famous for writing on herself, although we've been writing free for a month now! (fingers crossed on that one)

But that sounds like a TRUE MESS!!!

Stampin Wrose 05-25-2005 06:54 PM

My dear sweet 16 y.o. redheaded DD kicked a hole in a wall about two years ago, dented another wall about a year ago, and this year wrote all over the walls of her room in something that even Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser won't erase.


I can't WAIT for an empty nest! (Well, DS is 14, he's not so bad.)

jakesmom727 05-25-2005 07:03 PM

I think it's the time of year or something, my dd has been a terror lately as well, I have a sassy mouth and attitude of a 7 year old going on 16 to deal with. UGH good luck.

Joan B 05-26-2005 01:06 AM

He sounds so cute! Send him my way. I hope you took pictures (when he wasn't around). Sounds like you might need to lock up your stuff!!

Tampersay 05-26-2005 04:12 AM

Wow! Sounds like my oldest dd at that age. Her thing was drawing though. She would draw with anything on anything. We had her art on the walls, furniture, clothes, books. Her body was on more than one occaision a medium for her artistic endeavours. She still draws today (almost 13) but fortunately on paper! They do move on and quit the "stupid s*#("

BTW, when the above mention child was 5yo, she took all my fabric paints and made a mural on my hobby room wall like finger paints. She ruined a few bolts of fabric, the clothes she was wearing and used all 22 bottles of paint! It was my wake up call that she needed more individual (and constant) attention! What made it worse was that I was hormonally pregnant with her brother at the time. It's a good thing maternal instincts kicked in and kept me from killing her!

Patra 05-26-2005 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by bonniejo
I still find my son's name carved in places. He is 18 now. Just a few weeks ago my dh discovered his name carved next to a step to the basement. Back 7 or so years ago, I would have been po'd. Now we just laughed at it. It brought back many wonderful memories of what a little stinker he was. My ds still melts my heart.

Scrapbook the pages. The will come in handy to embarrass his. Also, if you are blessed with grandchildren you can show them what a little stinker your ds was.

I had to laugh at this. I also had a "carver," but she thought she would be clever and stay out of trouble by carving her sister's name!!!!

Mrs Noofy 05-26-2005 06:23 AM

Boy!!!!! Sounds like a great commercial for Birth Control!! ha ha. It seems to me that it's time to put the "curse of the Mother" on all of them. You know... "some day you will have a child who is just as bad as you are!" Works every time (I know.. my mom did it to me!)

billsbrowneyedgirl 05-26-2005 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Mrs Noofy
Boy!!!!! Sounds like a great commercial for Birth Control!! ha ha. It seems to me that it's time to put the "curse of the Mother" on all of them. You know... "some day you will have a child who is just as bad as you are!" Works every time (I know.. my mom did it to me!)

Funny you should say that, my 8 yr old son just came up to me, and for some reason, said, you know ladies who have 11, 6 or 5 children? They had that many because they forgot to take the medicine that makes them not have babies !
How does my 8 yr old know about birth control pills? LOL
I told him that most the people that have alot of children do so because they want to, he asked why they would want so many children, lol. What a nut. My oldest son and his g/f are 16, and sometimes the 8yr old is such a monster, he is the perfect birth control commercial for those two, I am sure to bring it to their attention, of course!

Bonnie Beal 05-26-2005 07:14 AM

Thanks for all of your comments - I do admit that these kind of things make great tales (and I love to tell tales)

The positive side of all of this is that I did manage to get the stains out of the carpet (and off the kid!), and it gives me a great excuse to let go of all of those stuffed animals that simply 'hang around' because I didn't just want to give them away. My dh never did find out, and I plan to keep it that way! Maybe I'll tell him in 5 years...


stampinsweeney 05-26-2005 07:23 AM

When I was little I used to mix "potions" in the bathroom. They usually contained my mom's expensive perfumes, lotions and powders. She was generally not thrilled by my concotions. I, personally, thought they were works of aromatic art that were really cool to flush down the toilet. lol!

MSBetsyZ 05-26-2005 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Patra
I had to laugh at this. I also had a "carver," but she thought she would be clever and stay out of trouble by carving her sister's name!!!!

ROTFLMBO!!!! This is hysterical, Patra! Sounds like what my twin sister and I used to do...

Ally 05-26-2005 08:03 AM

My six year old son is a handful but the funniest thing is, he has eczema and he scratches the back of his neck with felt pens. So I found him last week with his neck completely covered in red, blue and yellow pen. Trouble is we can't use any soap products on his skin or rub his skin as it makes the eczema worse. It is only now starting to fade, a week later.

auntie65 05-26-2005 10:33 AM

My DS who is now 34 wrote his name on HIS wall when he was 4 and blamed his then 1 year old sister! I was supposed to believe I had a baby Einstein! Now he has a 3 year old, and the curse continues!! LOL I don't know where you're from, but here in PA we had a couple of weeks of 75 and above weather, and now it's cold again. Kids who were outside in shorts are now back in the house. It's like jail time! Also we just went through a full moon phase if you believe in that sort of thing.

Bonnie Beal 05-26-2005 04:48 PM

As long as we are into fun (not so fun at the time) stories, I've got to share one about my brother...

While my mom was eight months pregnant with me, my 7 year old brother found a spray paint bottle outside our apartment; he then practiced writing his name and phone number in every car in the lot (we lived in an apartment above a lawyer's office) - boy was my mom thrilled to have dozens of furious people calling asking for Mike! Don't know how or if my parents ever ended up paying for that... they were dead broke! (had the car reposessed while at the hospitol having me - took a taxi home)

MWDStamp 05-26-2005 05:37 PM

Oh, I feel your pain. My son will be 5 next month and driving me crazy. He is just non-stop motion. He finished pre-k last week and so was in full-time school. I had forgotten how much supervision he requires - my older 2 never needed this much supervision at this age. Yesterday he was making "magic potions" He had water everywhere, which he had tinted with paint. Then he was drinking it. Most of it cleaned up, but while I am cleaning he is into something else. I can just feel myself age about 10 yrs. for everyday he is home. Hope they outgrow this phase for their sake and our sanity.

Laurie FW 05-26-2005 05:59 PM

When my son was five he found a piece of sandpaper and proceeded to sand every panel and even the hood of our Toyota 4Runner! It was old and the hood did need painting, but we weren't quite ready to do it right then! This escapade costs us over $450 to get it painted right away! The auto body shop that painted it had all the employees come out and look at it, the owner complimented me on how systematically my son had gone over the car! We were both so furious at the time!

robsuejo 05-27-2005 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Stampin Wrose
My dear sweet 16 y.o. redheaded DD kicked a hole in a wall about two years ago, dented another wall about a year ago, and this year wrote all over the walls of her room in something that even Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser won't erase.


I can't WAIT for an empty nest! (Well, DS is 14, he's not so bad.)

Good luck with the empty nest...Mine are still here :) Tim, at the age of 2 (he's now 23 and a Marine about to finish his 4 years of service) used to take the screws out of the barstools and put them back together. He thought it was hysterical to watch someone sit on them! I won't go on to tell about the "other" stuff.
I wonder what "tricks" we'll have now that he's coming home???

billsbrowneyedgirl 05-27-2005 07:10 AM

hhmmm...all these stories are about boys! One might think girls are little angels........NOT....Lets hear some snotty toddler girl stories!

When my dd Paige was 15 months (she is 14 now) and mad, she would put her hands on her hips and stomp one foot! She was an itty bitty thing, so it was so funny.
Last summer at my sons foot ball practice I was talking to moms with young kids and they were talking how snotty little girls can be, I told that story about Paige, she was with me, and said loudly, "I did not do that", we all look over at her, and there she was, standing there with her hands on her hips, not even realizing what she was doing!!..........Cracked us up!

billsbrowneyedgirl 05-27-2005 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Bonnie Beal
As long as we are into fun (not so fun at the time) stories, I've got to share one about my brother...

While my mom was eight months pregnant with me, my 7 year old brother found a spray paint bottle outside our apartment; he then practiced writing his name and phone number in every car in the lot (we lived in an apartment above a lawyer's office) - boy was my mom thrilled to have dozens of furious people calling asking for Mike! Don't know how or if my parents ever ended up paying for that... they were dead broke! (had the car reposessed while at the hospitol having me - took a taxi home)

Thats probably WHY the car got reposessed!

PaperKat 05-27-2005 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Bonnie Beal
Thanks for all of your comments - I do admit that these kind of things make great tales (and I love to tell tales)

The positive side of all of this is that I did manage to get the stains out of the carpet (and off the kid!), and it gives me a great excuse to let go of all of those stuffed animals that simply 'hang around' because I didn't just want to give them away. My dh never did find out, and I plan to keep it that way! Maybe I'll tell him in 5 years...


Haha! I would have taken pictures of him with all of his spots and giggle about pulling the pic out when he goes out on dates later in life. Just a little way of of having fun right back (even when it's no fun at the time!) I remember my daughter taking markers and drawing on the wall going up the stairs. I just took a frame and framed it right there at knee height! It was a blast to have as she grew. I know there are times when they make you pull your hair out, but try to take photos because believe it or not, most often you will find yourself laughing when your older. Or at least take comfort that if they have kids when they grow you will be able to sit back and watch the show!

shamman 05-27-2005 07:40 PM

I am so so sorry, but I am laughing so hard right now! I am just so glad I am NOT the only one!

I will 2nd the idea/ pictures ! and scrapbooking! Show and tell at his wedding!

Chef Mama 05-28-2005 06:44 AM

I have to say, my first thought when I read this was, "And what's abnormal about that?" but only because of my angels. GIRLS. There was the time they decided to stamp their feet red & walk on the carpet. Then a week later paint the kitchen floor red while I was lying on the couch w/ a horrid headache. The paint was in a room w/ a latch on the door. They stacked chairs to reach it. The paint was on the top shelf. When I caught them painting, the little one decided to walk through it onto the carpet into the bathroom. This was not long after the stamping on the floor incident. The next time they painted the kitchen floor purple. I didn't laugh.

We had a full size drawing of a baby car seat done on the front door in permanent marker. Oh, when the child was only 2 she had a field day w/ Desitin cream. Now, the older daughter (8 1/2) is mildly autistic & her "peak" area is creative arts---esp. drawing---but we didn't know that at the time. She's been known to take apart the faucet & attach water bed parts. We never know what we'll find hanging from the doorframes. I think there is a string of pearls at the moment! (fake pearls!)

I"m glad your carpet came clean! I just steam cleaned part of their room yesterday---oh the gunk that came out! They get bunk beds today. I better pray hard for no broken bones (from jumping & other creations!).

I'm sure I'll laugh one day!


GreenTea 05-29-2005 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by shamman
I am so so sorry, but I am laughing so hard right now!

:) Totally -this thread is a crack up!!! Seriously gals - take pictures. It might not be funny to you now, but in five or ten years you will bust a gut!

JanTInk 05-29-2005 05:13 AM

Oh, girls? I have stories about THOSE.

Like leaving crayons on the carpet in front of the heat register? Or drawing all over the walls in their bedroom? (that was DD# 2...she still is our best artist.) Don't even ask about the dresser in their room, which I was dumb enough to buy a brand new pine Broyhill dresser when the first one was born...it was so pretty. It is a sight now, I'll tell you, with stuff stuck all over it and scratched! I should have gone to the Salvation Army store and got a dresser instead.

Of course, my brothers, sister and I were similarly...er...gifted. My brothers took a Philips head screwdriver and poked the kitchen cabinets (maple) with it because they loved the little "x's" it would make...they were careful to put them right under the edge of the counters so they didn't show to adults, hee hee. They had knotty pine panelling in their room and spent time scratching a "picture" near the door. We would leave our chewing gum (not on the bedpost) but on the dresser or cedar chest; that pretty much took care of the finish right there.

MIne seem to be addicted to scotch tape; they all went through phases where they went through reams of tape and it all ended up stuck to the carpet in their room.

deegan750 05-29-2005 04:43 PM

I caught my little 2 year old daughter standing on a box in my stamp room drinking my basic black reinker!!! She had black lips, teeth tongue, gums-everything!!!! Just so you know, it is only dangerous if LARGE amounts are ingested-I called SU!! They laughed!!! And yes, I took pic's to scrap!!!

charming 05-29-2005 05:50 PM

I was at a bank one day and DS, who was 18 months, escaped to run through the back corridors greeting all the girls as he went. Well one said, "ooh! isn't he EVER sOOO cute ! he's gonna work in a bank when he grows up !"
I have NEVER felt myself react so crazy so fast ! It was all I could do to not go nuts on her ! As in, " MY SON IS AN ARTIST and will NEVER do something so ORDINARY!" the feeling came out of nowhere and caught me totally off-guard! It must have been a hormonal day! but I said nothing, of COURSE! LOL!
Anyway, when my son decorates his room, his toys, his climber, his body or the yard I just say in my best teacher voice, " no-no son, ONLY on the PAPER.(cardboard, sidewalk, whatever)" BUT INSIDE I am cheering and planning scrapbook layouts ! I've got loads of sequential pics when I leave him uninterrupted as he creates 'badness' --luckily crayolas all wash off!LOL!
for now he's quite the 2 year old artiste; his favorite stamp sets are Road Trip, Going Places and Loads of Love but
he only can stamp with creamy caramel because THAT is our carpet color!
He'll be excited when we get our pumpkin pie color classic pad 'cause that's the color of our dinnig room chairs and he'll be able to join me if I'm downstairs !

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