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-   -   Your favorite background technique (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/your-favorite-background-technique-40082/)

codepink 04-01-2005 07:50 AM

Your favorite background technique
I'm teaching a class to my stamp club in a couple of weeks on creating your own background papers so I've been experiementing with the many different techniques. I'm wondering what your favorite background technique is and why you like it so much.

My favorite right now has to be the polished stone, or modified polished stone - I just like the reinkers with rubbing alcohol. I also really like sponging color on with balled up saran wrap.

I haven't had the best luck with the shaving cream technique (keeps smearing no matter what I try).

The wacky marbles are pretty good and the DTP with the chalk inks are okay too, not the best though.

I'd love your thought and what little things you do to make these techniques really work for you. Thanks!


dmsd 04-01-2005 08:08 AM

I like the wax paper technique, and I also like sponging, and brayering is cool too...

stamper1996 04-01-2005 09:17 AM

I like brayering on glossy stock (love using rainbow pads!)

I also think the melted crayon method is fun. I love the smell of crayons--one of those happy- kid-memory smells.

esah23 04-01-2005 11:34 AM

I really like brayering, since I just discovered it! In agreement- the rainbow pads are the best!!! I have only used "wildflower" so far. The other background technique I have used is called Bargello, and variations of Bargello. Interesting, but a bit time consuming!

dawn g 04-01-2005 12:01 PM

My favorite is just using the awesome background stamps. I know that's not really a technique, but a great way to add interest to a card without too much difficulty.

jojofitzh2o 04-01-2005 12:06 PM

My favorite is using the foam brayer over the mesh. I then pull the mesh off and you have a small checker background. I just cased the overall card and used the mesh pattern for the overalls, but I did a very light color since I don't have the jeans background stamp.

lweller 04-01-2005 12:22 PM

faux leather! crumple your paper, flatten, run versamark over paper (will hit the high points), sprinkle w/ clear embossing powder, heat emboss. gives those surfaces a wet/glossy appearance. real show-stopper/wowser.

lori :)

stamperjules 04-01-2005 02:31 PM

wax paper resist, but what I really like is the heated pearls. That uses a stipple brush and elmer's glue and pearl ex. You put a puddle of glue in the middle of your US cardstock and pounce it all over the CS with the brush. Then you pick up a color of pearl ex (put 2 or 3 on a paper plate) and pounce that all over, repeating for the other colors. Then heat the mess (and what a mess it is!!!!) with your heat gun until it stops bubbling. It looks tres cool!


chercher 04-01-2005 02:37 PM

I'm with Dawn. I love using canvas and french script with some sponging to create my background!

texasjodylynn 04-01-2005 02:42 PM

I LOVE tapestry. It is so pretty. I have a few examples in my gallery. I also like faux leather (with masking tape). There are many tutorials in the resources section that you could take a look at and use for your WS.

jeanstamping2 04-01-2005 02:59 PM

Something simple and Doesn't cost anything.....Is Bubble wrap. Ink it and stamp with it.

I like using found object's to make my backgrounds with.

I have some Gutter guard from my MIL house...I ink it and turn it over and stamp with it.

Sea spongs, Stipple brushes, Pencil eraser. Packing peanuts, Pop bottle caps turned on side, or opening to make a ring.

There are many ways to make cool backgrounds for FREE or a few pennies

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