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4girlies 12-30-2009 02:44 PM

workshops and clubs

I am looking for some advice. I have been a Stampin Up demonstrator since last September, I currently have a group of 6 girls committed to purchasing $50 each person each month, thanks to some girlfriends wanting to do this.

My concern is...this group ends as of March, I hope they all want to continue learning new techniques and do another group after theirs is finished. If they don't continue...I will be in trouble keeping my Consultant status

How can I get more gals to sign up for a club or do workshops?? I have put a small table in a couple home business sales through December with no luck of sales or interest in workshops.

I have been invited to another home business saleat the end of January, what should I bring to sell at this, plus.....what should I do to get people to want to host a workshop or set up a club of 5 or more girls.

I hope this makes sense:)

biblesistersmom 12-31-2009 10:37 AM

Are you selling SU to earn money or are you doing it mostly for the discount on your own stuff?

kilroy 12-31-2009 11:40 AM

I had been making cards for ten years before I went to any Stampin Up event. The reason, every demo I met wanted a six month commitment where I had to buy x dollars of product even if I couldn't attend the event or didn't want anything that particular month. I get why the commitment is necessary, but it wasn't for me.

Then I met my current demo. She has a card class every month where I make 12 cards for $20. If I can't make it a month, no problem, I just don't go. I don't have to buy anything but I usally do. If I spend $30, the class fee is reduced to $7. She has a morning class of about 6 - 8 people and a evening class of about 10 - 12 people. She also has other stamp camp classes to learn different techniques or 3D projects. The charge varies depending on the item/s. Again, no commitment of having to go each month.

Just an idea for you to think about. It may not work for you.

53queenbee 12-31-2009 11:43 AM

$50???!!! That is a lot! I could not afford that. My club is only $25 a month. I won't be doing the club after this go round of member because Su stamps are just not that cute and so expensive. I think the need a new stamp designer.

4girlies 12-31-2009 12:50 PM

Thanks for the advice ladies!!!

I sell Stampin Up for the discount and my comissions to pay for my hobby.

prchvs 12-31-2009 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by 4girlies (Post 15791151)

I am looking for some advice. I have been a Stampin Up demonstrator since last September, I currently have a group of 6 girls committed to purchasing $50 each person each month, thanks to some girlfriends wanting to do this.

My concern is...this group ends as of March, I hope they all want to continue learning new techniques and do another group after theirs is finished. If they don't continue...I will be in trouble keeping my Consultant status

How can I get more gals to sign up for a club or do workshops?? I have put a small table in a couple home business sales through December with no luck of sales or interest in workshops.

I have been invited to another home business saleat the end of January, what should I bring to sell at this, plus.....what should I do to get people to want to host a workshop or set up a club of 5 or more girls.

I hope this makes sense:)

are you a part of the demo forum here on SCS? there's tons of resources available for you to look through and see idea's with regards to running a club, classes, workshops, and vendor fairs!

I do both: I have a club and also offer classes. This way, people can choose whichever option works best for them. The classes are great for those that just want to have some fun and make something and can then take those same ideas home to use their own products with. The clubs are great for those that wish to have a collection of fun things to use or to supplement what they have.

Allistamps123 12-31-2009 01:24 PM

I go to three different workshops. None of the demos require a purchase. Each card is set up at a station. Some stations have two cards. They just go around from table to table and answer questions. We also help each other. There are long time stampers as well as newbies. They all provide a snack. Some more than others. One demo offers six cards for $9.00. One offers 10 cards for $15.00. One offers four cards for $6.00. Each of the demos keep the hostess points, free sets, etc. There are usually ten to fifteen stampers coming to the event. I don't know what their sales are. I'm sure my main demo easily meets her minimums. Certainly not everyone orders each time. Maybe 1/2 of us do. I usually always order. More the last six months. She is never pushy. Some months I've only ordered a pack of paper and an ink pad. I've never had her put pressure on me. I live in a very rural area and these three demos are able to keep going with their classes.

4girlies 12-31-2009 03:01 PM

You ladies are Awesome!!! I am so glad I asked the question. How do I become a member of the demo forum??

Now to figure out how and what to do a class in my own home.....I am a visual person, need to actually see one done. But I will try. Any advice of what to do for a first class in my home?? I am hoping some valentine workshops or classes. I like the idea of making 10 cards for 20. Do I do only one card technique?

biblesistersmom 12-31-2009 03:15 PM

When our demo has workshops, she usually has three stations set up in her dining room. One usually is a project with a new stamp set, one usually has in color card stock (and sometimes a new stamp set or embellishment) and the last one always involves the big shot and some sort of die cut. I think this works well for her because people are inspired to buy based on the cute projects we make. She always says, too, that most of the ideas aren't her own, that she comes here to SCS and browses to get ideas and then tweaks so it isn't an exact copy. Good luck to you!

prchvs 12-31-2009 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by 4girlies (Post 15798522)
You ladies are Awesome!!! I am so glad I asked the question. How do I become a member of the demo forum??

here's a link to the thread that tells you all about how to join the demo forums!! hope it helps :)

snowcountry311 12-31-2009 04:23 PM

also think of each quarter as a goal.
the first month of each quarter being most important. this is when you should try and make your minimum. this leaves you w/ more time to get orders.

Erin K 12-31-2009 04:38 PM

I wish you the best of luck!

I wish I knew an awesome demo in my area that had a club or workshops or whatever. I mean I have NO TROUBLE ordering from my online demo friend, but then I have to save up because it's just little ole me in the order. I always figure it's not worth shipping unless I order like $200 (because I'm insane)

But if I had someone like you doing a monthly thing I could spread it out and get new stuff all the time. Although I will say as a customer $50 is high for me. Course if you have a smaller group then that might be what works for you guys.

Anyhow best of luck!!

Vee 12-31-2009 05:58 PM

Erin, just go to the SU!.com and use the "find a demo" thing. It will give you 10 demos in your area. If they have websites, you can check their class schedules and call them for info on clubs, workshops, etc.

Allistamps123 12-31-2009 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by 4girlies (Post 15798522)
You ladies are Awesome!!! I am so glad I asked the question. How do I become a member of the demo forum??

Now to figure out how and what to do a class in my own home.....I am a visual person, need to actually see one done. But I will try. Any advice of what to do for a first class in my home?? I am hoping some valentine workshops or classes. I like the idea of making 10 cards for 20. Do I do only one card technique?

My demo who offers 10 cards for $15.00 has 10 different cards for us to make. She also does 18 for $25.00 sometimes. At these events we make multiples...Six different cards in sets of three.

tamijo 01-01-2010 04:48 AM

$50 a month is a lot for me and there is no way that I could do it! Some months I have a hard enough time coming up $25 worth of items to purchase. Usually I end up with paper (which I need like another hole in the head) or ribbon (again- I'm organizing my ribbon right now and am amazed by how much I actually have)

My demo does $25/month for 6 months (but if there's a month that is financially hard for us we are usually able to slide). There are 6 of us and we take turns being the hostess for the months. that is the $150 for a minimum show and allows her to meet her minimums in two months if she were not to order anything herself.

tamijo 01-01-2010 04:49 AM

oh, and mine does once a month "Stamp a stacks". We make 12 cards for $15. 3 stations of 4 cards each. Sometimes I can go and othertimes I can't. I'll go in January because we'll be using new stamps.

SophieLaFontaine 01-01-2010 05:31 AM

My demo offers a monthly class where it is 4 cards for $10. She has two tables and a helper. She is very organized. She has 4 boxes (one for each card). Each box has the supplies needed to make that card. She presides over one table while they make two cards, and same with the other helper. Then she and the helper switch boxes so each table gets to make the last and (new-to-them) two cards. Ack, clear as mud. I hope you understood what I was trying to describe. She has two classes; a morning class and an afternoon class (this is 'cause there were too many women to fit into just one class).

I think she also has a couple of buying clubs - $30 per month for 5 months, and there are 5 women in each club. Each month a different one is the hostess.

Also at these classes, she makes announcements - SU! sales and specials, and also asks if anyone wants to join the buying clubs.

Also, she has done this once (back in August I think)...she threw an SU! party and it was a potluck with no designated hostess. Everyone who bought at least $30 got their name put in a drawing. There were two winners and one winner gets the hostess sets and the other winner gets the hostess dollar rewards. But there are also consolation prizes for the other "losers". I think she is planning to do this again soon.

bb&kk 01-01-2010 06:10 AM

I have a club that learns a new technique or two each month. In order to make the math work so the "hostess" get at least a Level One set and her free $15 in merchandise they are required to spend $25. It is up to me the demo to show them new stuff to make it easy to spend that $25. We have become a close group of friends and are getting ready to start again. I also do classes and workshops. Different people want different things.

kilroy 01-01-2010 06:25 AM

If you are planning to do a class in January, I would use some new mini product and have at least some Valentine cards. You can have them make whatever number you want but something like make 4 each of three different designs. Talk about the new mini and SAB, but don't make them feel uncomfortable if they don't want to buy anything. Don't use any retired stamps, paper, etc because the customers would be disappointed that they couldn't buy something they may like.

I know I am not a demo so maybe I shouldn't be giving advice but just letting you know what I would want as a customer.

mama groke 01-01-2010 08:26 AM

I am just a customer of Stampin Up, and not a very good one unless I can get it at garage sales, but I still wanted to share. Twice a year, my stampin up lady, has an all day work shop at a logal motel--she rents one of the conference rooms. We pay $30.00 and get to make cards, etc. She usually has two or more projects for us to make. We too, go from table to table. She also provides the lunch which is usually the oriental salad from Applebees as well as a dessert (got to have those sweets). During the day, she draws for door prizes. Two or three times during the day she will also demonstrate new techniques. If you bring a new person to the event, you get a prize. I am amazed at the end of the day, when people place their orders how much they spend--Wow! Hopefully this will help you. Good luck==

mama groke 01-01-2010 08:28 AM

Oh dear on my above post I said she had two or more projects for us to make. That was supposed to say 20 (as in twenty). So sorry about that. I also wanted to add that since I am a cheap scape, that I feel I truly get my money's worth at these work shops. I look forward to them every year.

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