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-   -   who here on scs is your biggest Inspiration. (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/who-here-scs-your-biggest-inspiration-312566/)

K. Benko 01-07-2008 06:33 PM

OMG, where do I start. Well number one with me is CINDY HAFFNER.
Then I have to go with Sharon Johnson, Michelle Zindorf, Lauraly, Jen 70, Kittie 747, Jeanne S, Bad Sherry. How many did you want, I can go on. OK love them all. You girls are my inspirations.

prchvs 01-07-2008 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Lisadwb (Post 8252934)
Umm, that is like asking which of my kids I love the most.

that's exactly my thoughts! There are so many talented people on SCS!!

I guess the ones that have inspired me to start a gallery here and work on my artform (as limited as it may be IMO) would be: notimetostamp, Kittie747, JeanneS, BadSherry, WAXYO, ked. These are just a few I can think of, but they are the ones that have taught me to really look. I remember just staring at cards from each one of these ladies and trying to figure out just *how did they do that?*.

Again, though, there are so many talented people out here!

happystamper05 01-07-2008 07:10 PM

I have many but the two that really stand out are:

Mothermark (Cindy)....

Not only is she a very talented stamper, she has a heart full of love and compassion. She is always there to help, offer encouragement, and spread love to others. I'm always touched when I read of her helping others. Yup, she's my inspiration!

mytime (Lauren)...

Many of us have challenges in life we have to overcome and Lauren is no exception. She has such a positive attitude and is such high energy, it's refreshing to hear her talk about different experiences. She is also very talented and really stretches her imagination to make really creative things. Yup, another inspiration of mine.

Really, all of you inspire me in one way or another. It's such a blessing to be a part of SCS!


nitestamper 01-07-2008 07:45 PM

OMG !!!denise !!!you just made my day. Thanks for the mention.

kittie747 01-07-2008 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa62 (Post 8229821)
I think for me it is kitty747. I know there are so many to chose from. I get so much inspiration from this site alone, I never really have to look anywhere else.

So thanks scs for this site and for bringing us all the inspiration we need to buy more stamps from SU to continue making this the number 1 website for Su stamp ideas.

Lisa.....you just put a smile on my face. Nothing makes me happier than knowing I may encourage someone to realize their own creative potential. Thank you for such a wonderful compliment.

prairie mom 01-07-2008 07:48 PM

My Time...Lauren Meader
Gina K

many more...but these are the ones that come to mind off the hop.

kittie747 01-07-2008 07:58 PM

There are so many people on this site that inspire me regularly but the one I believe that has influenced and inspired me most to work with watercolor technique is SweetMissDaisy (Anna Wight). There is another person that inspires me regularly and that is BadSherry (she really ain't so bad). She encourages me to step out of my "box" and to try new things.

mytime 01-08-2008 10:34 AM

I cannot believe I would be mentioned at all!
Im blushing!
Thank you SO much!

I get inspired by so many people here.
Basically anytime I click a blog, or gallery there is always so inspiring :mrgreen:

Tilly 01-08-2008 11:04 AM

Julie HRR, Kurtis, Sweet Miss Daisy

Jeanne S 01-08-2008 11:10 AM

Thanks to those that mentioned me!!!

Golly. I'm not sure I could even list everyone on here that inspires me. That list would be huge. I think I've taken a little from every card I've seen along the way.

nowstampin 01-08-2008 11:11 AM

ONE of the best

Originally Posted by nkirk (Post 8231889)
I am always looking at Sharon Johnson's gallery - aka - notimetostamp. It's filled with drop dead gorgeous creations.

I'm a huge fan of Sharon Johnson's too, but I get inspiration from so many here, actually every artist is great and I can get ideas from each one, folks amaze and awe me every time I open a gallery picture! LOVE LOVE LOVE this stampin world!! Thank you EVERYONE for contributing for those who need all the help we can get!

Lauraly 01-08-2008 11:49 AM

I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw my name mentioned here!! Thank you so much!! I have to say, that until I found this site...my stamping was mediocre at best. I have been inspired by SOOO many here!! Not only in my stamping...but I have met some of the nicest...most caring people that I've ever know...right here on this site!!

BadSherry 01-08-2008 11:52 AM

Oh my Badness - I was told to come check out this thread! I said I had been here and they said NO, you have to go back.

Parrothead, Jen70 -- OOGA you!, Kathy and Renee, you guys have made my day! http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/grouphugg.gif

{{{{{Kittie}}}}} my dear friend -- ya know I just http://www.millan.net/minimations/sm...roolsmiley.gif over your work and when I grow up, I want to be just like you!

*SeikasHaven* 01-08-2008 12:11 PM

Hmm who inspires me?

You all do!! I think anyone who takes the time to share their work, techniques and passions is amazing. I have learned so much from each person whose card I clicked on in the gallery and also by the spirit and fellowship on the boards.

However, I do want to share the names of the people whose blogs I stalk EVERYDAY without fail. I am the silent lurker usually and I want to step out and thank the following (and hopefully more people will appreciate these amazing blogs).

Julia Stainton at Belle Papier. She is constantly trying new techniques and is always recommending some product I NEED to have ;). Her work is beautiful!

Sherrie from Card Creme has really inspired me to try mass producing my cards and perhaps one day I will get the nerve to try and sell some too!

BadSherry is always Walkin on the Bad Side and her blog is always full of great stories about her life as well as her amazing creations.

Amy Rysavy from Prairie Paper & Ink seems like the sweetest woman. It was her cards that made me finally USE my Bellas!!

and last but definately not least Julie Ebersole at Paper Trufflez. The fantastic lady cracks me up! The way she writes makes me giggle and she makes her beautiful creations seem achievable to even a beginner like me.

Thanks to everyone who makes this site what it is!!!

Londonblue 01-08-2008 12:13 PM

sleepyinseattle is one of my personal favorites. Joanne your gallery is fantastic...

I am inspired by so many here! Beate..is simply amazing and her tutorials....awesome. I have learned much since subscribing to splitcoast.

I have visited many galleries in the past 2 days by joining a comment thread. So much talent..so many galleries! amazing works of art....


BC Sherrie 01-08-2008 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by *SeikasHaven* (Post 8269755)
Hmm who inspires me?

You all do!! I think anyone who takes the time to share their work, techniques and passions is amazing. I have learned so much from each person whose card I clicked on in the gallery and also by the spirit and fellowship on the boards.

However, I do want to share the names of the people whose blogs I stalk EVERYDAY without fail. I am the silent lurker usually and I want to step out and thank the following (and hopefully more people will appreciate these amazing blogs).

Julia Stainton at Belle Papier. She is constantly trying new techniques and is always recommending some product I NEED to have ;). Her work is beautiful!

Sherrie from Card Creme has really inspired me to try mass producing my cards and perhaps one day I will get the nerve to try and sell some too!

BadSherry is always Walkin on the Bad Side and her blog is always full of great stories about her life as well as her amazing creations.

Amy Rysavy from Prairie Paper & Ink seems like the sweetest woman. It was her cards that made me finally USE my Bellas!!

and last but definately not least Julie Ebersole at Paper Trufflez. The fantastic lady cracks me up! The way she writes makes me giggle and she makes her beautiful creations seem achievable to even a beginner like me.

Thanks to everyone who makes this site what it is!!!

Insert HUGE FACE OF SHOCK! I am so pleased I can provide inspiration to others as I am blessed by the tremendous talent around me.
Thanks for the mention, it made my heart smile!

LMstampartist 01-08-2008 01:01 PM

WOW where do you start? I took a look at my favorites to see who I have in there and there are sooo many people that have inspired me. Especially Toy, Markie's Mom, WAXYO, Mothermark, 4hounds, they especially make me wish I was home stamping at times instead of lurking SCS at work!!!

CardFanatic 01-08-2008 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by K. Benko (Post 8261114)
OMG, where do I start. Well number one with me is CINDY HAFFNER.
Then I have to go with Sharon Johnson, Michelle Zindorf, Lauraly, Jen 70, Kittie 747, Jeanne S, Bad Sherry. How many did you want, I can go on. OK love them all. You girls are my inspirations.

Oh Wow! Thanks Kathy! You made my day! First, you mentioned me which is a surprise... and you name me in a group of super amazingly talented people. I'm speechless.

Gina K. Designs 01-08-2008 01:44 PM

<--- HER? http://www.millan.net/minimations/sm...tingsmiley.gif

Gina K. Designs 01-08-2008 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Gina K. Designs (Post 8270929)

Hee-hee...Thanks to those who mentioned me. That really means so much.

Carmel Mom Sue 01-08-2008 01:56 PM

The following people, just to name a few, cause uncontrollable drooling when I am gazing at their works of art;

Cindy Haffner, Markie's Mom, Toy, MyTime, Nitestamper, BadSherry, WAXYO, Notimetostamp, CharmWarm, Amy Westerman, TayloredExpressions, debbiedesigns, FlaxyChick, 11Valerie11.............. I could go on and on.

No wonder I never get any stamping done! I spend way too much time looking at everyone's beautiful creations. This website is choked full of talented people!

sarahzoe 01-08-2008 03:27 PM

Today, I would have to say the site in general inspires me. Don't you think everyone who uploads has something to offer to the rest of us.(from the big names to the first time uploader)? When I first started though, Toy, Knightrone, Artystamper and Kokirose were some of the galleries I frequented.

debbij54 01-08-2008 03:27 PM

I've been a lurker for probably a year, just recently started posting. So, I have to say Markies Mom. Her cards are beautiful.

Untrapped Soul 01-08-2008 04:16 PM

For me, I would add Carole Richardson, Leslie Rich, Dee Jackson and Asela Hopkins to the names above. Sometimes I'm so busy being inspired I can't find the time to stamp!

Erin K 01-08-2008 05:34 PM

I love all the "Big Names" that everyone mentioned, but I read most of their blogs and not so much look for their galleries. So I'm going to name a stamper who does not have a blog so I can ONLY see her stuff in her gallery. I get really excited when I see TJStamper has new gallery posts. She uses a lot of pink, which I love, and one layer cards, which I love. :)

Later I'm going to go look up everyone else mentioned here, what a fun thread.

SmurfBE 01-08-2008 10:10 PM

I love to look through the daily gallery posts and am always inspired by what I see so I would have to say everyone! There are a few who have jumped out at me....
#1artist4highhopes - what an amazing artist! And a super lady!
Kittie747 - she is so sweet and helpful. I have learned TONS from her!
Jacksonbelle - the one and only time I have totally CASED a card for a workshop was this one of hers. She so kindly allows me to stalk her. :)
Shel9999 - another super nice lady who blows me away with her talent!
JuliaS - Ditto
Trudee, Mothermark, markie's mom, jpmayo, starofmay, DawnL and I could go on and on!!

Oh, and all the past and present dirty girls! Without exception, each and every one of them can consider themselves named here.

Kiko 01-08-2008 11:26 PM

There are so many talented and beautiful stampers that I became a great fan of here on SCS, and then followed them into the wonderful world of blogging. But on a multi-daily basis I visit the blogs of Lauraly (Laurie), notimetostamp (Sharon), leslierich (Leslie Miller), and Trudee.

They each have their own button on my Firefox toolbar, so their inspiration is only a click away!

To them and everyone mentioned in this thread, plus so many more of you, thank you for so generously sharing your creativity. I have learned so much from all of you.

JanTInk 01-09-2008 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by npstamper (Post 8243398)
I have to say Markie's Mom. Her beautiful cards have inspired me to try more layering and embellishments. I also like Jan Tink. She has great tutorials and she's a real hoot.


Thank you!

My list of faves has grown tremendously since I started blurfing! But Debbie Olson (debbiedesigns) and Leslie Miller (leslierich) are probably my top two!

JKroh 01-09-2008 03:53 AM

I would ditto all the fine ladies that have already been mentioned and add Sweet Miss Daisy, Kim Van De Riet, princessink, and 11Valerie11. Because of these women and the others that have already been mentioned, I've been stretched and my style has drastically changed. Thanks to all of you. You're such an inspiration.

chaikitty 01-09-2008 04:54 AM

I would have to say michelle fischer and kristina werner (starofmay) are the two I find myself drawn to the most. Their work is so lovely!

Toy 01-09-2008 05:02 AM

A huge thank you to those that mentioned me! What an honor to be even in the same breath as the likes of the ladies on this site.

I couldn't even begin to list favorites as I find a new one each time I view the gallery. When I first came to SCS, Happy Heart was a huge inspiration and still is! I've also fallen in love with anything by leslierich.


SweetMissDaisy 01-09-2008 07:28 AM

First of all, THANK YOU for thinking of me! Wow... I just am so honored!! I realize the moon is "new" this week, and I'm probably a little extra sensitive because of it, but reading various threads today I'm getting happy tears in my eyes! You ladies are just the most amazing people, and I'm happy to be a part of this community!

My inspiration comes from so many people and places and things. When I think of who has inspired me the most as a stamper, I would say Leigh oBrien comes to mind first.

Mothermark 01-09-2008 07:42 AM

Everyone at Splitcoast!!!

All the names mentioned above are truly inspiring to me but I would have to say that I am also inspired by everyone at Splitcoast and in more ways than one! I am by inspired by comments left on my cards and comments left on other's cards, inspired by wonderful cards and projects posted by many day after day, inspired by awesome ideas and unbelievable creativity. I am also inspired by the kindness, caring, sisterhood, generousity, compassion, fun and wonderful personalities of EVERYONE here!

You just can't know the warm fuzzies I get reading this thread and seeing my name mentioned! Thank you so much to those that mentioned me...what a great compliment.

beccabatgirl 01-09-2008 10:38 AM

I would have to say starofmay and lauraly. Though as others before me have said, I have taken inspiration from many others, especially my fellow swappers. ****waving hi girls****

Cynamom 01-09-2008 11:21 AM

I can easily say kysmom. I sometimes drop her a PM to tell her how amazed I am by her work. I love when she posts something new. I think it is that her style is the style I really like... clean, happy, pretty, not too busy, etc. All her work is just amazing!


susiestampr 02-03-2008 11:13 AM

I look forward to seeing Lauren Meader projects on her blog every day, she is absolutely amazing in her creativity...I wish I had the imagination some of these people have on SCS, everyone is so talented. you all are inspiration to me.

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