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-   -   Who else is obsesessed with Christmas stamps? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/who-else-obsesessed-christmas-stamps-387103/)

Paper Kissy 10-02-2008 08:38 AM

Who else is obsesessed with Christmas stamps?
I want just about all of the SU Christmas stamps in the catty. Does anyone get a lot of them and make a variety of cards to send out. Or are most people buying 1 set and making the same card for all of their Christmas cards?

I have many Jewish friends too, so I had to get the Shalom Sayings one too. :)


Minders 10-02-2008 09:49 AM

I am only getting a few sets from the new catty but I have quite a few Christmas sets and am always looking for more! I usually make 100 cards in about 5 different designs, so I don't make all the same cards

BUT this year I'm trying something different and I'm making a different design (4 of each) every few days or so. So far I have a whole bunch done this way. I think I'll mass produce a few designs of the ones that I like the best. I like doing it this way because I get to experiment with my sets and get to use a lot of them instead of making a lot of the same card from the same set.

Happy stamping!

lutheran 10-02-2008 10:00 AM

I love Christmas sets (add to that -- Christmas music, Christmas lights, Christmas colors) and I rarely part with "old" sets. I need funky ones, traditional ones, reindeer sets and religious sets. I would love to have a reason for snow sets, too. So far, I've only ordered two new sets but there are three more on my next order. It's bad. Do I need an intervention?
Mary Beth

shanbz 10-02-2008 10:51 AM

I love 95% of them...
but I have to stick with one Christmas card for everyone or I would drive myself crazy! I send out about 80-100 each year (lord when did the list get that big?!) and I can only seem to concentrate on one design. It's like birthday cards. I always worry that I'll send the same one to someone twice! :-)

MWDStamp 10-02-2008 10:53 AM

I don't know if I am obsessed, but I have a lot of them. I try to make 4 or 5 different cards each year, otherwise I get sick of making the same card over and over. So, I need a few different sets to work with. What really does not help is the LSS near my mom's house has all her holiday stamps on sale for 50% off right after Christmas, so I usually buy a bunch for the next year. Then new ones come out which I have to have and suddenly I have more than I need.

wpw08 10-02-2008 10:54 AM

I make about 140 a year and do the assembly line one design concept. Although this year I'm trying to talk myself into trying new things :)

I always get caught at the retiring list.. I see all the holiday stamps I wanted and say "Oh, I have to buy that be cause it is retiring and I'll use it for cards this year." Then the new book comes out and I want 10more sets :) It is a no win situation.

sprtchick 10-02-2008 11:15 AM

I might be..I am always buying more Xmas stamps. I just purchased two of the cutest Inkadinkado clear sets on Ebay. They are flourished things. Beautiful.

babydal57 10-02-2008 11:30 AM

Me, me!!! I love all things Christmas.

I have Peace on Earth and Snow Swirled thus far. And there are still about 4 more that I want from the new catty. Oh, I also picked up a wood set and an acrylic set from Michaels. And I have all the holiday Cuttlebug folders, too.

I really need to start my cards, but lucky I only send out about 40 or so, so I can knock it out in one good weekend once I have the design done.

NikiE 10-02-2008 11:37 AM

Me, too! I love cute Santas and snowmen and anything holiday related! I have quite a few and more on the way after the recent High Hopes release. :mrgreen:

Paula O. 10-02-2008 11:40 AM

Christmas stamps are my favorites. At last count I had over 200, but most of those are in sets. So I bet I have at least 30 sets and buy new ones every year. I bought Snow Swirled and want at least the Scandinavian one in the holiday mini. There are also a few from Papertrey Ink that I want. I make about 50 cards, and none are the same. I tailor the card to the individual receiving it.

I make Christmas cards year round and honestly feel I could limit myself to just those!

cdjkssss 10-02-2008 12:48 PM

I love Christmas stamps, and I get bored making a bunch of the same design. So I indulge my desire to own tons of holiday stamps, and I make three or four matching cards, get bored and move on to something else. I send out about 100 Christmas cards. If anyone tells me that they liked my card, I have to ask them which one they got!

GramMcCaul 10-02-2008 12:55 PM

Love - Love - Love
Christmas everything. -- I have lots (not as many as most of you from what I have read) but never enough. Gerry:D

tdodd00 10-02-2008 01:40 PM

I love Santa/snowmen stamps of all kinds. I can honestly say that I don't buy a lot of SU, but I love the new Snow Swirls (?) and I think it is what I am going to use for my Christmas cards this year. LOVE that swirly tree!

creatingisfun 10-02-2008 01:46 PM

i think im obsessed with all stamps! lol ;)

deb_loves_stamping 10-02-2008 02:39 PM

I love Christmas stamps ... so ... I make all different designs. I only make about 40 cards, but they are all different. I find it more "fun" this way!

Jadiebird 10-02-2008 03:56 PM

Actually I just realized I had NO Santa Claus stamps. So I went and got 2 really nice ones by Rubber Stampede and Hampton Arts from Ebay. I wanted something classic looking, not cutesy or modern.I have tons of Christmas tree stamps of various kinds, oodles of snowflakes, and some swirly holly stamps, ornaments, a margarita, and some others from Impression Obsession. No snowmen, but to be honest, I am kind of sick of snowmen. I have tons of cool snowman clipart I can use, however.

thescrapmaster 10-02-2008 05:05 PM

I really wanted to buy a bunch of the SU Christmas sets, but I limited myself to 3 christmas ones. I got Snow Swirled, Winter Post, and Mr. Twigster. I still want others though :)

stacey carter 10-02-2008 05:10 PM

I love Christmas and I especially love making Christmas cards out of "non-Christmas" stamp sets. So far this year I've only ordered 3. But I know I'll probably get more.

HoosierMama 10-02-2008 05:45 PM

I'm definitely obsessed, but especially with Halloween stamps. I keep buying them, Stampin' Up! and otherwise. I think I've bought two spiderwebs (Custer's Last Stamp and Inkadinkado), this week alone. It's really bad! :)

scrappingmelissa 10-02-2008 05:52 PM

I am obsessed too! I just bought the angel company's new Christmas stamps in their fall catalog, as well as many many clear stamps from all over the place!

I have to hide this from hubby!! hehehehhehee

MikiBee 10-02-2008 06:28 PM

Not so much for me. I'm still on search for the prefect stamp this year. I have a hard time choosing, unless it just screams at me because once I use it, I can't use it anymore because I send it to everyone, so they've all already seen it.

I think my problem is I mass produce the same card for everyone. To me it's easier that way, because I get an assembly line going. It's also cheaper because I can buy just the one stamp set and buy bulk embellishments, etc.

jmurai 10-02-2008 06:32 PM

I try so hard to resist, but I just love Christmas sets. Especially snowflakes and anything snow related. I strive for a variety as I use my sets for way more than cards. In fact I can't remember when I last made Christmas cards to send out. Gasp I know, it's just too much pressure for me.

KLF 10-02-2008 06:37 PM

I have a huge number of Christmas stamps, but I just can't keep myself from buying more--for example, I must have the words "Happy Holidays" in about 6 different typestyles and sizes--the same for "Merry Christmas" and "Peace." I probably own more than a dozen snowmen, several Santas, at least 3 poinsettias...I could go on and on.
It's actually a little annoying that I buy so many--there are other types of stamps that I could use more often. I do use the snowmen for winter birthday cards and thank you notes, too.
Like many of you, I get bored making more than 5 or 6 of one card, although I've started noting on my Christmas card list who gets which card in case I repeat a stamp the following year.
I controlled myself from buying any new Stampin' Up Christmas stamps this year, though--although I'd bought several Santas earlier.

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