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ADK 04-24-2006 11:00 AM

Who do you show??
When you stamp a card, is there anyone who you can't wait to show, besides posting it on here? I love to show my husband...he probably could care less. I also love to show my mom & dad, and my neighbour friend (which happens to be my4blessings) I guess I love to show my kids too, my 8 yr old loves to stamp, so she appreciates them! That's about it...How bout you? Who do you love to show your creations to??

Judy Tulloch 04-24-2006 11:28 AM

When I finish a card I go scan it so I can email it to my demo and my niece who is in college. I also email it to a good friend. If my 23yr old ds is home, I will show him.

2stamp4fun 04-24-2006 11:34 AM

My husband first (even when he is in a dead sleep, I wake him up and he always manages to give me a smile and "Oh, that's really pretty") and then I show my sister and anyone else that will look!

stampmouse 04-24-2006 11:36 AM

Besides my husband and son I usually post them to another site I am on called stamped_art_scans in yahoo. I don't post all my cards here in this gallery.

juliepulie35 04-24-2006 11:39 AM

Just the cat. He never seems impressed though. :(

scrappintica 04-24-2006 11:44 AM

I also run to the scanner (the colors seems to be more true) and then whoever happens to be on my yahoo list and I picture share. I'm ticamarie (one of my other cats) on yahoo. I really love to show my sister the most since we do the Stampin'UP thing together. Thanks for asking =)

jess_witty 04-24-2006 11:49 AM

My mom! She's the perfect mom... always thinks that whatever I make is the best project ever created. Isn't that what moms are for?

Palapala 04-24-2006 11:54 AM

Anyone who makes the mistake of coming within 10 feet of me!! LOL

Usually my husband. "My office" is right next to "his office", so I am always pulling him away from 1) his real job and reason for office or 2) computer games. He gives the appropriate oohs and ahhs. Actually, he told me that I need to scan in the Easter card I made for him "because its really good". Ain't he sweet!

I also show my dd who loves to stamp too and ds who just grunts....:D

I'm off to see your galleries so you can show off to me too!!

mboynton1 04-24-2006 12:00 PM

I show my husband. He gives me the token, that's nice dear. Then he proceeds to open it (as if I'd hide my artwork on the inside ;) !!!). If I do stamp a sentiment on the inside, it usually isn't 'til after I've shown him.

tressa77 04-24-2006 12:00 PM

My husband always asks if he can see what I am making. He like s me doing this. I keep the card out in the morning to show my DD. She is 4 and learning how to make cards!:-D :-D

Kkrenn 04-24-2006 12:04 PM

I always bring my stuff to work and show my friend here, we are the only girls in this place so we stick together like glue! I also show my DH, DD's and my MIL. I would show a stranger on the street if I could!

nox1 04-24-2006 12:04 PM

I always run straight to my poor husband when I finish a card that I think is "ok" (meaning I didn't hate it and throw it in the paper scraps ziploc). Then I bore him to tears saying things like "I was going to do this...or put that on here...but I decided to....." Poor man always says they look great. If I'm unsure about something I'll ask DD. She tolerates my stamping, being a teen, but she doesn't care about it. She's brutally honest, so she's good for an opinion.

mmferg 04-24-2006 12:16 PM

After my Dh and my DD, then I show my best friend :)

thuskins 04-24-2006 12:34 PM

First DH and then I take them to work and show a few of my co-workers.

FromKorea 04-24-2006 12:36 PM

I always show my husband and then I take it to work to show some of my co-workers who always seem more impressed than my husband..LOL!!

florascrap 04-24-2006 12:37 PM

Depending on the time of day, I either show DH first or upload it here first (if it's the middle of the night, I upload here first...I have a hard time resisting the urge to wake him up, but I manage...tee hee!) :) Beyond you and my DH, I show my Mom, my Dad, my sister, my MIL, my FIL, and anyone else who might come to my house for any reason to socialize. Ha ha! :)

thecardpixie 04-24-2006 12:39 PM

I always show my mom, but she is a stamper too. Her scs sn is ninarose. She is so nice, she says I'm better than her, but some of her stuff, especially the scenic ones are wonderful too.
I also like to show my sister, she says they're pretty, but she could care less. But she tolerates it because I tolerate her boring talks about her latest video game adventure, lol.
Then my next step is to scan it and show all of you! Thanks for the validation, everyone!

speale 04-24-2006 01:03 PM

I used to show DH EVERY card, but I finally figured out he could care less! So, now I just put them in my gallery!

laurakj 04-24-2006 01:14 PM

I show speale! LOL Then my DH, but he doesn't really care.

speale 04-24-2006 01:19 PM

OK, yeah, I show Laura, too!!

Love ya, babe!

Skittl1321 04-24-2006 01:53 PM

You guys! I used to show my husband, but more than praise it gets me annoyed looks. That bothered me at first, but I guess as long as he doesn't try to get me to stop stamping he's allowed to not care about EVERY card I make.

I don't know anyone else who stamps- so the gallery is it.

stampinsweeney 04-24-2006 02:03 PM

Definitely DH! He is sweet and tolerant. I like showing my parents and the art teacher down the hall from me. ;)

MrsBee 04-24-2006 02:38 PM

I'm like a little kid running to my husband to show him every little thing that I did. If he's not home when I finish, I grab his hand when he gets home and say "come look what I did!" He always lavishes the praise, so its a very rewarding experience! haha I always show one of my friends at work, too, but hubby is the best.

Waldsb651 04-24-2006 04:06 PM

I always run my cards by my DH to get his suggestions. He is so good about giving me his thoughts and ideas. Some I take, some I don't. Being a retired English teacher, he even gives me some sayings for the inside of some of my cards. My sister takes all my cards to where she works and they buy them as fast as I make them, so my mom and sister always gets the next look. If I am having a real problem with a card and no one is around, my neighbor always helps out, and she lets me know what she likes and doesn't like. I love the feedback from everyone.

grammatroll 04-24-2006 05:06 PM

I always show my DH. He actually likes my cards. He really likes the different techniques....especially the melted crayons. I'm more critical about my cards than he is.

greengem32 04-24-2006 05:37 PM

I actually show my husband first.................after a year of being a demo hes the one who I know will be brutally honest with me. I'm doing my first scrapbook class this weekend and I showed him the pages. He will tell me if he likes the colors, layout, embellishments ect..............
Hes a big fan of embossing.

cardsbycarla 04-24-2006 05:46 PM

I used to show my DH, but it sort of got to be like him showing me hockey sticks or something. "Oh look... another hockey stick." He used to make a huge fuss, but I think I've been doing it for too long! Ha.

I take a photo and e-mail to my sister right away and she does the same. We rave and drool over each other's stuff... then I immediately post on SCS.


PrincessAmbrosia61 04-24-2006 06:42 PM

Mostly my poor kids! LOL They are very sweet about it. I'm sure they roll their eyeballs a lot when they walk away! hee hee

angelfire1267 04-24-2006 08:01 PM

I have to show my BF and best customer across the street. I think our hubby's got tried of us showing them!!

kimber4m 04-24-2006 08:09 PM

My fiance loves to see my cards. He gets a little stressed by all the money I spend and the amountof time the stuff just sits in my stamp room looking all pretty and organized LOL;)

Tanneb 04-26-2006 08:19 AM

I get a kick out of showing stuff I've made to my 11 (turning 12 in June) son. He could really care less but he's trying to be polite and say nice things! It's a hoot!

jailbirdstamper 04-26-2006 09:31 AM

my dd age 15, my co-workers, my oldest stamping daughter but she's away at college so I have to email it. DH and DS just don't care and neither does middle dd.

stampT 04-26-2006 10:44 AM

I always scan my cards into my computer first.

If my DH is around -- I'll show him. He always says something nice about it and gives me ideas on what I could do differently (that used to bother me, but doesn't anymore).

Then, if I'm going to see my sister, a demo, I'll show her. We share ideas a lot!

It just depends on who I am around. I even show my cat sometimes. He doesn't care though. He just complains that he can't be in my lap.

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