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-   -   Where is your stampin' stuff? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/where-your-stampin-stuff-75827/)

Dorinda 08-05-2005 03:01 AM

Where is your stampin' stuff?
I was looking throught the gallery at all the pics of stampin' spaces, and am very envious at all the gals who have their own stampin' room. Weather it is a den/office or extra bedroom or basement or what ever.
All of my stampin' stuff is in the great room. I don't have an extra bedroom or a basement. I have my stuff all over the great room. My desk and a table and all of my storage containers.
I was wondering how many of us, or am I the only one, are stampin' in a part of the house that is not exclusive to stampin' but part of the living area's???

Julzz 08-05-2005 03:41 AM

My stuff is in what used to be my children's toy room...I made sure all their toys fit into their rooms and have the whole "craft room" to myself.....One side is my computer and on the reverse wall my table and filing cabinets full of stamps...I wish i could send you gays a pic...digitally unable, as I have no camera. This set up seems to work very well for me...Everything is arms reach...unless I have gone through the whole stack of paper...I have my closet full...I me FULL of paper...

Dyu 08-05-2005 03:47 AM

I am one of the lucky ones. It is in my home office. I use to have all my stuff in the breakfast area of the kitchen but since we now have my stepson living with us we had to move my business pc to the house so I can be available 24/7. I guess dh felt guilty because he also moved in a really huge corner desk & I actually have everything wiithin reach instead of scattered everywhere. I love it. It's 6:30 am, I have already made payroll & now I am surfing SCS! Can't get no better than that!

NancyJ 08-05-2005 03:51 AM

When my second daughter married 7 years ago, I claimed the empty bedroom as my craft room. This week , my oldest daughter and grandson moved in with me, and I'm a displaced stamper. However, we have a very large side entry. It's an enclosd breezeway, so I think it will work as my new space. My only concern is that with everyone using it as an entry, my "works of art in progress" will be vulnerable. I'm thinking that covering my work table with a cloth when I'm not there might help keep things under control. At least I'll have to keep things neater!!!

WeimFamily 08-05-2005 04:04 AM

I have 2 spare bedrooms, but I am such a clumsy stamper that I don't dare use one of them. Ink on the wall, EP in the carpet, paper scraps everywhere...

I use a little section of our unfinished basement. It's not worth posting as a stamping space, but it works for me. And I let my 6yr old DD also color, paint, stamp, etc on an old table down there too. No more worries about marker and crayons on my good light wood kitchen table...

JGlenn827 08-05-2005 04:08 AM

No Special Place for Me
I keep most of my stuff in Iris rolling carts because I work on my stamping at our kitchen table. I roll everything out when I want to play or my Mom is visiting. I roll it all into the bedroom/storage room Mom uses when she's visiting to store it when the kitchen absolutely has to be cleaned up. Most of the time my stamping stuff is in the kitchen though. My husband is a sweetie and OK with it as long as I leave one corner of the table free so we can eat. :)

momsquiltn 08-05-2005 04:11 AM

In the dining room
When we bought our house 18 months ago we got to choose a few things since it wasn't finished yet.... I was more quilting than stamping then, but we put vinyl on the floor in the downstairs bedroom (matching with the ajoining bathroom) with the intent for it to be a crafting room eventually.... My oldest is not quite 15. Needless to say when I had 5 stamp sets and fewer stamping items it all fit neatly into one 4 drawer rolling cart and wasn't too much of a problem. You didn't even see it behind the table.... now it's in two carts with a small three drawer embelishment holder on top and a basket with my at hand items on top of that. Sooooooo, it's a little more obvious, but when it is all put away (at least once a week) then again it's hardly noticable. I'm funny though, because I kind of like being in the midst of what's going on at home when the family is all here so even if I had a room to use completely for computer/crafts I don't know how much time I'd spend in there anyway. I used to have my quilting stuff all over the kitchen table even when I had a space in the master suite in our FL home. Go figure. Not only that the lighting is fabulous in the diningroom off the back deck....

CPLN4 08-05-2005 04:21 AM

I *hate* where my stamping stuff is. It's in a big cube shaped Rubbermaid type container on my bedside table. And it's getting too small - lol. I have to go through it all and take out what I need to stamp on the dining room table. I always forget stuff. That rolling Iris cart is a great idea but I don't know where I'd put it when I'm not using it. I'd *love* a permanent stamp space.

msdetloff 08-05-2005 04:27 AM

I HATE my stamping space/storage. I keep all of my "stuff" in totes and wheeled carts in our coat/storage closet. I can never find what I am looking for and end up having to tear the closet apart to find all the things I want to use. Right now it is a total disaster with stamps everywhere and I just don't know where to start to reorganize it...oh I know where to start get a storage unit for the Kitchen and put it all in there so at least I don't have to walk accross the house to go searching for my toys!


Kimzkardz 08-05-2005 04:34 AM

Mine is in a corner of my dining room in 5 Iris carts. I have all my stamp sets (50 or so) in the drawers of my hutch. We're going to moving soon, and I'm going to be sure to get a stamping room in the new house. I hate having to look at the mess when all my stamp stuff is out, and hate having to put it all away when I need my dining room.

It helps to know so many of you are in the same boat as me. I'm not alone. :smile:

speale 08-05-2005 04:45 AM

I have a corner of our bedroom. I have a bookshelf and a pegboard over my desk. I use the wire storage cubes for my 12x12 paper and a filing cabinet for my 8 1/2 x 11 and business supplies. I wish I had my own room!!!

degrffn 08-05-2005 06:07 AM

Like several others who posted here, I have mine in rolling 3-drawer carts. I think maybe they are Rubbermaid?? I HATE it! The drawers start out organized, but usually end up a chaotic mess and I dig through them for what I am looking for. I also have my stamp sets in one of the lower cabinets of my china cabinet (which sits in my eat in kitchen - which I also hate). Our house in not big at all and there is really no other place. So, when I want to stamp, I have to drag out the drawers and end up with a huge mess on the kitchen table and all over the kitchen counter. There's just no where else for it to go! Glad not everyone has a beautiful stamping room! We can share our misery!

MC Schlosser 08-05-2005 06:13 AM

Mine's in the kitchen pantry. It's a shallow closet that is about 3 1/2' wide with folding doors, 3 shelves and room for 3 (short/3 drawer high) carts on wheels. I emptied out our junk drawer and it now holds all of my punches and eyelets. Since I like to work standing at the kitchen counter this works out great!


sassyat30 08-05-2005 06:22 AM

Mine is in our unfinished basement. It's a pretty large room with my desk that I stamp on, and then right next to me is a trunk with my two containers with paper hanging file folders. Right behind me is all my stamps and tape, envies, buttons, etc...In front of my desk along the wall, I also have a very large cupboard that was left here by the previous owners that was used to fold laundry. Well, now it's in my craft room and used for various crafts and to hold my scrapbooking stuff.

The nice thing about it being in the basement is I can go down there and escape from the DH and kids for a while! :)

txblueyes 08-05-2005 06:29 AM

I used to be out in the garage, but it was too hot. So I moved everything into my bedroom. Then, we moved the computer back in from the garage to my bedroom, so now if someone needs to be on the computer, I have to move my stamping to the kitchen table. It's not very convienent. Hopefully, dh will fix things soon so that I can have my own space.

row4d 08-05-2005 06:43 AM

My stuff is in my bedroom. I have a small 3-shelf bookcase under one window that holds my stamps (unfortunately I've pretty much filled it up but I've gotten rid of all the sets I can bear to) and a rolling set of drawers under the other window that has envelopes and some small items in the top, shallow drawers. The other drawers are full of non-crafting things I'm trying to get rid of by selling on eBay. My computer desk is in between the windows, and my worktable is on the wall in between the doors to the bathroom and the hallway. All my cardstock is stored in a scrapping tote one of my coworkers gave me when her stamping stuff outgrew it, and I built a simple hutch to hold my ink pads, ribbons, tools, wheels and embellishments.

I've been promised my own crafting/interior design studio in my future home, and I can't wait! My bedroom would be so much less cluttered if my crochet and stamping stuff didn't have to live in here!

maamkeha 08-05-2005 07:26 AM

I take up half the living room in our house with the computer and all my stamping stuff. Unfortunately, it seems to be spreading and now is almost 2/3 of the living room. I keep threatening to move the boys into a room together, but they haven't gone for that yet.;)

photocropper 08-05-2005 07:31 AM

Right now I have an area (the formal dining room) but when we move I will not have a space.....I am not sure but I think it will have to go in the master bed room....dont really know what we will do yet with the computer or my stuff.... We are moving to a big 2000 +sqft home but the sq. footage is all in the bed rooms.... I did not get to go and pick out the place so I do not have a clue where things will go......I dont want it to go in the master bedroom because that is upstairs and I see that as a place I will only be when the kids are sleeping.....

I may have to come up with some creative ways to store my stuff.....so I am looking for ideas ;)

amysings 08-05-2005 07:46 AM

My stuff is also in my bedroom. I have 6 kids, so all bedrooms are being used. :-) That's ok--I love my kids more than I love my stamps. I have a 5 foot table on one wall in my room (it blocks part of a window) and all my stamping stuff has to fit on it or under it. The table also holds my sewing machine and my serger.

The top of the table is pretty full, so when I stamp I usually just spread out on my bedroom floor. I use my big rubbermaid paper bin as a "table" with a cutting board on top for stamping. It's cramped and not always convenient, but it works pretty well for me. I need to organize the table top so I can use it better. I always seem to be on the floor, though, playing with one of the kids (ages 14, 13, 11, 6, 4, 11 months).

Shanon 08-05-2005 07:59 AM

I have my own stamping room. We have a 3 bedroom home. One is obviously the Master bedroom, the 2nd is the guest bedroom, and the 3rd is my craft room. We are currently looking at new houses and one of the requirements is a 4th bedroom or a finished basement.:D

patcreates 08-05-2005 08:11 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I used to keep my stuff in a corner of my bedroom, but I could never work when DH was asleep. I tend to be a later in the evening stamper. We used to use the enclosed front porch as my 4 year olds play area, but we decided he had plenty of room in his bedroom and once we did a toy purge...everything fit in his room. I now have the 4 foot by 5 foot far end of the front porch as my stamping area. It may not be much, but it is mine and it is fairly well organized for the both my business and stamping supplies. I attached a picture.

love scrappin 08-05-2005 08:12 AM

We recently turned our small kitchen into a bigger one with cathedral ceilings!! It was about time-anyways I now use what was my dining room. Every one can see into it but I just say excuse the mess thats where my girls and I stamp and scrapbook. Some people look around at it and get interested! I need to get a spring curtain rod and some nice long drapes to section it off from my living room!! Until then my "craft room" is free for everyone to see!! My husband of course is not keen on the idea but I win when it comes to my crafts!!

Belle 08-05-2005 08:16 AM

sigh...mine too....
My stuff is in about 1/3 of my living room. I have rubbermade totes with categories of things in and my "currently being used" S Up sets/stamps under the chair I sit on ! I have other rubbermade boxes underneath my bed with the "wrong season" stamp sets in them ! I have a card table set up near me with my little accessories on, EP's, glitter, etc and I work on one of those white folding tables from Sam's. I keep thinking about Iris Carts but haven't bought any yet. Think I might look into it seriously though because it is starting to get a little "piled" around my 'working' table. I do try to keep it organized as much as possible though since it is "out there" for everyone to see ! I asked my family if they care that I have "stuff" out all the time and they say they don't. I plan to SOMEDAY have a room for it all like the ones I see with pictures posted so I don't have to 'dig' all the time ! (I hope ! lol). On the other hand I do like being in the living room because I can stamp, watch TV with my kids, and listen to them play piano, etc. I am "with" them but still able to create. Guess for now it is a trade off.
Sorry this is so long...Blessings, Lori-Belle

scrown8301 08-05-2005 08:37 AM

My stuff takes up a good chunk of the living room. I have on one wall a 7-drawer rolling cart with accessories and stuff, a three drawer bin that is small and sits on top of that with the inks in it. Then I have two bookcases (only two shelves each) with my stamps on it. Although they are taking up a good chunk of that so I need to either quit buying stamps or get another book shelf. I can only fit a few more sets on it. NAH! I will get another bookself. ;) Sitting on top of the book shelf is I a tool turn about (Pampered Chef) that has tools like the hole punches, scissors and such. Then on another wall I have another 3 drawer cart with more stuff in it. Then on another wall I have a filing cabinet with my cardstock and business supplies in it. When I want to stamp I pull out either a wooden TV tray or I pull up a spot of carpet and stamp on the floor. It's funny that my living room is dominated by my stamping stuff considering it is a pretty big room. That doesn't even go into my other craft stuff. I have two other 7-drawer carts, one with my fabric for sewing and the other with my paints and stuff. Then I have another bin in the dining room with stuff in it that I can't even fit into the living room. DH says when we finally get out of the military we will get a house that has a room for my stuff! Too bad that won't be anytime soon. One of these days I will end up having my stuff all over the house! :D

Kittypaws 08-05-2005 04:09 PM

My stuff is in my bedroom. I bought a tall narrow shelf unit for my stamps (now I wish I'd bought 2!), and I have storage units under the table. My paper cutter is on the table, along with a three-drawer unit where ink pads will go (I waited for the new colors), a technique booklet, my ribbon holder, a mug full of various & sundry stuff (scissors, bone folder, etc.). I have my paper storage under the table. My table is shrinking by the day - LOL. I have to keep things in the bedroom; otherwise, the cats would get into everything. I have also have more storage in the closet. My home is getting smaller & smaller........(sigh). Maybe I'll just move in with my daughter & her family - she has two rooms for stamping & scrapping!

Snellybelle 08-05-2005 05:21 PM

Six years ago I had a shoe box that I kept in the linen closet....5 years ago I had a rolling 5 drawer plastic thing that I wheeled into the dining room closet....4 years ago I had a BIG 5 drawer wooden dresser in my dining room and a rolling 5 drawer plastic thing....3 years ago I had a BIG 5 drawer wooden dresser in my dining room, a rolling 5 drawer plastic thing and half of a tall cabinet in my kitchen...2 years ago I moved everything into a spare room in my basement....1 year ago I moved out of the dungeon with no natural light into a 2nd floor storage room, it's about 6' x 9' with a huge window overlooking the back yard.
I have 2 kitchen cabinets (one with drawers and one with doors) with a 9 foot long , 24 inch wide shelf over the top for my work area, directly under the window. I have floor to ceiling shelves, everywhere there is a wall, for all my goodies. think I finally found my spot except it is the only room with no air conditioning and it's been hotter than dutch love all summer here.I have been getting really familiar with SCS waiting for cool weather.

CardFanatic 08-05-2005 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Kimzkardz
Mine is in a corner of my dining room in 5 Iris carts. I have all my stamp sets (50 or so) in the drawers of my hutch. We're going to moving soon, and I'm going to be sure to get a stamping room in the new house. I hate having to look at the mess when all my stamp stuff is out, and hate having to put it all away when I need my dining room.

It helps to know so many of you are in the same boat as me. I'm not alone. :smile:

I used to keep all of my stamps in the dining room, too, before we moved a year ago. A special office/stamping room was a MUST when searching for the right house. It isn't totally arranged how I want it, yet, but I have a feeling I will always find a new way to organize and improve it as I collect more product!

Rox71 08-05-2005 05:51 PM

I'm another lucky one that just got luckier! We have a four bedroom home and it's just the two of us now. I had my stamping supplies in the computer room which was our son's room. My husband decided I needed a bigger stamp room and that we didn't need the extra bedroom. So my son got the queen size bed and I took over the room that was once my daughters.
My storage is one wooden shelf my husband just built to store my flat boxes of stamps, two utility shelves and two smaller shelves in the closet, also a built in shelf unit in the closet and three small chests of drawers from his parents for all my SU sets. They don't all match and I don't care! They aren�t all full but I�m working on that!

meaprincess 08-05-2005 05:57 PM

I have a 6 foot table in my laundry room and a bookshelf for my things. It gets kinda cluttered with other things though. When we buy a new house that will be my only requirement, that it has a "stamp room"!

swilliams 08-05-2005 06:12 PM

When I first started stamping I used the hall closet as my storage area and had to haul everything out to stamp. After my eldest son moved out I took over his room and had plenty of space for a stamping table, carts, paper holders and used the closet for storage. Had the computer, small TV, and even bought a big reading chair. It was great! Well, he just moved back in and now I am in the mud room with the washer & dryer, small freezer, stinky shoes ,etc. Put my tables in and added a few more shelves so I can have everything stay out and ready to be used. It is very cramped but works for now. Someday soon I will take over someones bedroom.

jm_donahoe 08-05-2005 06:30 PM

Well, we are just renting due to being a military family, but I did get half of the office. So, one computer desk, a tall book shelf and my stamp desk. Of course, then we had to make a computer desk for my kids computer. Then they needed a craft/homework desk too. And then I needed a large dresser for all my stamps sets I have accumulated so dh built me one (it is perfect!!) So now we have 4 desks, one tall book case, and my dresser of stamps. Oh, well! We are cramped, but some days dh is working at the computer, dd is doing a computer game on her pc, dd #2 is drawing or practicing letters at their craft desk and I am stamping away! :) We all bond in our 9'x12' space. When we eventually build our house, I will have the stamping/crafting space of my dreams!

Kathy S. 08-05-2005 06:52 PM

I have a nice corner of our finished basement. Luckily I staked it out when the basement was done about a year and a half ago. I know I wouldn't find a spot down there now!

SilverDragoness 08-05-2005 06:58 PM

Living Room/Dining Room Table Stamper
Right now I'm exactly what is listed as the title. Someday a room with really good lighting someday. *sigh* Of course I'm lucky cause I'm set up on a good table that is covered by a plastic tablecloth to protect it. I also have a large bookshelf that has my stamps all over it. :) So while it's not perfect and I generally end up spreading out into the living room it's still pretty adequate.

Oh yeah my dream aside from my own room with my computer actually in it. So I can copy samples from here better. ;) Also I would like have a large L-desk for stuff cause it goes everywhere when I'm working and a seperate table for just cutting stuff. My cutter is always getting buried. Then I'd just have a rolly chair to go back and forth. So I guess that would mean the floor would be non-carpeted. I'm sure there is more but just the idea of that has me daydreaming too much to type more. lol

Michelle Laycock 08-05-2005 07:03 PM

I'm using the front bedroom. It used to be a guest bedroom. I moved the extra bed into the basement, the stampin' stuff in and now the guests have to sleep on the floor!:p

CardFanatic 08-05-2005 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Michelle Laycock
I'm using the front bedroom. It used to be a guest bedroom. I moved the extra bed into the basement, the stampin' stuff in and now the guests have to sleep on the floor!:p

Too funny! I decided that the stamp/computer room was more important than the guest bedroom, too. No where for MIL to sleep. I feel badly, but I have to stamp :p

Dorinda 08-05-2005 07:55 PM

well I must say that I am glad to hear that I am not the only stamper who has taken over the house!! If we ever move, the next house has to have a space for me, I really need/want my own room for computer/crafts/stamping/sewing. I have gotten used to doing my thing right in the thick of things. While the kids are eating/playing/watching TV. I have to wonder if I could do it all in a quiet secluded space of my own.

I am still jealous of all of you that have your owns stampin' rooms.:D

longtimestamper 08-05-2005 10:40 PM

I have a spare bedroom for my all my stamping supplies and my computer. DH has another spare bedroom for his computer and some exercise equipment. DS moved home after college and took the other spare bedroom. I'm hoping he leaves some day so I can have a guest room. :) No basements in this part of the country so I'm lucky we have 4 bedrooms and one of the kids has left home. I could never have so much "stuff" if I didn't have my own room for it.

auntytriss 08-05-2005 11:48 PM

Right now my stamping stuff lives in the dining room in rolling drawers against the wall. It's a darker area of our very open living space, so although my stuff is spliiling out of the drawers that I have, it doesn't look too, too bad. *sigh* I'm hoping a stamping room is in my future! ;)

LDSDinks1993 08-06-2005 12:09 AM

I am a lucky one too. It is only the two of us. When we came to Alabama and were looking for a house, we had specifics we were looking for: A room for the pool table, a room for the workout equipment and a room for my crafts. Well, guess who got the biggest room ;-) We used one bedroom for a workout room, put the pool table in the great room, used the formal dining room as a sitting/tv area, and low and behold, that left the bonus room ~ biggest room for me. hehe, ya think I planned that one? I have two huge closets; A big picture window and two regular windows. I have a drawing board, my computer desk and 3 work tables for people to come play. I bought a white dresser from Target that I store my stamps in. I can shut the door when company comes and they never have to see my mess :)

ellena 08-06-2005 01:29 AM

When we lived in the midwest where we had a basement, I had a nice sewing/craft room with a long closet (15 feet long, because part of it went under the stairs) that adjoined to a big "play room" where the kids had all their toys and I had a cheap ping pong table to lay out my scrapbooking stuff---in the days before I knew anything about stamping, let alone SU! It was a wonderful house! I could craft and keep track of the kids playing.

Now we are in a brand new beautiful house (although no basement) where we enjoy great weather year round and I do have my own craft room. In our big open family room I set up the ping pong table (temporarily---right...) where I do all my stamping and scrapping. My DH said we couldn't even consider a house unless I could get my own "craft room" as he called it. I just love him!

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