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-   -   Where do you keep your scrapbooks? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/where-do-you-keep-your-scrapbooks-108608/)

steph772 01-02-2006 05:52 AM

Where do you keep your scrapbooks?
I was thinking the other day why I didnt keep my scrapbooks in the Living Room so they could be shown off easily instead of keeping them hidden under my scrap desk. It seems as if I am always draggin' them out to show to friends and family.

Got me wondering where everyone else keeps theres? I asked at my LSS crop on friday and got the same response! All the ladies kept their BEAUTIFUL, HANDMADE, and QUITE PRICEY SCRAPBOOKS HIDDEN away under there desks!!

So where do you keep your scrapbook?? If they are under YOUR desk, get those Beauty's out!

I have moved mine to a shelf on my entertainment center, and I have to say we have had then out three times this week to look at them!

Can you tell I am excited about this new found discovery??:cool:

Wnderlnd 01-02-2006 05:55 AM

I keep finished one's in the family room and living room. The outside of my books look good in our decor, so it is very nice--People pick them up too!

kaclarke 01-02-2006 06:29 AM

I keep mine in our family room. My DDs love to look at their albums and when we have company they are easy for everyone to pull out and look at.

mholles 01-02-2006 06:43 AM

Thanks for the prompt. I moved some of them from the craft area to the living room. Wish there was room on the entertainment center for all of them :)

nics_117 01-02-2006 06:44 AM

You are so right! Mine are with my scrapping stuff. I barely ever get to scrapbook, either, so why should all my photos be locked up for my hobby? That's not the point of taking the pictures!

I'm going to move them to the entertainment center too!

Good question!


WeimFamily 01-02-2006 07:01 AM

I lost a lot of family pictures when my basement flooded about 10 years back. And since my scrapping area is in my basement, I don't keep any pic's down there. Plus I figure the general basement environment can't be good for photos (wine, yes. photos, no.)

I have a separate office on the 1st floor of my house. I keep my albums on a bookshelf in there. Not easy for guests to get to, but easy enough for me to pull out when appropriate. My family room entertainment armoire doesn't have any space for albums - it's FILLED with the TV - so I guess I'm stuck with my arrangement.

AnthroGirl 01-02-2006 03:11 PM

I keep mine in a wall bookcase in our living room. They get picked up by DD and DH on occasion and my the grandparents when they come over to babysite (not all that often). During hurricane season they have been placed in sealed garbage bags in a sealed rubbermaid container. :-)

mbiggsy 01-02-2006 04:11 PM

Moving mine tomorrow!! Great idea!

steph772 01-03-2006 05:24 AM

See, I thought someone could benefit from my discovery!!

gayork 01-03-2006 05:28 AM

How does this work? The first thread was from yesterday but the latest thread was just moments ago - does that bump up the entire thread to the top again?

I keep my albums in the living room. My DS loves to look at his books while I am making dinner, or on the computer.


steph772 01-03-2006 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by gayork
How does this work? The first thread was from yesterday but the latest thread was just moments ago - does that bump up the entire thread to the top again?


Yep, every time someone posts to a thread it bumps it to the top..

cardsbyanita 01-03-2006 08:47 AM

I put completed pages into albums that are kept in the living room on a big bookcase. (It is mostly framed photos with one shelf-for now - for scrapbooks.)

Sairabee 01-03-2006 09:17 AM

I keep mine in the living room, but more so they are near a door and easy to grab in case of a fire (paranoid, I know!) than anything. Let's just hope the fire doesn't start near that door!!!! (you know what they say about the "best laid plans...")

pigfingers 01-03-2006 09:33 AM

If I had a nice living room with a beautiful bookcase with high shelves, that would be where mine would be.

Right now I am living in a very small home with no such niceties, so to keep out of the hands of the Polly Pocket grabbing, Little People chomping little fellow and gal that reside in my domain, I keep them in my bedroom closet on the high shelf!

I thank goodness every day they were up high -- I have had two floods in my home, one was in that same closet and if they were in boxes down below they would have been ruined. The other flood happened in my kitchen and if they had been again in anything storage under 2 feet they would have been ruined as well.

Up high will be where they will always be! I do hope there is never (knock wood) a tragedy where I have to evacuate becuase I will get a hernia just taking them out of the house -- of course my kids would come first but in the off chance I had the opportunity to grab anything those would come next.

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