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hockeymom 09-05-2004 05:18 PM

What is your favorite digital camera
We are going to buy a new one, my husband always
wants the best, but we don't ever use all the features.
The Nikon ($1200) is awesome but it so big. It is nice because we could use our lenses from our regular 35mm Nikon.
So now he is looking at the Fuji 7600 (I think that is the number), which is a lot more reasonable. We want to take action shots of the kids in sports so this one has a great feature. However, he just read one negative review somewhere and that will do it for him.
Can you share you likes and if any dislikes on the ones you have.

overcome 09-05-2004 05:29 PM

Tell your husband he will find at least one negative review on ALL cameras. Trust me, been there done that. As a matter of fact there is a negative review to be found on ALL products, books, cars, etc.

I like my Kodak DX 6490. It has the option of taking pics in automatic where you just point and shoot or manual, where you control all the settings. THere are plenty of different automatic settings (night, action, burst, portrait). The battery has been terrific. The best thing is the optical zoom...10x...I can get really close. It seems that you know about cameras, so you probably know that digital zoom is worthless- you should only consider optical zoom.

I haven't really used any other camera, so I can't offer any other viewpoints. We paid $500 a year ago- I'm sure it has come down since then.

Sounds like your husband is doing some research on the internet. You will find so much info... Good luck!

Good luck! You

hockeymom 09-05-2004 05:35 PM

Oh yes,
he researches everything, he's an engineer which might explain it.!! :)
That is a good point about the negativity on evreything. I know when I read one it seems to stick with me and it shouldn't.
Can you take action shots with your Kodak? Our kids play hockey and that is pretty fast paced.

JanTInk 09-05-2004 05:45 PM

I have a Minolta DImage which I absolutely love. It is 4.0 megapixels and has both auto and manual settings, plus it will take short videos. I have had it for over a year and I'm VERY satisfied. It takes spectacular night pictures and has a great macro setting for taking pictures of cards!

I got it at Target when it was on sale for $399 plus I had a 10% off certificate from my Target Visa.

You do need to get a card reader for your computer. You can download from the camera, but it eats a lot of battery power. The card reader is cheaper than getting the AC/DC adapter and frees the camera up for another card. It comes with a 16 MB card, which is not very big if you want to take a lot of high quality shots. I ended up gettinga 512 MB card and now I have space and to spare!

You also need to get some rechargeable NIMH batteries and a charger. It will save you a ton of money if you recharge your own. And a second set of batteries is nice too, but the charger usually has your batteries ready in an hour or less, so it's not absolutely necessary unless you're going on vacation and don't want to have any down time on your camera!


JKinAK 09-05-2004 06:02 PM

I don't have a digital camera myself, but I do want to say that I can back up JanTInk on the rechargeable batteries! We bought a charger and some batteries last winter and am glad we did. They are great! Less mess in the drawer where we used to keep all our batteries and even though the price of the rechargeable batteries may seem pricey, I think in the long run they are worth it. We use ours mostly for remotes and our wireless keyboard and mouse. When I do finally get a digital camera, I will be sure to get a set or two of rechargeable batteries for it.

JKinAK 09-05-2004 06:05 PM

Oh, and back to the subject of digital cameras...our neighbor has a Fujifilm brand camera. I don't know which model number, but when she took pictures of her boy playing with our boys, my DH and I were very impressed with the quality of the photos! So now we are leaning towards purchasing a Fujifilm brand when we finally do go digital. I think our second choice will be HP.

hockeymom 09-05-2004 06:10 PM

OOOoh, Congratulations on
your 1 week old. Wow, you are on the computer too!
There are so many things to look at, I guess you just have to
decide what features you want.

Keep those personal favorites coming...........


JKinAK 09-05-2004 06:12 PM

hockeymom, the ticker means we have twins that are almost 3 1/2 years old.

hockeymom 09-05-2004 06:18 PM

boy, I didn't
look at that very carefully did I?
What a dork!!
That is what I get for trying to talk, read and type all at once.
My husband is loving these posts.

JKinAK 09-05-2004 06:21 PM

I love the Lillypie tickers! I think they are so cute. The ones for four-year-olds is very recent.
I can see how my ticker is confusing. You're not the first one to misunderstand what it says. I think that if the two little boys in the car look more alike, it would help, or maybe say our twins instead of our children.

Billie Rose 09-05-2004 08:31 PM

Hi Kim!

Are you talking about the Nikon D70? I have a friend that has one, and it is on my wish list now! The pictures she takes with it are incredible - they look professional, and they're so clear and sharp! The only downside my hubby sees is that we'll be going from a point and shoot to juggling multiple lenses (but I don't mind that change at all!), but since you already have a Nikon with different lenses, that shouldn't be an issue for you!

Good luck! I'd love to know what you get and how it turns out for you!
Billie :)

lkryb 09-05-2004 08:56 PM

digital cameras
I bought an Olympus c765 and I love it! The feature that sold me was the 10x optical zoom. I wouldn't know what to do without it. The other features are very amatuer friendly and it also has features on it if you want to "branch out". I paid around $450 and that included a 16 MB card and a rechargable battery. I can get several shots on this battery which I understand is a rare commodity in the digital world. For am extra $20 I got an extra battery, a case, a lens cleaner and a 64 MB card through Ebay. Very satisfied!
I just bought this in June. I had researched on the internet as well as playing with them in the stores.
There's my 2 cents!

inkylady 09-05-2004 10:48 PM

I really want the expensive Nikon too!. I have the Nikon 5400 and I love it. I'm also a hockey mom and use it a lot for action photos at the rink. This is my second Nikon digital, and I doubt I'll ever buy any other brand.

stampinjunkie 09-06-2004 04:22 AM

I just bought a Fuji S5000 and I love it! When I was looking I first decided how much I could spend and what features I really wanted. For me the most important feature was a 10X zoom. (BTW, it is 3.2 mp which is more than enough unless you enlarge bigger than 8X10.) That narrowed it down quite a bit. I then read reviews and talked to people who own it. I found some negative reviews but I compared the features I really cared about to the other cameras. There is no perfect digital camera just like there is no perfect film camera. I then found places locally that carried those brands and went to try them out. A great camera needs to feel good and be easy to use too.

Anyway that's how I decided and I'm very happy with my camera! Good luck with your search.

stampinchik 09-06-2004 04:30 AM

I have a fuji fine pix and i should be a spokes person for this company.
i have had 3 family members purchase this camera. It has a great optical zoom 6X and does 1 min movies with sounds... and does great phtots... if you get this camera i will recommend the Cannon I850 or newer printer... it has the picoliter techonogy.... i am a avid scrapper and everyone is amazed when i tell them that we printed them on our printer.

you cannot go wrong with the Fuji.... tell your husband you cant believe everything you read.. and if he likes everything about it but finds something he does not just make sure he can take it back for a refund. :)

i hope this helps and if you have any questions please feel free to email me. :)

have a great day. ~Shari

tc82742 09-06-2004 05:08 AM

i used to sell cameras, and we had examples of all of our cameras printed up on our kodak picturemaker. the ones with the BEST print quality was definately and olympus and a nikon. it has been a couple of years since i quit selling cameras.. and i am sure there have been changes made in manufactureres.. but a girl at work just bought a brand new olympus.. and i am still VERY impressed with print quality.

geojlc 09-06-2004 05:10 AM

go to http://www.dpreview.com. That's where my husband goes to research digital cameras. He really likes that site. Not that he buys a lot of digital cameras, but that's where he decides what new camera he'd buy if he had money to buy a camera! :-)

We have a Sony F707 Cybershot that we love. A bit more on the expensive side, but it does have a tripple burst that is great for action shots![/url]

overcome 09-06-2004 05:34 AM

Me again!
WIth the Kodak DX6490, you can set it in sports mode (which I never use) to capture action shots. You can also use burst mode which is where you hold the shutter button down and it takes 6 continuous shots one right after the other. I have used this and it works great. We took pics of our friends' kids jumping in the pool and they came out terrific.

You will not need a card reader with this camera as it comes with a docking station which recharges the battery as you are downloading the pics. I did have to buy a SD memory card as the internal memory is only 16 mb. I think you will find this is the case with most cameras.

Also, my camera has a 2.5 inch LCD viewer, which is one of the largest ones around.

FInally, here is a terrific site for comparing cameras.

Although I buy stuff online like crazy, I would suggest going to a Best Buy or similar store to check out what the camera feel like in your hands.

You have to let us know what you end up buying!!


iam_monalisa 09-06-2004 06:37 AM

I have the Fuji FinePix S5000 also, and I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!! My DH is the same as yours, research, research, research! He finally decided on this one, and we have not had a single regret. It has the 6.2 megapixels, 10X optical zoom plus 2.2X digital zoom (oops! had that wrong the first time!!!!) does auto or manual mode, and is fun to use.
Have fun choosing yours!!

kandcats 09-06-2004 06:46 AM

Digi cameras
I have the Olympus 560 Zoom and I do love it - rechargeable batteries are a NECESSITY with this one though...

Recently I borrowed my mother's Kodak DX6490 and I want one now. It is one of the FEW cameras with 10x optical zoom. Zoom can be very very handy - and this is amazing. We have a birdfeeder in our yard and from all the way across the yard (hundreds of feet) I was able to take a close up shot of this bird with the Kodak - with the Olympus, you could maybe see the bird but it wasn't even a good shot of the birdhouse.... I would recommend the Kodak over the Olympus any day.

AthbascaMom 09-06-2004 06:58 AM

I think I must be the only one in the world with a Sony! We have a Sony DSC-P9 (4.0 megapixels) and love it! We actually ordered five other cameras including some with lower pixelation and played with them at home (we live in the sticks) and then returned all but this one. Another one we tried and really like was the Canon G2 (I think they may be up to G4 by now...) but for the few extra features which we probably wouldn't use, we couldn't justify the price difference. The site that we found the most useful for comparing cameras was http://g.msn.com/9SE/1?http://www.st...=1&CM=SIM&CE=1

HTH Jodi.

hockeymom 09-06-2004 09:01 AM

Wow, you gals are awesome!
Everybody likes something different!! :D
I don't know if that is good or bad :lol:
DH does go to all the comparison pages, which I think confuses more.
I think we have decided to go to Sam's, Costco, Best Buy or whatever and bring our own card in and take pictures. Come home and compare.
Yes, the Nikon is the cadillac, but I just can't see paying that much. By the time you buy all the extras that you need it will be close to $2000 (that does include an awesome warrenty).
Besides we always seem to over buy. Want to be money smart this time.
He does know what optical zoom and mega stuff if he wants.
Did I mention that this was for "ME". When I wanted a point and shoot years ago, he ended up getting that $1000 Nikon with zoom. It is huge.
So I have to reign him in a bit. He is off playing golf right now so maybe I can do my own research. :wink:
Anyway, I have a list of all the models you have mentioned so off we go.
Thanks tons to you all.

Kurstan 09-06-2004 09:32 AM

We just got the new Nikon Cool Pix 5.1 a few months ago and I loooooove it!!!

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