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hotwheels 12-20-2013 07:22 PM

What you do?
Hello everyone,

I have a question for everyone What you do? If you felt like all your friends here scs. are fallowing by the ways side? And all friends are long distances friends are from scs? You see I and handicapped I am have card ministry but I feel like it's dieing. because I have a theard forum In the rak area But not get any help any help thread. And not much action on scs forums lately. What do you think we can do to spice things it up here? If you rak remember and would like to help me check my signature line. I just feel like a part me is dieing too. Those that know me here know my heart. Scs is my life line and so is help others. What I am I do. I feeling everything is dieing sad hotwheels I wanted help and stay busy I just don't where why place is? And thoughts on this please!!??? thanks hotwheels

Minders 12-21-2013 04:29 AM

Hi Hotwheels. I think the time of year is partly to blame. People get so busy in the holiday season trying to get so many things done. We don't even have kids yet but we have so much going on for the holidays. Things to buy and do and places to be. Add to the fact that we are also selling our house and moving and it's just been utter chaos here for that and a few other reasons. The forums always seem to slow down around Nov-Dec because honestly there just isn't enough time in the day!

I also think that the bigger SCS has gotten the harder it is for people to keep up with the hundreds of thousands of threads.

I'm sorry you are feeling down but I'd give it some time for the holidays to pass and see what comes in the new year!


sillyfilly 12-21-2013 05:05 AM

Hi Hotwheels, sorry you are feeling sad. I agree with Minders. Things are just too busy this time of year. We have all the holiday things going on, jobs, running children here and there. Personally I am a Grandmother so I don't have a lot of that but I am very active in my church so that takes a lot of my free time. That's where my heart is. Your situation reminds me of all the calls I get to give to the Cancer Society, Heart Association etc. I just don't have enough money to give to everyone who asks. It's the same with people's time. We only have a small amount to devote to other things and this is a busy time of year. Keep your chin up and take a deep breath when you feel depressed. I will remember you in prayer. I will look at your signature line to see what it is you are needing but I won't be able to do anything until after the holidays. You have a Merry Christmas. Hugs sweetie.

SilverDragoness 12-21-2013 12:28 PM

Hotwheels I do agree that the forums have certainly changed over the years. I'm not usually one to reminisce over the good old days but it certainly is different. The way I look at it is that things do change so we have to try to find the good. Perhaps follow along with some of the blogs people have to help with the winter doldrums. I'm sure things will pick up a little after the holidays it's an overwhelming time for everyone.

cardmaker2 12-21-2013 12:39 PM

I'm sorry you are feeling alone. I have sensed a departure here as well, compared to a few years ago there seemed to me more activity all the time. It isn't just Christmas, although certainlly that doesn't help. I don't know if Pinterest has anything to do with it; what time I have to go online is shared more, with Pinterest taking the majority of my interest. There isn't interaction there like here, but there are so many interesting things to see.

It must be devestating for you, if SCS is your lifeline. There just isn't the traffic there used to be. I haven't got any advice for you, sadly. I just feel for you and wish it were different.

Minders 12-21-2013 05:46 PM

I think that other sites, so many blogs and Pinterest are all to blame a little bit now too. People only have X amount of time on the computer and there is just so many places to look at now. SCS used to be all there was but blogs are exploding as well as other sites and Pinterest. I think think this is the best place on the web though! And has the best people!!!!

jor 12-21-2013 06:28 PM

I noticed a big change a few years ago when Facebook got really big.

hotwheels 12-21-2013 07:01 PM

okay Thanks for everyone input. But, I might say a few things here now. I am very careful where going on the internet. because bad people in things. I heard Pinterest and places like but Scs is the best place too. And I just hated to see where is might heading next year. if things don't change I am afraid my lifeline my be dieing to. If you catch what mean. I have learned so much here. And all I wanted to do is help others any way I can. But, If my card kits ministry and my lifeline dies meaning if all my friends and helps go by the wayside than. I don't how do help others. For you see my mom help my stamping Because I handicapped And not used my hand real well. So help me stamp and she has cancer now. I have try to get involved with other blogs. But, because I don't have blog the others bloggers will not let me join them. I told my dad I would not go to Facebook and etc, I don't to much blog the thing either? If would like please check out my gallery. I sure hope my threads help others to understand why this place is so important to. And why this card kits ministry mean so much to me. Like I said be go read my signature line that tell more about me if you rak member please!!! Do you have blogs or website sub guests? thanks hotwheels

Minders 12-22-2013 06:00 AM

I do think that it will pick up a little bit after the new year. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I will pray for your family. SCS is still an amazing place with amazing people and I'm sorry you've hit a rough patch. That's never easy. I hope that you and your family have a Merry Christmas!

muscrat 12-22-2013 11:36 AM

I am not a RAK member so I can't follow the link you mentioned. Don't be discouraged. Some of my SCS friends have gone and I miss them but I make new friends then! SCS is my favorite place! I don't do Facebook at all and rarely go to Pinterest.

hotwheels 12-26-2013 07:16 PM

any thought on this matter?

LindaBabe 12-27-2013 03:46 AM

Hotwheels, it's not just these forums! I have followed disney boards for years and most of my friends, truth be told, are internet friends, because people I know in person just don't have time! Email likewise. When was the last time you actually got an email from a friend? Most of mine is commercial.

Facebook has sucked off a lot of the internet friends because it doesn't requires that you actually SAY anything. You can just click "like" and you know they know you saw their post.

I'm finding I'm my own best Stampin' up customer because people don't have time to get together and stamp any more. I send WAY more cards than I receive, even, and it's because people don't have time to pay attention.

None of this has helped you - but I wanted you to know you are not alone.

hotwheels 01-02-2014 05:42 PM

Thanks for all the comments..... I sure hope things too turn around. But, I have my doubts. Because all the things go on. And when the postal going up angin I just wish there was way for me get the word out about my card kits ministry. with out a blog. because I don't have a blog.I just wish there was away for help others too. But with handicapped I just see how! And I feel like card kits ministry is dieing. So I am at a lost what to do? What would you do? I just wanted useful And to much time on my my hands! thanks friends!

duranfan 01-02-2014 05:50 PM

So sorry you're feeling down. I definitely have seen a big decrease in action on SCS over the last couple of years. I do miss that. There are plenty of people I miss "seeing" on here. Pinterest is probably some to blame. For me, things are just so busy with family. Hang in there. I'll be in prayer for your mom.

hotwheels 01-07-2014 06:19 PM

You ladies are great but, It's more then me just feel down. I don't what next if minister dose not pickup? what do you ladies suggestion I do with in empty time hands. See my hands don't work that well. I am down because I wanted to things to help others. And to past time. I find really satiation faction in help others. I just don't what that could be to my dishabille. I think Jesus my to caring and tender heated for others.

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