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Joan B 01-22-2005 11:11 PM

What happened when I stopped buying...
After my early January SU purchase, I joined a "no buy" challenge. 10 of us are not buying ANY craft/stamping related items until April 1. In addition to finding TONS of stuff I forgot I had (like pink gingham ribbon, cards and envelopes, templates, books, dvds, etc.), I find that I am stamping way more than before. I've learned that sales will come again and that it often makes sense to wait before purchasing the latest gadget. However, I've also learned that I used shopping to help cope with anxiety and a little depression!! In any event, this post isn't meant to offend any demos, just to raise some ideas. Happy Stamping!!

stampin_melissa 01-23-2005 01:46 AM

Hey Joan, great job! I am SO glad to "hear" that you are using what you have! I know that sometimes we get so caught up in getting new stuff that we forget about what we have. I know that as a demo I want my customers to use what they have. (Of course I want them to buy more, too :roll: ) I believe that a person that just uses what new "toy" they have purchased may start to turn their attention somewhere else when they get bored. Or you fill your space with so much stuff you can't find anything to do much. I do have one customer in my stamper's group that has committed herself to not buying any more stamp sets (as she has so many) and just keep her supplies up. This doesn't bother me, I am so glad that she is using what she has and I hope that I can inspire her to learn some new techniques or versatile way of using what she has.

Whew! All that to say I think what you are doing is great and long term I'm sure that you demo thinks so too!


lisa39348 01-23-2005 02:56 AM

I think I need to take that challenge too. I have a couple of storage boxes with things to stamp on to give as gifts. I've challenged myself to use those supplies and actually give them as gifts this year. I'm also making Thank You card sets for new brides and new moms. People appreciate hand made gifts no matter how small.

stampercamper 01-23-2005 03:28 AM

What a wonderful challenge for you! I've been doing the 'clean sweep' challenge in my craft area so I can FIND what I have and I've also been trying to pull out some of my older sets and use them. I totally reorganized my accessories and embellishment so that I could get to them easier.

One thing that I did that I am finding REALLY helpful is I made a list of 'extra' things like metal edge tags, metal magic tags, shaped eyelets, plaid maker...those kind of things...and posted them at my stamping area to remind me what I have to use...something other than ribbon which I just love!

inkymommy 01-23-2005 03:35 AM

Your post prodded me to examine my habits. I am mainly a scrapbooker who makes cards occasionally. When I look back on my early pages, I realize that I was much more creative with my few stamps I had in those lean days. Now I have TONS of stuff and stamps. Maybe, a no-buy challenge is a good idea for creativity.

Good Luck!


buttons2 01-23-2005 04:03 AM

stampercamper; what a great idea to list your embellishments. Mine just get lost so I may try this list but think I'll try to take it a step further. Make a check mark by each embellishment as I use it and then not use it again until I've used the other embellishments. Not sure how far I'll get but it's worth a try.

Those in the NE, have a great time stamping while you're snowed in.


stampercamper 01-23-2005 04:19 AM

What a FABULOUS idea! Hmmm....might need to modify my list!

ilikestamping 01-23-2005 04:20 AM

I too am in the no buy stage right now. I must use what I have because the unemployment has run out and still no job. I believe my hobby is going to have to really turn to the real purpose I got into this. I am going to have to have a party and hopefully get some sales. I am going to start small with a party wih DD friends. They are 17 and are always asking me to show them things. Any ideas on a couple of good projects or cards to have them do.

Joan B 01-23-2005 04:36 AM

A few suggestions: anything that is easy but looks hard, like 2 step stamping, brayering on glossy paper, etc. I'd make cards they are going to have to buy anyway, like Mother's Day, and maybe a simple non card item, such as gift tags. This may get them in the mood for purchasing! Good luck

ilikestamping 01-23-2005 04:43 AM

Mother's Day cards, Thanks I would never of thought of that. Amazing....I think they would really go for that. I know Valentine's wasn't the thing because most would never admit to liking some one..lol. But Mother's day. great idea...
Thanks again,

cajor 01-23-2005 04:51 AM

How funny about the timing of the subject!! My group of stamping friends is in the burnout stage in terms of buying stuff, too. We just talked about this when we were all together last weekend. We are going to use up what we have and avoid buying the latest gadgets. Like an earlier post said, there will always be more sales. I find that I am stamping more than I did before because I'm not spending all my time down in my stamping room unpacking from all the shopping I used to do.

Thanks for the encouragement!

Amy J. in Wisconsin

stampinupinmyloft 01-23-2005 04:56 AM

I'm in a "no buy" zone for January. I will use what I've got for February. I am trying to put together my first Scrapbooking camp. If it takes I will have to order a few things. If it doesn't, then I will not order in Feb.
Way to go!

stampcrazygirl 01-23-2005 04:57 AM

I'm on a $15 a month limit and NO STAMPS! I'm in a stamper 10 and have a min of $15 that I have to spend each month. I promised myself that I would use this opportunity to build up my ink pads and CS. I stuck to it for January, but after reading the thread on what's in the Spring mini, I might have to 'break' my promise :oops:

mamakimberly 01-23-2005 05:04 AM

I have been really good about reeling in the spending. Since October I think I've spent (on stamping stuff) maybe $65??

This month I ordered a whopping $11 of stuff (cardstock and ink only). So I'm getting MUCH better with my spending. I have so much stuff, I really need to just enjoy what I DO have instead of pining for what I don't have ;)


Beaglelady 01-23-2005 07:32 AM

no buy
Everytime my husband sees a package from SU, he asks if I bought more 'kindlin wood'. LOL. I recently became a demonstrator and also belong to my upline's Monthly Stamp Club. There are 10 of us and each month one of us is the 'hostess'. So for this month I promised myself I wouldn't get any stamps and ordered card stock paper instead.
Also I sent out postcards for my first home party and no one was coming - a bummer yes, but I've got more names on the list to try for next month!

JulieHRR 01-23-2005 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by ilikestamping
Mother's Day cards, Thanks I would never of thought of that. Amazing....I think they would really go for that. I know Valentine's wasn't the thing because most would never admit to liking some one..lol. But Mother's day. great idea...
Thanks again,

They are 17 years old???? My dd is 15 and in h.s.; she and her girlfriends exchange Valentines and LOVE it--so don't overlook the Valentines! :wink:

CreativeDiva 01-23-2005 08:41 AM

Re: What happened when I stopped buying...
[quote="Joan B"] However, I've also learned that I used shopping to help cope with anxiety and a little depression!! quote]

hmmm.. DH p*ssed me off, and I ended up at Michaels that same night buying a sizzix machine, converter, sizzlets alphabet set, and 2 sizzix dies all in one go.
Guess I use shopping the same way :oops:
But I suppose it's beter than eating my way out of it (which I used to do before weight watchers)
Now I'm 35 pounds lighter, and broke :lol:

marysmessages 01-23-2005 01:01 PM

Ladies - I, too, am in this same situation. We moved to TN at the end of February last year and money is getting tighter every month. I've done a craft sale (250 cards, candle canoes, snowman soup, get well cans, coasters, wipe off boards, ornaments, magnets, sour cream containers, 2-4-6-8 boxes and votive lamp shades) and the only supplies I needed to purchased were cup o soup for the get well cans, marshmallows and candy canes for the snowman soup and some adhesive. I amshamed to say I had everything else.....also made all my Christmas cards without buying anything else .

I also decided that sales will come around again. I just recently had someone book a workshop that will be next week so I'm hoping to get more business from that....BUT -- no more spending for me!!! Other than replinishing card stock and adhesive - I'm done for awhile. And you know what??? - everyone is dead on - it's kind of fun to make do with what you have and "discover" that you really do have much more than you need.

PS -we've been adapting the same principles to groceries, etc...there's always another sale coming and instead of totally stockpiling (like I am used to) - I try to keep the stored food to a minimum...but still enough to get us through 2 weeks if necessary....also kind of fun and a challenge - to dig up recipes not made in a while or figure out how to make something stretch further. In fact, I dusted off and dug out the bread machine last weekend - I totally forgot how much fun it was to use and how great warm homemade bread really is - right now in fact, the beeper just went off to signal this week's potato bread it ready to come out!!

Have fun ladies - remember - think about what you do have, not what you don't have......


luvtostampstampstamp 01-23-2005 01:16 PM

Great thread! Maybe we should start a challenge here?? We'd have to be reaaaaally honest though!!!!!! Wouldn't be able to keep an eye on each other!

Funny, I was just taking a nap with my DD and was thinking of not even looking at the Spring mini so I wouldn't be tempted!!! ***SIGH***
And it seems like SCS is where I get most of my buying energy from, another ***SIGH***....stay away from here...don't know about that one!!!!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:


think about what you do have, not what you don't have......
THINK, THINK, THINK...........................thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

readsomething 01-23-2005 01:28 PM

I'd LOVE to do a no-buying challenge! I'm in the same boat -- I've been buying too much stuff, and you know it's bad when the room is so crowded you just don't feel like digging a path through it to make room to actually DO some projects!

I need to use up some stuff!

I am considering doing packages of monogrammed cards for friends. I have sooooo much stuff, and when I need an idea, I'll just pull some stuff out and make some cards for people! I even bought a ton of clear boxes for card sets, right before Christmas.

Who's up for starting the challenge thread???

-- Heather

CreativeDiva 01-23-2005 01:45 PM

why is everyone talking about the spring mini? did I miss something? Is it out already? Oh I'm in so much trouble!!!

rubadubdub 01-23-2005 02:30 PM

Good thread! I know I use shopping as a pick-me-up. I also know I can shop OR design OR make--I can't do more than one of these things at one time, they each take a different mindset, and as many of you are pointing out, they each serve different (perceived) needs. I really appreciate the sense of gratitude the comes from focussing on (using) what I have, and, taking some of the SCS wisdom, I hope to look for ways to contribute (a skill, an idea, a card) the next time I'm looking for a pick-me-up.

Going through the Spring mini, I hear the voices "Oh goodie, something I want to buy!" and "Thank goodness, I don't want everything!" :oops: Pretty self-centered. This all goes against what drew me to SU! and SCS!--there are good people all around me and I need to stay connected with them.

qcbetty 01-23-2005 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by readsomething
I'd LOVE to do a no-buying challenge!

-- Heather

I object to this on principle!! :shock:
I'm too busy loving it all and using most of it (I do tend to hoard embellishments but all else is fair game!). Sorry girls! :P

readsomething 01-23-2005 03:01 PM


If you're hoarding, you're hoarding, baby!

I hoard EVERYTHING, and at some point, I gotta use it up and wear it out, cuz ... we don't have room to put an addition on our house, ya know?

I was a scrapbooker before I started stamping, too, and I was already busting at the seams because of all my paper and embellishments. Now I've added stacks and stacks (and stacks, and stacks, and stacks ...) of stamp sets. Plus all the wonderful SU cardstock, ribbon, ink pads ...

It's getting scary. I revel in it, but still ... it's getting scary. And I've only been a demo since AUGUST.

-- Heather

e waterous 01-23-2005 03:08 PM

WOW! I was so glad to read this thread. I thought I was the only one feeling as though my hobby was starting to be un-fun.

1.Gotta quit buying stamps for a while. (A new stamp or two is definitely a pick-me-up on a bad day, but not when you shouldn't be spending $$)

2. Gotta get all the embellishments organized and USE them. ( I love the check-off list idea)

3. Gotta make cards instead of just accumulating stuff to make cards. (Like more embellishments :roll: )

Did I forget anything???

CreativeDiva 01-23-2005 04:30 PM

SPRING MINI???? Is it out already??? Hoe did I miss it?

luvtostampstampstamp 01-23-2005 05:47 PM


I am considering doing packages of monogrammed cards for friends.
ME TOO! I think it's a great idea and I bought some clear plastic card boxes too! Can't wait to get started!


Who's up for starting the challenge thread???
I would love to, but better not right now. Kids are sick with the flu bug and my DH and I are next in line I think! Plus I'm running two households! :roll: I'd be glad to join in though. Just don't want to start something and be responsible for keeping everyone in line etc!!!

Now, I do have stuff to buy for a workshop I'm volunteering to do at our local library.....I can buy for that right??? :wink:

StampingJen 01-23-2005 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by CreativeDiva
SPRING MINI???? Is it out already??? Hoe did I miss it?

The spring mini doesn't start until March 1. Demos get them early and can pre-order to prep for workshops. That's probably the buzz you've been hearing. :)

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