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-   -   What do U think of a Challenge SECTION? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/what-do-u-think-challenge-section-32276/)

photocropper 03-01-2005 06:19 AM

What do U think of a Challenge SECTION?
I was thinking that it would be nice if there was a place to go to see all the challenges in one spot ~ we could find the challenge we are participating in without having to search and search for it......Kind of like the SWAPS are set up.....

What do you think??

Daven is this possible?


photocropper 03-01-2005 07:49 AM

Surely someone thinks this is a good idea????

seewah 03-01-2005 07:58 AM

I think that is a great idea! I would love it if there was a "Sketch Challenge" folder in the gallery with subfolders for each challenge.

Great suggestion! :D

photocropper 03-01-2005 08:09 AM

I think that would be great! A seperate gallery for the on going challenges would be awesome! Maybe our awesome, most wonderful SCS Man (Men now huh!) can figure something out for us??!!!!


CrabbyAbbe 03-01-2005 08:23 AM

SHHHHHH! My husband would probably be jealous and not let me back on the computer if we knew there were SCS men in on this. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Julia S 03-01-2005 08:48 AM

Awesome Idea. It might inspire more people to try them.

Jami 03-03-2005 06:21 AM

Do you mean a separate forum for the threads, like the swap forum - only this would be a challenge forum? I think that would be great. I had to really look for the sketch challenge last night. I'd like for it still to appear on the home page with everything else though...not separated out at the bottom like swaps are.

As far as a separate gallery I think this was discussed before and it was decided that in the long run it would just make it that much more difficult to find in a search later if the cards are not entered by stamp set. That's why we've started using codes in the keywords (ex. LSC02 = Limited Supply Challenge #2, or SC10 = Sketch Challenge 10).

Maybe we should have a moderator move this thread to "Site Suggestions" - I think Daven reads all that stuff. Or Shelley maybe you could pm Jenn or Britta or Keri.

What does everyone else think?

lisathevizslalover 03-03-2005 06:29 AM

I agree with Jami !!!!!!!!!!!!!

camsmom 03-03-2005 06:31 AM

This has been brought up in the past for other topics. As it stands (and from what I understand from the gallery gurus) maintaining cards by set name is just easier to handle at this point, and since I don't have to do the job of uploading, approving, resizing, finding duplicates, and making sure cards are in the right place, I am going to take their word for it.

I know the gallery can be real bear (think a large drooling grizzly), and they are right on top of adding new galleries for mini sets, contests, etc. It is too much to continue to seperate cards for the challenges. :wink:

Jami (in her jammies?) did mention the keywords-that is the perfect way to highlight your card fro a sketch challenge so it can be found later on :D

jbalcer 03-03-2005 06:32 AM

I'm following. :)

We did set up a gallery for the sketches. But for the time being (read: until we see what the gallery upgrade will do for us) we'll just keep putting the sketch challenges with the set they were stamped with, or in the member gallery if it is not a su set.

As far as a forum, Daven's spoken of the BIG thing happening. Let's wait to see what's going on under the bucket before we do anything. ;)

Jami 03-03-2005 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by jbalcer
I'm following. :)

As far as a forum, Daven's spoken of the BIG thing happening. Let's wait to see what's going on under the bucket before we do anything. ;)

Hmmmmmmmmmmm...you want us to be patient , huh??? :shock:

photocropper 03-03-2005 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by jbalcer
I'm following. :)

We did set up a gallery for the sketches. But for the time being (read: until we see what the gallery upgrade will do for us) we'll just keep putting the sketch challenges with the set they were stamped with, or in the member gallery if it is not a su set.

As far as a forum, Daven's spoken of the BIG thing happening. Let's wait to see what's going on under the bucket before we do anything. ;)

Thanks Jenn for following - I was just going to pm someone following Jami's suggestion

I was thinking more along the lines of a FORUM instead of a specialized gallery - I think the card links should just be titled as Jami suggested and put where they belong according to stamp set - AND THEN a link attached to the correct Challenge in the FORUM!

It is just getting so hard to find the Challenges ~ I would participate in some if only I could click on a button and find them all in one glance ~ it is just too time consuming to find them now and then I dont have any time to stamp anyway!

I was not aware that Daven had something "BIG up his sleeve"! Guess I missed that note - I am sure it will be GREAT what ever it is!

Thanks again!!

lisathevizslalover 03-03-2005 06:42 AM

Ahhh, yes. Administration is a whole other matter. Makes sense. Yes, key words are good.

Besides, what I love most about this site is how the SU sets are arranged in alpha order. I'd hate to see that disappear. :shock:

Thanks for the input! :)

photocropper 03-03-2005 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by photocropper
I think that would be great! A seperate gallery for the on going challenges would be awesome! Maybe our awesome, most wonderful SCS Man (Men now huh!) can figure something out for us??!!!!


OOOOOPPSSSSS I just went back and read my own posts!

A gallery would be cool - but probably too much trouble to link them to two places so - I take back my thoughts on that and I realize that they really should go in the gallery in which they belong according to name so we can find them........ a link in the challenge to your card/page etc would be better.........

SORRY for the confussion!!!

camsmom 03-03-2005 07:16 AM

what I do to find the challenges is put Sketch Challenge in the terms, and the Andreasophie in the author box since she has done them. They pop right up in a row. :D

Sketch Challenges

Also in the gallery they did create a special gallery for the sketces themselves.

Sketch Challenge Templates

row4d 03-03-2005 10:23 AM

I think yet another forum category would just get to be too much of a pain to manage in the long run. Look at the ones we already have -- everything gets dumped in "General Discussion" even though there are specific areas for technique questions, website difficulties and how-to instructions. No one seems to read the stickies at the top of each forum section, either, and they deal with a fair number of the most frequently asked questions. Jenn and Britta and the other moderators then have to deal with moving things to the proper area on top of the other tasks involved in helping to keep this site running smoothly.

Sorry if I seem to be venting a bit of frustration. I guess it's the firstborn in me losing patience after seeing the same things repeated time and time again. Instead of running a quick search, five different threads show up asking the same question that was just answered a couple of days earlier. Then the topic starter comes back and posts again to bump the thread back up to the top because an answer didn't come fast enough, when a search can yield instant results. Before people start jumping up and getting defensive, I know not everyone is web-savvy and there are many levels of computer literacy represented in the tens of thousands of members we have here, but it really bugs me when people just don't seem to listen or pay attention!

Okay, rant over. Things may not change, but I do feel a little better having gotten it out! :wink:

dawn g 03-03-2005 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by jbalcer

As far as a forum, Daven's spoken of the BIG thing happening. Let's wait to see what's going on under the bucket before we do anything. ;)

Jenn, throw us a bone! When might these big things be happening?
Enquiring minds want to know!

jbalcer 03-03-2005 11:17 AM

I know what's going on for the most part, but have no clue on the time table. :( Sorry bout that.

:D But you'll like it! :D LOTS. It'll be a BIG deal! :D

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