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mesuezee 01-18-2007 03:45 PM

What a compliment
I cannot believe what happened today to me. I went to my LSS to show the owner a paint can that I had finished. It was my first one and I got 99% of the stuff I used for it at her store. Ahe asked me to bring it in when I was finished so I did. She loved it so much that she asked me to do a class on them! I was shocked! So after some talking it looks like we are going to try to do class in March and make it Brides and Babies themed. I did a baby can but I think it would be great to do one for a bridal shower also! So it was very encouraging to me to make more. I had to share this news, I'm still bubbling over it:D If you would like to check it here is the link


It does look better in person. I don't take the pictures very well!

wannabe 01-18-2007 03:47 PM

Congratulations! Your can is pretty.

It's a good feeling to get recognized for creating. Good luck in your class.

kellyklp 01-18-2007 03:47 PM

Congrats to you! That is quite the compliment! And, what a cute little paint can! Great Job!

LateBlossom 01-18-2007 03:50 PM

What a great can! Have fun teaching the class--what a wonderful compliment!

jtax 01-18-2007 04:07 PM

How exciting! Have fun with the class and making up more pretty cans!

Cathy H 01-18-2007 04:18 PM

Have fun. I'd sign up if I was closer !

beena 01-18-2007 04:29 PM

Congratulations...what a great compliment.

Your can is great.

Joan B 01-18-2007 04:34 PM

Fabulous -- the can and the opportunity.

etsdas 01-18-2007 04:50 PM

How exciting for you. (your paint can is very nicely done.)

jessiepepper 01-18-2007 04:50 PM

What a great can!!! I'd be very excited about teaching a class on something I designed!! Good for you!

gmcbunny 01-18-2007 04:53 PM

congrats! I like your paint can :)

Shelley14522 01-18-2007 04:59 PM

Congratulations. I love the paint can. It is beautiful!!!

Carol Lee 01-18-2007 06:00 PM

Congratulations!! Great news!

Amy05 01-18-2007 06:29 PM

Hey, congratulations! Your can is beautiful. I love the soft colors and the flowers above/below the verse.

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