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-   -   Well, now that it's all over (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/well-now-its-all-over-370146/)

RTJmom 08-05-2008 03:18 AM

Well, now that it's all over
After reading through the various posts and looking at the pictures, I have come to two conclusions. The first is that I need to start saving my money now and maybe I'll have enough to go in 2010 when I want to. (Can't go next year...moving) The second is that I CAN'T WAIT to get my hands on the new catalog!!!
I do have a question (or two!), however. It all looks so much fun; but at the same time it also looks so unbelievably overwhelming! All those people in one place at one time. It hardly seems as though there's room to move anywhere. Do you actually get a chance to "play with stuff" or do you just walk around looking at things and collecting goodies and taking pictures?
Does anyone ever think that they will have to go to a twice a year convention or an "every other year" policy?
Also, I saw a picture of two people walking across the stage for their 5 year anniversary. Is that something everyone gets to do with they reach that point or is it 5 years plus certain sales requirements.

Thanks for any info.:)

stepheb 08-05-2008 03:34 AM

the only time that you get to play with new products is at the Make and Take sessions. We did also get to work with the Decor elements if we wanted at this convention.
But yes, mostly it is watching and taking pictures.

Everyone gets to walk the stage for their anniversary year. I just walked for my 5 years - it is only for time as a demo - no other requirement!!

Cwmwcw 08-05-2008 07:53 AM

This was my first convention and it was crazy at times. Just pack your patience and you'll be okay. Milestone years - 5, 10, 15 & 20 - get to walk up on stage. If it is one of your milestone years, that is the year that I recommend you go to convention. I'm just a 2 year but my UL walked the stage probably 5 or 6 times for various awards and milestones and it was her first convention. I know that it was very special for her to get a chance for that recognition - she earned it!

It is overwhelming but a total blast. Be open to meeting new people and you will have the time of your life. I did. I met some women who I know I will keep in touch with for years to come.

Star Stamper 08-05-2008 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Cwmwcw (Post 10801805)
This was my first convention and it was crazy at times. Just pack your patience and you'll be okay. Milestone years - 5, 10, 15 & 20 - get to walk up on stage. If it is one of your milestone years, that is the year that I recommend you go to convention. I'm just a 2 year but my UL walked the stage probably 5 or 6 times for various awards and milestones and it was her first convention. I know that it was very special for her to get a chance for that recognition - she earned it!

It is overwhelming but a total blast. Be open to meeting new people and you will have the time of your life. I did. I met some women who I know I will keep in touch with for years to come.

Cathy is my DL and I would echo everything she said. It was SO worth it but, yes, very exhausting at times. You sort of run on adrenaline. The crowds are tight and numerous BUT there's that fun energy and I thought that it was impressive how 6000 demos could move that politely from place to place. I felt there was little "down time" but there was enough to get all those display boards photographed. It seemed really well balanced in terms of activities and the days flew by in a blur.

For nothing else, the chance to meet other demos who you instantly bond with who you have no other connection to is an amazing by-product. What Cathy said about making solid friendships was true for me as well. Three of us connected with 3+ other gals and it was magic from the onset. I feel really blessed to have gone for that reason alone.

Not only save but sell. Purge those retired or retiring sets and sock it away. It's money well spent b/c you come home thinking you can conquer the world!

row4d 08-05-2008 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Star Stamper (Post 10802516)
It's money well spent b/c you come home thinking you can conquer the world!

Ain't THAT the truth! I'm so fired up to move my business from hobby (no more "just" -- and don't you dare say that you're JUST anything within earshot of Shelli unless you want an earful, LOL!) to business this year, and I'm making sure my upline knows my goals so she can stay on my case and keep me on track! ;)

inkerzaway 08-05-2008 09:09 AM

convention is sooo much fun!!!! This was my 7th convention and I just completed 6 years as a demo. Yes, I signed up on the last possible day you could sign up and still be eligible to attend convention so I had been a demo for about 3 weeks when I hit my first convention experience....had so much fun that I vowed never to miss one and so far, so good on that.

The sheer numbers of people is overwhelming sometimes but it's usually only noticed when the Main Stage session lets out for lunch and people are pouring out the doors to go pick up their box lunch. I was pretty much overwhelmed with the line at Memento Mall, too. We got there "early" but apparently not as early as some! One of my DL is a real earlybird and she was in line a little after 6 a.m. so she was in the first batch of 250 to get into MM. We got there at 7:45 (it opened at 9 am) and the line wrapped around between staunchions about half a dozen times by then. When the doors opened, it took only about 30 minutes or so more before we got in and yes, they did still have everything I wanted at that point but when we left the mall I was blown away by how many people were still standing in line. It wrapped all the way around the staunchions and dividers in the south foyer and then down the hall all the way to the main doors then back the entire length of that line and around the escalotors then back down the hall. Mercy me!!!! When I went back over to the convention center around noon for a SCS swap (single layer...great ideaS!!!!) there were still people waiting in line but it was a little more manageable at that point. Absolutely overwhelming!!!

I didn't realize how much of a mob scene it was to get into Main Stage until the last day when they had breakout classes first and then Closing Session at Main Stage after lunch. WOW! There were a LOT of people waiting to get in an hour before they opened. I am so not an earlybird so we would slide in about 10 or 15 minutes before it started (thankfully there were some early birds in our group who would get there early and stake out our seats) and I never realized just how many people there were until I saw some of the photos of the entire bottom floor of the convention center being absolutely packed. Thank goodness they didn't have any fire drills (or worse!) because someone would have definitely been trampled!

I saw a picture that Kristina Werner posted on her blog and it was amazing! She was standing at the top of the escalator to take the picture and it was definitely wall to wall stampers coming out to go to lunch.

The energy and excitement in a group that size was overpowering...while the smaller crowds at Second Session conventions over the past few years was nice, the energy and excitement of all of us together again was just the best!


debils 08-05-2008 03:40 PM

Well worth going. I saved for 3 years to go. Used credit card points to pay for most of my airfare, shared a room with other SCSers and it still cost me around $1K. The best part was meeting all the wonderful people, especially my challenge chaser friends. And that line for Main Stage starts at 5AM, don't ask how I know but it might have something to do with why I am still tired:rolleyes:

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