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Scrap4fun 04-22-2005 03:57 PM

Watercolor technique and Black ink
Ok ladies...I need help. EVERYTIME I try to stamp an image and then use my pencils and blender pens for a water color effect the black ink runs. What am I doing wrong? Should I use Staz-On or a craft pad? I have heat dried it, left it for about a week to dry once and it still happened. Do you think it is maybe the CS? I do "rough" drafts with Non-SU and if I like it finish with SU CS. (Yes I too am a hoarder!!)

Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank You!!

azure722 04-22-2005 04:44 PM

I use classic black and never have a problem. The classic black is waterproof. I have also used stazon on tiles with no problem.

LunaMom 04-22-2005 05:41 PM

If your black ink is not drying, pour on some clear ( or black) embossing powder and zap it with the heat gun. this also makes it easy to "color within the lines" Hope this helps.

lesliemommy 04-22-2005 10:13 PM

I agreee to embosss it or just use stazon. I use it every time I watercolor or do the twinkling h2os.

stampwithjane 04-23-2005 02:56 AM

WC technique
When you use the SU cardstock, does this still happen?

If so, you may even have a defective pad. It might be worth the $4.95 investment (I am sure you are past the returning deadline) to get a new one and see what happens.

I would hate to think you have to emboss everytime you want to watercolor.

Rox71 04-23-2005 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by azure722
I use classic black and never have a problem. The classic black is waterproof. I have also used stazon on tiles with no problem.

This is the entire reason I got started with Stampin Ink. I went to a party and she had us use the black then the aqua painter with red and it didn't run at all. Never used anything since then and I'm slowly getting all the colors they make.

It's just to bad I spent all that money looking for the right black before finding this one.


SammyStamper 04-23-2005 12:43 PM

I wonder too if my SU black is defective. I also have the bleeding issue with watercolor pencils and blender or just markers. I was so excited the my demo said it wouldn't do that. Guess I'll just buy a new one and see how that works. I'm tired of using Staz-on for everything since it doesn't come off the stamps all that well. I also only use SU cardstock and it doesn't matter how long I let the ink dry for. I even tried heat setting it with my gun to stop the bleeding and it didn't work completely.

Good luck.

Scrap4fun 04-23-2005 01:05 PM

I talked to my SU demo who has been stamping since the 80's and she said the classic pad should not bleed, not to waste my money on a craft pad just for the purpose of having ink that doesn't bleed. So I'm going to suck up the 4.95 and buy another pad. It is worth the investment....I love to use my blender pans with the pencils.

Don't take me wrong I am not in ANY WAY dogging SU. I love SU and this does not make me think any less of them if it is a defective pad. The world is not perfect....

EllenH 04-24-2005 07:20 AM

Sometimes the ink will bleed on the Classic Ink if you don't give it a few minutes to dry - try stamping your image and leaving it alone for a while and then go back and do your watercolor techniques :)

Vintage Redhead 04-24-2005 09:08 AM

I would...
I would call SU! at 1-800-stampup to report that it is a problem before spending the $$$ to replace it...whether you've got the receipt or not, whether it is "beyond" the date to return it or not. SU is *really* good about standing behind their claims that the Basic Black and Basic Brown are waterproof. That said: 1) They will *want* to know if there is a problem - and I'm sure there is some sort of "lot" number on the bottom of the pad to indicate the manufacuturer/date/batch; 2) they *may* replace it for you. I'm *NOT* saying they will, but they might...it's at least worth a try, it won't hurt, and you're no further behind for trying. ~ K

Sunf1ower 04-24-2005 05:05 PM

I had the bleeding happen once and it was my blender pen. I had my demo come and we did everything the same except she used her SU! blender pen and I used the one I got at Michael's. The Michael's blender pen made the basic black bleed!

Scrap4fun 04-24-2005 05:14 PM

Ladies I solved my problem. I was at an Expo today and bought some India Ink. I came home and stamped then almost immediatly ran my blender pens over it and guess what?? IT DID NOT BLEED!!! So for now I will use that pad when I use watercolor pencils and blender pens.

queenbeewv 04-24-2005 06:51 PM

water and black ink
I had the same problem with black ink smearing,now I use archival ink and it works great!

shada 04-25-2005 09:24 AM

also what you can do is after you have stamped the image with black ink (or any other color ) is to spray it lightly with clear acrylic spray.I bought mine at walmart. let it dry. which it shouldn't take long because you give it just a light spray. Then color it in with watercolors. Works great ! I do this when I use my computer printer also because the black printer ink smears to touch it. So i print out what I want give it a quick spray . Then I know it won't smear. Works every time.

Lynn Larson 04-25-2005 09:51 AM

Watercoloring with Black Ink
I just heard recently that the Basic Black works well on US White and US Vanilla, but that you should use StazOn on Confetti and Naturals CS. I hope that this helps.

I never saw a problem until I started using AquaPainters. Since changing over to StazOn for the heavier CS, I don't have any more problems.

Hope this helps.


sunny36 04-25-2005 10:10 AM

Fiskars Embossing System
Hi All!
Has anyone used the Fiskars emobossing system, the one where you don't need a light table? Is it something new? Looks cool!

StampinChrissylea 04-27-2005 09:00 PM

Keep in mind humidity sometimes plays a factor in drying times..I often stamp poolside in the summer while DD swims and I seem to have to wait a hair longer for the inks to absorb. It should still not run though a day later!

Sometimes it just takes finding an ink we're comfortable with for certain techniques. What works for some doesn't always work for others as each of our stamping environments differ somewhat.

Personally, I need a true dark navy blue waterproof ink and I have yet to find just the right blue. Any ideas?

stampin8mom 04-28-2005 04:21 AM


You could get a can of Krylon Matte Spray (found by spray paints or acrylic paints in the craft stores and WalMart. Not very expensive and lasts a very long time).

Stamp your image in Night of Navy. Spray a very light coat of the Matte Spray. It will dry in seconds. Then color away - using blender pen, aquapainter, paint brush, whatever.

The spray seals the ink so it won't bleed and makes watercoloring so easy. You will love how easily your colors blend.

--This spray will also keep black inks from bleeding. I never watercolor without it!


StampinChrissylea 04-28-2005 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by stampin8mom

You could get a can of Krylon Matte Spray (found by spray paints or acrylic paints in the craft stores and WalMart. Not very expensive and lasts a very long time).

Stamp your image in Night of Navy. Spray a very light coat of the Matte Spray. It will dry in seconds. Then color away - using blender pen, aquapainter, paint brush, whatever.

The spray seals the ink so it won't bleed and makes watercoloring so easy. You will love how easily your colors blend.

--This spray will also keep black inks from bleeding. I never watercolor without it!


WHOOOO--HOOOOOO!!! Thanks for the tip...I never thought of that..I just happen to have a can of that in my cabinet...I'll have to try it...thanks a bunch!

stamperjen30 06-05-2005 08:38 PM

I am new to the site and saw your question about the fiskars embossing I have it and is is very cool. I also have the fiskars emboss that has the light in it. I know you probably have reply's by now but wanted to voice my thoughts.
Happy stamping

KylieMD 06-13-2005 02:02 AM

Bleeding, too
I, too, have noticed some bleeding with my Basic Black pad. I don't think the issue was drying time, nor do I think my particular pad is any different from the others (ie., I don't think it's defective). Rather, it seems that when I use the blender pens too much in one area, the ink tends to bleed just slightly.

I know this topic is older, but I'm gonna do some experimenting and see if I can figure out anything new.


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