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-   -   versamark with stampin around? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/versamark-stampin-around-37584/)

padawala 03-22-2005 01:16 PM

versamark with stampin around?
Has anyone ever tried to use an empty cartridge and the versamark refill with their stampin around wheels? I was just wondering if this would work. It seems I never have the color cartridge I need for my wheels when I want to use them.


karriecook 03-22-2005 01:26 PM

I do! This is just about the only way I use my stamping wheel because I don't have many ink cartridges. I bought the uninked cartridge and a versamark reinker. It works like a charm.

Tah Dah! 03-22-2005 01:29 PM

Yes, this absolutely works, but plan to re-ink often to make sure you get good results! Mine seems to dry out quickly; I'm thinking that's because the cartridges don't seal all that well.

Jovi 03-22-2005 01:32 PM

I just roll my wheel over the VersaMark pad, and it works great!

jbradley11 03-22-2005 02:08 PM

To help keep your cartridges from drying so fast, store them in ziplock baggies.

dot2dot 03-22-2005 02:12 PM

I don't buy cartridges or handles but I LOVE the wheels. I run them over the pad and have any color I want. They are also fabulous run over the Kaleidascope pads. Run vertically and you will get 2-3 colors! I use a narrow dowel to control my wheels and have excellent results.

padawala 03-22-2005 02:23 PM

Thanks! You gals are great!!!

Kris McGinn 03-22-2005 03:34 PM

I just got an empty cartridge and reinker in my recent order - works great. Thanks for the tip about zip-lock bags. I never thought of that. Great tip!

Pendant23 03-22-2005 03:40 PM

I bought an empty cartridge to use with may Jumbo roller. I have also used the regular rollers with an ink pad. The only "problem" there is that you can only get a good impression for one revolution of the wheel-- which is fine for a card. I knew I wanted the Versamark cartridge because I was doing 12x12 pages.

stampinsweeney 03-22-2005 03:41 PM

Great idea about the zip-lock baggies. I also love using Versamark for my jumbo wheels. (I do wish SU had a white jumbo wheel cartidge...maybe I missed it.)

AngFab 03-22-2005 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by stampinsweeney
Great idea about the zip-lock baggies. I also love using Versamark for my jumbo wheels. (I do wish SU had a white jumbo wheel cartidge...maybe I missed it.)

I bought a blank jumbo and fill it with my white reinker. HTH!

nightscrapper 03-22-2005 04:35 PM

I have and I love it. Now to get a jumbo cartridge.


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