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Erin in Okc 05-08-2008 10:47 AM

Unmounters-Where are you?
I just started last week. I started with about 75 (estimate) sets to unmount, and I've done 6 or 7 so far. What about you? Where are you in the process? Now that I've started, I can see where the excitement comes from when I see a thread that says, "I'm unmounted!" because they're DONE!

Tamschro 05-08-2008 11:49 AM

I'm in the process still. Started last summer, but haven't really spent much time at it. Generally when i get a new set I'll do it right away.. but still have piles to get through still. I started doing it haphazardly, but now I've got a binder that I'm stamping the images in by category, and writing the company and stamp set below, for reference. Sadly I have some that I did initially that I have no idea what company they were, so I'll have to do some research for those ones.

Good luck!

Marshaspeck50 05-08-2008 12:11 PM

I am on my LAST drawer full!! Yes I am shouting. I started in February. I had surgery in March to replace my shoulder but once I started I didn't want to stop until I got done. I am going to count when I get done. My next project is to make a spreadsheet of each CD case - stamp set title, sentiment if any and brief description. I know what you are thinking - why didn't she do that when she started. I don't know blame it on fibro fog or a brain fart. I am way behind on card making but it will be good to have all of this done.

eeyorefanatic 05-08-2008 12:14 PM

I am 97% done getting all of mine unmounted and organized. It takes me FAR longer to put them in their right category than it does to unmount them.

So far I have 9 3 Ring binders full of stamps. lol

If I could just stop buying Id get caught up!

Frenchy 05-08-2008 12:43 PM

I just started last week, too. I have 3 shelves of 2 columns and I've finished 1 column. Who wants to spend time unmounting??? I just want to stamp!

Happy Heart 05-08-2008 12:47 PM

I don't think I'll ever unmount my wood-mounted stamps, but most of the new stamps I buy are unmounted rubber. Love the prices and the small space they take up!

PMR 05-08-2008 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Heart (Post 9767227)
I don't think I'll ever unmount my wood-mounted stamps, but most of the new stamps I buy are unmounted rubber. Love the prices and the small space they take up!

I agree, I may just go unmounted from this point on.

UrgentCookie 05-08-2008 02:40 PM

I am in the process of unmounting mine also. I started about 2 months ago with my non SU sets. I need to pick up some more ez mount. I will start with my (250+) SU sets when I am done with the non su ones.

valeriewhit 05-08-2008 10:29 PM

Can you please tell me how you unmounted already mounted rubber stamps?

I have loads of mounted stamps and not much room, unmounting them would save a lot of space.

thanks very much

nox1 05-09-2008 12:24 AM

I've started keeping all of my new SU sets as unmounted. I love it. Some day I will start to unmount my older sets, but I'm in no rush...it is a LOT of work. LOL.

cdjkssss 05-09-2008 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by valeriewhit (Post 9772955)
Can you please tell me how you unmounted already mounted rubber stamps?

Here's a little write-up on my blog of how I do it. The photos are kind of small, but if you click on them, you can see them larger:

Unmounting with index on back of foam

I'm completely finished unmounting my collection. I started last fall sometime, and it took a few months to get all of them done. Some days I really worked hard, doing as many as ten sets. Other days I did just a few or none. I love the end result. The only downside? The huge space savings have resulted in me buying way more stamps!

pjw2855 05-09-2008 03:57 AM

I just peal off the rubber from the foam. Some come off clean and easy, others I need to use elbow grease and patience to get the foam and sticky off the rubber. I use the bare rubber on the clear mount block.


valeriewhit 05-19-2008 03:56 AM

Thanks very much that's useful. I've unmounted about 50% of my stamps, still have a drawer full and the Christmas ones to unmount. I've taken them off the foam (some came off easily) and sprayed with "stick and spray" and stored in CD holders. Must say I have loads more space already, trouble is I'm liable to buy more stamps!

wendalyn 05-19-2008 04:07 AM

LOL does it ever end - I UM majority of my SU sets which were a couple hundred so far. I believe i might have 50+ left maybe a few more. Now I am UM all my single stamps as i can afford it. I buy 10 sheets of ez mount every payday but those i am putting not in CD cases like my SU sets but on acrylic pages and in binders. So far last night i counted and had 18 binders almost all full. I have been doing them like Holidays and then what doesn't fit in that goes by maker Bella - Rubbernecker etc. But I also have one for Verses. Wow i love this system alot i have 2 binders full of Penny Black. I can't wait till i am done. NOw i do my stamps as i buy them.

Ive been doing mine for about a year now LOL... also the binders are nice i have page holders and print of pictures of the stamps for indexing or just stamp the one's i can't find so i can see whats in each binder

Speedystamper 05-19-2008 04:13 AM

All of my retired SU stamps are unmounted and I LOVE it! It took me a long time . . . I only did it at my local coffee shop while waiting for the kids to get done with dance or piano. Now when I go to the coffee shop, I read a magazine or something and it feels so weird . . . !! I kind of miss unmounting! But, soon we'll have a retirement list and then I'll be busy again! lol!

tay0479 05-19-2008 04:25 AM

I try to do about 10 sets a week. I figure that if I open a pack of cd case that I want to go ahead and use them. I get an assembly line going. I index (on paper), index on the ez mount, unmount stamps, trim the rubber closer, mount to ez mount and then I trim. It goes pretty quickly. Now I just need to get more cases. I have done all my wheels, backgrounds and about 60 sets. I have about 75 sets left. So far unmounting has freed up one shelf and when I finish it should be two.

fionna51 05-19-2008 05:38 AM

Valerie...something else you could do is do a search on this forum for "unmount"...it will give you threads that discuss *all* the issues and how-tos of unmounting. I read all I could find before starting. There was a lot of repetition, but I had a great understanding of what to do!


Originally Posted by valeriewhit (Post 9772955)
Can you please tell me how you unmounted already mounted rubber stamps?

fionna51 05-19-2008 05:43 AM

Except for the few free sets I got in my last order, I have finished all my SU sets!!!! That is almost 200 sets. Now I have a bunch of singles from various sources to do. I am in the process of taking them off the blocks & foam to put on EZmount. Am looking forward to using some that I have ignored for a long time. Then I will try to get brave enough to do the wheels. I know I will use them more if they are off the wheel.

robynstamps 05-19-2008 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by valeriewhit (Post 9772955)
Can you please tell me how you unmounted already mounted rubber stamps?

I have loads of mounted stamps and not much room, unmounting them would save a lot of space.

thanks very much

Here's a tutorial I made about a month ago. Hope it helps.

Unmounting Tutorial for Stampin' Up! stamps

Frenchy 05-19-2008 06:59 AM

I'm done - it took me 2 weeks, but I worked on it every night. I can't stand having unfinished projects.

mnhyrkas 05-19-2008 08:09 AM

I did stamp a binder, but I've been doing the unmounting as I go to use the set. If a year or more goes by since I have used the stamp I'm gonna get rid of it.

hotpinkpixie 05-19-2008 08:58 AM

I have been unmounting all my newest sets but as far as the individual and the older SU....I haven't gotten that far so I'd say I'm about 1/2 way thru.

I just posted a new thread on how everyone indexes their unmounted stamps since I will be working on them today :)

kphorse 05-19-2008 09:32 AM

Keep at it girls! It is so worth the effort in the end.

Mine have been unmounted for 2 years (I keep all the new ones unmounted as I buy them).

I can store hundreds of sets in the space that used to hold 3 dozen clam shell boxes!

It's so great to be wood free!

jkminor 05-19-2008 09:47 AM

I have been cutting story board and on one side mount a piece of glossy cardstock and on the other side stamp the images... I then put the stamps on the glossy card stock side and put them in a photo storage box that I get from Michaels. The smaller clear sets I have I have cut the story board to the size of a CD case and put them in a small CD crate. I think its going to work so well.


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