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-   -   Ummm... did I miss something here? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/ummm-did-i-miss-something-here-15126/)

PH in VA 11-03-2004 08:11 PM

Ummm... did I miss something here?
Or have the Gallery rules changed without my knowledge?

I just came across the following card in the gallery. I'm hoping the link will work, if not, please copy & paste if you want to see:


I was really startled by the first comment left for this card. Does it really matter what kind of cardstock was used to create it?

I was under the impression that although this site is heavily dominated by Stampin' Up enthusiasts, people were free to post cards made with other materials if they so chose. Those "other materials" could be non-SU stamps, non-SU cardstock, non-SU embellishments, whatever.

Frankly, I think it's a very nice card. I hope that the negativity implied by the words used in that first comment does not deter travelinscrapper from posting in the gallery again. I noticed it was her first post ever to the SCS gallery. What a way to be welcomed into the community here, with criticism about her cardstock. :(

Stephlynn 11-03-2004 08:18 PM

Looks like the person writing the comment was only kidding. She seemed to really like the card and wasn't putting it down. :)

Inkalicious 11-03-2004 08:28 PM

Hi PH! I didnt read any negativity into what mommakate wrote in her message to the gal who made the card! First she said it was a lovely card! Then she was guessing as to what cardstock colors she might have used if they were SU!'s. Then she made a mild joke about 'contraband", which has been joked about quite a few times on this site. I personally wouldnt have taken offense to what she wrote!! Ü here are tons of samples that are not SU! product, cardsbycarla for one. She makes AMAZING collage type cards, and I have never read anything suggesting she should use SU! product, except for ME asking her to make some of her wonderful art with some of SU! product!!!!! which she did!! I am not flaming you or mad, I just didnt see the negativity in the comments!
Thanks for reading!
Tandra :)

love6kids 11-03-2004 08:29 PM

I have never seen MommaKate say anything unkind. I took it only as a compliment! The card is beautiful as Kate noted!
:) Alicia

Jami 11-03-2004 08:42 PM

I really think Kate was just trying to help identify the cardstock and TEASING about it. If you have a concern you could always PM her and ask her directly. I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it.

Catie 11-03-2004 09:25 PM

I can't imagine that Kate was being mean...she is a really wonderfully nice person...I think Jami is right...she was just "identifying and teasing"


Happy Heart 11-04-2004 01:51 AM

It's quite hard to know a person's intent when reading a post, and hard feelings are often a result of mis-understandings. There's a great deal of teasing on this site, and the vast majority of it is not done with any malice, but rather in a playful way. When in doubt, I think the suggestion to PM someone to find out their meaning is good advice. :wink:

StarLitStudio 11-04-2004 03:38 AM

The post was teasing and mamakimberly is a sweetheart.

Unless your card was a RAK (random act of kindness) please list materials used to the best of your knowledge. Curiosity with us girls is inborn. We like to know this stuff!

I think we should follow mamakimberly and tease those that don't list materials!! Ha!!

StarLitStudio 11-04-2004 03:42 AM

Actually, in re-reading mamakimberly's post, she WAS HELPING in identifying the cardstock!!!

heresrita 11-04-2004 03:56 AM

I took a look at the card. I like it's simpicity. I, too, think Kate was teasing about not identifying cardstock. However, look how good she was in pointing out the SU! colours she thought they might be. Sure helps those of us who may have a difficult time trying to figure them out!

camsmom 11-04-2004 04:14 AM

Kate lives around the corner from me. She uses the term "contraband" to describe non-SU products in a joking manner-she is not a demo so she *really* just wanted to know for curiousity (if you search her gallery you may find her even use that term, I know she uses it in forum posts sometimes).
Thank you though, for being careful about being kind to others and considerate of teh feelings ofthose who post. I know you were not trying to "call anyone out", you just didn't want their feelings hurt. Thanks for being sweet! :D

mommakate 11-04-2004 04:24 AM

OH My goodness - I am so sorry if I impied anything negative.

I think that card is great!

I am SO SORRY - it was so not my intention to imply that this site or your card should be SU....

I actually was looking to CASE this card and was just trying to figure out what would be a close color!!!

I Also use non SU cardstock on MANY of my projects!

Please forgive any insult that may have been taken or preceived.

I wish I could go back and edit this. I was NOT trying to make you or anyone else feel badly at all!

I intentionally go to the gallery daily an look for cards that have no comments and try and get them seem!

Everyone here is SO creative and often with the numerous uploads things get buried - Keep them coming - I loved that card!

Again - I am SO sorry you felt like I was slighting you or anyone else! - that couldn't be further from the truth!



Jovi 11-04-2004 05:15 AM

Kate we still love you!

Stampin SandyH 11-04-2004 05:22 AM

Kate, why would you need to apologize. I don't believe that anyone took offense to what you said except for one person. And I think now she realizes that you were joking. That card really is very nice and you expressed that in the beginning. The way I see, no apology is necessary. You didn't do anything wrong.

tmarie 11-04-2004 06:03 AM

Oh Kate, you should not have to appologize for making that comment. I think that most prople know that you meant NOTHING by it! Just that you were trying to identify what colors of cardstock were used!

Don't let it ruin your day! :D

wozi14 11-04-2004 06:37 AM

There is a true fact that things written on the computer read differently then when you transfer it to paper and read.

I am sure mammakate had no malice or hurtful intent in her post. In fact before saying anything about the colors etc. she complimented the card first. No one here wants to see anyones work mocked or anyones feelings hurt. We are all at different places with our stamping with different levels of talent. We respect that and that is the greatness of this site...we get to sow and reap... give and take...share, case and be cased...help be helped...compliment and be complimented !! ( I can't share work yet :( ...no scanner)

Your sensitivity to the situation is to be commended and if it were extended towards something I posted I would appreciate your concern for my feelings. It was very kind of you to be concerned for anothers work and feelings. Thank you for that.

(fyi- those of you in school/business writing papers...if you don't already it is very helpful to transfer projects to real print, read and revise before printing the final edition :) ... you will see and hear things you misssed while reading it from the screen).

Just my little input.
Be encouraged. We are all trying to let you know we appreciate your concern but that no harm was intended.


travelinscrapper 11-04-2004 10:15 AM

I'm the stamper who made and posted the card being discussed here. When I read Mommakate's comment on my card, my first thoughts were "Oh crap, I've screwed up because I posted something that wasn't SU." The word contraband hit me bad because it suggests something wrong or forbidden. Like when Creative Memories die-hards raise a stink about people at their crops using metal embellishments or fibers. I didn't think anybody was like that over here at SCS.

This card idea came to me out of the blue and I just made it up quickly using scraps I had on hand. I guess stating in my comments that the cardstock source was "unknown" wasn't good enough to satisfy certain people. And it really is unknown, I've had this paper for years and I bought it before I ever got interested in SU. I promised myself for my wallet's sake to use up the old stuff I already own before buying a lot of the SU cardstock. And I didn't see the need to cut up whole sheets of cardstock when I had smaller pieces of some old blue and red paper that were the perfect size. So in response to StarLitStudio, yes I did post the materials used to the best of my knowledge. I wasn't saying "unknown" to try to hide information or be catty, I honestly don't remember who makes this paper, I just know that it isn't SU. On second thought I guess I could've named the ink colors. Maybe I'll edit my post and do that.

If Mommakate had said something in her original comment like "If you don't mind, I'd like to copy this idea, do you think Baroque Burgundy or Night of Navy would be close to the colors you used", her point would have come across a lot better. But the way she said I used contraband really made me feel like I did something wrong, even if she did praise my card first. Being new here, how was I supposed to know she was teasing? Do you think it's polite to tease someone the first time they post a project here? How would you feel if you posted something for the first time and someone made a comment like hers and you didn't know how to take it? Oh yeah and after reading that I'd used "forbidden" paper, the way the word "smiles" in her signature was typed out came across as snide. An actual yellow smiley face would have made me wonder if she was really joking around like a lot of you other posters said she was.

Thanks to the people who stuck up for me. I guess to avoid any more controversy I just won't post my creations here any more.

Thank you for reading if you made it this far...I will still browse this site for ideas and information only from now on.


kimorr 11-04-2004 10:28 AM

This is too much!

Get over it you guys!

duffgirl 11-04-2004 10:39 AM

Well...she said she was sorry, doesn't that count for something?

It is a beautiful card, she said so and then made a little joke that certainly wasn't intended to offend you or make you feel bad, and she clarified that.

I can understand why you felt bad when you initially saw the comment, but then to still be upset after she falls all over herself apologizing and it is clear that she wasn't trying to hurt you is just plain unreasonable.

It is so hard to read intent in an email, so I never try.

Hopefully you will reconsider and keep posting your cards, I think it was cute and would love to see more that you do.

JulieHRR 11-04-2004 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by travelinscrapper
I guess to avoid any more controversy I just won't post my creations here any more . . . I will still browse this site for ideas and information only from now on.


It is all too easy to take offense by interpreting what an author has written in a post. We do not have the benefit of facial expression or tone of voice.

No member here would say intentionally say anything unkind or malicious to a fellow artist.

That said, I'm surprised, now that this has been cleared up and understood that no offense was intended in any way, that you would now decide to cease posting your creations.

It is obvious from the replies in the thread that your work is welcomed and encouraged, whether SU! products are used or not. That has always been the case.

Yes, the site is dominated by SU! demonstrators and fans of SU! products, HOWEVER, ALL stampers and all products have been welcomed since the site was launched.

Folks have a way of reading "too much" or "what really isn't there" in online postings/BB discussions . . . sure leads to a lot of misinterpretation and hurt feelings where none were ever intended. . .

While I seriously doubt anything any of us could now say to you would make you reconsider, I hope you will.

LunarLana 11-04-2004 11:12 AM

Hi Julie! (waving)-Thanks for the PM!

Hey, guys! Don't worry. Keep posting. Keep sharing. I agree with everything Julie said. Sometimes things are misinterpreted, but it's all cleared up now. We can understand how you both would feel, but now it's straightened up.

Some of you new people might be surprised to know that JulieHRR and I actually got into a small tiff similar to this one before we became friends! Well it was actually a little bit bigger than this one! LOL! Do you remember those days Julie? But my point is, everyone is trying to explain what was said and how they felt. To me it all seems resolved. So keep sharing and don't be afraid to speak up. It's funny for me and Julie to look back now, because we were really going after each other! Now we are friends. We straightened everything out and now we just enjoy each other's creativity! Oh and we both share the same favorite color combo! We've learned to share!

On a personal note, I'm so excited! I have a new scanner and can SHARE once again! WOOOHOOOOOO!

LunarLana 11-04-2004 11:15 AM

Do I sound like a dork up there? Hey, I'm just excited about life okay? (or maybe I had too much chai)!

JKinAK 11-04-2004 11:17 AM

Hey, what gives? I just clicked on the link provided at the beginning and it says image is pending. Did travelinscrapper delete it?

And for you, travelinscrapper, keep in mind SCS is a huge, and growing, community. You can't please everyone. If you receive a comment you think is inappropriate, try to contact the person in an adult and civil manner asking about the post. Chances are you just misunderstood. As other members have pointed out, it is hard to read posts in their true intent. Giving up on future uploads because of one misunderstanding seems a bit extreme. These things can be resolved. I love seeing creations by other members and draw great inspiration from them, as I am sure other people do, too. Don't deny us your talent! Please put this all behind you and keep sharing your work.


Catie 11-04-2004 11:18 AM

This is why I am a big advocate of seperating Demos and non-demos. Only for the reason that demonstrators use the word "contraband" to describe any and all non-SU! products. I haven't met a demo yet who means it maliciously- just that non-SU! products have been used. I use it myself. It is difficult for us demos (and non-demos too I guess) to remember that sometimes our "inside jokes" are offensive to other people and that what is a joke to us, isn't a joke to all.
However, she did apologize for any inadvertent insult, so why her apology is being overlooked is a puzzle to me. It WAS a beautiful card. That's what I would take away from this if I had been the poster of the card.

But that's just what I think.

EDIT: Actually what I mean is it IS a beautiful card...sorry :oops:

LunarLana 11-04-2004 11:27 AM

Yeah, but do I sound like a dork up there? LOL

You really want to separate demos and non demos? I don't like that idea and I don't think all of my customers would either because they wouldn't be able to see my stuff. Yikes. That scares me! LOL!

pjbstamper 11-04-2004 11:31 AM

I have posted this before and I will repeat it now...

I suggest that if you have a problem or concern with something another member posted, please contact them via PM to discuss the issue. If that does not resolve the problem, you can then contact a moderator to help.

As this thread illustrates, posting this kind of topic in the forums is just asking for problems. More often than not, we end up with pages of posts which, to me, sound a lot like a "Did not!" "Did too!" argument which usually end with hurt feelings and at least one person going to their room and slamming the door.

Please, let's all (including and sometimes especially me) give some more thought to how our posts might sound to somene else. Thanks!

Edit: It looks like JulieHHR, Lana and others already covered this - though we do have different ways of expressing it!

debic21740 11-04-2004 11:31 AM

Oh Geesh... :roll: I read nothing negative about Mommakates comment... clearly it was teasing... I mean geesh - whether we're Stampin Up! demo's or not.... we ALL have a stash of "contraband" cardstock in our craft rooms! LOL

Happy Stampin' Ladies!
Debi :D

LunarLana 11-04-2004 11:34 AM

Pam, you're saying I sounded like a dork aren't you?

JulieHRR 11-04-2004 11:37 AM

Re: Peacepipe

Originally Posted by LunarLana
Keep posting. Keep sharing. . . Sometimes things are misinterpreted, but it's all cleared up now . . . Some of you new people might be surprised to know that JulieHRR and I actually got into a small tiff similar to this one before we became friends! Well it was actually a little bit bigger than this one! LOL! Do you remember those days Julie? . . . It's funny for me and Julie to look back now, because we were really going after each other! Now we are friends. We straightened everything out and now we just enjoy each other's creativity! . . .

Lordy, do I, but hope everyone else has forgotten, as it is looooooooong past and through it we became friends--which is the way it should be around here: everybody is friendly, sharing, caring.

Taught me a very good lesson in NOT reading more than is really there and to not jump to conclusions due to lack of facial expression and tone of voice.

And, when I use that smiley icon :D it really is because I'm smiling a genuine smile and I think that that is the case for all of us posters here . . . truly.

And, Lana, my hand is waving madly back at ya'! LOL! Congrats on the new scanner--ooooooh what fun! Such a bummer when the equipment goes on the fritz and such a relief to get a new one--so hard to live without those technology thingies, isn't it????? At least, it hits me when I lose one! ugh!

Glad you will be able to share once more with us!!!! Hmmmmmmmmmmm (rubbing my hands and salivating in anticipation!) :wink:

Jovi 11-04-2004 11:41 AM

Re: dork?

Originally Posted by LunarLana
Do I sound like a dork up there? Hey, I'm just excited about life okay? (or maybe I had too much chai)!

DORK! :lol:

Lana Baby sounds like you hitting to much of the chai again!

LunarLana 11-04-2004 11:43 AM

Well, Jovi, you have a big head again. What happened! I'm still laughing about my PM where you said: "big head here!" LOVE THAT!

sacramentostamper 11-04-2004 11:47 AM

Between being on Verdict Watch for the Scott Peterson case and watching this post from the onset, my hair has become very tired.

I think this is one of those posts that Daven needs to delete. When you post as often as some of us do, you would know that MK’s comment was not meant to hurt anyone’s feelings.

It’s done, it’s over with, let’s back to having fun… SHOOT! :?

love6kids 11-04-2004 11:51 AM

Tonya...not to hijack this thread, but is Verdict Watch a website? I would like to find information about that trial.
Thanks so much...

MICHELLE WOODERSON 11-04-2004 11:58 AM

Lana, to confirm.........yes you are a dork! :wink: :lol: :D :) See those smileys....we love ya, babe!!

sacramentostamper 11-04-2004 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by love6kids
Tonya...not to hijack this thread, but is Verdict Watch a website? I would like to find information about that trial.
Thanks so much...

Not a problem, here you go.


I think it's going to be a hung jury and I have a feeling it's going to be tomorrow.

sacramentostamper 11-04-2004 12:08 PM


I don't know how that happened (above). There's no option to delete a post.

Sorry guys... :?

LunarLana 11-04-2004 12:09 PM

no biggie
Michelle, I knew it! I knew it! I'm a dork!

(you silly girl!)

By the way, those of you that are bothered by this thread: Really, it's no biggie! Everything's good.

love6kids 11-04-2004 12:13 PM

Tonya....that's really funny! I hate it when I do that!!
Thanks for the link to the website. I will be watching....

Jovi 11-04-2004 12:15 PM

Re: Jovi!

Originally Posted by LunarLana
Well, Jovi, you have a big head again. What happened! I'm still laughing about my PM where you said: "big head here!" LOVE THAT!

I don't have a big "head" anymore! I'll bring Rob head back again, maybe next week!

Lana are you taking over another thread?

pjbstamper 11-04-2004 12:18 PM

Re: dork

Originally Posted by LunarLana
Pam, you're saying I sounded like a dork aren't you?

Lana, you of all people should know that when I want to say something about someone, I come right out and say it! You're not a dork, you're okay. Sidenote: I have to say that I wish I had been around when you and JulieHRR were duking things out! As passionate as both of you are, it must have been quite a show! :wink:

Speaking of misunderstandings, someone posted (to me) "are you kidding or are you for real? Sometimes I can't tell with you" so to help those of you that just don't get me sometimes (and there are plenty!), anytime I put a word or phrase in quote marks, I'm probably using a connotation (implied meaning) of the word and not it's denotation (dictionary meaning). A wink is also a hint that I'm being a smart-aleck. Furthermore, in an attempt to make my sarcastic remarks obvious, I plan on italicizing them. Since this is new, it's pretty much a guarantee that I will forget on occassion (probably many), so if you're not sure, please PM me! Remember, the same TOS rules about posts apply to PMs. Though I think someone must have forgotten because the other day I got a PM of questionable intent! Someone actually had the nerve to say that I "seem like a sweeter, softer Pam lately" Well, let me tell you, I made sure that the writer knows what's what and she'll think twice before she says something like that again!

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