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StampinOma 09-05-2007 06:02 PM

Timeless stamp sets
O.K. so I'm looking through my stamp index and noticing how some of my sets are dated and some, although they are the same age, are what I would call timeless. It seems like you could use them years from now and they would still be in style. An example of one that I would consider a "Timeless Set" is one that retired a few years ago called "Long Stemmed". It reminds me of some the current sets like Stem Silhouettes.

What are some current sets that you think will be Timeless? And, which do you think are a fad and will be outdated in a couple of years?

lynds37 09-05-2007 06:26 PM

One of the sets I think is timeless is Artfully Asian. This is actually my favorite SU stamp set. Others are Stars and Swirls and Little Shapes (basic shapes will always be timeless).

I think some of the holiday sets could be outdated pretty quickly. I bought Sleigh Full of Toys a couple years ago and I don't think it would work for holiday cards this year. A couple other I have are All Occasions and Fun Filled that could be outdated soon.

mommyof2 09-05-2007 06:40 PM

Lovely as a Tree is totally timeless. I see the Doodles sets being dated in the next several years.

mastamper 09-05-2007 06:57 PM

Lovely as a Tree and Petal Prints are my favorite "go to's" with Easy Elegance and The Art of Life close behind.

debd 09-05-2007 07:20 PM

Heartlfelt Thanks
My vote is for Heartfelt Thanks. I can't begin to count the number of time I have returned to this set for one reason or another.

TeeGeeDee 09-05-2007 08:39 PM

I think realistic images (esp. of botanicals) are timeless, so I think Touch of Nature fits this category.

I also think some background stamps (such as Linen) are timeless too.

Great topic!


blondie090277 09-05-2007 09:13 PM

Hmmmm, Lovely as a Tree, Coast to Coast (retired) Linen, Sanded, Weathered, Winds of Grace...definatly the realistic images. I love the doodles, but I do see them dating themselves.

1sttimemommey 09-05-2007 09:17 PM

I just started stamping, so I don't have any timeless set, but I will check out all those that you mentioned. Thanks!

sf9erfan 09-05-2007 09:23 PM

Another vote for Heartfelt Thanks!


Originally Posted by debd (Post 7100440)
My vote is for Heartfelt Thanks. I can't begin to count the number of time I have returned to this set for one reason or another.

Cryth 09-06-2007 12:06 AM

I definitely agree with Artfully Asian being "timeless". I was very drawn to it last year and picked it as the feature set for my Stampin' Birthday Bash. My friend that's an SU demo ordered it as gift, mounted it, and put together a card project for us to make at the party. I've been making tons of cards with it for almost a year now (and hopefully many more!) When I discovered the retired Too Terrific Tags set that contains a matching "thank you" tag to Artfully Asian on ebay I just had to have it. Pestered the DH until he relented and let me grab it as an accessory set. :p

Which leads to those various tag sets (Tag Punch Box, Too Terrific Tags, Tags So Much, Taggers Dozen, etc). I use them regularly and don't see them becoming outdated anytime soon.

I agree any of the Botannicals or Nature/Flower sets seem to hold up well. I also really like Lovely as a Tree but I don't own it yet. I'm gonna have such a huge list when my birthday rolls around again! ;)

I'd have to say the "watercolor" (Wee Watercolors, Watercolor Minis, etc) and "sketches" (Sketches, Seaside Sketches, Summer by the Sea) sets are others that are "timeless" in my mind.

Jo Cypher 09-06-2007 04:03 AM

Stamps becoming outdated?
This may be a little off the topic. I have been collecting stamps and stamping for 10 years and I don't know if I would consider any of my stamps outdated. With the addition of new techniques and products I would think any stamp could look new. I don't know if people "outside" the stamping world would look at a card and think the image was outdated. I purchased LOTS of stamps 8-10 years ago and it would bother me to think that I should think twice before I used the the image because it is old.

buttons2 09-06-2007 04:07 AM

I agree with Lovely as a Tree, Heartfelt an other florals. Another I use a lot and don't see being dated any time soon is Noble Deer.


ceramics 09-06-2007 05:08 AM

I agree with all the above and absolutley think Baroque Motifs would be on my list as timeless too!

afancycat 09-06-2007 05:17 AM

Roses in Winter....retired, already, but timeless!

MnM 09-06-2007 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by Jo Cypher (Post 7101974)
This may be a little off the topic. I have been collecting stamps and stamping for 10 years and I don't know if I would consider any of my stamps outdated. With the addition of new techniques and products I would think any stamp could look new. I don't know if people "outside" the stamping world would look at a card and think the image was outdated. I purchased LOTS of stamps 8-10 years ago and it would bother me to think that I should think twice before I used the the image because it is old.

I agree

ceramics 09-06-2007 05:37 AM

Yes, love Roses in Winter. Also think Terrific Tulips is one that is retired and I use all the time! I think all flower stamps could be timeless. But that is my opinion ~ I love flower stamps!

OnTheBrink 09-06-2007 05:47 AM

Soft as a Feather is lovely and timeless to me.

nancystamps 09-06-2007 06:12 AM

Another vote for Artully Asian. My wonderful demo let me borrow it and I haven't given it back yet! Also Baroque Motifs, I think of all the new sets with scrolls and doodles, this one will stay in style the longest.

kphorse 09-06-2007 07:30 AM

Heartfelt Thanks is by far, my favorite, but then Measyre of a Life is always in style too!

Katie018075 09-06-2007 08:18 AM

Botanicals...still my favorite set! I do think some stamps really do start to look dated...I recently looked thru some older SU catalogs (mid 90's) and I was like, wow....they just looked really old to me~the styles, even the fonts! But, that's just me, I'm sure some love them still and can make some beeeeutiful cards with them!! (:

Ellibelle 09-06-2007 08:23 AM

I have to agree with Lovely as a Tree and Heartfelt Thanks. I think a lot of the circle stuff will be outdated at some point.

ceramics 09-06-2007 08:33 AM

I agree - my taste must certainly has changed because I look at my old sets like Holiday Hannah and she just doesn't do anything for me. I haven't been able to part with the sets that don't tempt me anymore but I haven't used them either. She just doesn't scream "stamp me today"!

Kittypaws 09-06-2007 08:48 AM

Another vote for Lovely as a Tree - this is one that will never be out of date.

charlalei 09-06-2007 10:07 AM

It's already retired by Gentler Times is my fave "timeless" set. I'll never get rid of it and use it frequently for my personal stuff.

LSN 09-06-2007 10:15 AM

Lovely as a Tree (current), With Gratitude (current), Petal Prints (retired), Roses in Winter (retired), Botanicals (retired) and Wonderful Wings (retired) are all sets that I would consider timeless in their appeal. I don't think that I'll ever part with any of these sets.


MaeganXeno 09-06-2007 10:34 AM

I have a few sets I bought when I first started that seem a little dated to me, now. It's only been about 2.5 years. I don't know if it's just b/c my style has changed or what. But any set that I own with a "full range" of holidays or greetings in it...seems a little dated to me. But holiday or event specific items seem to be easier to use. So...those ones that give me 10 stamps, but they are all a stamp for a different event...I'm not so into. But the one set I have for easter, with 6 or so stamps...it's a retired set I bought from a demo's open house, I LOVE. And it's a few years old now.

I bought Carte Postale when it was originally in the winter mini catalog...and I think that might end up being a timeless set for me. I splurged a little when that catalog came out b/c I knew they would be gone soon & I got the background & wheel stamp that coordinates with it. I use that set all the time. I know it's still relatively new...and it's in the new catalog, now. But any time I use it, I feel like it's still "fresh".

Tah Dah! 09-06-2007 11:32 AM

I think anything that's realistically drawn will be timeless. But I think all the doodley stamps are going to look really dated in a couple years!

sln1294 09-06-2007 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by LSN (Post 7105690)
Lovely as a Tree (current), With Gratitude (current), Petal Prints (retired), Roses in Winter (retired), Botanicals (retired) and Wonderful Wings (retired) are all sets that I would consider timeless in their appeal. I don't think that I'll ever part with any of these sets.


Petal prints for me! So versitile too.

addicted2su 09-06-2007 11:38 AM

Always love flower sets....but
Maybe because it is close to Halloween and I have little kids, but I can't imagine that SU's Booglie Eyes will ever be dated. I love putting googlie eyes on them...er...I mean my kids do.

AuburnTigerTN 09-06-2007 11:41 AM

I love Artifacts - it's my favorite for a classic card.

PinkyPapers 09-06-2007 12:18 PM

I know they're retired . . . but any of the watercolor sets . . . Watercolor Garden I & II, Watercolor Minis, etc.
I've only been stamping for about three years and some of the sets that I got when I first started don't appeal to me anymore, but I cannot imagine getting rid of my watercolor florals.

lbirus 09-06-2007 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by LSN (Post 7105690)
Lovely as a Tree (current), With Gratitude (current), Petal Prints (retired), Roses in Winter (retired), Botanicals (retired) and Wonderful Wings (retired) are all sets that I would consider timeless in their appeal. I don't think that I'll ever part with any of these sets.


I'm gonna agree and add to it.

I think Blossoms Abound will always be timeless (I have the counterpart from years ago, DD Hydrangea and it's still super cool done up!)

BC Sherrie 09-06-2007 03:35 PM

another vote for "art of life" just love the simplicity and elegance of this flower!

Anemone 09-06-2007 03:36 PM

Another vote here for Artfully Asian & Lovely as a Tree. I also think Big & Little Pieces and Snowflake Spot. Maybe Peaceful Wishes too.

StampinOma 09-06-2007 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Anemone (Post 7108595)
Another vote here for Artfully Asian & Lovely as a Tree. I also think Big & Little Pieces and Snowflake Spot. Maybe Peaceful Wishes too.

Oooh, yes, Peaceful Wishes is a beautiful set.

stampinsweeney 09-06-2007 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by BC Sherrie (Post 7108587)
another vote for "art of life" just love the simplicity and elegance of this flower!

Totally LOVE "Art of Life"! I bought it on ebay after it had retired and use it often. Along those lines, I also pull out Easy Elegance frequently.

jailbirdstamper 09-06-2007 07:08 PM

I think the 'country' look is dated.... I think the 'doodles' will be dated quickly
Flowers and animals IMHO don't look dated if they are realistic.
I was looking at my girlfriends set the other day (and the accessories) and since I think the Bella's are so "NOW" they girlfriends looked dated to me.

StampinAK 09-06-2007 08:00 PM

I totally agree with everyone that Lovely As a Tree will be a timeless set. But I also think that most of the past "masculine" sets would be considered timeless... "Antique Auto", "Classic Convertible", "Gone Fishin", "Noble Deer", etc.
Great topic and I've enjoyed reading everyone's input!

BeeHks 09-06-2007 08:22 PM

Heartfelt Thanks, Petal Prints(ret), Botanicals(ret), Gossamer(ret), Lovely as a Tree are a few of my favorites that I would label ...Timeless!

YouInkIt 09-10-2007 09:33 AM

I'm with you. I try to purchase mostly "timeless" stamp sets. I feel like I'll get more money out of them since I'll be able to keep them and use them longer, regardless of whether or not they retire. Some of my favorites are: Lovely as a Tree, Winds of Grace, Happy Harmony (R), Gorgeous Grapevine (R), Sincere Salutations, In My Thoughts, Wild Rose, Best Blossoms (R) and Baroque Motifs.

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