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-   -   Thread for the underappreciated (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/thread-underappreciated-174868/)

ajcmeyer 08-15-2006 04:38 PM

Thread for the underappreciated
I remember a while back someone posted a thread about cards they had made that they were surprised didn't receive more comments. I think it is time for another one of those:

Have you ever worked really hard on a card posted it to the gallery to either receive no or just a few comments and wonder why. Well show us your cards and let us get another chance to see them.

Here is mine


and this one


Str8Fan 08-15-2006 04:59 PM

Those were great cards. Ummm? Card #1 has two pages worth of comments though. I think they like it! :D

Here are a couple of mine that I thought were really nice, but the comments don't show it!



ajcmeyer 08-15-2006 05:13 PM

I don't think I put the right link on the top one sorry

here it is again

kellybee 08-15-2006 05:24 PM

I'm not actually going to post a card here but I admit that there are times since I've started my tiny little gallery that I've wanted to throw in the towel on card making because I sometimes get all excited when I make a card and share it and I really don't know what I'm expecting in the gallery but I've definitely been disappointed a few times...

Having said that, I don't think anyone on SCS should take to heart a lack of views or comments and I would like to take this opportunity to thank anyone who has ever clicked on one of my cards or made a comment on my cards. Every view and every comment makes my day and I count lots of views as validation (I'm going to assume you are clicking because the card interests you, not because you want to take a closer look at a really bad card!).

I guess what I am trying to say (badly!) is that everyone who shares their cards - especially newbies - shouldn't let the number of comments they DON'T receive discourage them from sharing their creations. (and now, just maybe, I will share a card I thought would get more comments...validate me!!!)

lesarapp 08-15-2006 05:28 PM

I think we all have ones that noone seems to notice. I really liked this one.
Maybe I just uploaded on a day when the gallery was slow. I still had fun doing it! That is the main thing! ;)

jeanstamping2 08-15-2006 05:36 PM

Well I have a few.
I know that from time to time it's hard to comment on everyone's card.
We don't always think to leave comment them.
Here are mine:

Both I loved making...

Mothermark 08-15-2006 06:30 PM

I remember when I made this card. I was excited because I made the entire background just stamping different stamps. I just thought to myself, now this is going to get some comments. It did....one. My husband and I always bet on how many comments a card is going to get. He even agreed with me on this one, thought it would get alot. My second one, I will post in another comment here because I don't know how to get two links in here. I know, I am not real good with the computer!

http:////www.splitcoaststampers.com/...ppuser=80269ng with various things on white card stock.

Mothermark 08-15-2006 06:33 PM

Here is my second one.....Got one comment. Again, I was impressed with myself because the background was all stamping......

And on the other hand, some cards that I think won't get any comments, get lots.....Go figure!


katrs5 08-15-2006 06:50 PM

Here's some of mine

I thought this one would get comments b/c I thought it was a ton of work doing all the masking (it's just one piece of chocolate)

Another spinner I thought worthy of a comment or two

And lastly a cool pocket card with a tissue attached for someone with a cold

scrown8301 08-15-2006 06:55 PM

Actually yes. I have one that I was really proud of and it only got 4 comments and they are all people who are friends. I think I was mostly excited simply because it was with new sets. LOL //www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=325772&cat=500&ppuser=38381
And then there is one that has 8 comments. I know 8 is a fair few but I just love this card! //www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=334542&cat=500&ppuser=38381

I do have other cards that don't have any comments or only 1 or 2 but I don't like those cards either so.... lol

I'm going to check out everyone elses cards. :)

Suzyq01 08-15-2006 06:55 PM

I received a birthday card last year from my rubber pimp, LindaLee here on SCS, which was the inspiration for the design of this card. I love it, but not many others seemed to :confused:

Suzyq01 08-15-2006 06:56 PM

Oops! Forgot the link...


fool4scrapping 08-15-2006 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by jeanstamping2
Well I have a few.
I know that from time to time it's hard to comment on everyone's card.
We don't always think to leave comment them.
Here are mine:

Both I loved making...

too funny, I'd already posted on the first one! ;)

fool4scrapping 08-15-2006 07:07 PM

Here is one I did during my first VSN. It won "best use of brown", yet had very few comments.... http:////www.splitcoaststampers.com/...0&ppuser=49732

This one was from a past color challenge. I was very proud of the way this came out, but it got very few comments/views.... http:////www.splitcoaststampers.com/...0&ppuser=49732

scrappinchick 08-15-2006 07:19 PM

I have several with only a few comments, but this one I thought would do better than it did...LOL

AndyJoe 08-15-2006 07:20 PM

Well I uploaded one the other day and I really thought I would get more comments, it is one of my favorites and it took a lot of time to come up with the design. That is the hardest part for me, coming up with my original design, I don't want to case anyone's work, not that I don't love thier work, I just like to know that it was my design.
I love SCS and the people here are so talented and helpful to anyone who needs asks, what a wonderful resource we have with SCS!!
Like someone said in an earlier posts, even if you stop to look that is a compliment, Thank you for looking and making my day! Here is my latest card:

MilwaukeeMommy 08-15-2006 08:01 PM

I also have received more comments on the cards I thought were "less than my best", I guess we all have different tastes, & different things pop out at us.

I love "cute" cards --I don't create a lot with floral sets. Although they are beautiful, they're just not my "specialty". (gee, I'm using lots of "quotation marks" here) I love Whipper Snapper & Inky Antics, Penny Black --those kinds of stamps. Having said that --here are a couple I thought were adorable but didn't get much attention

This one wasn't hard to make, or time consuming but I thought it was cute!!

Halloween chicken

These are brand new stamps from Inky Antics ----& I love them!!!

Snowgirl with cocoa

Snowgirl with cookies

It's okay if nobody else likes them, I do!!! LOL!!!!

lesliespringer 08-15-2006 08:24 PM

Made these cards the other day. I am very happy with them. The green one got 3 comments. The blue one only 1 comment. Really thought the would have rceived more.
green one
blue one

MazG 08-15-2006 08:38 PM

Here's mine, it's a CASE.

jeanstamping2 08-15-2006 10:39 PM

I found a few more
This one I posted today and all I got was 1 comment.
And this one I thought was super cute.
And this one:

Thanks in advance......;)

kellybee 08-16-2006 02:20 AM

Just wanted to update everyone on this thread (and assure you I'll be popping around to your galleries this evening cause it's way early right now and I have to go to work in a minute) that after I posted a bunch of you amazing SCSers (it's a word!) visited my gallery, especially the card I was so proud of and I now actually have 2 PAGES OF COMMENTS on my very favorite card that I didn't CASE or anything! You've all made me so happy and I will be paying it back. Thanks everybody. Guess I'll keep trying the card making thing after all!

Toy 08-16-2006 02:47 AM

Well, I, for one am only 1/2 way through this thread and already I'm really impressed with what's being shared. I will definitely be back to look at more!

Just my 2 cents, but there are a couple of factors to consider when looking at the results on cards... first, there are alway tons of visitors on this site who just "look" at cards and cannot leave comments, so don't get discouraged if you get a bunch of views without comments. Also, if you upload at certain times, I've noticed you get more views cuz the gallery is slower. Lastly, and I think this was said before, this is really a great site for networking.. the more connections you make, the more comments you'll get.. just my humble opinion. :)

Peace and abundant blessings!

BadSherry 08-16-2006 03:06 AM

I have only just found this thread, but I will be back to see what you've all posted. So far, the work has been fabulous!

budy98 08-16-2006 05:46 AM

Here are a couple of mine, I still had fun making the card and people did look at them. I am just as guilty, I don't always comment on the cards that I view.

jpmayo 08-16-2006 06:12 AM

I LOVE these threads because I miss so many of these awesome cards and this gives me a chance to see them! I go several times (10+) a day to the "recent gallery additions" from the SCS front page and I have never seen any of these cards, it is so hard to see them all and probably impossible so I am glad you are all sharing your favorites. I wont share any that I have that I feel are underappreciated since I posted one recently for scrutiny and I am totally embarrassed :oops: at how many people liked it...

But I LOVE all these cards and will spend the better part of my work day today commenting and browsing through them all!!

budy98 08-16-2006 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by budy98
Here are a couple of mine, I still had fun making the card and people did look at them. I am just as guilty, I don't always comment on the cards that I view.

Thanks to everyone who looked at my cards. I really appreciate it. You've made my day! I really have to take the time to comment on my cards myself. We all work so hard on a hobby that we love! Have a great day!:p

budy98 08-16-2006 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by budy98
Here are a couple of mine, I still had fun making the card and people did look at them. I am just as guilty, I don't always comment on the cards that I view.

Thanks to everyone who looked at my cards. I really appreciate it. You've made my day! I really have to take the time to comment on cards myself. We all work so hard on a hobby that we love! Have a great day!:p

NANCYRUTH 08-16-2006 07:29 AM

here is mine!!
Not to toot my own horn but this one BLEW my socks off when I was donEE!!! http:////www.splitcoaststampers.com/...0&ppuser=42694

T:cool: hanks for looking!

qvande 08-16-2006 07:36 AM

I have quite a few cards that didn't receive much love.

A double Pearl Ex technique:

And a bleached card colored with sparkly gel pens:


peggysue 08-16-2006 07:53 AM

Okay, I wasn't going to do it, wasn't going to beg for comments, but I have to know, I posted this card for a challenge and it must be a lot uglier than I thought because it has only one comment. Tell me if its ugly, I'm a big girl, I can take it!

NANCYRUTH 08-16-2006 08:40 AM

another one....

just one lonesome comment!:rolleyes:

mackbrad 08-16-2006 08:47 AM

I thought this card was cute - but only one person liked it :(


LilLuvsStampin 08-16-2006 09:31 AM

I think we all miss a lot of the cards from time to time; otherwise, we'd be on this site 24/7!!! LOL! Any-hoo, here's a couple of mine that I thought would've received a few more comments than they did:
Here's one I put a lot of work into:
I'm trying to get better at watercoloring. My husband really liked this one:

Frenchy 08-16-2006 10:09 AM

Here are a couple of mine:


Frenchy 08-16-2006 10:12 AM

Oops - jumped the gun there. Here's the other one:

Avoca Sue 08-16-2006 10:36 AM

Actually, my whole gallery is unloved. I have over 20 cards in my gallery and I must be the most untalented stamper here. Most of them only have 2 comments. There is one that has over 20 - must have done something right with that one. Hopefully one of these days I'll amaze myself.

NANCYRUTH 08-16-2006 08:23 PM

one last card and then i will get off the pity poT!!!!

whatcha think of that one?:cool:

SkyesMom 08-16-2006 10:33 PM

I was sure this one would be such a hit. I was so proud of it, then nothing. What a way to feel like nobody likes your stuff. I know that isn't really true. But the links below show each part of the project. Its like a giant altoid tin accordian book thingy.







stamps&cars 08-17-2006 01:11 PM

Sometimes I think I just upload at an odd time and it gets buried. I thought this came out quite cute and it only got 3 comments. I had another which only got 2 but then again I thought it was only worthy of 2! :-)


Will have to come back later to see everyone elses.

nkjohnston 08-17-2006 02:14 PM

OMG! I love it! I immediately was taken back about 45+ years to Disney's Peter Pan. There was a song in it about "NEver smile at a Crocodile." Now I'm going to be singing that all night in my head. Cute!

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