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-   -   Thank you for the Mono Multi recommendations, it ROCKS! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/thank-you-mono-multi-recommendations-rocks-219114/)

pigfingers 01-27-2007 07:51 PM

Thank you for the Mono Multi recommendations, it ROCKS!
I went to a class the other night and took it and I had JUST got it so wasn't sure how it was going to hold but 1) the only reason I bought it was the rave reviews here and 2) I heard you only need a little drop in each corner.

WOW. I mean WOW.

All I needed was a little drop in the four corners and that stuff stuck. Like GLUE!

I came home and one of the cards I didn't care for the color combo as much and DH said why don't you "remake" it and I agreed and tried to pull it off and it wouldn't BUDGE. This was only a few hours after the class.

It rocks. Just to say thanks!!!!

amysings 01-27-2007 07:53 PM

It is the uber glue, isn't it? :-) I can't seem to use anything else anymore.

tlw411 01-27-2007 07:57 PM

I am so happy I tried it also. I made 6 Halloween cards, 10 Thanksgiving cards, 40 Christmas cards, 3 birthday and 5 thank you cards with numerous layers from ONE bottle. Sure makes the price per bottle GREAT!

jtax 01-27-2007 08:32 PM

I just tried it for the first time the other night. I'm a convert! Great stuff indeed!

homestead46 01-27-2007 08:43 PM

I tried this several months ago after reading recommendations here on SCS, and I absolutely LOVE IT! Just a smidge here and there, a few seconds to dry, and it's stuck for good. I reach for it all the time now.

judi_stamparooni 01-27-2007 09:30 PM

Wow! I'm going to have to check that stuff out!

jeanstamping2 01-27-2007 10:40 PM

That's the only kind of glue I use anymore. I too found out how strong it was..When I made a card that I didn't like.. I try taking it apart....No Way!!

I made a purchase of 3 bottles of it. thinking that I might run out. But I haven't even made a dent in the first one yet.

allamericanstampers 01-28-2007 04:38 AM

:grin: Looking back, why did we ever spend all that money on tape runners? It's fantastic not having a card pop apart when you least expect it, or want it!!

lbirus 01-28-2007 05:04 AM

That's the way I feel about my Scotch quick dry but it mono multi better?
And was it the blue or the green bottle?

kellybee 01-28-2007 05:14 AM

the GREEN bottle, baby...stock up! It's just freakin' amazing!

lindylou1220 01-28-2007 05:20 AM

Between my Mono Multi and my ATG, I am the glue queen.

Furph's wife 01-28-2007 05:28 AM

Can this be used for scrapbooking?

Carol Lee 01-28-2007 05:45 AM

I love it too! I believe you can use it for scrapbooking too.

arcopes 01-28-2007 05:50 AM

Where is the best place to get it??? Can you get it locally or online???

blxmom1 01-28-2007 05:52 AM

you can order it from penwa.com. It is $19 for a box of 10

patcreates 01-28-2007 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by lbirus
That's the way I feel about my Scotch quick dry but it mono multi better?
And was it the blue or the green bottle?


I used to use the Scotch Quick Dry which works great with cardstock, but not so great with lightweight papers, like patterned paper. I also had trouble with the bottle clogging all the time. When trying to squeeze the bottle one time, the top of it blew off and I had a ton of glue everywhere! That was the end of Scotch Quick Dry for me.

I have had no problems with clogging with the Mono Multi and even though I keep thinking I am at the end of my bottle.....just a quick shake down and there is still more in there! :) I bought a new bottle a month ago thinking I would need it soon.....but the other one is still going! lol

allamericanstampers 01-28-2007 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by patcreates
]When trying to squeeze the bottle one time, the top of it blew off and I had a ton of glue everywhere! That was the end of Scotch Quick Dry for me.

Been there! I was teaching rubberstamping at Michael's though when it happened...:shock: You should've seen everyone's eyes at that one!

I do still like that glue too; but you are right that it shows through on thinner, patterned paper and behind ribbon.

Places I have found the Mono GREEN Lid: Joanns, The Angel Company :mrgreen: and I think Sweet Miss Daisy sells it in her ebay store...

frankie 01-28-2007 07:44 AM

I'm a convert and I hate liquid glue! Mono multi really is awesome stuff. I'm so glad I finally caved and tried it out!!

SherryLC05 01-28-2007 08:30 AM

I got mine on Joanns.com. It isn't expensive at all- and it lasts forever. I had a little trouble getting uesd to it- it came out pretty fast and I got too much on my first few tries. But now I am used to the applicator and an expert in using it. You only need just a little bit! And yes- it really is permanent!!

jeanstamping2 01-28-2007 12:59 PM

I got mine for $2.95 plus shipping and tax.

Through TAC The Angel Company.

I haven't found it anywhere else in my area.
Our Michaels, Joannes or Hobby Lobby doesn't sell it.

I did however find it online at addicted to rubber stamps

TJStamper 01-28-2007 02:33 PM

Joanne online has it ... :)

mullycat 01-28-2007 02:51 PM

I'm a loyal mono multi user too, thanks to SCS! I gave away my 5 different brands of tape runners and my glue sticks and my double-sided tape and....

Joan B 01-28-2007 03:23 PM

It is great...BUT be careful how much you use. Less is definitely better. I've ruined several cards by using too much -- causing the paper to become hard and weird or the glue oozed out the edges. Operator error!!

DeniseW 01-28-2007 03:25 PM

I use tape runner AND mono, the runner sticks right away while the mono dries! Love it!

amysings 01-28-2007 03:52 PM

The two best prices on Multi are Scrapbookpal and Penwa (scroll down to item 52190).

But I have mostly switched over to the Scotch--I haven't had any problems with my 3 bottles. LOL

I use both these glues at my monthly card buffets.

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