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uniquelyours 07-28-2007 02:19 PM

Temp inside convention??
Can anyone at convention tell me what it has been like inside convention? cool, cold, or freezing??

Thank you

CardLuver 07-28-2007 02:19 PM

A little chilly, but not too bad. Not as bad as I thought it would be.

firstmak 07-28-2007 02:27 PM

It has gone from too warm to freezing at times. Bring layers as always. It was especially cold for the class I just left in the main stage area - probably because the temp is set for when the room is full of bodies and we had a much smaller crowd for the Fire Up Your Sales class.

s1itcher46 07-28-2007 02:43 PM

I'm usually a too warm person but some areas are very chilly. Bring something to put on. On lady had a blanket.

Mindykid 07-28-2007 03:18 PM

It's hot! The ballrooms on the first floor are super cold - but up on the third floor where the main sessions and pajama-rama are held is HOT! The pajamas in the Momento Mall are flannel with long sleeved thermal tops - too hot to wear here!

Bring comfortable shoes - we are walking up and down 3 floors of the convention center to get to all the classes. The temp outside last night was the coolest so far - upper 80s. Earlier this week it was in the mid 90s.


conniemacko 07-28-2007 10:05 PM

I'm gonna have to go with with warmer than I expected. (I froze to death in Minneapolis at regionals!) I was comfortable most of the time with a light sweater as an option. Denver outside is darn warm though!


AttachedAtTheHip 07-28-2007 10:37 PM

I thought it was pretty comfortable for the most part, but a tad warm at other times. Of course, I'm 7 months pregnant, so that could have something to do with it! I did freeze at Leadership in Houston - but, hey, Houston's not the a/c capital of the world for no reason! LOL My UL did go get her jacket one day and wore it most of the other days, but she's more cold-natured than I am. I wore both short sleeves and 3/4 sleeves and really thought the temp was pretty good.

So, if you're prone to feeling cold, bring a light jacket or sweater. But there's at least no major problem with their climate control system that everyone should worry about! :)

apageastampin 07-29-2007 08:47 AM

I noticed that a lot of people bought the sweat jackets that the convention center gift shop were selling! I think they sold out of those! They were pink and chocolate brown with the word "Colorado" on them- real cute- don't know what the price was. But, yeah, some parts of the building were freezing for me and others just a tad bit too warm, so bring a variety of clothes!

Lisa Page

myboys3 07-29-2007 01:06 PM

Definitely dress in layers. Some rooms are warmer than others. However, in the main stage area and the ballsrooms, the airconditioners are very large and blow directly on you in certain areas. A light weight sweashirt or hoodie will do just fine.

Misermom 07-29-2007 01:14 PM

We must all be different temps, beause I was pretty cold a lot of the time. It seemed warmer in the morning, but in all afternoon sessions and classes I was freezing. I thought I'd be OK with a lightweight, 3-quarter length sleeve sweater, but I should have brought a regular one.

Stampinsue 07-29-2007 02:20 PM

It depends on you-- I was fine in every session and class.

craftdoc 07-29-2007 02:22 PM

I was hot in all but one classroom.

Verbarendse14 07-29-2007 03:03 PM

I was really hot on Wednesday night when we first arrived and went to the PJ Party, but some of that could be due to a little excitement from being at Convention again. :) I didn't bring a jacket with me the rest of the trip, but I did get a little chilly at times. I would recommend bringing a light sweater that you could throw in your bag, if you don't need it.

Baylorgrad 07-30-2007 10:18 AM

I was really hot and uncomfortable Wednesday and only moderately hot and uncomfortable the rest of the days...I brought a little battery-operated hand fan to Denver but left it in the hotel! I definitely could have used it during the general sessions... :)

belindaking 07-30-2007 11:12 AM

General sessions and main stage classes, I was fine... but FROZE at lunch and in the ballroom (lower level) classes. Never even put my sweater on on check-in day. I did wear a lightweight jacket all day Friday, and was glad I had it!

inkerzaway 08-04-2007 10:29 AM

I was fine in short or 3/4 length sleeves the whole time EXCEPT the last day when I was freezing in Main Stage, of course the day I had short sleeves on. Then left to run back over to the room before dinner and it was pouring rain so I got soaked walking to the hotel and looked like a wet dog shaking my hair to get it dry! By the time I got up to my hotel room, I was freezing almost to the point of teeth chattering. Changed clothes and got dried off a little and borrowed a light jacket from my roomie (I rarely ever get cold, didn't even occur to me to take a jacket) and I popped some Motrin and made it thru dinner and the Closing Session but was glad that I didn't have to sit in any more air conditioned halls.

I do remember at Leadership, we were ALL freezing...there were huge ceiling vents and there was one blowing down the back of my neck no matter where I sat. I bought one of the white quilted SU vests and seriously, I was so glad I had it...wore it the entire time! Luckily, I had long sleeved shirts and it looked good with every color but I was so cold then that I wouldn't have cared at all!


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