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-   -   Tell me about your stamping club!! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/tell-me-about-your-stamping-club-50749/)

my4blessings 05-11-2005 11:31 AM

Tell me about your stamping club!!
I've been in a 10 for 10 club and we just had our 10th night last night. There are some of us that want to continue on and I know there are a few others who want to join. What kind of club do you offer/are you a part of? Those of us who have been in it from the beginning might be ready for some more advanced projects. We are all so hooked on the SU! products that none of us want to slow our purchasing frequency. Give me some of your great ideas!


mokeemom 05-11-2005 11:53 AM

stamp club
Our club is really fun. We agreed to spend a minimum of $20 at each party, but we always end up spending more. We rotate hostesses so everyone gets a turn getting the free stuff. Our demonstrator asks for input from us, if there's a technique we want to try, if we want to just do scrapbook pages. We usually do three projects. There are a few of us who swap each month. We've been doing it for 5 years now. I don't see us stopping any time soon.

Klarson 05-11-2005 11:56 AM

Im in a 150 club, we have to spend a min of 15.00 each month, and we to rotate as hostess, to get the benfits. I've been in it for 3 yrs now, and will continue. Each month we make 3 project, which are usually cards, but this Saturday we are making calendars.

Love my club!

Qbee 05-11-2005 12:17 PM

This will be my third year in a stamp club. The first year we had 6 people and we had to spend $25/month. Last year we had 9 and had to spend around $17/month. This year we have 8 and have to spend $20/month. Although many members of the club do spend more than the basic amount. We have a few people who have been the club each and year and then we lose and add members each year. The hostess usually has some idea of what she would like demonstrated. Our demo does the best to accomodate what the hostess wants to see. Since we always have a mix of seasoned and new stampers, some basic things are covered, but most of us like seeing the more advanced stuff. This year my demo is also allowing for some open stamping time. She brings different sets and paper, etc and we can create what we want with stamp sets we may not have at home. It allow us seasoned stampers to use our creative energy instead of just copying projects all the time.

I really like the concept of having and being in a club. It allows you to purchase new things every month, but it keeps you on a budget. I think it's what has kept me interested in stamping for so long (more than any other hobby I have started).

Take care, Brenda

zoeyjack2 05-11-2005 12:27 PM

I have a club that all the club members spend 15.00 a month and take turns being hostesses. I usually pick one project each time that I think my members will enjoy doing and typically it is very time consuming so it is usually the only project we do. Afterwards we either take the time to scrapbook or work on cards, etc. that we haven't been able to finish due to busy home lives. We did a card last month for mothers day that I got off of this site, that required alot of cutting and coloring,and everyone seemed to like it. This month we are doing an easy card and then going to make a paint can that I have supplied, but that they will pay for that evening. I know most people save the paint cans for stamp camps but I do not have the time to prepare for the camps, so we do alot of things that my members have seen on splitcoast, but are not able to duplicate without my help (techniques,coasters, etc.). HOpe this helps! I forgot to mention that I also bring some of the new sets in the mini catalog that they aren't able to order from yet or that they may not have, and allow them to use them while we are there. WE start at 6:30 pm and got to 12:00 midnight, and if anyone needs to leave early, they are more than welcome to but most of the time we usually have 5 or 6 stay. We have a great time just being away from the house!!(we have the club at my church fellowship hall)

kathleenh 05-11-2005 02:51 PM

I have a group of ladies who are on their 3rd or 4th round of stamp club. We usually have about 6 members in the club. We have lost and gained members each round but we maintain about 6 in the club. After this many rounds we are doing some more advanced stuff. We have been doing different size cards, and various techniques. There never seems to be a lack of techniques to try.

We do a card swap each month with the members. This is a really fun part of the club. I usually demo 4 items and then the ladies make all of the projects. We have been doing 3 cards and 1 6 x6 scrapbook page. This has worked out really well.

I look forward to stamp club. These ladies are my regulars and have become my friends. It's a great group to be around.


Catty526 05-11-2005 02:55 PM

In my stamp club we have to spend $15 a month for 10 months. Each month we meet at our demo's house and have a stamp camp. We usually make about 4 cards and we decide on the theme the month before. We have lunch and stamp all afternoon. Each month a different person is the hostess and gets all of the benefits. The only thing I don't like is that we only meet once a month!!!

koren_n 05-11-2005 03:03 PM

I have a "twisted" club it is a 10 people for 10 months each spending $15 but each month each person brings 10 finished idenical cards with them that they made, no theme requirements. Then I have a sample of the card that is "my card" for the month that highlights a different tech. I have all of the supplies ready and show them the tech and they make the card.....then all 10 of us swap cards so that everyone goes home with 10 cards that none look alike! It has been so much fun and we sure giggle a lot!!!

serialstamper 05-11-2005 03:15 PM

The club I belong to does it this way: we meet every 3 months and do 6 projects. Each person pays $18 pm and gets to be hostess once. We have 12 members, so with the $15 in free merchandise each of us gets to order $180 worth, plus gets a hostess set. My demo gets her mins covered and we all get to have a bunch of new stuff. We have been doing it for 5 years.

stampinCPA 05-11-2005 04:04 PM

The club I'm in started with 2 groups of 6 meeting once a month. We agreed to spend $25/mo and rotate who's hostess. We'd do three different basic techniques each month. Now we have 6 members and again spend $25/mo with rotating hostess. We do a couple of "advanced" techniques like spinner cards, crinkled chalk, gel cards, etc. each month. The swap idea is a good one, will have to throw that out there. We only have a few months left, so it will be interesting to see what our demo comes up with for stamp club next. :smile:

kjboatright 05-11-2005 04:22 PM

I'm in a group that has 8 members and meets every other month. We have committed to spend $25/month and trade off playing hostess (and getting bennies!). The parties are great because we are all seasoned stampers, so our demo can bring projects that she normally wouldn't/couldn't bring to a typical party/camp. Next week is our 7th meeting (ending in July). So... if anyone is in the Issaquah/Bellevue/Kirkland, WA area and wants to join in September, we'd love to have yah! :D

NellieKC 05-11-2005 04:42 PM

Stamp Club
We just started two months ago, meeting the first Tuesday of the month. There are twelve members so each one gets to be a hostess once a year. We make two or three "make-and-takes" a night or just "stamp the night away", working on whatver we want from our demo's stash of stamps and our own paper/supplies. When we do the m.a.t.'s, she provides everything and has everything ready for us. We have to spend a minimum of $15. We usually end by 10pm since its a "school night"...I love it!

Nellie KC

optotecha 05-11-2005 07:17 PM

I am in stamp club for the first time, we just met last night. There are 6 of us. We agree to order a minimum of $25 per club night and meet every other month. Each one gets a chance to be the hostess and collect the benefits, we drew numbers for our month. Our demo demonstrates one stamp set. Last night she used "Sparkling Summer". She made 4 or 5 different samples and we got to make & take two of the designs. It is great and I am looking forward to this year. Oh yes and we are doing a swap each month, I forgot to ask if there is a theme or anything goes.

catlady1 05-12-2005 06:08 AM

Stamp Club
Hi everyone,
I belong to a stamp club. We are just finishing our 2nd year. We have six people and have to spend 40.00 each month for 6 months. Of course we usually spend lots more than that. Each month is a different one of us hosting, so we get the benefits of a party. When we hostess we bring snacks and drinks for everyone. We make a few projects, usually learning new techniques. When there's time our fabulous demonstrator lets us do whatever we want. We always have alot of fun, exchanging ideas or showing stuff we've done.

Sherlie 05-12-2005 06:47 AM

I started out in a 10 group club three years ago and after the first year, I got together a group of six and we started here closer to home for me.. our demo does four cards for us to make and take, we have to do a $25 order minimum so the rotating hostess gets the benefits... for a couple of the hostesses, we have the meeting here and they bring the food because I am centrally located, We did evolve our snacks into a meal of sorts, we all like to cook and share our recipes too. We have several levels of stamping abilities from a retired demo to some who never used their stamps much to a newbie. We have a great time eating, chatting, making cards and sharing our ideas. Our demo is great, she is so good to put up with us, we are kind of a chatty bunch, but she loves us anyway. We also do a swap each month and everyone brings 8 cards if they can, if not they still get the swaps and when you have a good month, you catch up on your swaps. I am always amazed at the diversity of our cards. It has been fun and we try to meet every other month but we often end up with a book party in between. We even had one gal who was going to quit last fall and just be a guest,,,, ha ha ha ,,, do you think that worked? NOOOOOO!!!! She hosted in March as usual. Now my sister thinks she will just be a guest,,, yeah,,,, right.... once you are hooked, we got cha!!!!!

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