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coshorty 01-13-2005 07:18 PM

the tearing edge
I really like the look of torn paper but I have problems tearing it. I was thinking about getting the tearing edge ruler. Is it worth getting? What do you guys think of this product?

The Cat's Meow 01-13-2005 07:33 PM

My thoughts - I do better without it. When you have a small edge to tear, you really couldn't tear it too well, b/c you need a good bit of CS to grab on to pull down the edge to create the tear....this is hard to describe by typing....if you have a good chunk of CS to grab and hold on to while tearing down it, it creates a real nice edge. In my opinion, not really worth it. Others may disagree.

dkstampinfool 01-13-2005 07:50 PM

I agree that it is not worth it. I got it and as was said, you do have to have a fair size piece in order to hold on to tear. Also, I like my tearing to look uneven and when you tear with the tearing edge you get a "straight" tear, if that makes any sense. I rarely use mine anymore. My advice - spend your $$ elsewhere. :)

happy stampin'

11Valerie11 01-13-2005 07:57 PM

I have had one since they came out and use it infrequently. I use it mainly for vellum when I want a nice, even tear. Otherwise I just tear by hand. A tip for tearing: tear slowly, towards you, not away, don't try to go real fast, that is where you lose control and it can get muddled up and not look real good. Also, you can draw a line with your blender pen where you want your paper to tear and then tear, it should help.

Does anyone have one you could borrow to see if you like it or not?
I lend mine out for people who are interested, they generally opt to spend the money on a new set!


coshorty 01-13-2005 08:05 PM

Thanks for all the great comments. I am so glad I asked before I ordered it. I will keep trying to learn to tear. I am sure after more and more practice I will get better. I will have to try using the blender pen as suggested. Thanks for the idea.

CajunStamper 01-13-2005 08:10 PM

My SIL has one and I have borrowed it. I do like it and will show it at demonstrations, but it is far down on my wish list. That is probably because I tear really straight and have to work at making it look "jagged." My SIL loves it and uses it all the time, though. She had a hard time tearing straight. It is more difficult to tear tiny edges off, although I have used it to tear off 1/4" from the edge and it worked well - just not as easy as leaving a wider margin. Also, it works really well for tearing the metallic cardstock - the metallics are really pretty thick.

Stampin Wrose 01-13-2005 11:32 PM

A friend left hers at my house. I tried it, didn't care for it, tried it again, tried to figure out why I didn't care for it.

The tear is too even for me. I like it when you tear and part of the CS comes off more on the top. I like that showing when I tear. Do you know what I mean? I always tear so that the side I face up, has more "inner cardstock" showing!!!

Also, yes, you need to have a good hunk to grab, and when you do that, you really can't use that hunk. At least I haven't been able to. I had about 2-3" of useless cardstock. I guess you could use it for a "distressed" look, if you uncurled it. But to do that every time I wanted a tear? No way, so I quit using it.

I was glad she left it so I knew not to spend the $$$ on it.

love2Bcreative 01-14-2005 12:11 AM

I have it and love it! I works really slick and fast when you are doing a big project, like lots of invites or thank yous, etc!!

I demo it and quite a few of my customers buy it...I guess it's all in how you present it? :wink:

baronsmom 01-14-2005 01:16 AM

I traded for mine & though I don't use it a lot, I do like it. Try laying the tearing edge on top of your cardstock, hold it down with one hand & tear up & towards you to get more of a jagged edge. I love it for vellum. I just used mine tonight for the 20 cardfronts for a swap I'm in. Makes it go a lot faster & it gave me the edge I wanted. I will post a pic when I'm all done.

DebbiS 01-14-2005 03:19 AM

This is the only thing I have gotten from Stampin' Up! that I do not like. I gave mine away. It was difficult for me to hold it down and keep it straight because there's nothing to hold on to. And unlike the wonderful wheel guide, it does not have rubber feet, and it moves.

kimilou 01-14-2005 03:25 AM

Guess I'm in the majority here. I don't have one ,but I have friends that do. They aren't fond of it either so I haven't bothered to get one. We tease our demo frequently because she tears almost every card she makes somewhere on that card! Needless to say, her style is becoming my style :oops: It's not something I'll buy - too many other things I'll use more :!:

Cheezer 01-14-2005 04:03 AM

I bought mine as soon as it came out. I think I've used it once. I agree...the tear is much too neat. Definitely not worth the cost IMO.

jonesse67 01-14-2005 05:59 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I had thought about getting it because I can't tear anything straight (or wheel straight, or cut straight, or draw a straight line...see a trend here?) but when I saw the price, I said YIKES! I didn't get it. Then not too long ago, I found a product at Michael's that is almost the same thing. It's made by Plaid and was with the paper making stuff in my store...anyway, it's metal and has two sides for two different finished edges. The best part was the price...$7-$8 and I used a 40% off coupon...I figured if I hated it, I hadn't put out a lot of cash!

I used it on my Christmas cards and I really liked how it worked on when I was layering two torn edges (see attached pic), to get them torn the same. I didn't try to tear it too exactly to the edge (if that makes sense), I let it be a little inexact.

Just went to the Plaid website and this is what I was talking about:


While I was there, I also discovered these:


kjboatright 01-14-2005 06:38 AM

I have one and I like it. If I'm doing just 1 or 2 cards, I don't bother to pull it out. BUT, it was a life saver when I had to make 100 Christmas cards with a torn layer. I could just zip through them quickly.

trburgi 01-14-2005 07:06 AM

I love mine and use it everytime I tear anything. I am very happy I got mine!!!

stampinshauna 01-14-2005 07:30 AM

I have one and I DO like it. If you are making a lot of cards and will be doing a lot of tearing, it makes it SO much easier & faster. I tore vellum for my Christmas cards and I don't know what I would have done without it. Yes, it does seem like a lot of $, but it saves time and my hands don't cramp up from tearing so much. It is hard to tear a tiny edge, so I use it when I need to tear about .25" or more. If you hold it down firmly and tear at a 90 degree angle it works great.

stampinfredva2004 01-14-2005 07:50 AM

I bought it and used it once maybe twice. I hated it. I tear the paper better freehand. I traded mine for the Spring Gifts Stamp set!!!

mamaof3insd 01-14-2005 08:07 AM

I have one and I have a love/hate relationship w/ it. The edges are EXTREMELY sharp!
I have been able to do a messy tear w/ it. Just don't tear so close to the edge of the cutter. But for small jobs, I prefer my hands :lol:

JillDenkins 01-14-2005 08:55 AM

Love it !
Hi :-) I know I am in the minority but I love mine. Use it all the time.

coshorty 01-14-2005 09:13 AM


I had thought about getting it because I can't tear anything straight (or wheel straight, or cut straight, or draw a straight line...see a trend here?) but when I saw the price, I said YIKES! I didn't get it. Then not too long ago, I found a product at Michael's that is almost the same thing. It's made by Plaid and was with the paper making stuff in my store...anyway, it's metal and has two sides for two different finished edges. The best part was the price...$7-$8 and I used a 40% off coupon...I figured if I hated it, I hadn't put out a lot of cash!

I used it on my Christmas cards and I really liked how it worked on when I was layering two torn edges
Next time I am Michael's I will look for this product.

Thanks to everyone for their comments. I am going to wait and try to find something similar at Michael's for now.

moprica 01-14-2005 10:09 AM

I find myself "tearing challenged". I'm afraid to tear w/out using my Tearing Edge. :oops: My DH bought me the Tearing Edge for Christmas and I really like it. It takes a try or two to figure out the best way to use it, but I love mine! :D

miss missy 01-14-2005 12:28 PM

I found a product at Michael's that is almost the same thing. It's made by Plaid and was with the paper making stuff in my store...anyway, it's metal and has two sides for two different finished edges.

after seeing your post this morning I went to Micheals at lunch, I went all over the store but I finally found these. I haven't tried it yet but I am excited. Thanks for sharing this info with us. I have tried the SU one and I agree it is good if youa re using a large sheet of paper but if not it is tough to use, I just have never been willing to spend the $20 to get it but $7.50 was ok with me (wish I could have waited for a coupon but I wanted it for cards tonight) Oh it was with the paper making stuff at my store also but I asked them where this stuff was and they told me they didn't ahve a paper making section...it was just down from the sizzix at my local store

Carol Shafer 01-14-2005 12:36 PM

Tearing Edge
I had one a while back and didn't like it so traded it away. Than I did a project at my upline's and tore some vellum and loved how it tore that so decided to get another one and so far I've only used it on my candle stamping. Yes, I use it to tear pieces off the large sheet of tissue that I stamp and adhere to the candle. It seems to melt into the candle better than just a a regular cut edge. I know you can tear it but I like using the tearing edge better. Other than that, I haven't used it lately but I'm sure eventually I will need it. Carol

PHayes25 01-14-2005 01:04 PM

Tearing Edge
I absolutely love mine. I also do scrapbooking and could not live without it.

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