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-   -   TAC Catalog (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/tac-catalog-73167/)

ajmom 07-27-2005 05:16 AM

TAC Catalog
I have not been on here for weeks (saved alot of money!) so sorry in advance if I missed a thread on this subject.
Anyone have the new TAC catalog and how is it?? Any demos out there -how much?
I have last years and I ordered some stamps from it. THey had some really cute ones (and the price is right!)
Thank you

WeeBeeStampin 07-27-2005 06:33 AM

I haven't seen it yet and I'm waiting so patiently to get mine! I heard it's nice!

saraopalsmom 07-27-2005 06:38 AM

What is a TAC catalog?


outsiderartist 07-27-2005 06:44 AM

TAC is the Angel Company, I got my catalog earlier this month, and it is awesome.

They really have alot of great merchandise and I love the fact that they include so many different types of stamping tools, and the designs are definitely unique to the market.

I need to sit down this week and pour over that catalog!

dianerh 07-27-2005 06:58 AM

TAC Catty
This year the variety of stamps is even greater--something for everyone! And the accessories!!! WOWZA!!!! TAC expanded the accessories line immensely!!! Such great stuff--we now carry Basic Gray papers, Bazzill papers and Bazzinks, all kins of "hardware" in all kinds of colors, lots more UTEE products, Palette Hybrid ink SPOTS!, ribbons, and fibers, DCWV Match Makers line of papers/cards/ribbons/slides...

I could go on and on.... :-) I was thrilled when I went through the new catty.

If you need any more info, feel free to contact me. :-)

Angel #1484
The Angel Company

greetingsbydebra 07-27-2005 07:01 AM

The TAC catalog is AWESOME!!! There are 270+ professional samples and 370 sets under $11. I've been having such a great time with with the new stamps and accessories. The catalogue is $10. If I can help, PM me.

Glitter_Girl 07-27-2005 07:03 AM

I too just was introduced to the TAC catalog! It is AWESOME! I am thinking of signing up to be a demo! So many good reasons to do so! They have some awesome stamp sets - and as someone else mentioned - the PRICE IS RIGHT! More bang for your buck! :)

Vintage Redhead 07-27-2005 07:15 AM

*LOVE* my TAC stamps!
JeanStamping2 and I both buy from one another - she's TAC and I'm SU. About 2 weeks ago, I took the boys up to her place and we spent about 3 hours going through each other's new catties - and I placed a {{ cough cough cough }} sizeable order!!! **LOVE** that new Palette Stamp & Stick Glue Pad!!!!! Also lovin' those new Boy/Girl tags - how stinkin' cool are those?!!? Also got me about 5 new sets. I just *HAD* to place a sizeable order because I have a really cute dog named Spot - hence, I had to earn that Hostess set called ((you guessed it!!)) Spot! Can't wait to use Kitty Kitty and Kidz at Play - those are just two of my *FAVES*!! I'm lovin' that new "style" that's not quite impressionistic, but not really quite "line-defined" either.

Trust me, I still love my SU. I'll always be a stamper and a scrapper at heart, though!!! I stamp with whatever strikes my fancy. Get a TAC catalog - you won't be sorry!!!!! ~ Kaylyn

allamericanstampers 07-27-2005 07:30 AM

DC Area
Everyone who has gotten one LOVES it...I think it's the best we've had in 3 years! :o)

I'm in the DC area (Northern Virginia) if anyone is interested in getting together...but I only have 2 left!

Check out my website sometime! The catalog will be available online, eventually, but at these prices you'll want to have one that you can keep thumbing through...when you aren't on line here that is! tee hee.

Jenmouer 07-27-2005 07:38 AM


Did you try the glue stick pad??? That product intriqued me and I wonder if it is like the heat and stick powder...it said you had to heat it up...but I would be loving it if it worked like the heat and stick powder...one less (sometimes messy) step...

AGMommyof2 07-27-2005 07:42 AM

I just got one from Chris & so glad I did! As soon as my budget allows, I'm planning on getting serveral stamp sets. The funny thing is that all members of my family have picked out stamps that they like & with the price -well, we'll be a stamping family (well, at least me & the girls - I'll just have to use my DH selections to make his cards...) Oh, & the fact I can use my acrylic blocks - to me it's so much easier to stamp that way...I got kinda frustrated trying to use a SU set with the faux postage last week, but I digress...

Get a catty...

IMBlessed5 07-27-2005 07:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The Angel Company's new catalog is just awesome, like everyone else said. The great thing about this one is there are LOTS of accessories - so there is definitely something for everyone, stampers and scrappers alike! Right now I'm loving the Basic Grey cardstock sets (which I had never heard of before we started carrying them LOL). TAC introduced us to a technique called paper piecing (don't know if that's been discussed on these boards or not) and it's SOOOO cool with the Basic Grey cardstock. I've attached one that I made. Also, I LOVE the coordinating Bazzill cardstocks, inks, and eyelets. Made some Christmas cards with the line of mono greens. SO easy!

Catalogs are $10, including shipping. My website has more information.

carpecakem 07-27-2005 07:50 AM

Does anyone take paypal for a catalog? I'd like to buy one, but I am terrible about getting to the post office to mail a check. Thanks!

Glitter_Girl 07-27-2005 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by IMBlessed5
The Angel Company's new catalog is just awesome, like everyone else said. The great thing about this one is there are LOTS of accessories - so there is definitely something for everyone, stampers and scrappers alike! Right now I'm loving the Basic Grey cardstock sets (which I had never heard of before we started carrying them LOL). TAC introduced us to a technique called paper piecing (don't know if that's been discussed on these boards or not) and it's SOOOO cool with the Basic Grey cardstock. I've attached one that I made. Also, I LOVE the coordinating Bazzill cardstocks, inks, and eyelets. Made some Christmas cards with the line of mono greens. SO easy!

Catalogs are $10, including shipping. My website has more information.

Vicki - I am loving the paper piecing technique as well! And I don't think it has been introduced on the board. I tried doing it with some of my SU stamps - but I just don't have the right kind! I cannot wait to get my demo kit and paper piece with my new sets!

Vintage Redhead 07-27-2005 09:06 AM

OMGosh....*LOVE* it!!!

Originally Posted by Jenmouer

Did you try the glue stick pad??? That product intriqued me and I wonder if it is like the heat and stick powder...it said you had to heat it up...but I would be loving it if it worked like the heat and stick powder...one less (sometimes messy) step...

Love it, love it, love it.....did I mention that I *LOVE* it!!!! Palette has really hit something here with this product! Right now, TAC is the only vendor that I've been able to find that carries this - you can't get it at M's, HL, Jo*nn's...*anywhere* else that I know of! I heard of this several months ago and started looking for it everywhere, but couldn't find it, not even online. So when I saw it in the TAC catalog, I bought it ASAP. It takes a bit of a fine eye to be able to judge when the tackiness is "just right" to apply your glitter, but once you develop *THE KNOW* you've got it.

Get a catalog, order this product, get some of the Basic Grey papers, check out some of the new stamp sets (so sorry to see Tea Stain leave - one of my *faves*...I just used it two weeks ago to make bloodstains...!) They have some *really* great products!!

I've got to say this: I've been sent a few flaming emails and PMs by few SU! gals for being a demo and buying from a competitor. For "...supporting someone else's business when you [I] should be supporting your [MY] business..." Well you know what? I just plain 'ole love to scrap! And part of that includes stamping. No one company can possibly carry everything in this enormous industry. There is no need to competitor-bash - there is *plenty* of room for creativity...and this site alone is testament to that!!! So as long as TAC sells products and stamps that *I* like, I'll continue to buy them with *MY* $$$$ and support my friend who sells their products!! ~ Kaylyn

Glitter_Girl 07-27-2005 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by KaylynConover
Love it, love it, love it.....did I mention that I *LOVE* it!!!! Palette has really hit something here with this product! Right now, TAC is the only vendor that I've been able to find that carries this - you can't get it at M's, HL, Jo*nn's...*anywhere* else that I know of! I heard of this several months ago and started looking for it everywhere, but couldn't find it, not even online. So when I saw it in the TAC catalog, I bought it ASAP. It takes a bit of a fine eye to be able to judge when the tackiness is "just right" to apply your glitter, but once you develop *THE KNOW* you've got it.

Get a catalog, order this product, get some of the Basic Grey papers, check out some of the new stamp sets (so sorry to see Tea Stain leave - one of my *faves*...I just used it two weeks ago to make bloodstains...!) They have some *really* great products!!

I've got to say this: I've been sent a few flaming emails and PMs by few SU! gals for being a demo and buying from a competitor. For "...supporting someone else's business when you [I] should be supporting your [MY] business..." Well you know what? I just plain 'ole love to scrap! And part of that includes stamping. No one company can possibly carry everything in this enormous industry. There is no need to competitor-bash - there is *plenty* of room for creativity...and this site alone is testament to that!!! So as long as TAC sells products and stamps that *I* like, I'll continue to buy them with *MY* $$$$ and support my friend who sells their products!! ~ Kaylyn

Kaylyn -

I am actually an SU Demo (not after August 1st). I didn't do so well on the business side of SU - but I mainly joined as a Hobby Demo. I thought I would be able to recruit some loyal customers...but nope! No family or friends are interested. I am actually SWITCHING to TAC because of their LOW LOW LOW quarterly quota...and I can sell my cards and creations anywhere! :) I don't think it is right that some people flame you for buying stuff elsewhere! If you love stamping and scrapping - then get the stuff YOU LOVE! Regardless of who makes it and where you get it from. :)

tc82742 07-27-2005 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by KaylynConover

I've got to say this: I've been sent a few flaming emails and PMs by few SU! gals for being a demo and buying from a competitor. For "...supporting someone else's business when you [I] should be supporting your [MY] business..." Well you know what? I just plain 'ole love to scrap! And part of that includes stamping. No one company can possibly carry everything in this enormous industry. There is no need to competitor-bash - there is *plenty* of room for creativity...and this site alone is testament to that!!! So as long as TAC sells products and stamps that *I* like, I'll continue to buy them with *MY* $$$$ and support my friend who sells their products!! ~ Kaylyn

you are serious?
i guess those people have never bought ribbon from michaels either.. huh?

that is just crazy!

AGMommyof2 07-27-2005 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by KaylynConover
...I've got to say this: I've been sent a few flaming emails and PMs by few SU! gals for being a demo and buying from a competitor. For "...supporting someone else's business when you [I] should be supporting your [MY] business..." Well you know what? I just plain 'ole love to scrap! And part of that includes stamping. No one company can possibly carry everything in this enormous industry. There is no need to competitor-bash - there is *plenty* of room for creativity...and this site alone is testament to that!!! So as long as TAC sells products and stamps that *I* like, I'll continue to buy them with *MY* $$$$ and support my friend who sells their products!! ~ Kaylyn

Wow, that is really too bad that you got flamed! I personally love something about each of the 3 direct-sell stamping companies that I m familiar with & dislike something about them as well, but to say that you have to like one & not anything else is well plain sad! Life is too short! Stamping is stamping whether you use SU, CTMH, TAC or stamps bought from craft stores, & we should all just enjoy the art!

carpecakem 07-27-2005 09:48 AM

Thanks so much for everyone who pm'd me!

Shawna 07-27-2005 12:16 PM

Let me just say that I am a Demo for TAC and yes this is where the majority of my supplies come from However, I AM A STAMP ADDICT!!!!!! If I see something I like I buy it regarless of where it comes from.

Jackie46 07-27-2005 04:13 PM

I received mine just a few days ago and I also agree that it's the best one so far. Lots of great stamps in there. Of course, I placed an order. ;)

aug92 07-27-2005 04:43 PM

Last year's catty was online. Is this one online as well? Is there a link?

MonicaA 07-27-2005 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Shawna
Let me just say that I am a Demo for TAC and yes this is where the majority of my supplies come from However, I AM A STAMP ADDICT!!!!!! If I see something I like I buy it regarless of where it comes from.

I agree! I am also a TAC demo but signed up mainly as a hobby demo, so I'm not planning to make a ton of money on this. If I see a stamp that I like, I buy it. I'm in a SU! stamp club plus I'm getting ready to order a CTMH catalog. If I had to stick to one company, I'd be bored out of my mind. When I do demo TAC stuff, of course I don't include the anything from other stamp companies, but for my own personal enjoyment...you bet I'm going to use whatever I like! :D

too 07-27-2005 06:02 PM

I just love the new hardware, I just ordered the colored staples and safety pins. Just too precious. Not to mention all the cool paper selection they have.

I just hope I am not introduced to any more stamping companies, I can't handle anymore!!!!!


stamping_jen 07-27-2005 07:52 PM

I LOVE the TAC stuff!! Their examples in the catalogs are awesome and I often borrow from them in making my SU! cards. I think it is so fun to go to Michaels, Hobby Lobby, AC Moore etc. and find new stamps and scrapbook stuff. I could never just stick with SU! although I think their stuff is top notch. I thing TAC's stuff is top notch too though and I have a lot of their stamps. Most of their stamp sets are only $10.95, some are $5.95 and only a few go as high as $19.95 so they are certainly in my price range. I know their demos only have to have $100.00 minimum every 3 months and they can take a 12 month break with nothing if they want to and then they can just put in another order and not have to rebuy a starter kit, it is just like they had made their minimum the previous quarter. Their demos get 30% off their own orders with an occasional 40% off for their personal stamps. Their commission on orders they sell is 25%. I have never even seen a CTMH catalog but I would absoutely love to see one. I hear that both TAC and CTMH will have on-line catalogs in the next month so I will be anxious to see them. I am very loyal to SU! and will continue with them for a very long time but I certainly won't limit myself to buying from just one company.

inspiredbycreativity 07-28-2005 02:10 AM

I definitely LOVE TAC and the catalog is awesome. I haven't seen the SU catalog yet however have seen CTMH but still prefer TAC.

We have wonderful new stamps and accessories! I Love the Basic Grey papers, Bazzill textured cardstocks, HotMarks, and the list goes on.

TAC really outdid themselves this year.

Love it! Love it! Love it!

IMBlessed5 07-28-2005 04:21 AM

Andrea - no TAC has not posted the catalog online yet so us angels can download it. Hopefully soon though.

Tina - I LOVE the hardware too! I haven't tried the safety pins yet but aren't those colored staples awesome! I bought the metallics set but I love them so much I'm getting the other two sets too. That is so quick and easy for card making, instead of messing with adhesive. I know it won't work for EVERY card, but most. You get 1250 staples (in 5 colors) for $2.25. That ought to last me a while!

and stamping_jen - I couldn't have said it all better myself. Yes TAC does have great benefits and low low requirements. But I don't think that I, as a TAC angel, could have gotten on here, a predominantly SU board, to "sell" TAC like that. I'm glad you did though. Thanks! LOL

momofdbl 07-28-2005 04:33 AM

I think that each company has so much to offer people. What one doesn't have the other does. It's really a wonderful thing :)
I am a TAC demo however I went to a SU stamp camp last night and had a blast. I am going to a SU party next month that a family member is giving. Hey if its for stamping and I like it I will buy it no matter the company.
Yes I have an addiction and no I do not want help ;)

ajmom 07-28-2005 05:01 AM

Well, that certainly answers my question about the TAC catty. Sounds wonderful. I will have to check out this Palette "stuff". Not sure I understand what it is.
Once again, you have all been real helpful. I will check out the TAC demo sites.
Better save some $$$ !!!!! :D

Vintage Redhead 07-28-2005 07:25 AM

Here is the Palette Gluepad...

Here is a photo of the top and bottom of the Palette (tm) Stamp & Stick Gluepad that some of us have been discussing.

I can't speak for everyone, but I can say from my own experience that I have tried darn near *every* adhesive product on the market to find the "...just right..." one to adhere fine glitter. I think that I have *FINALLY* found it!!! This one is just a two-step: stamp and heat until tacky! No extra "dimension" like with Glassy Glaze, no seeping through the paper like with ART Glue, no stamp with Versamark pour on Heat-N-Stick then dump Heat-N-Stick then heat up Heat-N-Stick....It takes the shape of whatever stamp you're using! I just finally found the right adhesive for glitter and I'm in *love*!! It says I can try other mediums, but I'm so darn excited about the glitter....!!!! ~ K

momofdbl 07-28-2005 07:35 AM

stamp and stick glue pad
1 Attachment(s)
Here is some information that I saved off of another site that gave suggestions for using the palette stamp and stick pad. It was from the company that makes this product. Hope you find it helpful :)

jeanstamping2 08-01-2005 12:42 PM

Yes TAC has a AWESOME Catalog this year!

I too fine it hard just to pick one or two stamp set out. All the embellishment this year totally ROCK. I just got my order the other day. and I have been having fun with my stamps.

Kaylyn "Thanks"
I've learn tons of Great tech from you.

Think we all need to keep in mind that NOT all stamp companies are going to carry everything that "WE" want or need.
Number 1 if there were only one company-----It sure would be boring!!!!

In my opinion Please Order from anywhere and everywhere.

I order from where ever I want......Not Just TAC.

Inky Hugs

outsiderartist 08-01-2005 01:44 PM

Can someone tell me if the TAC chalk pads are foamy like the color box or have a felt top like the old Fresco pads?

allamericanstampers 08-01-2005 02:00 PM

The TAC chalk pads are temporarily on hold because they aren't satisfied with the quality lately...it started with just a few colors at first and now all of them!

They did have a sponge pad though, and I found them to be quite juicy! I have the Fresco brand as well...bought them on sale when Michaels was clearing out! :o)

TAC Demo
check out my website for great specials!

avonlea 08-01-2005 02:08 PM

I've looked through TAC's (PDF) catalogue and I love many sets!!!! Unfortunately, they are not doing business in Canada, yet. :( However, if they do put the new catalogue online, I might try to find an Angel in my (American) friend's city and see if I could place an order that way. Just need some $$ and time. ;)

jeanstamping2 08-01-2005 03:35 PM

I just pm'd you avonlea

Inky Hugs

jeanstamping2 08-15-2005 11:26 AM

TAC Chalk pads
TAC Chalk Pads are avaible for sale again.....Just check with your TAC demo, for more detail.

Take care
Inky Hugs

saltycatco 08-15-2005 11:40 AM

Is there a TAC demo that can contact me? I've tried 2 different demos here and haven't been able to get a catalog..I'm dying to see what's in there!


momofdbl 08-15-2005 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by saltycatco
Is there a TAC demo that can contact me? I've tried 2 different demos here and haven't been able to get a catalog..I'm dying to see what's in there!

Hi I pmed you :)

jeanstamping2 08-15-2005 11:52 AM

I too Pm'd you saltycatco
I too Pm'd you.............

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