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bensarmom 07-26-2005 04:03 AM

Switching Demos
:confused: I have been stamping for several years now. At work they had a demo come and do projects with us. I've been in a stamp camp through work with this woman as well. I've bought lots of stuff from her. I am considering being a demo but the demo from work is 30 minutes away and not very organized. Pretty sure I don't want her for an upline. I found someone in my area who meets my needs for an upline. Not sure how to tell current demo and wonder if this is the right thing to do? My current demo has never asked me to be a demo under her. She has become more unorganized as our camps have gone on. We don't get the information about the projects we do anymore and often she's still cutting paper or pulling supplies we need to do the projects while we're there doing them. Any comments would truly be appreicated.

KateStamps 07-26-2005 05:33 AM

When in doubt...try the locator. And keep trying it, because the listings change every month. I would expect any demo would be happy to have a new person come to her stamp camps and "try her out." Be upfront and tell her why you're looking around at demos, and ask LOTS of questions.


anniesmom 07-26-2005 05:42 AM

I had the same situation when I thought about becoming a demo - never did. I did not feel the demo that I was buying stuff from would be the best upline for me. I think the best thing to do is sign up with who you are comfortable with. That is what I was going to do although I know it would have been hard. You can either tell her she lives too far or be totally honest with her because either way she is not going to be happy. ALso since she has never asked you to be a demo maybe she does not even want a downline. Last but not least take the advise of the scripture you have posted. Anyway I wish you the best with your decision. I know this is a tough situation.

geogymnast82 07-26-2005 05:44 AM

Switch demos. I used to have a demo that was recommended by an ex-demo. This recommended demo constantly apologized during workshops for the quality of her work. It really made me and my guests feel uncomfortable. I went to several of her other workshops, and she was organized but not very excited about what she was doing and still kept apologizing for her work. I wanted someone who was excited about sharing their work and the products. I went to a friend's workshop who had another demo. That demo was excited, well organized, had great ideas and was really helpful. I didn't hesitate switching. I was spending a lot of money and wanted something out of it (besides the great SU products). My time and money was too important to waste it.

The demo I switched to was great for a couple of years, then she started not letting me know about specials that SU was having. I'd find out about them here on SCS or the SU homepage first. Then she started not having everything ready for workshops in my home or even her home. I tried giving her the benefit of the doubt because I had liked her style and organization before. After SU had the 50% off certain sets this past March and I called the demo several times and emailed her saying I wanted to place an order (she never did respond), I found another demo. I wasn't going to miss out on the sale just because she had become a not-so-good demo. I made more than a few efforts to get her to respond.

I'm now thinking of becoming a demo myself. I've been attending numerous workshops with lots of demos in my area (my area is saturated) to try and find someone who is organized, excited, has cool ideas, etc. I'd want to sign up as a hobby demo, but you never know - you may make it a business. You need to find someone who's style works for you and is willing to help you if it becomes more of a business (assuming you want their help). I wouldn't necessarily tell your current demo anything. If she asks in the future why your not buying from her anymore, just tell her. I know people want to be nice and not hurt other people's feelings, but you shouldn't feel bad about HER poor quality or service. It's her problem, not yours.

Find someone else.

tesno 07-26-2005 05:45 AM

I agree with Kate. Wish I could help you out. I live in Alliance, Ohio about 60 miles southeast of Cleveland. My upline demo lives in the Hudson area. She is fantastic. Good luck in your search for a new upline demo.

Inge Schaumann 07-26-2005 05:59 AM

Look around

Congrats on wanting to become a SU demonstrator. You're gonna love it.

I've been a demo for 8 months and I'm still learning so many new things (suppose I'll continue to learn new things for the next 50 years . I believe it's important to have good connections within SU, so look around for more demonstrators in your area before you make your upline choise. Call them, meet them and attend group meetings with them. I didn't do that when I was joining SU, I was just extremely lucky to run into a wonderful group of SU demonstrator that get together often. We talk, we laugh, we create, we share, we learn, and we simply have a wonderful time. To me being a SU demo is sooo much more than selling the wonderful products. Meeting the people in my upline is great fun, and I love spending time with them, AND most importantly .. we share our experiences and help each other out!

Make sure to make the right choise. You're the one to live with it.

Tampersay 07-26-2005 06:50 AM

You have to have an upline that you can depend on. That is the key to a home business, even ifyou are just being a "hobby demo." I love the gal who is above my direct upline (Pampered Chef) but my direct upline never does anything to help me with my business. But then her business is failing and she doesn't attend monthly meetings. I wish I had a different direct upline, but my second level is fantastic!

basurok 07-26-2005 09:21 AM

Interesting dilemma. I can totally relate! My close friend (we've known each other since Highschool) is a demo for SU and I've bought tons from her the past 4 years. She's kind of lost interest and for about 2-3 years has talked about "getting out" and even told many customers that she was retiring. There is another local demo that I buy from... she is probably a "hobby" demo too and teaches wonderful card classes. This gal has said that if she cannot meet her minimums then she will stop doing the classes. Then I have a wonderful long distance demo that I have given a few large orders. We've never met face to face but have talked on the phone and via e-mail. She is more active and attends convention and is the one who recruited me. Most likely I will sign up with her as a "hobby" demo because she is active, motivated, and from the way it sounds has downline across the US. My guess is that she will be an SU demonstrator longer than the ones I know from my area. It is mostly a personal choice...but make sure you choose well and for the right reasons. Good luck with your decision.

Rita Noel 07-26-2005 10:07 AM

Finding a Demo or Upline
I have been a SU demo for 6 years basically as a hobby demo, sales are pretty much at the miminum and I still love it. One of the things I like best about being a demo is getting together with the other demos and sharing ideas and support. My Direct has a monthly meeting that is open to all of her recruits and their recruits or even possible recruits. The meetings are held about 2 hours from my home. But, I drive there anyway because of the wonderful inspiration that I receive from each meeting. Sometimes I don't talk to my direct as often as I would like but I know that all I need to do is pick up the phone and call or send her an email.

The key is to find someone who you can learn from and respect. Use the demo locator on the SU website or ask around your area. You will find someone that fits your needs and your needs will change as you get more involved.

Sadornhecker 08-31-2005 12:20 PM

Find Another Demonstrator
A great upline is very important to providing you the support you need if you choose to be a demo. Mine is great and has made all the difference in answering my many, many questions, being supportive, and keeping me motivated. If your current demo is as disorganized as you've stated, likely her business is equally disorganized and she will not be able to devote the needed time to you. The fact that she hasn't tried to recruit you herself already says alot. Go to the SU! website and get the names of other demos in your area. Find someone you are comfortable with (go to their stamp camps) and sign up with someone you enjoy and trust to help get you off on the right foot.

Sandi Dornhecker
Stampin' Up Demonstrator
[email protected]

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