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Barb Cole 10-11-2004 07:24 AM

SU products to the rescue!!!
This morning while getting ready for school my 8 year old son announces that he forgot to make a Venus fly trap model for science and that this project is due TODAY!! We had 25 minutes. So we took a pair of ice tongs with large "teeth" and covered them with Glorious Green c/s and put Cameo Coral on the inside of the trap. He added a bee from Botanicals on the outside for food since these plants are carnivores. The project was held together w/ a large rubber band, mono adhesive and the glue pen. I traced while he cut and assembled. He was thrilled w/ the finished product and I was relieved. I'm not sure he learned any lesson about preparation but we did get it done and it was sure nice to have all those SU supplies at my disposal!!! Botanicals is still my favorite set!!!

Stephlynn 10-11-2004 07:27 AM

you two really got creative! Sounds like your son will make a good grade on this one. :)

stampgirl710 10-11-2004 08:29 AM

Great Job!! That's SU and Mom to the rescue!!!

LadyScrppr 10-11-2004 08:53 AM

Sounds fantastic. Love to see it!!!!!!!!!! Good job MOM!

tmarie 10-11-2004 09:06 AM

You my girl are VERY creative! :D Mom to the rescue, yeah for Stampin' Up! supplies!!!

stampcrazygirl 10-11-2004 09:11 AM

wow! That was quick thinkin'! I think I would have told my son 'too bad, you should've told me sooner'. My son has a tendancy to remind of permission slips, notes, etc just as we are walking out the door.

Kar 10-11-2004 10:11 AM


wow! That was quick thinkin'! I think I would have told my son 'too bad, you should've told me sooner'
yup just what I would have said too.. If my kids do that we always tell them well maybe you will learn next time.. they usually do too :)

pjbstamper 10-11-2004 10:27 AM

We definitely need a picture!!

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