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jeaniebean55 12-27-2005 03:45 AM

For SU! Demos?
There is a point to this long missive! Please read on, I'm hoping you all will help change a bad SU! policy.

I was an SU! demo (hobbiest only) until a short while ago. Family circumstances (my Dad was quite ill, I was his primary caregiver, he passed away, now I'm dealing with dividing the estate) caused me to forget I was passing a particular quarter (You know how you're OK as long as you have $300 in the quarter? I thought I had another month to go to get at least $94, made a $150 purchase but it was in the next quarter), and became a "pending" demo. Needless to say, at the time, it was not a high priority, and when I finally called in, the rep told me not to worry, that I could apply for the one-time-life-time extension and still be a demo. So I did what she said, and lo and behold, they would accept my lateness (with a twist).

I needed to make up my late amount owed (sounds reasonable -- actually I already had with my $150 order, but their books were putting that into this new quarter, so fine, however they needed it to be recorded), I needed to do this quarter's $ amount in this quarter (still reasonable) AND (here's where I hope you all come in) I NEEDED TO SPEND $50 OF THAT AMOUNT ON SUPPLIES. I emailed back that since I was a hobbiest I couldn't abide by the $50 supply thing. Long story short and several conversations later, I was told that 1) I could stop being a demo for now and when my life was back in order, if I wanted to rejoin, I could repurchase the $200 kit and be a demo again (I don't THINK so! I went into this as a hobbiest and no one was mislead about that. I will never be a demo if it means I have to repurchase the original kit; I still have a ton of things I'm hoping my other demo friends will buy from me.) and 2) They couldn't make an exception to the policy for just little-ol-me. It wouldn't be fair to other demos. (Which I agree! This shouldn't be a policy for ANY demo! $300+ spent is $300+ spent. Period. To have a one time option to make up a late quarter is great, and it makes sense to only allow it one time, but the twist is unfair.) ANYway, my upline has "connections" at SU! and she called to let me know she had gotten a special exception and I could continue being a demo without having to spend the $50 on supplies. Hmmmm --- sounds nice for me, but doesn't sound very fair. I've decided that until this policy is removed I will not purchase from SU! They may be the biggest show in Stamptown, but they're not the only show.

So now you know pretty much the whole dramatic story. I'm hoping you will feel as I do, that the $50 supply requirement for the one-time-life-time dispensation is unfair and needs to be removed for ALL demos, not just those who may have special connections. Please contact SU! and let them know you think this policy needs to change.

cmstamps 12-27-2005 06:04 AM

I have had to help downline in the "need the extension" problem. One of my downline could not do the $50 supply order so I offered to have her purchase $50 of supplies for me and then I paid her back. I am busy enough that I can use $50 of supplies almost any time. Since buying supplies does not count toward sales, great rewards etc. maybe you could check with your upline or sideline and see if someone around you needs supplies.

jeaniebean55 12-27-2005 06:41 AM

For Hobbiests (sp?), this is an unfair and unreasonable policy. There has never been a quarter where I didn't go quite a bit over the $300 minimum and I never got the sense that I somehow shouldn't be able to be a demo because I wasn't making it a business. This really has taken the joy out of stamping with SU! products.

momof2btd 12-27-2005 07:10 AM

Well that stinks! I am a hobby demo, too and i wouldn't ever need $50 supplies. I wish that if you went over the $300 min one quarter it went towards the next!, wishful thinking :) I am already 3 X my minimum and honestly don't know if i will 'need' $300 for the next quarter, i got all i wanted/needed for Christmas.....ahhhhh well see.

gwtwdebbi 12-27-2005 08:23 PM

Question...and I am a demo-want-a-be-in-the-future....What does it mean a $50 supply order? Does that mean the forms and stuff like that or just normal supplies we use for our projects? And why isn't an order considered an order...as a demo, are you required to purchase certain items?

BasketMom 12-27-2005 08:46 PM

I'm not an SU demo (although I am a consultant for another DS company) and the supply rule seems really dumb. Plus, didn't SU just put their entire idea book online? Wasn't that so people wouldn't HAVE to order a catalog?

Just a thought - but I wonder if that's why I see inspiration sheets for sale on ebay. That always seemed odd to me, but maybe those people needed to buy too many supplies to make their quota and they're just getting rid of their excess?

MSBetsyZ 12-27-2005 08:59 PM

There is no requirement to buy supplies on an ongoing basis. By supplies I mean non-catalog items demonstrators use, such as forms, training materials, catalogs, incentive items such as stamps, keychains, etc. Probably the only things that are routinely purchased would be catalogs and mini catalogs, as well as forms relating to workshops -- order forms, hostess benefit sheets, etc. But there is no actual minimum requirement to buy supplies, other than the catalogs necessary to give to hostesses and the order forms to take orders.

I think SU's main point in this particular case is for the $50 supply order to be like a "show of good faith" that the demonstrator is serious about maintaining her business as a business.

Joan B 12-28-2005 03:54 AM

I'm sorry that you've had such an experience but I hope it doesn't keep you away from SU forever. Whatever happens, I hope you keep stamping.

jeaniebean55 12-28-2005 04:46 AM

I think Betsy may be correct in the reason behind the $50 supply order, which really stinks because SU! encourages "hobbiests" to become demonstrators. I don't know (their) reasoning for a fact though, because that was not explicitly stated. But it sure was the undercurrent, which is why I feel it's so unfair.

Joan B -- I'll never stop stamping! Isn't this the best thing since sliced bread?!?! :) I'm so glad it seems to be catching on everywhere. There are several stamp shops in my area that hold classes, sell gorgeous stamps and supplies, and at least for now, will be where my stamping dollars go (along with the great online stamp options like inky antics). I'll miss SU! (like the new BB set is SO beautiful!) but it sure won't stop me from stamping! (and truth be told, if most of us never bought another thing, we'd still be able to stamp for at least a few years without interuption, am I right?!) :)

I know I'm just a really little fish (smaller than a minnow) in the ocean the SU! has created and where my dollars go really don't add up to very much in their big picture. That's why I threw this out to all of you. If SU! encourages hobbiests to become demos, then they need to take away the supply order twist (in their one-time-life-time quarterly grace period. It doesn't apply to the regular quarterly requirements). And in the bigger picture, they may be leaving more than just little-ol-me with a very bitter taste in the mouth by having this in place. I'm hoping, for all hobbiest demos, that SU! will rethink this policy. I'm hoping that they hear from a lot of folk who believe it's time for SU! to review this matter and the bait and switch message it gives their hobbiest demos. Thanks! :)

gwtwdebbi 12-28-2005 07:28 AM

I appreciate your posts about hobby demos as this may help me decide for sure whether or not I would want to be a hobby demo girl....I was under the impression that a lot of the "forms" for SU! were available online to download so there can't be much to really purchase for the $50 requirement for supplies...other than catalogs. And shouldn't catalogs be ordered depending on a demos business demands. I certainly wouldn't want to be "stuck" with catalogs at the end of a seaon...hmmmm....

digby 12-28-2005 08:15 AM

Just my thoughts...(I'm a hobby demo, too) since SU doesn't make any distinction between "hobby" demos and "business" demos why would they change their policy? We get the same "benefits" as the "business" demos (discounts, specials, etc.) why wouldn't we be subject to the same requirements for any other policies? It may not seem "fair" but actually it is because they are treating all the demos the same. I do agree, though, as a "hobby" demo it'd be hard to come up with $50 of useful "supplies" if you're not doing it as a business. Crummy, but I guess that's the trade-off for the extension.

I'm also confused...is this $50 supply order always required when you go into pending status or was this an extension beyond the normal pending period?
I thought if you went into pending you had to make up your difference (from the last quarter) in the first month of the next quarter (in which you were pending) as well as that quarter's full amount.

MSBetsyZ 12-28-2005 09:52 AM

Cheryl, this is in reference to an additional one time only offer that SU makes. If someone has exhausted the time period allowed to get out of pending, SU allows demos an opportunity to spend $50 in supplies in addition to fulfilling existing sales requirements, but only ONE TIME, say, after moving or having a baby or some similar life altering experience. This would be an alternative to repurchasing a demo kit altogether and starting over basically.

I know it's frustrating, but there are a few fun things in supplies, not just paperwork and catalogs, lol. How about one of the SU logo shirts? I've got my eye on the black 3/4 sleeve shirt myself, lol.

JulieHRR 12-28-2005 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by digby
Just my thoughts...(I'm a hobby demo, too) since SU doesn't make any distinction between "hobby" demos and "business" demos why would they change their policy? We get the same "benefits" as the "business" demos (discounts, specials, etc.) why wouldn't we be subject to the same requirements for any other policies? It may not seem "fair" but actually it is because they are treating all the demos the same.

I must concur with this.

As for where to spend $50 via supplies, in order to fulfill the requirement to remain active in this particular situation, there's a *LOT* of fun stuff besides order forms/catalogs that only demonstrators can get via supplies :cool: . . . Those Jumbo Incentive Stamps are mighty nice and so CUTE (!)--exclusive to demonstrators only! . . . as well as other items like water bottles, mugs, Art from the Heart CD, etc. :)

kfamilystamper 12-28-2005 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by MSBetsyZ
Cheryl, this is in reference to an additional one time only offer that SU makes. If someone has exhausted the time period allowed to get out of pending, SU allows demos an opportunity to spend $50 in supplies in addition to fulfilling existing sales requirements, but only ONE TIME, say, after moving or having a baby or some similar life altering experience. This would be an alternative to repurchasing a demo kit altogether and starting over basically.

I know it's frustrating, but there are a few fun things in supplies, not just paperwork and catalogs, lol. How about one of the SU logo shirts? I've got my eye on the black 3/4 sleeve shirt myself, lol.

Thanks for the clarification...I was a bit confused myself!:rolleyes:

jeaniebean...I hope it all works out for you! Good Luck!

lynnewithane 12-28-2005 11:04 AM

As a non-demo, this is all very interesting. It makes me feel better about paying the extra 20% and supporting my demo's business, rather than trying to be a hobby demo and spend so much all by myself each quarter.

Out of curiosity, how much do you pay, as a demo, for a catalog, for a pack of order forms, post cards, etc? It hadn't occurred to me that there are all of those extra expenses. I think that's good info for us non-demos to be aware of!

Now I am wondering if you have other hidden expenses. It must be really difficult to actually make money at this.

srogers5 12-28-2005 11:28 AM

I'm sorry this happened to you (and your father being ill), but I've got to agree with Julie and digby. As a demo who is trying to maintain a business, it is hard when I lose customers because they sign up and intend only to be a hobby demo. Hobby demos get a break on stamping supplies and I lose sales. It truly is not all about the money for me...I love all my downline whether business or hobby, but it just seems only fair that if everyone gets the same perks, they must get the same requirements as well. $50 really isn't that much, especially if you are used to making the minimums yourself and as was mentioned, you can generally find other demos who are willing to buy the supplies off you.

I'm glad it has worked out for you in light of your situation, but I don't agree that it is a bad policy.

I am wondering why this isn't in the demo-only forum though.

lynnewithane 12-28-2005 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by srogers5
I'm sorry this happened to you (and your father being ill), but I've got to agree with Julie and digby. As a demo who is trying to maintain a business, it is hard when I lose customers because they sign up and intend only to be a hobby demo. Hobby demos get a break on stamping supplies and I lose sales. It truly is not all about the money for me...I love all my downline whether business or hobby, but it just seems only fair that if everyone gets the same perks, they must get the same requirements as well. $50 really isn't that much, especially if you are used to making the minimums yourself and as was mentioned, you can generally find other demos who are willing to buy the supplies off you.

I'm glad it has worked out for you in light of your situation, but I don't agree that it is a bad policy.

I am wondering why this isn't in the demo-only forum though.

I thought about that as well, but as I said earlier, it is good information for us non-demos to have. I don't think that it should be a secret that you have to jump through certain hoops in order to maintain your business. It helps me to understand how things work.
I often wondered why everyone doesn't just become a demo and get the discount. Becoming a demo is certainly encouraged. Then I would think: "Who will my demo have as customers, if everyone becomes a demo?" That was before I even knew about minimums, much less the 'oops I missed it once in my life, now I need to spend $50 in supplies thing'.
I just feel like a better informed customer now, and I am glad that it was posted here. I can't imagine what must be on the demo only thread.

kmichigan 12-28-2005 11:39 AM

Yes, we do pay for catalogs, order forms, etc., plus anything we decide to give as hostess gift, door prize, etc. Everything has it's own price, so it would be difficult to list it all here. There are ways to earn forms and catalogs for free, but not everyone qualifies (i.e. a small time demo may have trouble doing so). That's not to say you cannot make money at this, but those are items that eat into our 20%.

kimryden 12-28-2005 11:41 AM

MSBetsyZ...you are wonderful! Great explanation!

lynnewithane...yes there are extra expenses when you are a demo but if you are smart about it you can make a little money at least enough to support your addiction. And when you are a demo you get great incentives to sell and earn free stamp sets.

To everyone...online catalog is simply a tool that demos and customers can use to help us all! I am a demo and I think it's great and I still sell catalogs! And yes, there are form online that you can print.

jeaniebean55 12-28-2005 11:45 AM

srogers5 writes: "I am wondering why this isn't in the demo-only forum though."
Jenn recommended it go there, but since I'm no longer a demo I wouldn't be able to read any of the feedback, so she put it here.

(Also responding to Ms.Rogers) It hasn't worked out for me, that's why I put this out to all of you. If you feel the policy is fair then we'll politley agree to disagree. And doesn't your downline create some sort of perk for you? My upline has encouraged many of her hobbiest friends to become hobby demos and it's helped her business a great deal.

Note to Jenn: If you want to move this to the demo-only area, that's OK with me. I've been heard and folk can do what they want with it. If you even want to just pull it, that's OK too. Thanks for listening anyway.

speanburg4 12-28-2005 12:37 PM

I'm not a SU demo, but I find this very interesting. I think the original poster was suggesting the one-time $50 supply requirement be dropped for everyone, not just hobby demos. I used to be a CM consultant, and they had a similar policy. We had to place a minimum $500 order in one calendar month every rolling 3 months. So if I placed a $500 order in January, I had until the end of April to place another $500 order. If I placed my next $500 order in March, then I had until the end of June for the next order, etc. They have since changed this to be cumulative over the 3 months, but the quarters are still rolling. Anyway, if you missed your minimum, you could reactivate by placing a $500 order and paying a $50 fee to CM within a six month period. You didn't get anything for your $50, just the pleasure of remaining a consultant. At least with SU you get something for your $50. BTW, with CM, once you deactivate, you lose your downline, whether you reactivate or not.

vfnelson2 12-28-2005 01:18 PM

There are some good things to purchase in the supply section. That said, if it wasn't for the Hobby Demos, SU! wouldn't be where they are today. If they took all the sales from the hobby demos out, I wonder what their yearly sales would be. We are their best customers always having to have everything new they come out with. We get excited about it to sell to others, even if it's only a few hundered dollars more a quarter. All those sales add up! It's awesome your upline got your $50 minimum revoked, but that isn't fair to others who don't have the connection. Perhaps if they just made the rule to spend $50 on anything instead of just supplies, that would be better! I'm with you on not wanting $50 in supplies just hanging around that I wouldn't use.

Good luck in getting the word out! At least we do get something for the $50, unlike CM consultants! :-)

Vicki Nelson

jeaniebean55 12-29-2005 03:49 AM

For the record, had I signed on as a demo under the idea (true or not) that I was planning on making this a business, I would have no issue with this. But that was not the case at all. Everything was very upfront about becoming a hobbiest demo and that that was perfectly fine.

(I must confess, up till this thread, no one mentioned that there are stamps on the supply cat. side. In all the to-ing and fro-ing with SU! and then my upline that's never come up. I'm not sure if that changes the picture for me or not. Gotta think about that one. But this sure is the reason I love SCS! You're all awesome!)

dawn g 12-29-2005 06:29 AM

Jeanie, there are also mugs and water bottles etc... I ordered a travel mug and it's really pretty and I've gotten lots of comments on it. You can also order black stampin spots to go with the stamps from the supply side. They make great little gifts for people!

robynstamps 12-29-2005 07:19 AM

Also, I don't know if this has been mentioned or not but Stampin' Up! basis the extention on a case by case senerio. Not everyone is asked to place a $50 supply order. I have had girls in my group that have had to place larger and some in the past who have not had to place anything. This is a very personal matter between you and Stampin' Up! Honestly, the pending month is an extra option that Stampin' Up! offers without having to order the extra supply order they sometimes require. That's great that your Upline has special connections but I don't feel that anyone has any connections over another demonstrator. She might have called her SAM but they probably just looked at your case more closely. I would also call my SAM if one of my downline had a special circumstance to consider, like death in the family, illness, etc. I do not mind asking for the extra supply order for those who have already been give the opportunity to make it up during pending month. That was a time where they were not penalized but after that is different. I think if Stampin' Up! didn't do that then noone would take their minimums seriously. Hobby demo or not it is still a business agreement we sign.

Good luck! I hope it all works out for you!


momof2btd 12-29-2005 07:33 AM

If i had to place a supply order, i would order items i could use like the incentive stamps, mugs etc. Another option could be to order the items and see if you could trade the items.

jeaniebean55 12-30-2005 03:58 AM

Robyn, I contacted SU! and was told that no, the $50 supply order is a policy for all (in the one-time-life-time extension). The gentleman I spoke with has been with SU! for 5 years and said that in all that time, the only exception he recalls is when the individual had placed a large supply order ($150) in the month before.

If anyone is still following this: Just to get the end-of-the-story (sort of): I did place the $50 supply order, because (through you guys!) I discovered there are things in the supply side that I can honestly use (I'm not sure that would have been true if the sellabration stamps weren't available). BUT, even better -- the gal who got me started stamping agrees that the $50 supply order for a hobbiest demo is unfair (it isn't the money, it's how the money is being spent). She is in the downline for a gal here who is on the SU! advisory board and will be discussing it with her. We'll see where it goes. I'm hanging in with SU! for another quarter, hoping the policy changes. If not, I'll be moving on.

Thanks all for the tips. The idea of getting supplies to trade or sell with other demos-- I still have a TON of stuff from my initial kit. I've put the word out there, maybe I need to again, but I sure don't want to add to that pile! :)

And for those of you who think hobby demos shouldn't be allowed, you need to take that up with SU! But they do, and that was our initial understanding.

robynstamps 12-30-2005 05:49 AM


Did you talk to a SAM? If he works for DS he does not know all the situations that have come up. I've been a demo for 5 years too and have a good size downline. I have had some who have not had to place the $50 order but it was a personal circumstance. Thanks for checking for me :) but I really do know what I'm talking about. I hope you got it taken care of for you, though.

I served on the Advisory Board, as well. That would be nice to have her bring up but again, business is business and everyone should have to have the same consequence whether they are hobby or career.


Spacey 12-30-2005 08:45 AM

Hi there, I am looking into becoming a demo in January, and frankly all the things that you are talking about is completely foreign. Jean in your situation I feel bad, and I think they should make an exception to this rule. Each situation is different, and if it wasn't for demos, their product wouldn't be as great as it is.

Another question for all you demos out there, what do you mean when you say good size downline?? and all those other fancy terms. As well, aside from the starter kit cost, do you have to buy anything else?


kimryden 12-30-2005 09:08 AM

I just wanted to reply to you...spacey...

large downline is the people that sign up under you. you will be signing up under another demo and then you will be in her downline and she will be your upline. The large the downline and your downline's downlines...the more money you will be making! Good incentive to get one!

As for start up costs...the start kit should have everything that you need to get started but with your first hostess order that you place...you will get 30% basically. So I took full advantage of that and bought a WHOLE lot! Also...you will become your own best customer!!! It's inevitable!

JulieHRR 12-30-2005 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Spacey
Hi there, I am looking into becoming a demo in January, and frankly all the things that you are talking about is completely foreign.

I highly recommend asking your potential upline to share a recruit packet with you or sitting down to chat with you? The terminology you are hearing is related to the Multi-Level marketing industry, so it would seem strange lingo to anyone unfamiliar with MLM.


Another question for all you demos out there, what do you mean when you say good size downline?? and all those other fancy terms.
Downline (a.k.a. recruits) = people who have signed up underneath you, as per the MLM system, to also sell products. When you sign up under someone she is referred to as your "upline" and you are referred to as her "downline".


As well, aside from the starter kit cost, do you have to buy anything else?

There is too much information that a few lines would just not encompass; you really do need to review a "Recruit Brochure" that outlines the aspects of being a demonstrator for SU!, in order to gain the best understanding, or meet directly with your potential upline.

Yes, besides the starter kit, you must meet quarterly sales requirements in order to maintain demonstrator status.

If you pursue the business aspects of being a demonstrator, you will need to eventually restock your consumable business supplies, such as order forms, catalogs, etc.

(As opposed to buying for discount, which is referred to as being a "hobby" demonstrator--a distinction made by demonstrators themselves--not SU!; they consider a demonstrator a demonstrator and all must follow the same guidelines, policies, and sales requirements to maintain demonstrator status--to distinguish between career/business oriented demonstrators and those who signed up to be able to purchase at discount)

All demonstrators, to maintain active status, must sell, or buy themselves, a minimum of $300 net in product every quarter.

Spacey 12-30-2005 09:20 AM

Thankyou ladies for all the info....now it makes sense!!!

I am really looking forward to starting up!! I have an open house planned, and I already have some steady clients who would purchase from myself!!

I am really stoked, but my apartment isn't going to like me for long...I have barely enough room for the boxes of SU right now!!!

Spacey 12-30-2005 09:22 AM

Julie, I actually have a meeting after work today with my current demo, she is absolutely awesome (I have non stop questions and she puts up with me). She is lucking out with our stamp club, there is one other lady who is signing up as a demo as well!!!

JulieHRR 12-30-2005 09:31 AM

Hey, Stacey! Faboo for you!!! Congratulations and best wishes for success in your SU! endeavors!!! Sounds like you are off to a whiz-bang start already!


Stamp_a_licious 12-30-2005 09:41 AM

I have not read all the replies, so don't know if this was mentioned.

When i read the "need to buy $50 in supplies" the first thing that came to mind was that perhaps SU thinks that if you went inactive onviously your sales are low, which could mean that you are not practicing your business, or having successful shows/camps. Therefore perhaps you are low on business supplies. Business supplies normally lead to a (or are part of a) successful show, ( I am sure that there are people that will disagree and that's fine) idea books, order forms, things like that...so perhaps they are thinking you need to top up or have a better supply of business supplies? Or even that you could be purchasing incentives to boost your sales, as they are also found on a supply order....Hope I have explained what I mean well enuff.

Either way I am sorry that you have been left with a bad taste in your mouth, but for every thing that I don't like about SU there are 3 or more things that I do like! They cannot please everyone in such an opinionated and diverse world. I am confident that they practice fair and reasonable rules, and treat the demos, and customers like the main lifeline for their business. They did not get to be where they are stepping on the 'little people'. I admire what Shelli has done with SU, and will support them whether I am a demo or not. Hopefully one day you will look back (with a SU Stamp in hand) and remember the good times, and know that the rules are not made to upset anyone, or make people feel like they are unfair. Happy Stamping, and best of luck in the future :)

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