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-   -   Stamping on Cookies??? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/stamping-cookies-10613/)

JRose 09-27-2004 04:42 PM

Stamping on Cookies???
I have a friend that was wondering if it is possible to stamp on food... like on cookies? She was wanting to make sugar cookies and frost them and then stamp them with pumpkins etc.

I knew that if anyone knew how to do it, someone here would!!!

Thanks! :D

mommakate 09-27-2004 04:44 PM

The Answer is YES!

Some buy the edible ink markers but I ahve also heard that ANY NON-TOXIC marker will work fine! It IS non-toxic this techincally edible!

I have not tried the frosting first - hmmm..... I intend on doing mine for holiday gifts!

But that is the shrot answer to your Q!!!



PaisleyPrincess 09-27-2004 05:05 PM

here is a link had for stamping on food...hope these help
i have never tried it myself


Kar 09-27-2004 05:53 PM

we did this at a 4-H thingy. We just watered down the Wilton icing colors and stamped with that for our coloring. We did not frost the top so might have to experiment with that a bit.

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