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designsbydonna05 11-07-2005 07:08 AM

Stamping Classes
Hi everyone,

I want to hold stamping classes once a month in my home. I need to make a flyer and include details of the classes. I wanted to know if any of you can give me advice on what kind of projects to do, what to charge, etc.


Donna Godfrey
78 Saratoga Rd.
Stratford, NJ 08084
[email protected] :smile:

mrussom 11-07-2005 07:20 AM

My demonstrator holds these pretty much each month. She picks a stamp (not sure how she does that but its usually out of the flyer or new catalog-something popular), charges us for the cost of the stamp, we go to her house and we do three cards using the stamp. Its a great way for us non-demonstrators to actually get to know how to use the stamp. She usually shows a technique too, like embossing, eyelets, not anything too complicated because you want people in and out. These stamps end up getting used all the time by me (and my friends) because I have examples I can look at, touch, feel, all of that stuff. I have lots of stamps at home that I rarely use because I need the example. I think a lot of us need that. She also has special classes (like Halloween, Christmas). This Halloween we paid $5 and walked out with three cards and envelopes. Christmas, we leave with 15 cards for $20. She always gets a full house, everyone is happy because they either have completed projects, or stamps with cards they can use or keep for inspiration.

She sets up times during the day for her monthly stamp, we sign up for what time slot we want (usually 1 1/2 hours she sets aside for each group) and we send her our money by her deadline.

Love these classes. Hope this helps.


vanna106 11-07-2005 07:31 AM

My demo also does this. It's a once a month class and she charges $5. There is usally 3 projects. However, we use her stamps and ink pads. She always has her catalogs set up and I'd say most people end up ordering something.

She just started doing the same class at her job. It is also once a month and they do they same project that we (the neighborhood/friends stamp camp) do. She says it's starting to get busy.


ScramperNut 11-07-2005 07:34 AM

My demo has these classes and she charges $15-$20 and we always do 3 projects.

Usually a scrapbook page and we've done bookmarks, wrapping paper, mini books, envelope cards (really cute), gift card holders, etc. She always has a full house and we have sooo much fun just getting together.
She does usually highlight a technique so everyone learns something new.
She prints out complete instructions for each project that you can take home with you.

Lots of fun!

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