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NiceRAK 09-13-2004 11:09 AM

Stampin' rut?
How often do you you all get in a stampin' rut? Meaning..ya just don't feel creative. I think with the craziness of the beginning of the school year, the new catalog newness has worn off, and I have several events that I NEED to plan for, that the FUN has is just not there for me. I feel terrible guilty about though because I just got Hope is... and several other fun things and about $120 worth of cardstock. Really I should be stamping!
How often if ever do any of you get this way? :roll:

jbalcer 09-13-2004 11:14 AM

Lana coined a term for this disease . . . RUBBER ROT!

Till this past weekend, I had it. I got to stamp and loved it. Took my mind off the other stuff going on. It took forever to get rid of that. I still have new sets on my shelf, begging to be used. After the kids get to bed, I'm gonna go play again. . .

stampcrazygirl 09-13-2004 11:19 AM

I have been in this 'rubber rot' for about a month now. I feel the same way you do...I have these new sets and CS and just can't get into it. I have a ton of projects and cards that I HAVE to make and absolutely no desire to do them.

It's frustrating...but I am hoping that one of these days I will just get in the mood and stay up all night and stamp!

This doesn't happen very often...usually when I'm in this rut, a day or weekend when I'm so busy that I can't stamp is when I get in the mood to stamp!

I hope we both get out of this rut soon!

Good luck! :)

Tracy14 09-13-2004 11:21 AM

I think we all go through this at one time or another. I recently did when I had a bunch of projects I HAD to do. I was hitting a brick wall for ideas for all of them. The way I got over it is that I sat down and just stamped for fun, not worring about any of the Need to do projects, I just had fun and played. I found that the flood gates were opened for ideas and I was able to tackle the projects with plenty of inspiration. I found that even though there might be things that need to get done, you need to always remember that you stamp for fun and that is why you started in the first place. I just became a demo and felt enormous pressure (self put) to have samples, things to demo, ect. I really had to sit myself down and realize that this is a passion and to have fun with it, and not put so much pressure to have stuff done now.
I know I rambled a bit, but HTH


Jovi 09-13-2004 11:22 AM

Sometimes I feel the same way.... last night I started on some accordian cards, I have all the pieces cut and ready to stamp, I just don't feel like working on them today :( . I have some other projects that I would love to do, but, again, just don't feel like it :(

My plan was to stamp this last weekend, instead I helped DH stain our fence and deck...I'm sure most of use will pick stamping over staining!

Maybe this coming weekend I'll be motivated, my DH is taking the kids camping for the weekend :D :D

WaterPixie 09-13-2004 11:26 AM

When I feel like that I start going thru the gallery and looking at what everyone has done, adding to my favorites.

Eventually something will inspire me and I'll have to do it right then!

But if it doesn't, at leat I've added more samples to my favorites that I can refer to when I'm stamping and can't think of what to do next.

NiceRAK 09-13-2004 11:46 AM

Thanks all
Thank you all for the support and great ideas. My particular "blockage" is for my upcoming calendar class. I have all the materials, I just have to sit and design each calendar. I am going for simplicity. I am using Year Round Fun II for all the months. But I want switch up the techniques. Do poppin pastels, embossing, watercolor, pearl ex, torn paper...things like that. I think I have all the ideas figured out in my head but no desire to sit and make them reality. I am hoping this passes soon as my class is the 22nd :shock:

WaterPixie 09-13-2004 12:00 PM

I love that stamp set!

What size calendars are you doing?

I plan on using that set for my 6x6 calendars.

Kymbers_Stampin 09-13-2004 12:03 PM

I was in one until a) I started actually doing the daily challenges, and b) when I started getting together a new order. It helped to know fun new stuff was coming. I'm playing now and feeling better. Now that everything is organized and in actual containers rather than old SU boxes I feel better too. I'm definitely on my way out of my rut.

NiceRAK 09-13-2004 12:05 PM

3 Attachment(s)
I am just doing the small calendars that go in the zip disc case. I got my cases from effectuality.com

WaterPixie 09-13-2004 12:07 PM

Oooooo!! Those will be so cute!!!!

Hope you post pictures when you're done!

I'll have to check out that site!

Thanks! Good luck!

NiceRAK 09-13-2004 12:11 PM

I promise
that I will post pictures of the finished calendars...IF I ever get them done :P

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