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smartinez182 12-25-2004 08:25 PM

She cryed!!!
For those of you that have visited my gallery lastely you will see 6 x 6 brag book pages I made my sister for Christmas. She opened it today ( I made you wait till everyone was done) and after about two pages in she started crying and got up and gave me a hug. She cryed all the way through it. I really wasn't expecting that. My mom said she had a hard time looking at it through the tears. I was so nervous she wouldn't really appreciate what I was trying to do but I guess I succeeded.

Just wanted to let you know how it turned out.

Happy Holidays.

jenjam 12-25-2004 08:35 PM

That is so COOL!!!! I am glad it worked out so well for you.

wright1 12-25-2004 08:45 PM

Oh my gosh, Shannon. I went back to look at the brag book and nearly cried myself. That book would have melted the Grinch's heart.

I'm glad your sister loved it. You did good, be proud of yourself. Your sister is very lucky.

Jackie S 12-25-2004 08:51 PM

I just visited your gallery to check out your brag book pages. What a nice gift. I didn't get to grow up with my sister (techinally 1/2 sister) and we hardly know each other so pictures like these are priceless! Glad you sister loved it! You did such a nice job. :)

Jami 12-25-2004 08:57 PM

Wow - you did an awesome job on that book! It's always a little scary when you put your heart and soul into something - not knowing how someone will react. I'm so glad for you that she really "got" it!!!

daphne532 12-26-2004 04:13 AM

What a great job on the brag book... I'm glad your sister appreciated it...

jdarnall2001 12-26-2004 04:53 AM

Oh how great! The album is wonderful - no wonder she cried. I'm so glad she enjoyed it that much. It's always a little scary to see how someone will react.

miss 12-26-2004 05:47 AM

Isn't that great! I had a similar experience, I made a very short alterted type book for my Mom & Dad & my Mom cried! I couldn't beleive it, I thought she wouldn't apprecieate it at all, she thinks stamping is a ridiculous hobby. I was so happy! She really liked it!

Good for you & glad your sister liked it as well. Sister's are tough aren't they?

brainerdgal 12-26-2004 06:06 AM

Shannon, it's wonderful! It inspires me to do one for my brother. Thanks for sharing it!


sleddy 12-26-2004 06:34 AM

What an awesome job you have done!! This is giving me inspiration to do one of my three sisters for my mom's birthday in February.

scrappin'stamper 12-26-2004 06:47 AM

I had to peak at your book now because I hadn't remebered it and it is a beautifyl memory and you pages were awesome!!

You've inspired me!

CrabbyAbbe 12-26-2004 06:48 AM

Beautiful job Shannon, I am so glad it was a hit!

mnjjacobs 12-26-2004 07:21 AM

Wow, what a gift from the heart! Really the spirit of the season. I'm so glad you posted your beautiful, BEAUTIFUL album, I'm struggling with one for my MIL! :D
Hooray for you, and Merry Christmas!

heresrita 12-26-2004 07:34 AM

Wow! Talk about a real gift from the heart! Great job!!

kiwistamper 12-26-2004 08:17 AM

I just went and looked at your gallery. What a wonderful gift and great memories. You did a beautiful job!!

-- Bridget

mhutch 12-26-2004 08:30 AM

It is no wonder she cried. The book is so very touching. It's inspired me to start one for each of my daughters. They will be able to finish/add to them later since they (4yr. and 22mos.) have already caught the scrapbooking bug. (My 22mos. old is already pretty good at stamping.Caught her with my unsealed Toile Blossom and Basic Black pad- very little mess. She was going straight up and straight down. I was so proud until I looked at my table. :wink: )


cardsbyanita 12-26-2004 08:55 AM

Beautiful job...you created a treasure!

Connie48 12-26-2004 09:40 AM

What a gift!
Thanks for sharing the book with us. What a wonderful gift!

smartinez182 12-26-2004 01:11 PM

Thank you so much for the wonderful comments. I was going to make one for each of my parents depending on how this turned out. My only question is this and maybe your guys can help me. My parents got divorced when I was 18 so all my childhood albums have the four of us together and happy. My question to you guys is should I include pictures that my dad is in in my mom's book and visa versa or should I try and find ones the other isn't in?

Shell 12-26-2004 01:26 PM

It is wonderful to know that your gift was truly appreciated, isn't it? I did one each for my best friends last year and they loved it (but wondered how I could have soooo many pictures of their kids! LOL!). It is a wonderful, wonderful gift, and I'm very glad your sister saw the value in it.

Momscrzr 12-26-2004 01:38 PM

Shannon, I can't think of a more precious gift to give your sister. You did a fantastic job!! How could she not love it!! I made one for my (twin) sister for her birthday last summer. It wasn't pictures of us growing up, but of our children growing up. I have a boy and girl and she has 2 girls. They're all within 5 years age of each other and they're all in their 20s now. She loved it and so did all the kids.


mhutch 12-26-2004 02:12 PM


If your parents are friends, I'd include the pictures that are memorable to you even if they are together in the pictures. If they are remarried I'd put something in it like, "One day our family expanded.", "We embarked on a new journey", for their wedding day.

If they are not friends at all, then I would say no way. Neither would enjoy those pages.

HTH, Mary

smartinez182 12-26-2004 04:03 PM

They are civil to each other and they are both with other people but not married. They were once happy.

maklady 12-26-2004 04:11 PM

what an awesome album! Hmmm...gives me some ideas. Good luck with the one for each of your parents.

dbaker3 12-26-2004 04:42 PM

wow - Shannon~ what an awesome job you did! I cried looking at the pictures, telling & showing my DH about it! I want to do the same for my older sisters, I know they would love it too!!

Thanks for sharing :)

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