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Nicole's Mom 07-08-2008 09:16 AM

Rosie O'Donnells Craft room on tv
I was watching Kathy Griffiths show and she went to visit Rosie. She was invited to do crafts with her. OMG she has he biggest room ever for crafts. She had huge stainless steel shelves filled with supplies. She has doubles, tripples of everything. Modge Podge she had like 8 of them. It was fun to see. She had her ememys in there and her kids had painted them. They were painted all colores of the rainbow and just sitting there with all her other stuff. Her room was nothing fancy just a huge room full of supplies and it looks like it is well used.

Her house as they drove up looked normal too. Nothing real fancy with gates or anything like that. They walked up to the porch and knocked and Rosie answered the door. She seemed so normal. I don't know what I was expecting.

Cathy H 07-08-2008 09:30 AM

I wished I had seen it. I know that she loves to decoupage (Did I spell that correctly???)

ajcmeyer 07-08-2008 09:32 AM

I'm gonna check my dvr and see if I can record that one!

Nicole's Mom 07-08-2008 09:43 AM

The show was Kathy Griffiths life on the D list. The show constantly has reruns. So I am sure you can pick it up. It was where Kathy is in New York and got banned from being on the View so she went to see Rosie instead. I wish they had shown more of her room but you do get to see it.

Nicole's Mom 07-08-2008 09:43 AM

I saw her on Martha crafts doing decoupage too.

daisygirl016 07-08-2008 09:48 AM

I am not a reality show watcher at all but I LOVE Kathy Griffin's show. I'll be sure to find that on reruns!! Thanks!

Judyw 07-08-2008 11:39 AM

Okay, I am all for crafting, of course. But letting your kids paint on your Emmy's? Not at my house. There have to be some limits to what gets crafted.

Pixie Dust 07-08-2008 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Judyw (Post 10458210)
Okay, I am all for crafting, of course. But letting your kids paint on your Emmy's? Not at my house. There have to be some limits to what gets crafted.

I saw Rosie on Paula Dean's show and she talked about that and what happened. The kids actually did it without her knowing and she walked in and there they were. She said instead of getting mad at them she just put them on a shelf. :mrgreen:

NoraCH 07-08-2008 01:11 PM

I think that they mentioned that Rosie O'Donnell's craft room can be seen on her website. They were taping that segment not just for the Kathy Griffin show, but also for Rosie's Vlog (video blog I guess). Maybe she shows more of the room on there.

Disneywed 07-08-2008 01:17 PM

it isn't even a craft "room" it is a craft HOUSE. She has a whole seperate house on her property for crafting. :mrgreen:

NHolder 07-08-2008 01:45 PM

I have the magazine article from her magazine (several years ago) that I keep for inspiration for my craft room some day.

CreativeCritter 07-08-2008 02:43 PM

I read once that their family is TV-free so they all spend a lot of time crafting together. She also just wrote a book recently about crafting with kids.

dgmlmax 07-08-2008 02:50 PM

Did they say where she lives- like what state? Because I thought she had a house on Star Island in Miami. This place is amazing. And like the name says there are tons of stars that have houses there. Well now that I say that, she probably has several houses, all over the place. I guess while she did the View, she lived somewhere around the NY area. I would have loved to see her craft mansion.


steubner 07-08-2008 03:19 PM

I saw that and was totally drooling and punching my DH, saying OOH! Look at that!! He pretended to be interested, poor thing...but that place was like a store!

Nicole's Mom 07-08-2008 06:34 PM

The craft room I saw was from her home in New York. I don't think this was a separate house. It looked like a great room. I give her credit for not getting mad at her kids for painting her Emmys. After all they are only trophys and only mean something if you want them too. They are just pieces of metal. I don't think the kids meant any harm and they are far more precious than the trophys. Kudos for Rosie for seeing that.

SilverDragoness 07-08-2008 07:52 PM

Now you guys have me all curious does anyone know if it's posted online anywhere?

ThatGirlThere 07-08-2008 11:22 PM

Oh darn I missed it, what channel is Kathy on and what day??? I seen her show a few times, Love her lol

risingsun436 07-09-2008 04:18 AM

I'm going to google it and maybe I'll find it, I hope!

Patrina+2 07-09-2008 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by Nicole's Mom (Post 10463596)
The craft room I saw was from her home in New York. I don't think this was a separate house. It looked like a great room. I give her credit for not getting mad at her kids for painting her Emmys. After all they are only trophys and only mean something if you want them too. They are just pieces of metal. I don't think the kids meant any harm and they are far more precious than the trophys. Kudos for Rosie for seeing that.

I totally agree. Kids are always doing something and I'm sure they thought they were making them "pretty" for her. As a mom of 2 young girls I try to keep a good perspective of things like this. 30 years from now when the kids are all grown and gone, Rosie will still have those painted Emmy's and the story she tells about those will be much more colorful and heartfelt than the one she would have told about them else wise.

stampencamper 07-09-2008 05:38 AM

this is her craft blog, is the video background the room they showed
or a tv background?
I'm not impressed with the crafts, we are the more experienced crafters,
though not with other celebs

Disneywed 07-09-2008 05:49 AM

dragoness, here ya go...


photo of the inside of her craft house...which is a dedicated seperate building on her NY preoperty( I think she also has one on the FL property) completely seperate building.

Cathy H 07-09-2008 03:07 PM

Kathy was banned from the View??????? Very interesting!

Gina K. Designs 07-09-2008 05:38 PM

That is fabulous! A craft house, huh? WOW! Love it! LOL!

ThatGirlThere 07-09-2008 06:47 PM

Ok, if anyone wanted to know, Kathy is on BRAVO channel and the name of the episode that Rosie was on is "Speak now or Forever hold you Peace". I have BravoW, on the westcoast and it shows that it will be on tomorrow Thursday at 10pm.
Anyone who wants to watch it might want to look at there guide to see what time its on where you live. :p

Nicole's Mom 07-09-2008 07:59 PM

Kathy says she has been re-banned since she was once banned then let back on then banned again. She repeated something Barbara said in private about using a lubricant:rolleyes: and used it in a joke.

Vivi's Mommy 07-10-2008 06:18 AM

Apparently she wasn't in the room and her kids asked if they could paint "the pointy things" she asked if they were really sharp and if they were in the craft room since the rule is that anything in the room is fair game. The kids said they were pointy but not sharp and they were in the room. She just said, You know the rule and then came in to find her Emmys newly prettied up with paint. If you have a dozen Emmys whats the harm in 2 getting painted? I found the whole thing hilarious!

RosyS 07-10-2008 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Judyw (Post 10458210)
Okay, I am all for crafting, of course. But letting your kids paint on your Emmy's? Not at my house. There have to be some limits to what gets crafted.

I nearly spit water on my computer when I read this. Hilarious! You better keep your Emmy's out of reach then!

Cathy H 07-10-2008 12:03 PM

Thanks for the explanation!
Kathy says she has been re-banned since she was once banned then let back on then banned again. She repeated something Barbara said in private about using a lubricant and used it in a joke.

Cathy H 07-10-2008 12:04 PM

I obviously haven't figured out how to quote a message in my reply.

Phantom 07-10-2008 01:12 PM

I like Rosie's craft house... but I'm afraid I'd spend a lot of time organizing it LOL!! Yes.. I know that's not her style!

The Emmy story just gets funnier ... how many of us have answered our kids' questions thinking we actually knew what they were asking - and then getting a surprise!!

Cat 07-10-2008 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by ThatGirlThere (Post 10477182)
... and the name of the episode that Rosie was on is "Speak now or Forever hold you Peace". I have BravoW, on the westcoast and it shows that it will be on tomorrow Thursday at 10pm. :p

on the east coast [i'm in florida] the show is on at 8pm:

Originally Posted by bravo
Episode Description
Originally Aired: July 03, 2008

Kathy is performing at Madison Square Garden and sold out the tickets. But Kathy's been re-banned from the "The View" because of a harmless joke about Barbara Walters. It's fine to be sold out, but without press such an achievement seems wasted. Luckily, she's found a perfect way to get publicity. There is a quirky Jewish couple in Queens whose dream wedding includes Kathy serving as their minister. She could probably get Page 6 and maybe the local news to cover it. All it requires is that she gets ordained on the Internet. A trip to New York also means she'll have chance to see her pal, Rosie O'Donnell. Jessica and Tiffany are dying to play in Rosie's craft room. And just to make things extra fun, Kathy's hooking up with old friends Molly Shannon and Megan Mullally while she's in town.

Nicole's Mom 07-10-2008 06:00 PM

cathy H just hit the quote button on the bottom right hand side, it does the work for you.....hit quote and type what response you want

Cathy H 07-10-2008 07:19 PM

Ok. I'll try it.
It didn't work. How do I choose which message I mean to quote?

Cathy H 07-10-2008 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Nicole's Mom (Post 10490519)
cathy H just hit the quote button on the bottom right hand side, it does the work for you.....hit quote and type what response you want

OK. Now I get it--- Thanks !

AmandaDew 07-10-2008 07:21 PM

This would have been so cool to see.
I loved Rosie's talk show but really liked the crafty segments.
Will have to look out for this one.

Thanks for telling us about it.:)

g33kgr1 07-11-2008 05:50 PM


Shows when the episode will air next...

ThatGirlThere 07-12-2008 12:07 AM

Ok I think I was wrong about the name of the episode. I read a comment about it on Kathy's website, but I saw it yesterday and it was the one called something about Bears and Cubs. Im sure it will be repeated

g33kgr1 07-15-2008 04:28 AM

I watched the "speaking..." episode this weekend (on my DVR) and Rosie and her craft room was on it. Wasn't a great view but if you watch it a few times and look in the background than you can see it.

samswindle 07-15-2008 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Judyw (Post 10458210)
Okay, I am all for crafting, of course. But letting your kids paint on your Emmy's? Not at my house. There have to be some limits to what gets crafted.

I love your avatar. I think Mike Rowe is adorable!:D

Nicole's Mom 07-15-2008 05:04 AM

Who is Mike Rowe?

Yes it is on the Speaking episode. The Bears and cubs episode is about big gay men. I can't remember but I think the two are different episodes.

Not a great view of the room but you do get to see it. I put it on freeze on tivo so I could see what she had. It is basically a mess and it seems to be the entire house. I still thought it was interesting to see the little bit I did. I am in love with seeing folks craft rooms.:cool: :)

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