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mmferg 03-29-2006 03:47 PM

Roses in Winter reject!
Yep that is me! I can not stamp these roses right to save my life. So far, 5 cards in the garbage and one that is okay.

Here is a link to the only one that didn't get tossed, but they still look like blobs.

What am I doing wrong??

Yucky roses

kimber4m 03-29-2006 03:51 PM

I think you are too hard on yourself. Those don't look bad at all and the colors you chose are very pretty. I agree though, this is a hard set to use but it looks like you did fine on this card. Really pretty.

deb_loves_stamping 03-29-2006 03:54 PM

I think your card is beautiful!!!!!

restongal 03-29-2006 03:55 PM

I don't know what card you are talking about but the one I saw when I clicked the link is really pretty. I think to use this set and always perfectly match up the layers would be wrong, I personally like when they don't match up exactly, it gives a wonderful watercolor feel to the image. I also really like the colors you used. Stop being so hard on yourself, art (& stamping) is expression and you did great.

Disneywed 03-29-2006 03:55 PM

very pretty card....um...I thought they were supposed to look like that??

craftyreesa 03-29-2006 04:01 PM

BEAUTIFUL CARD. I think you are being WAY too hard on yourself, I would feel so lucky to get this card.

mmferg 03-29-2006 04:05 PM

You girls are just too kind :)

I am not looking for them to be perfect, I would just like them to look like they have layers and some definition....not so blobby (not sure if that is a word ;) )

sunnywl 03-29-2006 04:12 PM

What??? The card is awesome just the way it is! I want to own the RIW set someday!

hugabug 03-29-2006 04:15 PM

Your card is beautiful! If it makes you feel any better, I almost gave up on the set myself. I just kept playing with it. I finally got it this week... well sort of.

- Jess

FromKorea 03-29-2006 04:17 PM

I think you did a great job...the card is Beautiful!!:D

nasmith1701 03-29-2006 04:23 PM

You silly girl! That card is awesome!! There isn't anything wrong with those roses!

Carebear530 03-29-2006 04:42 PM

Its beautiful! You can send it to me if you don't want it. ;)

mamakimberly 03-29-2006 04:47 PM

I think they are beautiful!

What do you not like about it?

Sometimes I find that it looks splotchier than I want (that's the nature of those stamps, they're supposed to look splotchy).

So I've started doing the "smooshing" technique a lot more...

Basically when you press down, you rotate the stamp while it is on the paper, like stamp, twist, lift up....

Emily and I both use this... here's one of her cards using it...

But seriously, I think your roses are beautiful and they look awesome :)

mamakimberly 03-29-2006 04:48 PM

I think they are beautiful!

What do you not like about it?

Sometimes I find that it looks splotchier than I want (that's the nature of those stamps, they're supposed to look splotchy).

So I've started doing the "smooshing" technique a lot more...

Basically when you press down, you rotate the stamp while it is on the paper, like stamp, twist, lift up....

Emily and I both use this... here's one of her cards using it...

But seriously, I think your roses are beautiful and they look awesome :)

dtstampz 03-29-2006 04:50 PM

You are being too self-critical--your roses are lovely! Try some other colorways, and keep experimenting. And, send me your rejects, of course!;)

kimber4m 03-29-2006 04:57 PM

Don't you find that you are always way more critical of your own work. I never like the food I cook and everyone always raves about what a good cook I am, same with my cards, I look at them and I think oooh no talent and yet when other people see them, they always are amazed at what I can do with stamps. Anyways, I already posted before but again this is a really pretty card.

mamakimberly 03-29-2006 05:00 PM

Sorry for my stoopitdouple post :(

mmferg 03-29-2006 05:01 PM

Okay, I gave these dang roses one more shot! And this time I didn't even try to line them up...and guess what I like it much better.

What do you think?

CC55 Roses

mamakimberly 03-29-2006 05:02 PM

LOVELY, Mandy!!

MonTigg 03-29-2006 05:04 PM

I think it is awsome! :)

mmferg 03-29-2006 05:05 PM


You and your sister are the reason I had to have this set!!! I just love both of your cards...cuz they LOOK like roses.

Mine look like blobs of ink, no real dimension to them :(

So I figure I'll just give up on getting my roses to look like roses, and just be happy with my blobs with leaves :)

trefoil 03-29-2006 05:25 PM

I'm sorry to say this, but you are just wrong on this one.

Your card is lovely. :)

bonniejo 03-29-2006 06:01 PM

I love both cards. I had never thought of using a background stamp and stamping over it. I will be casing your cards.

Laurie FW 03-29-2006 06:01 PM

I agree with everyone else, you are way too hard on yourself! I love this set because it is so easy to make a beautiful card and it isn't supposed to be perfect! It still looks great anyway. Don't give up! When I find a composition I like, I make it in at least 4 colors to have a card on hand at all times in an emergency. These two cards you posted are both terrific! TFS!

stillstampin 03-29-2006 06:23 PM

This is awesome - it went straight to my fav's when I was looking in the day's postings - even before I read your posting. Don't be so hard on yourself - you are good!!

StamperSharon 03-29-2006 06:31 PM

Mandy, your roses look great! Like everyone has said, there's really no right or wrong way to do them. Using the same color family will produce a softer rose, such as yours. If you want to see more details, try using three different colors with a little more hue difference in them, such as Emily's example Kim posted, using saffron & rose. And the rock & roll technique is very effective with this set, too.

I loved your card!

emilymomto3boys 03-29-2006 06:44 PM

seriously they are gorgeous! It is hard to mess this set up, they may look wierd to you, but step away and then see it or ask someone else, cause usually they look great to someone else. Promise!

restongal 03-29-2006 07:12 PM

like I said the first time,its great, they are both beautiful. You can add my name to the lists where your rejects end up :)

Ally 03-29-2006 09:08 PM

I think RIW is one of those sets that looks better if you either squint a little or look at it at arms' length. It is an impressionistic stamp, so like Emily said step away from it and look at it then.
I think your card looks wonderful and it certainly works with the weathered background, your card has convinced me finally that I must have RIW.

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