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-   -   Re: Paying for Access to this site.......... (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/re-paying-access-site-98848/)

Jaydensmummy 11-09-2005 08:01 PM

Re: Paying for Access to this site..........
Just wanted to pass on my personal opinion about being a member and paying to access this site. Many of you may be like me, impatient. Can't wait for new stamps, the new catties............ie anything to do with stamping. I know many of you can relate. Anyways, with an upcoming card class, I decided I just could not wait for one more day to be able to have proper access to this site. So, I joined and paid 14.95 for a 6 month membership. Well, ladies, it was worth every penny. the Dirty Dozen section, only accessible to paying members is unbelievable. You think that Lisa Lisa, Beatte, Julie HRR, and all the other amazing Dirty Dozen gals post awsome work? you should see what is in the exclusive gallery. I got the cutest ever purse template designed by Leigh O'Brien. That alone was worth the money. Everyone who puts time into this site, thank you for all you do for us. I am glad I paid to support a site I thrive on. It was worth every penny. so for those of you wondering if it is worthwhile, the answer is absolutely, positively and unequivably. Thanks for reading this.

Janet ;)

GGladden 11-09-2005 08:23 PM

I have to agree with you. I bought a one year's subscription last month. I wonder why I didn't do this earlier! The DD gallery is fabulous. I'm so greedy - I just want more, more, more.

Most of us probably do not hesitate to buy craft magazines and that can add up in a hurry. The subscription to SCS is a bargain. I put a magazine back on the rack a few days ago, because I thought "SCS has better examples and directions than this." Soooo many good ideas!

Thanks a million SCS! This site has helped me a lot in growing from a hobby demo to a business demo!

If you are not a member - join up! You won't be disappointed!

Joan B 11-09-2005 08:30 PM

I agree. There are lots of good magazines with great ideas and you can take them to bed and flip through them. But, my last copy of the Rubber Stamper came yesterday. No more Stamper Sampler's, although I love them. I added up what I spent on magazines once and it came to over $200 over a 3 month period. Since I became a demo and joined SCS, I have not bought ONE magazine and have not set foot inside Michaels, etc. I have all the inspiration I need right here. Thank you to all the wonderful artists.

ericabeth 11-10-2005 07:09 AM

yep--definately a bargain!! This site makes being a demo so much easier! Need inspiration (or an all out CASE??!!) it's right here. Have a question? Someone will have the anawer--and quick! I love this place!

JoanB--your sig re SAB sets just isn't nice!! LOL!! My pulse quickened! I'm thinking WHERE?? WHERE?? I wanna see! Tried clicking on it and everything!! Got me! =)

cmayk 11-10-2005 07:32 AM

deleted so I don't cause a riot ;)

Jan Cramer 11-10-2005 07:38 AM

I totally agree that the membership is a bargin and definately worth it! Since there is work being done on the gallery there have been a few times when I have not had access but usually this only lasts for a few hours. Be patient, I'm sure when they get everything going it's going to be better than ever! Thanks to everyone who makes this site "THE" place to be!


roo613 11-10-2005 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by ericabeth
JoanB--your sig re SAB sets just isn't nice!! LOL!! My pulse quickened! I'm thinking WHERE?? WHERE?? I wanna see! Tried clicking on it and everything!! Got me! =)

me too!!!! You are soooooooooooooo mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

larleigh 11-10-2005 08:04 AM

Were do you go on the site to do this and are there different options?

Patra 11-10-2005 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by cmayk
I paid because I was under the impression that paid members would have uninterrupted access until the gallery was back to normal on Nov. 1. I've been really disappointed that every time I go to the gallery I end up with error messages and can't view anything. I hope it all gets fixed soon.

It isn't just you "newbies." It's all of us that have paid memberships. I'm sure Daven is doing all he can to make it as smooth a transition as possible, but there are going to be glitches and such for a little while. But...I've had times when I didn't have access to the "good stuff." There have been times that I couldn't get anywhere and realized that for some strange reason, I had to log in again.

No one was promised "uninterruped access." Everyone still had access to the gallery, but those who didn't pay just had to go through a different "door." And sometimes, those of us who had already paid also had to go through a different "door." And there were times when ALL the doors were locked and no one could get in! It will be fixed sooner or later. There's nothing we can do about it, so we might as well just browse all the other neat places on this site that we normally don't see because we spend so much time in the gallery!

Inkalicious 11-10-2005 08:41 AM

Membership info...

Originally Posted by larleigh
Were do you go on the site to do this and are there different options?

Go to the Home page, and top left corner is a box for Fan Club. Click on Fan Club at the bottom of box, and it will take you to an info page, then scroll to bottom and click on the DONATE box (looks like a MasterCard).

scrappin31 11-10-2005 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Jaydensmummy
So, I joined and paid 14.95 for a 6 month membership.

Where did you find the 6 month membership option? All I see is for a full year. Thanks!

row4d 11-10-2005 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by scrappin31
Where did you find the 6 month membership option? All I see is for a full year. Thanks!

Try again -- I just checked, and it's there! ;)

scrappin31 11-10-2005 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by row4d
Try again -- I just checked, and it's there! ;)

Ooooohhhhh!!! Now I found it... I was just looking at the FAQ section of the Fan Club and it didn't say anything about a 6 month option. Thank you!

GGladden 11-10-2005 11:54 AM

I paid right after the announcement that changes would be made. I didn't even know or care if I would have immediate access. I just hoped that maybe enough new subscriptions would give SCS a little extra financial boost so that they could easily afford to continue.

I have young adult children who are constantly buying computer equipment, etc. and it ain't cheap! Plus their time is valuable. Daven probably likes groceries too, so I don't expect him to spend his entire salary on SCS!

Hey, I've got a good idea! Let's all send $25!

wynona 11-10-2005 01:00 PM

I work on computers all day and most of the night and there isn't a single computer made out there that runs perfect all the time. If yours does, you should be on top of the world, baby!! :)

That said, I think Daven is the tops and is doing a great job in trying to take care of us. We are just a bit too demanding for our scs fix. Nothing wrong with that. I just try to put it all in perspective. It isn't the end of the world if I can't temporarily get into the gallery. I get there eventually.

JMHO (not trying to flame, etc.)

Consuelo 11-10-2005 01:06 PM

I LOVE this place. ;)

Stinkerbell 11-10-2005 01:18 PM

I paid about 10 months ago and have been totally pleased w/everything about this site. It's saved me when I had extra supplies I couldn't use, it's inspired me when I didn't know how to do something, it's motivated me when I felt my efforts were wasted and it's been FUN!! (every minute!) If I'm on the computer when DH walks through the door, he always says "Say Hi! to SCS for me...." (he's almost always right!)

Thank you so much for everything! Worth every penny! Does anyone know if they'll let me know when the year membership I paid for back in Jan or Feb this year is up? I don't want to go a minute w/o this great site!


lacyquilter 11-10-2005 01:40 PM

I have to agree with everyone that this is an awesome site. I haven't been on here very long, but I paid for fan club before the gallery went AWOL, not because I'd have limited access, but because I thought it was worth supporting the site, since I get so many great ideas, as well as instructions on how to do things.

I want to say THANK YOU to all those who volunteer their time to make this site so wonderful.

MI2SUNS 11-10-2005 01:47 PM

I've been a fan club member for over a year now and to be honest, I think it's the hottest deal around. I'd willingly pay more because it's so much better than reinventing the wheel for every class and workshop. I taking my son to school, coming home, grabbin' a cup of joe and oohhing and aahhhing over the amazing talent and dedication to this site. It was frustrating to hear the few complaints about paying for it.

StamperGirl33 11-11-2005 04:08 AM

I just paid for a 6 month membership yesterday as well....AND WOW that Dirty Dozen gallery is FABULOUS!!!!!!!!! Thank you ladies for you hard work and creativity! :)

spammie 11-11-2005 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Stinkerbell
Thank you so much for everything! Worth every penny! Does anyone know if they'll let me know when the year membership I paid for back in Jan or Feb this year is up? I don't want to go a minute w/o this great site!

I got an email telling me when my year was almost up.

wynona 11-11-2005 11:47 AM

You can always pay now. They will add it to the end of your current membership. Also, this is a business expense for me, so you could add it to your 2005 expenses is you file as a business.

amycara 11-14-2005 06:27 AM

I paid too, and would give up all my stamping subscriptions before I gave up my paid membership here. This is where 99% of my ideas come from!

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