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StampAddict 01-08-2005 07:09 PM

Questions on taking the plunge
I'm becoming a hobby demo!

I have a couple of questions for you gals because my demo isn't home. Lucky you, huh? :lol:

I am changing the basic kit because I have alot of those items already :oops:

Now, 1st question is....Do I order AYC II, because I already have AYC I...or do I order Roses in Winter?

Question 2...I already have Tags & More, so do I order Brighter Tomorrow, since I do a fair amt of Sympathy cards, or do I get Little Layers II?

Question 3...Should I just go ahead & get the optional scrapbook add-on, I don't scrapbook, but alot of people I know do and I really should start....it IS a $93. value for only $50! after all.....then I could get all of the Sell-A-Bration sets too! LOL!

Question 4...Can I do a book show with my demo, then sign myself up at the book show & get hostess benefits? Would there even be any Hostess bennies? LOL

And last but not least, what do you hobby demo's do around tax time? Do you pay taxes on your stuff, do you write it off as a loss, what?? :)

Thanks so much ladies!

Shell 01-08-2005 07:19 PM

I changed the basic kit, too. I say, generally, get what you like if you are changing it. I love, love, love my Little Layers II. I don't have either of the AYCs.

I would definitely add the scrapbook kit - but that's me! I love what it offers! It has some great stuff that I wish I could have gotten when I joined up.

However - I don't believe that you will get the SAB sets with your order. It doesn't count as a typical order and doesn't qualify for the SAB sets - someone correct me if I'm wrong!!

Sorry. I can't help you on the tax stuff.

Hope you get your answers!!

Enjoy being a demo!! I sure do!

StampAddict 01-09-2005 08:35 AM

I thought I had heard somewhere that Sell-A-Bration is the best time to sign up because you DO get the free sets. The brochure says for every $50. you spend, etc....I don't see anything that says you can't get them if you're signing up to be a demo. Now I'm confused....

texasjodylynn 01-09-2005 09:03 AM

you get
Stamp addict,

You will get the kit, optional scrapping add on (for $50.00), sincere salutations stamp set (coming out in the 2005, 2006 catalog) and 1 set of your choice from the catalog (any price). You will not get the SAB sets... sorry. But you have the opportunity to earn some as a demo during SAB.

willosmama 01-09-2005 09:27 AM

Getting to choose a free set from the catalog is better than a free SAB set, because the SAB sets may or MAY not be in next years catalog. Definitely get the scrap book add on.
All you need to do is place a hostess order(has to be over $150), Not a demo order and you get the hostess benefits. You don't actually have to have a workshop.

kimmiekrafts 01-09-2005 10:10 AM

The starter kit doesn't count as an actual order towards any hostess benefits. So, sorry but it won't help you if you host a workshop with your demo. The kit is completely separate from everything else - your demo will give you the order form when you sign up and you send it to SU.

I believe the other questions have already been answered. If you need anything else ask a away.

Happy Stampin' and Congrats!!


mggoldintx 01-09-2005 10:24 AM

I'm becoming a hobby demo as well and changed a few of the sets, picking out sets I liked that were also versatile in use. I did get AYCI because I don't have many of the verses or title stamps. I would say to pick the sets you like and/or think you would get the most use from.

As for the add-on, I wasn't going to get it at first, but with the price you're paying for it (almost 50% off), I couldn't refuse. I haven't really explored the scrapbooking side of SU! so I figured this would be a great way to start. I'm planning to put all the pictures I received over the holidays from friends and family in that brag book. :)

With tax time, I'm not really sure how it all works but I don't think that the IRS or SU! differentiate between hobby or business so my guess is that it'll be treated as a business regardless.

Good luck to you!

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