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mjnicholas 12-17-2004 12:09 PM

Question for Demos
I need some advice and I knew this was the perfect place to find it. I just recently joined this website and I LOVE it!!! I have been considering becoming a demo in January, but I was wondering how many of you are demos just to keep up with your hobby and don't actually do shows or anything. I'm just not sure I want to tie up my evenings, and I'm wondering if it will be worth my time to become a demo unless I am really going to give it my all. Any advice you might have would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!!!

mama2jackson 12-17-2004 12:11 PM

Hi there! I'm not a demo, but I'm also signing up in January. I don't plan on doing lots of workshops or classes...probably will here and there, but I will mostly rely on myself, my mom and some close friends to keep my quarterly quota. If it goes more towards the "business" side, then great, but right now, I'm starting out as a hobby demo.

wolfpup003 12-17-2004 12:15 PM

i am mostly a hobby demo. i signed up for the discount, and have kept up my quarterly minimums by having one stamp club. 6 girls for 6 months each spend $25 a month. we get together one saturday a month and its easy on my schedule.

bonnie0717 12-17-2004 12:17 PM

I am in the same boat, signing up in January. I too plan to hold workshops and parties - but not too much! I have a young son, my maternity leave is coming to an end and I am going back to work full time SO....my son is my #1 priority. this is just a way for me to have a little "Me" time showing people what I love to do and for me to learn to run a small home business as well. And heck if I earn a few dollars and keep my supplies while doing it great!!! I plan to do only one or two shows a month and maybea workshop every 2-3 months but we'll see how the first one goes!! Just think, if ou hold one show/wokshop a month you are more then likely to get your mins that way - at least!!

good luck to all us new (oh & the old ones too!!) Demos for hte new year!!

trburgi 12-17-2004 12:17 PM

I am a Demo for over year now and have only done one show so far I would do more but I have to convert more friend take part in my obsession. I will do more in the future but I will not go crazy just a few a year.

mjnicholas 12-17-2004 12:20 PM

One thing I forgot to ask in my question, what is the minimum amount to sell to be current? It's been a while since I have talked to my demo about that.

trburgi 12-17-2004 12:23 PM

300 every quarter.

JulieHRR 12-17-2004 12:30 PM

Re: Question for Demos

Originally Posted by mjnicholas
I need some advice and I knew this was the perfect place to find it. I just recently joined this website and I LOVE it!!! I have been considering becoming a demo in January, but I was wondering how many of you are demos just to keep up with your hobby and don't actually do shows or anything. I'm just not sure I want to tie up my evenings, and I'm wondering if it will be worth my time to become a demo unless I am really going to give it my all. Any advice you might have would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!!!

If you are genuinely considering it, I highly recommend you request the recruit packet from your demo'r. If you decide it's not for you, or you prefer to sign up under someone else, then the gracious way out would be to return all those materials back to her so she has them for someone else, as they do cost her in supply fees.

I signed up nearly 8 years ago with hobby intention in mind, and quickly decided to actually take it further, semi-career, while my kids are still home and active. I am a SAHM. There is the flexibility of ebbing in and out of whatever suits you (hobby/career), so long as you meet the mininum sales requirements of $300 per quarter.

Good luck.

sleddy 12-17-2004 12:46 PM

I have been a SU demo for almost four years. I do it to support my habit and yes addiction. My family has come to know that I get cranky if I haven't stamped or scrapbook at least once a week (I prefer everyday).

The first year I did 2-4 shows/month but found that working full time, raising a family and doing home shows was way too much. I now do stamp clubs and am on my third one. We meet at my house once a month and I come up with a different idea or technique each month. I also offer specials and encourage each hostess to get outside orders.

When this club is finished I'm thinking on trying stamp camps every quarter or every two months, depending on sales.

Becoming a demo has been well worth my time ond effort. I have met many new friends and enjoyed teaching others new things. I say go for it!

lweller 12-17-2004 01:19 PM

i too signed up mostly to support my hobby. I also do a monthly stamp club with good friends and fellow stampers. This gives me an excuse to stamp with my friends monthly.

I try not to do too many shows - 1-2 a month max. I do open houses every other month, and between that and the stamp club, I never have any question about meeting the minimum.

After about a year, I also find that I could easily be making a profit, if I didn't have to just have something else!

good luck!

tomoly 12-17-2004 01:27 PM

Hi there - I would totally recommend it. I don't really do heavy shows, maybe 2 or 3 a quqrter (I usually have one and then I may or may not get more shows from it). It's just such a great company (I mean they just sent us a totally free set for a thank you!), and it's great cause you get all the inside scoops and samples and meetings and stuff. I love it! You get access to the SU Demonstrator website with news and info and you get all their newsletters and magazines, it's cool.

dawnp 12-18-2004 06:09 AM

I highly recommend it also! I signed up in June, and I've done about 1 workshop/event a month, some at my house, some at others. That's been plenty to make my Stampin Start, keep up with my minimum (and above) and my profits have allowed me to get all the scrappin/stampin stuff I want! This is the first Christmas that I can remember that I don't have a huge craft wishlist, because my business has more than supported my habit these last 6 months!
Love it, love it, love it!

mama2jackson 12-19-2004 12:39 PM

Dawn! Good for you!

Kar 12-19-2004 12:54 PM

yes Dawn that is awesome :) Hope I can do that after I sign up. Luckily I have lots of family that either stamps already or else wants to learn.. might be good for me :)

mggoldintx 12-20-2004 07:39 PM


What a great question! It's good to know that I'm not alone in making such a decision. I've been stamping since 2001 and absolutely love it! I'm a Navy wife and SAHM to a 3-year old and a 7-month old, plus I'm finishing up my bachelor's degree so I have little time to dedicate to the business side of it. However, I finish school in June and we move in December so I'm thinking that between that time, I can start a business plan for once we move. It would be the perfect career move because it can work around my family schedule and I can still stay home with our children. And of course, stampin'! :)

I wonder if there's a forum for new demonstrators? It's nervewrecking to think about a potentially new career and starting it, but the support network here is just unbelievable. And since my demonstrator lives in MD and I'm in TX (for now), this is a great way to meet others who share my interests and could provide support, advice, etc.

mommamea 12-20-2004 09:40 PM

Hello, I signed up in March of this year. almost my 1st Ann. I love stampin' up. I did it for the discount and because I wanted so much. I figured 100.00 a month thats easy enough. I have had one party and one open house. I sell to a couple ladies at my church once in awhile. They were excited that someone they knew sold it. To help me meet my minium I give a 10% in product to you if you spend $50. or more, so you get a free pad etc. I have a couple people that stay with me even when they go to someone elses party they buy from me because of the free stuff. I didn't get into it for a business just for fun. But I love getting to share my creative side and make new friends.

Good luck

JulieHRR 12-20-2004 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by mggoldintx
I wonder if there's a forum for new demonstrators? It's nervewrecking to think about a potentially new career and starting it, but the support network here is just unbelievable. And since my demonstrator lives in MD and I'm in TX (for now), this is a great way to meet others who share my interests and could provide support, advice, etc.

Once you become a demonstrator you can join the demonstrator forums here at SCS, under join a user group, and you will also have access to the SU!'s official Bulletin Boards.

There are also MANY other BBs, like StmpBus, a yahoo group for demonstrators, that you can also join and get lots of help and support through.


jenjam 12-20-2004 09:58 PM

I have been a demo almost 5 years (in Feb). Up until recently I was a 90% hobby demo. I had my first workshop about 2 years ago...lol.
I am now only 40% hobby demo. My business took off! (without my even trying). I had sales almost $2,000 in the first 2 months of this quarter! that is awesome coming out of hobby status!! I have had only 3 workshops in all this time. It may sounds crazy, but it just works out sometimes.

I would reccomend anyone wanting to become a demo to take the plunge. I LOVE it. don't get me wrong, I get upset about things just liek veryone else, but on a whole it is GREAT!!! GO FOR IT!!!!

Good Luck!

MissTeri 12-21-2004 05:25 AM

I signed up almost 2 years ago just to get the discount because I knew I could keep up my quarterly minimum. I told my husband that I'd never do a party. Now I'm doing them like crazy! Until just recently I worked full time too, but now, thankfully, I'm a SAHM. Although sometimes I wonder why when all 3 of the kids are home at once! :lol:

I also do stamp camps about once a quarter and I'm now starting to give technique classes, which are turning into a BIG hit.

My biggest piece of advice though, is whoever you sign up with, make sure she's going to be there to help if you ever have questions, etc. Unfortunately, my upline, never calls any of her downline back and we're making her a ton of money. Thank God for SCS and my sisters in stamping or I'd be lost!

amylou 12-21-2004 05:45 AM

I have been a Demo for a year now & LOVE IT!! I originally signed up to support my habit, selling to friends & family. It has grown and it is according to my schedule. I have my calendar with all of our family dates on it and I schedule around it. I have a class at my house once a month and usually do a few shows a month. I have a recruit who is strictly a hobby demo & does great. She has a group of friends who order from her & always meets her $300 quarterly. She usually does one show a quarter with her friends and takes orders as her friends place them. She loves not having to do a lot & work & still gets the discount. I think you will love it. Your Demo should have a packet & video for you to look over to make your decision. Good luck!! I think you will LOVE becoming a Demo!!!


amylou 12-21-2004 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by MissTeri
My biggest piece of advice though, is whoever you sign up with, make sure she's going to be there to help if you ever have questions, etc. Unfortunately, my upline, never calls any of her downline back and we're making her a ton of money. Thank God for SCS and my sisters in stamping or I'd be lost!

I had to add, I could not agree with this more. I am also a Longaberger Consultant (probably will quit after Jan), but my "upline" with Longaberger is horrible. Then I joined SU & my Upline is the greatest!! She calls me & emails me all the time! She is GREAT! I realize how much this means so I do the same with my Downline. It is great to know the support is always there with my Upline.


girlygirl 12-21-2004 06:23 AM

I started out as a hobby demo....I was invited to a workshop, didn't go, and got to look at the catalog the day after. I decided since my order totalled almost $150 I would go ahead and buy the kit. Almost 4 years later my "hobby" has turned itself into a modest business. It truly sells itself. I am quick to point out to my downline that you get out of it what you put into it, but on the other hand it doesn't seem like it has been as difficult to grow this business as some other home businesses. I also have an awesome upline, and I hope my downline says the same about me!

mggoldintx 12-21-2004 06:28 AM


Thanks for the feedback! My future upline is fabulous and I'm sure she'll help me in any way possible but it's nice to know that there is a whole "family" out there to help you succeed.

By the way, I've been to Whidbey Island and although it was raining during our visit, it was just beautiful. It seems likes a quiet place to live. It's also a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Veru scenic!

Have a great day!

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