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-   -   Question about saving cards on harddrive instead of fav's (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/question-about-saving-cards-harddrive-instead-favs-34537/)

stampinfredva2004 03-10-2005 10:47 AM

Question about saving cards on harddrive instead of fav's
I got this idea from a thread going around on here. I'm sorry, but can't remember who to give credit!! Well it has been working great up until the past few days. I save a pic and when I go to summary I have this screen that says:
Property/Value screen and when I click on the button that says Simple near the bottom it takes me to the normal screen where I could put in the info on who made the card, how to make it, etc. Well it won't let me put in anything at all.

Normally the Simple page is there first with the lines highlighted white so you could add the info, and you had to click on Advanced and get the Property/Value Screen.

Can someone please tell me what is going on?? I would greatly appreciate it.

musicmarth 03-10-2005 10:56 AM

Hmmm...this is the way I save my cards to my computer, but I haven't had the problem you're talking about. I'll have to try and see if I can make it happen!


Ah Ha! It appears that I can't add info on pictures that are saved as .bmp (bitmap). I can enter info on .jpg files. Odd...

aslangirl 03-10-2005 11:06 AM

Any help on this would be great for me, too! I can same images on my work computer fine :oops: , but at home, my computer will only let me save images as .art files, which I can't open later! :?

stampinfredva2004 03-10-2005 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by musicmarth
Hmmm...this is the way I save my cards to my computer, but I haven't had the problem you're talking about. I'll have to try and see if I can make it happen!


Ah Ha! It appears that I can't add info on pictures that are saved as .bmp (bitmap). I can enter info on .jpg files. Odd...

Okay I'm computer stupid can you save it as .jpg instead. I used the pull down screen when saving and it only list bitmap. Can you add .jpg somehow.

stampinfredva2004 03-10-2005 11:16 AM

I just checked about 10 pics and they all say bitmap. I wonder if we are not supossed to save them so they changed all the pics to bitmap so we wouldn't do it.

The only reason I do it is because I want to be able to look at my favorites in categories. That is the only reason I save them like that.

jm_donahoe 03-10-2005 11:47 AM

Ok, this has happened to me numerous times. It is a problem that hte tekkie forums discuss a lot. It seems when your temporary interenet files become too numerous, this will happen. When you right click to save a pic, it will only save as untitled bitmap. Try to go into your tools>internetoptions>delete files. it will take a bit. Then try again. If it still doesn't work - restart your computer. This will work - I almost guarrantee it.

musicmarth 03-10-2005 11:50 AM

Ok, here's what I did to change mine to JPEG files. I'm using Windows XP.

I went through Explore on the Start Bar (not Explorer the Internet connection) and navigated to the folder where I have my pictures saved.

I right-clicked on the file, went to Open With, then Windows Picture and Fax Viewer. It opens up the picture in the viewer.

At the bottom is a little icon that looks (to me) like a painting with a paintbrush. It's next to the computer disk icon. When I hover over it with my mouse, the help text says "Closes this program and opens the image for editing (Ctrl-E)". Click that button...

Now it's in Paint. Go to File/Save As and choose "Save as type:" JPEG.

Now, the little text area in the Properties is available to take text.

Wshew! What a lot of work!

Dina 03-10-2005 12:14 PM

Where is the thread that this is discussed??? I've searched but can't find it... I really need a better way of saving pics of cards... right now I save them in a Word document and put the recipe in a text box... yea, I know... but that's how I started doing it a long time ago and never thought of finding an easier way...

Thanks a bunch!

musicmarth 03-10-2005 12:25 PM

Here's the thread...

---->Enter Here<----

Dina 03-10-2005 12:29 PM

Thank you ma'am!

Vintage Redhead 03-10-2005 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by jm_donahoe
Ok, this has happened to me numerous times. It is a problem that hte tekkie forums discuss a lot. It seems when your temporary interenet files become too numerous, this will happen. When you right click to save a pic, it will only save as untitled bitmap. Try to go into your tools>internetoptions>delete files. it will take a bit. Then try again. If it still doesn't work - restart your computer. This will work - I almost guarrantee it.

I'm *right there* with JM on this one! I'm 99% certain she's right. I have my anti-virus set to clean my cache memory every day so that this doesn't happen...and it never does.

Also: if you have a scanner or photo editing software, try pasting your cards in that software....usually, you can manipulate from .bmp, .pdf, .gif (or another other type of photo file) into a .jpg file.


stampinfredva2004 03-10-2005 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by jm_donahoe
Ok, this has happened to me numerous times. It is a problem that hte tekkie forums discuss a lot. It seems when your temporary interenet files become too numerous, this will happen. When you right click to save a pic, it will only save as untitled bitmap. Try to go into your tools>internetoptions>delete files. it will take a bit. Then try again. If it still doesn't work - restart your computer. This will work - I almost guarrantee it.

I cleaned out my files and it is now working great!! :wink: Thank you so much.

stampinfredva2004 03-10-2005 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by musicmarth
Ok, here's what I did to change mine to JPEG files. I'm using Windows XP.

I went through Explore on the Start Bar (not Explorer the Internet connection) and navigated to the folder where I have my pictures saved.

I right-clicked on the file, went to Open With, then Windows Picture and Fax Viewer. It opens up the picture in the viewer.

At the bottom is a little icon that looks (to me) like a painting with a paintbrush. It's next to the computer disk icon. When I hover over it with my mouse, the help text says "Closes this program and opens the image for editing (Ctrl-E)". Click that button...

Now it's in Paint. Go to File/Save As and choose "Save as type:" JPEG.

Now, the little text area in the Properties is available to take text.

Wshew! What a lot of work!

Yes alot of work, but I only have about 10 to fix thank god!!!

Thank you all so much for all these neat tricks!! :wink:

Angie Humphrey 03-10-2005 02:12 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I don't really understand what you guys are talking about. Here's how I save mine. As I go through the gallery and I want to save a sample I put my pointer to the left top side of the picture. I hold down the right mouse button (I don't let go) and I hightlight the pic AND the recipe. That way I have the recipe and the creator to give credit too later. Anyways, I highlight the pic and the recipe. When I get down to the bottom of the recipe (accesories and techiniques) I let go. Everything remains highlighted. I hold down the control key (ctrl and C ctrl+c) and that copies it. I then open a word document and once I get a cursor I hold down the control key again and v (ctrl+v) and that pastes it in the document. Then I can go in and edit out the 4-5 preview pics underneat. Here is a sample. I either keep pics of the same set in a document or I do it by theme. To save room on my computer I end up printing them out and putting them in a three ring binder (one card per page). These are just random pics that I picked.

Hope this helps.

jm_donahoe 03-10-2005 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Angie Humphrey
I don't really understand what you guys are talking about. Here's how I save mine. As I go through the gallery and I want to save a sample I put my pointer to the left top side of the picture. I hold down the right mouse button (I don't let go) and I hightlight the pic AND the recipe. That way I have the recipe and the creator to give credit too later. Anyways, I highlight the pic and the recipe. When I get down to the bottom of the recipe (accesories and techiniques) I let go. Everything remains highlighted. I hold down the control key (ctrl and C ctrl+c) and that copies it. I then open a word document and once I get a cursor I hold down the control key again and v (ctrl+v) and that pastes it in the document. Then I can go in and edit out the 4-5 preview pics underneat. Here is a sample. I either keep pics of the same set in a document or I do it by theme. To save room on my computer I end up printing them out and putting them in a three ring binder (one card per page). These are just random pics that I picked.

Hope this helps.

Yes, you are right, however - you can just right click a picture and save it to a file. There is a malfunction with the temporary internet files folder and the ability to save pictures like this. Over time this can become corrupt and when the Temp files get too large, it will only allow you save pictures to your hard drive as a bitmap (typically untitled). If it hasn't happened to you - great! But it might later. If you google the words only bitmap, you will get tekkie forum after tekkie forum explaining it. I think that is what happened to Angie.

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