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irene75 08-16-2005 08:05 AM

Question about quiet eyelet setters
Is the Silent Setter (by Provo Craft) really silent? I just got the Instant Setter by Making Memories, and, although it is much quieter than hammering, it still makes a pretty lound ca-chunk. I have a 14 month old daughter who naps and sleeps very close to my kitchen table where I like to work. I'm trying to find a good setter that is as quiet as possible. I can return my Instant Setter and get the Silent Setter if it is better. DH said I should try out both, but I told him, "No need -- I have a ready panel of experts on SCS!"

shamman 08-16-2005 08:21 AM


Hi, I purchased my silent setter a little over 6 months ago...and I love it! Yes it is really quiet. My husband used to complain about my pounding away at eyelets, and was always worried I would wake the kids (since I usually do my crafting /scrapbooking at night. -since I p urchased this setter (the silent one) I have had no worries! It was definatly worth the purchase to me!


nsruss 08-16-2005 08:34 AM

I love my Silent Setter and could never go back to the pounding. I'm an apartment dweller so I love that now I can add eyelets to anything at any time of the day. Before I would have to wait for daylight in order to add them. It truly is quiet. You're just pushing on it and it makes no sound whatsoever. I'd recommend it to anyone. It did take a little getting used to though so if you do try one, don't give up on it right away.

Badger_Hockey 08-16-2005 08:54 AM

I bought my Silent Setter about a month ago. It's wonderful, it's completely silent. I find that if I stand to set my holes and put the eyelet in, you have better leverage and it's easier to go all the way through the paper. Good luck!

momofdbl 08-16-2005 10:01 AM

I agree with everyone the silent setter is wonderful. I have small children also who I don't want to wake pounding eyelets. With this there is no noise. :)

SilverDragoness 08-16-2005 10:19 AM

Quick Caution
I love my silent setter but I thought I would give you one quick caution before you purchase it. If you are using any of the harder older eyelets then it can be some work to get them to set. I have tons that I purchased long ago in lots of colors and it takes quite a bit of work to set them. But I love not having to dig out a hammer and attempt to keep the table nice etc.... Just thought I would let you consider that just in case you had any medical reason that would make it difficult to use. It's amazing how often I read that something doesn't work for someone due to ill health and it makes me thankful that I am healthy and active.

elizs99 08-16-2005 02:05 PM

Totally in love with my Silent Setter! I have a 2 yr old DS, so I do most of my stamping/scrapbooking when he's asleep, so I love it. Now frankly, I never had the hammer kind but had used it at a stamp camp. I just did not want to bother with it at all. Plus, if you use your AC Moore or Michael's coupon, it's not much more than the SU eyelet setter.

The only downside I've found is that if I'm trying to do more than 2 sheets of paper, it's difficult.

Ally 08-16-2005 02:33 PM

I agree with the other girls, I love my silent setter. I used to drive DH mad with the hammering, now if I could just find a completely silent heat gun my life would be complete!:D

cropmaster2000 08-16-2005 06:34 PM

where to buy it??
Is THE ONE to get the Fizion (sp??) from Provo Craft? I saw it at Hobby Lobby hours ago, and it's $20! Do you know where to get it cheaper? I'm thinking of getting it, but must say that I like the pounding...stress relief. DH & kids don't seem to mind but it is annoying when I'm setting a lot of eyelets like I just did for a tiny card swap! ;-)

scrappinkar 08-16-2005 10:23 PM

I LOVE my silent setter!!! I found it at JoAnn's , so I was able to use a coupon! I think with the coupon, it was around 15.00.

CardLadyToo 08-16-2005 11:41 PM

Silent Setter
I purchased mine at AC Moore with the 40 % off coupon it was like $11.00 or so Best when using aluminum eylets - they are much softer and easier to twist!


faithfulstamping 08-29-2005 01:29 PM

I just got one at Joannes too. They had a 50% off 1 item online coupon, so it came to around $15 with shipping & tax. I love it!

greetingsbydebra 08-29-2005 06:32 PM

I bought one, too. I love it, but some of my students in stamping class have trouble with it. It takes quite a bit of pressure with harder eyelets. I can put plenty of weight into it(!) so it's not a problem for me. The silent part is what sold me. Pounding gave me headaches.

Kathyc 08-29-2005 06:39 PM

I got a Silent Setter recently @ JoAnn's too; I had a 50% off coupon so it was $12.50; I've used more eyelets in the last couple of weeks than in a year I think! With my older, harder eyelets, I have had to give them one tap with a hammer but nothing like the way I used to bang them! I ruined some hitting them so many times! I'm very happy with my purchase!
PS, it came with a little container of eyelets that are a pretty close match to some of the SU colors!

celestial_stamper 08-29-2005 07:15 PM

silent setter
I just bought one a few days ago & I love it. I had been using the plier type squeeze one up until now. HATED it. Mine was $20 at a local scrapbooking store, but we don't have a JoAnn's, M's, Hobby Lobby---just a Wal-Mart.

Mahloumel 08-29-2005 11:26 PM

I was so like elizs99 and just never bothered with eyelets before because I am not into beating my cards and scrapbooks with a hammer. :) I ordered a silent setter last week and used it for the first time tonight. It's awesome!! I think I will go from never, ever using eyelets or ever thinking of using them, to using them with the same abandon as I use pop dots! I've set two eyelets already in gift tags, and have plans to make my brother's birthday card using many eyelets as embellishments. :cool:

Cat 08-30-2005 06:08 AM

I've got arthritis in my hands. It's not debilitating, but I have difficulty opening new jars, mounting stamps (until I got my new SU scissors), and I can't use the handheld Quickutz.

I LOVE the idea of the silent setter... think I could use it?

celestial_stamper 08-30-2005 07:25 AM

I don't have arthritis, but I do have nerve damage & don't have a very firm grip OR much strength. I use the silent setter with no difficulty at all. Give it a try. Maybe you could go in on it with another stamper. Then if you couldn't use it, the other stamper might just buy your half. HTH

JulieHRR 08-30-2005 08:20 AM

Great product, truly silent, and very reasonably priced when compared to other similar products on the market.

While, in general, I do enjoy hitting my eyelets with a hammer to relieve stress and must confess to it still being my preferred eyelet setting method ;) , when the family is sleeping, I like to use the Provo Zision Silent Setter. I have serious tendonitis in my right arm/hand/wrist and find this tool very easy to use, and no stress on my arm. I do have to stand, however, and push straight down. Quite an ingenious design, I must say! :D

Works best with aluminum eyelets, such as those by SU!

I don't bother wasting my $$$ on non-aluminum eyelets, etc. because they are difficult to set, even with a hammer, without serious pounding and distortion occurring.

stampkin 08-30-2005 09:37 AM

love it love it love it :) haven't used it yet, but I know I will love it (lol)

spv 08-30-2005 09:59 AM

I have the American tag HomePro 2 and LOVE it...it is truely silent and easy to use...it does not take much to squeeze the handle (easier than the Quickutz handle) and it sets the eyelet nicely (both sides look great)...it run around $20 (comes with either 1/8" or 1/4" setter head...not sure which one) and you can buy additional setters for different size eyelets...one down fall is that you can only place the eyelet towards that edge of the paper...but that is what I do most of the time and I have my old hammer method if I need an eyelet elsewhere...I really like it...you can see it here:


aniam215 08-30-2005 10:39 AM

get it, get it, get it!
I LOVE mine. The only thing I don't like is that the zipper on my carrying case doesn't zip. I actually returned one because of this but the 2nd one does it, too. Of course, this doesn't affect the awesomeness of the setter. I only wish that SU offered this so I could demo it. I would demo eyelets a lot more, all the hammering gives me a giant headache and it doesn't really impress the customers all that much, either. I would definitely recommend it!

Cat 08-30-2005 12:22 PM

I'm sold...
... after reviewing this thread again, and hearing from other ladies with hand/arm/wrist ailments, I went ahead and purchased the Provo Craft Silent Setter.

Creative Xpress has a sale going on for 50% off one item. So, It's costing me $9 plust shipping. They have flat rate shipping ($5.95), so I bought some other stuff I couldn't live without just to make it all worth it!

Be sure to use 50OneItem in the coupon code box!

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