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-   -   Question about coloring on tiles... (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/question-about-coloring-tiles-48056/)

sassyat30 05-02-2005 06:39 AM

Question about coloring on tiles...
I am making my mom a set of coasters for Mother's day (the marble-looking ones, not the smooth ceramic ones) and I'd like to know if I can color on them with Sharpies. I've never made a set using these type of tiles, so I don't know what will work. Do I need to seal them when I'm finished if I do color them?

Just an aside, but how many of you are making gifts for HIS mother?? Why is it that this job always becomes MY responsibility? Sheesh, she's YOUR mother, not MINE!! :)

peasoup 05-02-2005 06:55 AM

Ok - first the tiles - I also made coasters for gifts and I used chalk ink to color mine in. I got a bunch of 1.99 little ones and pick up some color with a q-tip and then color. I also then heat set mine for 15 minutes. So far so good!

As far as MIL goes - this is a current HOT topic with me and DH. He is upset that I am seeing my mom and didn't make plans to see his. Excuse me - but, as far as I am concerned I am the most important "mom" in his life now since I gave birth to 3 of his kids!

(Don't get me wrong - I am fine with him going to see his mom and doing what ever he wants with her it just should not be up to me to make the plans!)

amanda0711 05-02-2005 07:19 AM

I use Sharpies on my tiles. I dont heat set but I usually wait a day or two before coloring with sharpies. I do seal them. Be careful when sealing them in the sun. I left the last ones in the sun too long and the sharpies faded really bad!


StamperedChef 05-02-2005 07:58 AM

I have colored mine with the watercolor pencils and used the versamark pen to make the chalk stick better. I seal mine with a spray sealer when I am done. My DH mom passed away before I met him. I dont make his stepmonster anything. I will send her a card so I dont look like a B.

sjb 05-02-2005 08:24 AM

My MIL doesn't like anything I do, and she thinks scrapbooking is a waste of time. SO....as the SWEET DIL, I have made a paperbag book with then and now pictures of my husband in them. On one side, I put pictures of him with his family, as he grew, and on the other side, I put pictures of him with me and my daughter. And I did it in her least favorite color. (Did I mention there is no love lost here?) At any rate, my dh thinks it great, and I tried. I've already started on my fil's for fathers day. I think the world of him, his will be much better.

Does this make me 'snarky'?????

nary jane 05-02-2005 01:11 PM

i've not made coasters--but as i understand it from reading threads here, if you seal them the coasters won't be absorbent. may or may not be an issue for you just thought i'd mention it :)


Originally Posted by sassyat30
Just an aside, but how many of you are making gifts for HIS mother?? Why is it that this job always becomes MY responsibility? Sheesh, she's YOUR mother, not MINE!! :)

tell me about it--and i'm not married! at least when i was married it was mother-in-law lol but i don't mind, i really like his mom so i'm happy to do it.

optotecha 05-02-2005 07:27 PM

I made coaster tiles at Christmas. I stamped the image with Black Staz On, let it dry overnight, then colored in with Sharpies, I didn't heat set or seal and they are fine, no running etc.

MSBetsyZ 05-02-2005 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by sjb
My MIL doesn't like anything I do, and she thinks scrapbooking is a waste of time. SO....as the SWEET DIL, I have made a paperbag book with then and now pictures of my husband in them. On one side, I put pictures of him with his family, as he grew, and on the other side, I put pictures of him with me and my daughter. And I did it in her least favorite color. (Did I mention there is no love lost here?) At any rate, my dh thinks it great, and I tried. I've already started on my fil's for fathers day. I think the world of him, his will be much better.

Does this make me 'snarky'?????

But in such a cute way, lol!!! Love the "least favorite color" bit!

row4d 05-02-2005 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by sassyat30
I am making my mom a set of coasters for Mother's day (the marble-looking ones, not the smooth ceramic ones) and I'd like to know if I can color on them with Sharpies. I've never made a set using these type of tiles, so I don't know what will work. Do I need to seal them when I'm finished if I do color them?

Just be sure not to let the Sharpie ink touch the StazOn. The two inks have the same chemical base and will cause each other to run. Several people have suggested lightly coating the tile with spray fixative, like you would use for a chalk or pencil drawing, before coloring with the Sharpies to put a protective barrier over the image. Remember, keep it light and don't hold the can too close or the StazOn will run.

MWDStamp 05-03-2005 05:43 AM

I use the Staz-on and sharpies method for doing tiles. I do not heat set them or seal them. I have never had a problem. I have not had a problem of the chemicals mixing or running. But I typically let my Staz-on dry for a day before I color. I have run water over the finished tile as soon as I was done just to see what would happen. No problems. Get some extra tiles to practice. I have seen that you can bleach them overnight to get them clean but I have never tried that.
And I have the same issue with it is his mother he can get her something if he wants. So, my mother in law will probably get a card and nothing else. I don't feel bad about it. I don't expect my DH to get stuff for my mom. I have the same issue with holiday and birthday presents. His family - his responsibility.

ginam 05-03-2005 06:26 AM

sbj - we might be sisters! hahaha - no, not snarky at all! At least you're doing something for her. And I love that you're doing it! I'm on your boat. My MIL is just something else, while I adore my FIL. For him I would stamp till the cows come home.

sbj - what's a paperbag book?

Thanks for all the tips on working with tiles - that's my next project!

sjb 05-03-2005 09:04 AM

I think it's been called a lunch bag book, etc.... I took 3 paper bags and sewed them together, alternating ends, and then decorated....I'll try to post some pictures. I also took a MIL poem and broke it down to one verse per page. I put a picture that kinda went with the verse. Because I'm SNARKY, i made sure it was loaded with pictures of the two of us......

lesliemommy 05-03-2005 01:39 PM

ok, I color my tiles with just about anything. I think if you seal them with clear coat, it should be fine.

I have used SU markers, sharpies, colored pencils (crayola), anythng. I just use the craft ink or staz on. Then I bake them on 350 for 15 mins. Let them cool. and spray matte clear coat ( 2 coats)

I use mine that were colored with pencils for cold drinks and they have gone into the dishwahser. No fading.

( I do suggest you clear coat on all sides if you want to wash in the dishwasher)

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