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SeattleStamper 06-05-2007 08:18 AM

Profiling Non Stampers
I had to laugh at myself this morning when I found myself once again profiling a friend who doesn't stamp. What I mean by profiling is staying "yeah...she'd be an A Muse fanatic".

I'm hosting a shower for a co worker and described my thoughts on invte design to her. She replied with "Ooh, that's just my style!" So I think of my friends in terms of stamp style or company all the time and apply it when I'm making something for them (of course) but even more so when purchasing non stamping gifts. I look for designs and colors that remind me of what I think they are, almost like a reverse inspration lol!

I knew some of you might understand ;)

Here's my mental list -
DH - Earth Elements & Outline Stamp Co.
BFF - Rich Regals - Anything Vintage
SIL - Soft Subtles - Bella's
Mom - Bold Brights - House Mouse
Aunt - Earth Elements - Penny Black.

StampinSweetie 06-05-2007 08:28 AM

That's so funny! I kind of do that too! I "profile" card recipients to match a card with something that "looks" like them, if you kwim! (I'm sure everyone does that!)

Let's see..

Sister-Bold Brights and Bellas (she looks like she could be one! I'm always thinking I need to get a few to make some note cards for her!)
Mom - Elegant SU & Rich Regals
MIL - Bold Brights & Cutesy SU

That's all I can think of, everyone else stamps already!

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