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-   -   Printing a notecard with Word 2003? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/printing-notecard-word-2003-a-68688/)

stuckonstamping 07-11-2005 05:42 PM

Printing a notecard with Word 2003?
Does anyone know an easy way to print words on cardstock with the computer. (I would like to print on the front and inside) I read that there was an easy way to set this up with Word, but I cannot figure it out, or find the thread where I saw it last. Thanks!

BilliePam 07-11-2005 06:05 PM

That might be a usefol tool to have! I would like to know too! Thanks all you brilliant SCS'ers. You guys always have such useful info for us!!!

Joan B 07-11-2005 08:04 PM

this isn't what you want, but after much time wasted trying to get the margins, etc. just right, I broke down and bought greeting card factory -- software that let's you print anything you want inside or outside!!! Really helps for inside text. Sorry I couldn't provide exactly what you wanted.

jstarbright 07-12-2005 06:12 AM

Not sure if this is similar to what you are looking for but I was able to go into Microsoft Works and click on create a greeting card. Two text boxes come up which you can move around and space just right for cutting the cardstock in half to get 2 cards when finished. I first print on regular computer paper until I get it lined up the way I want it, then save. I am not very computer literate so my hubby has to help. Anyway, if you think you might want the template let me know and I should be able to send it you through e-mail. Most word programs have different projects you can create and tutorials before you get started, this might help you too.


kellybee 07-12-2005 07:24 AM

I use Word all the time to make cards - lately I've been doing paper inserts for the verses as you don't have to run the cardstock through twice this way and risk getting little baby smudges of ink on the card. If you have a minute or two here are my "directions" for inside text with a shorter explanation for the outside of a card. It looks long but I am writing this as if explaining to someone who is not that familiar with Word - bear with me!

I like to make two cards at a time with an 8.5x11 sheet...I create a text box (either use the drawing toolbar to select a textbox or use Insert on the menu bar and select textbox. Then use your mouse to draw a box - don't worry about the size - you'll fix that in a second), right click on the textbox you just created and select "format text box", click on the second tab (size) and put in the 5.5" and 4.25" dimensions. You don't have to worry about changing the margin presets in page set up if you use the text boxes. (but please see my note at the end of this LONG response!) I then just use the mouse to move the text box to the upper right hand corner of the page and type in the text I want, chosing the font size, style and colour I want. Once I'm done, I copy the text box, paste it and move it directly below the first one. If I want two cards the same I don't change the contents of the second box but if I do want a different verse, I just highlight the verse that's there and type a new one in. When I've got what I want in both boxes, I right click on the first text box and choose the first tab (colours and lines) and select "no line" so the black outline on the text box goes away. To do the same thing to the second text box, just select the second text box and type Ctrl + Y to "redo" the last action - it will remove the line around this box as well. Print the page and cut your cardstock in half - voila! Two cards!

If I want to make a card that is wider than it is tall, at the beginning I select landscape for my paper setup and make the text box 4.25" high and 5.5" wide and do the same thing as outlines above.

For the front of a card, you can either do exactly as above and just place your text where you want it (you would still use the right hand side of the card) or if you are making 4 card fronts to glue to the front of a folded card you would just make 4 text boxes on the page and then cut the page in quarters after it prints out.

NOTE: It is VERY important to do a print preview as text can be truncated (cut off!) if you go too close to the margins. If it looks like your text is cut off on the ends, either make the font a bit smaller or move your text a little to the left until a print preview shows all text as you intended it to be.

Hope this made sense. Word is a pretty versatile program if you aren't afraid to play around with it.

Kelly Bee

stitchen_tigger 07-12-2005 07:30 AM

Here's a template I found on the Microsoft site. Will it help?


stuckonstamping 07-12-2005 06:32 PM

Thank you to all of you! You gave me such wonderful info. I will be trying all of this very soon!

MaJe 07-13-2005 04:46 AM

Kelly... I tried your directions and they were perfect! Thanks so much for sharing them!

kellybee 07-13-2005 07:15 AM

Glad I could help. I know how frustrating directions can be if you don't explain everything step by step. I write procedures for our department at work and always try to write as if I am explaining the procedure to a new employee. I sometimes have to read instructions on this forum several times before I understand and sometimes I *never* understand the directions!

Kelly Bee

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