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-   -   POLL: Does your demo deliver? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/poll-does-your-demo-deliver-25329/)

Lorri56105 01-22-2005 07:18 AM

POLL: Does your demo deliver?
I am kind of annoyed and not sure if I should be. I belong to a stamp club. We meet once a month and have to purchase $20/month in products. My demo never delivers the orders to us. She makes us come pick them up. Is this typical nowadays?

I remember attending TONS of home parties in the past and never can recall having to go get my order.


StillJulie 01-22-2005 07:24 AM

I'm a demo and I deliver. That does surprise me...

I do have a few customers that live a considerable distance from me, so I do drop off one lady's orders at her husband's workplace and he takes them home to her.

I also have another customer that we usually meet somewhere convenient for both of us instead of me going all the way to her house.

neighbor_nancy 01-22-2005 07:27 AM

No, no delivery
No, I've never had my demo deliver, nor have many of the demos with whom I am friends deliver to their customers.

When I was a demo, my hostesses lived near their friends and they arranged a mutually agreeable delivery place/time.

For a $20 purchase, it seems a lot to ask of your demo to also deliver your goods. What you may not know is that while demos usually LOVE to do many things for their customers, they are often not even making minimum wage for their efforts. They also have families and often other jobs.

It may be that the circumstances of your demo are different, but I can certainly understand why your demo doesn't deliver...

I am curious what others do and will look forward to seeing other responses to your question.

All my best,


Maggiemoo 01-22-2005 07:29 AM

My demo usually delivers, but because she just lives around the corner from where I live and because I walk my dog by her house anyway, I usually end up just picking it up myself ( has the advantage that I get my stuff right away :lol: )
Next Paycheck I will be a demo myself and I think I would offer delivery to my customers, just a service.

mahodgman 01-22-2005 07:29 AM

My demo does deliver, but I also go to her sometimes when I'm in too big of a hurry to wait for her. She has a nice private porch where she leaves things out for people to pick up. It is a system that works well for both of us. I have had an experience with a different demo in the past who would not ever go out of her way, and it ticked me off. So, I don't think you are out of line, and I think your demo needs to work on her customer service skills.

jul80566 01-22-2005 07:29 AM

I always deliver! Unless the customer asks to come pickl it up, I would never aks a hostess or customer to pick up their own order....I've had people do this to me in the past and it really annoyed me!

DebbiS 01-22-2005 07:30 AM

I think each situation is different and most demos would do what their cusotmers prefer. Have you asked your demo to deliver?

stampinali 01-22-2005 07:35 AM

I'm a demo, but my customer base is small. I always contact my customers by email and let them know their order is here and then give them the option - I say that I would be happy to drop it off for them, or if they are in the area, they can pick it up. Most of the time, my customers opt to come pick it up from me.

lonestar 01-22-2005 07:38 AM

My demo lives out of town and isn't always in the city, but someway she gets out stuff to us. A woman that I work with is her neighbor so she sometimes gives it to my coworker to deliver to us. Right before Christmas, I was getting ready to go to my parent's for a week and I had an order coming in, she met me in town right before I drove for 4 hours b/c she knew that I had ordered Christmas gifts for my mom. She is an awesome demo and she spoils us! I love her, I thought about becoming a demo, but she is too great to leave! :D

Klarson 01-22-2005 07:39 AM

I have 3 demos :D

1st - Carmenn - she is my daughters teacher, so my dd usually brings home mine and my 2 friends orders, we are in a 150 club. If there is no school, then she will deliver

2nd - my friend Michelle - casual ordering, when I run out of stuff or need paper - she will deliver, or we will make arrangements to meet somewhere that is close for both of use.

3rd - Becky - stamp camp demo - I usually order a small amount from her just at her stamp camps and she has it shipped to me, just because she lives 45 mins away.

gamblemom 01-22-2005 07:44 AM

Yes, my demo delivers. In fact I would be upset if she didn't. I feel like it is her job because I am her customer. Just my Opinion. :)

LadyandtheStamp 01-22-2005 07:45 AM

Hmmm...my demo does deliver except if you host a workshop obviously. Then the orders came to me and I delived them to my friends. But otherwise she does deliver except if there's something I'm dying to have *right this minute* like a new catalog.... :lol:


tashers 01-22-2005 07:45 AM

If it's just a single order, she delivers it directly to me. If it's a party everything goes to the hostess then they give it out.

If something is out of stock, she then delivers it directly to that person later, whether it was from a party or not.

kreativekrissi 01-22-2005 07:45 AM

I am a new demo taking over our already existing stamp club of 2 years. Our last demo would sometimes deliver but most of the time we would pick up our orders from her. The demo before her we always had us pick up our orders, so I just assumed that was the way it was. Should I ask my goup members what would be more convienent for them? Some of them live quit a distance from me and I have offered to meet 1/2 way but they always say no I will come and get them!!!

hamcnally 01-22-2005 07:47 AM

I am a demo - have been for a year now, but have only started doing workshops in the last few months. I have a customer base that is an hour-and-a-half away from me, so I have everything delivered directly to them after a party. I also have a small local customer base, and I do deliver for them. I feel that it is something I would like to provide in terms of customer service. I have had other independent consultants for other businesses deliver to me when I have ordered from them, and I have always felt it was a nice gesture and greatly appreciated.

lbarnes 01-22-2005 07:47 AM

I would just ask her if she would consider delivering it to you .
I don't know how many people are in your group but if you add up the gas money to deliver to each person ..... That can really add up if she has far to go. If there are 5 of you and you each spend$ 20 thats $100-so she makes $20.00
I am a demo-and I do deliver to my customers -but that said I live in a very small town and its not really a big deal for any of us,

EricaB 01-22-2005 07:48 AM

I'm a demo and if it is a workshop order I organize it and deliver it to the hostess (if some of her guests live closer to me I might deliver directly to them if it is easier for the guest) and if it is an individual order I usually deliver unless they opt to pick up.

StampBee 01-22-2005 07:50 AM

My demo doesn't make a habit of delivering, she does however "work" with you. If she knows that she will be driving out past my house, I live in the country, she will drop off or send it with my daughter who goes to the school she works with. I belong to a $25 card club, and she does "do" alot for us, that I don't mind going and getting my stuff!
Kathy :)

Charlee 01-22-2005 07:53 AM

As a demo I usually have the workshop orders sent directly to the hostess and she disperses it to her friends. If for some reason it is not convenient to have it shipped to the hostess (i.e. she works and is not home to get the delivery.) I will have it shipped to myself and break it down into individual orders and then deliver it to the hostess. She then is responsible to get it to her friends. So far this has been a great system for me. If there is problems in getting things to individuals then I will deliver them myself, but this has only happened twice since I became a demo in 2001.


Grits 01-22-2005 07:55 AM

I am a demo, and I deliver. I don't have a lot of customers so I always stamp them a special gift bag for their stuff and deliver it. They love the extra attention. lisa

Chillin 01-22-2005 07:56 AM

I am a demo and for my customers who have orders sent to me, I do deliver. However, that being said, I have a set "delivery day" each week. This is based on my work schedule and my son's schedule. None of my customers have a problem with this, and I will even drop it off at work it that is more convenient for them. I also have a scheduled
"pickup" day. If they do not want to wait until my delivery day, or that day is not convenient, I offer a day that they can stop by and pick up stuff between 1:00 pm and 4:30 pm. Again, this is coordinated with my work and son's schedules. I mean, I am not a meanie about this, if someone is on their way and for some reason is a little late, I don't lock the doors and shut the blinds. Sometimes, if I have had to leave, I leave it on my back porch, or in my garage and they are fine with that too.

If a customer has a different day that is convenient than what is scheduled, I try to work with them, but explain my situation, too. I am honest about this up front, at the time of order. I have met people for lunch to deliver their orders, etc. But I don't cut into my work time, or my family time to deliver orders. Not one customer has ever complained about this - most are happy just to get the product in their hands.

Just how I handle it.

Mindo 01-22-2005 08:03 AM

I deliver to all but one of my custmers, she lives in the mountains and I would have to take a 4-wheel drive truck to get to her. She will come to my house and get her order when she takes her son to school. :roll:

cardsbyanita 01-22-2005 08:05 AM

My demo always offers to deliver individual orders (but she lives 2 minutes from me!) When I host a workshop, she brings me the box, I sort it out and deliever to my guests - that's part of what you do to "earn" the free hostess benefits. (She has it shipped to her and checks to make sure all is there before bringing it to me.)

I have ordered a few things from her upline when I've gone to the great stamp camps she does. She lives 40 or so minutes away from me and has offered to give it to my demo when she sees her or meet me....I've always gone to pick it up so I could get my things quicker!

:D Anita

just_beth 01-22-2005 08:09 AM

I am a demo and I usually deliver. I do have a closed in front porch where I can leave things if people would rather pick them up. I actually just gained a really good customer because she was irritated that her demo made her drive like an hour to pick up her orders. She orders $75+ a month!! I wouldn't have stayed being her customer either!

jdmeeks 01-22-2005 08:10 AM

My current demo never delivers. She is usually willing to meet me at a location between our homes (we live about 15 miles apart). Generally since she won't deliver and I work very long hours; I have my orders sent directly to my home (generally my orders are $150.00 +); but even for occasion smaller orders my demo will accomodate this request.

indepstamper 01-22-2005 08:13 AM

I have a stamp group that meets once a month. I never deliver. They are all so great and either wait until the next meeting to pick up their orders or plan a time to drop by and pick them up. I work a full time job and my time is just a precious as theirs. I don't charge for them coming to my home once a month and using my tools, stamps, etc. and we have a great time so they feel that for all I do for them the least that they can do is plan a time to pick up their order or wait until the next meeting.

Now if I was doing this as a business and not just for fun then I would probably deliver their orders because it would be a business. So maybe that is the difference between whether your demo delivers or not.

Just a thought.

ShaddyBaby 01-22-2005 08:14 AM

My demo has the stuff delivered straight to me. I get so excited when the UPS man stops in front of my house after I have placed an order. I have been a hostess for a couple of orders and she has all the stuff sent to me. I like doing it that way because I don't have to wait any longer for my stamps!


MoberKitty 01-22-2005 08:16 AM

Oh yes, my demo delivers! She's also really good about calling to see if I have anything to add when she's doing her regular orders. Now, mind you, she and I have been friends for some years. :) But I'm pretty sure she delivers to her other customers as well.

I know when I was a Mary Kay consultant, I always delivered my customers' orders. I think it's just good service.

luvtostampstampstamp 01-22-2005 08:28 AM

My demo will deliver if you are on her errand route. I live an hour away and she usually offers to meet somewhere. Most of the time I'm coming her way...she lives in the city and that's where the shopping is :wink: ...I'm in the country!

craftdoc 01-22-2005 08:31 AM

I email my stamp club members when the order comes in. I have worked out the timing so that most orders are in just before my monthly techniques class so they can pick it up at class. If they aren't coming to class, some members have offered to pick it up when they are in town. Otherwise, I will pick a day after my class to deliver the orders I have left. With 10 people in the club, all spread over the area, that works best for me and my group. For one long distance member I will mail the order because it costs less than the gas (not making any money on that one). On a $15 stamp club order your demo is making only $3.00 in instant income, plus she is doing a lot of the work that the hostess usually does. I must admit - making deliveries is not the most fun part of my business, but I can't complain since I enjoy all the benefits of being a demonstrator!

Sereikastamper 01-22-2005 08:33 AM

I as a demo, am pretty split. If it is a hostess workshop, and it is sent to me, I split it up organize it, mark the bags and then deliver it to the hostess to disperse from there. If it is an individual order, I have it shipped directly except for one special customer who I set her stamps and then reship them to her as she is latex allergic and lives out of state.
If it is an order that is placed with my monthly order I like to have it shipped to me and then deliver it to my customers as they are all relatively close to me and are never upset if they have to wait a day or two if they are not close. :) I think that each demo will be different for different reasons, as well as each customer will have different needs and requirements... :D

stampin dawn 01-22-2005 08:37 AM

I will deliver if the order comes to me. For some of my customers that live across town, I have the order sent directly to them.

I had a stamp club about 30 miles away and went to them each month. Most of the time the orders went directly to that months hostess.

But since I'm always adding stuff to a workshop, I usually have it come to me first and then I deliver to the hostess.

kathleenh 01-22-2005 08:38 AM

It really depends on the situation. For my monthly stamp clubs it varies. If the club is made up of all friends then I have the order sent to the hostess for that month and she delivers the product. That's part of the duty of being hostess. If I have a group of ladies in a club who don't really know each other and they are spread out, I have the order come to me. I try to deliver if possible but some prefer to pick the orders up. For a stamp club group where they are getting hostess benefits and the orders are coming to me, I have them pick it up the next month, deliver it, or have them pick it up whatever they prefer. Each situation is kind of unique.

jenstamps2002 01-22-2005 08:41 AM

When I have a hostess, I send the packages directly to her, then set up a time for me to pick up anyting that I may have ordered. If I place the order, or I'm the "hostess", then I set up dates and times for most people for me to drop it off. I just believe that is part of the service that I give. Now, granted most of my customers don't live more than 10 miles from me and it's not a problem. Also, a lot of my customers are gals that I used to work with - sometimes one will offer to deliver all the stuff if I bring it all to her. If I have an order for a customer that is out of town, I ship it to her from my current job - I get free UPS shipping! I have talked to a few gals from church who once had a demo that wounldn't drive or offer to meet half way. When I heard that, I thought that was a disservice to the customer, and I know that would have turned me off if I was her customer.
My 2 cents worth. :D

Jami 01-22-2005 09:00 AM

I occassionally deliver, but more often not. I work a full-time job and drive almost an hour each way to work. There's just no way I would have time to deliver every order. So far I have been able to work it out satisfactorily with my customers. Club members understand upfront that they will need to pick up orders.

WillStamp4Food 01-22-2005 09:10 AM

I am a demo and do deliver, but most of my orders go directly to the hostesses. I feel it is a good PR/customer service/friendly thing to do to deliver to my friends/customers. I do work full time at another job though, so that limits my time to deliver. I always offer the option to meet them somewhere or deliver or pick up from me if they wish.

PS: Jami--that is the biggest hair I have ever seen (thought mine was big but WOW)!!!! :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :shock:

pettypower 01-22-2005 09:12 AM

I live an hour from my demo - when I have a party she ships direct to me and then I make sure my guests get there orders. When I order a small order from her without a party she mails the order to me via USPS. I've done the ribbon club with her that way too. I wouldn't order from her if I had to drive an hour to pick up my stuff.

Emily 01-22-2005 09:32 AM

I deliver everything but not because I feel that as a demo I have to. I usually see the people in my club at other times. I do so much for my club members that if I felt like they expected it of me. I may not still be a demo. I work 50+ hours a week between two jobs and one of them is an hour drive the other is 35 minutes and they are 35 minutes apart as well. That honestly doesnt leave much time for delivering orders or worrying about whether or not my customer who works 15 hours a week will be upset if I can't deliver her order. So far though this has not been a problem and they are all my friends, but you just have to remember demoing probably isnt the only thing going on with your demo. Also, I have yet to actually earn money that I'm not putting right back into supplies for our club. I know this probably sounds harsh but I work extremely hard for hardly anything at my normal jobs, I dont want to stress over a hobby.

Jami 01-22-2005 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by WillStamp4Food
PS: Jami--that is the biggest hair I have ever seen (thought mine was big but WOW)!!!! :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :shock:

LOL!!!! It took them over an hour and a half to get it that way! It's actually pinned to the netting behind me!!! I thought I'd never get all that ratting out!!! :lol: :lol:

stampin3 01-22-2005 09:43 AM

I am a demo and it varies for me.

Some orders I deliver, some are picked up by customers, and others will leave it here until the next Stamp Club.

I always offer to deliver to my customers. However, most of my customers stop by when it is more suitable to them. I also do group droppings - a couple of my customers all work together, so I will drop all their orders to one person and then that person passes the orders out.

For my customers who live out of state - the orders are usually shipped directly to them. Some work near me, so I do offer to bring their orders to their work if they prefer.

So, it really does vary for me. It all depends on the circumstances and what preference my customers prefer.


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