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-   -   Please don't blast me! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/please-dont-blast-me-296169/)

Scrappy13 10-26-2007 08:20 PM

Please don't blast me!
Is it just me or does there seem to be alot of cards posted lately that don't have the "ingredients" or say "see my blog". I understand people want us to look at thier blogs and I have seen a ton of really cute stuff on alot of peoples blogs, but sometimes it is just nicer to have it right there and not have to go anywhere else, which is the biggest reason why I come to splitcoast and not idividual blogs. I like to have all the information in one place, not to have to go to a bunch of different blogs. Just my opinion-- I love you all!! :mrgreen:

stampT 10-26-2007 08:42 PM

ITA! If it says "see my blog for recipe" or whatever -- I don't even bother. If they can't bother to put it here -- where this venue is what it's for -- then I don't bother to look. JMO And I RARELY favorite unless it has the colors of paper/ink and stamp sets listed. It has to be spectacular (IMO) for me to favorite it w/o the info.

I know that doesn't help -- but I always put the info on my posts. That's why ppl look at the gallery. If I wasn't familiar w/SU colors/stamps or other company's products I would be lost as to how/what to use.

Ok, I've vented too.... sorry.

Gina K. Designs 10-26-2007 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Scrappy13 (Post 7557487)
Is it just me or does there seem to be alot of cards posted lately that don't have the "ingredients" or say "see my blog". I understand people want us to look at thier blogs and I have seen a ton of really cute stuff on alot of peoples blogs, but sometimes it is just nicer to have it right there and not have to go anywhere else, which is the biggest reason why I come to splitcoast and not idividual blogs. I like to have all the information in one place, not to have to go to a bunch of different blogs. Just my opinion-- I love you all!! :mrgreen:

Your title made me laugh. It's like when my kids say, "Okay Mom, don't be mad, but..." But yours wasn't bad like theirs would usually be when they start it that way.

I always put the recipe in. I think it's a good idea to give the basic recipe and if it's a complex project, you can add your blog link if the viewer wants a much deeper description or a tutorial. But I agree, it's a lot easier to see what color, inks, embellishments and techniques were used if it's right there in front of you.

Gina K.

gmcbunny 10-26-2007 08:50 PM

I like to see the items used in a card listed to and find in frustrating when it is not there

annieht 10-26-2007 09:27 PM

I have a blog but I always include the card recipe on my SCS gallery. I feel that the reason for my blog is to add a few more tips and more details about the card. Its just a place to read or ask questions.

jeanstamping2 10-26-2007 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Scrappy13 (Post 7557487)
Is it just me or does there seem to be alot of cards posted lately that don't have the "ingredients" or say "see my blog". I understand people want us to look at thier blogs and I have seen a ton of really cute stuff on alot of peoples blogs, but sometimes it is just nicer to have it right there and not have to go anywhere else, which is the biggest reason why I come to splitcoast and not idividual blogs. I like to have all the information in one place, not to have to go to a bunch of different blogs. Just my opinion-- I love you all!! :mrgreen:

I have to agree with this post.
Everytime I post one of my photo's of my creations I try to remember to list everything I used. Sometime I do forget. Sometimes I add my blog information to what I have posted. And you can view it if you want to.

Something else I like is when other's use Keywords to find what I am looking for. It makes it fast and very easy to find things.

Don't get me wrong I like reading Blogs. It just would be nice to see how you made the card or creation.

Maybe those that have blogs Like myself should copy and paste information from here into their blogs or from their blogs into the gallery here on SCS.

caostampin 10-26-2007 10:51 PM

If I'm not mistaken, SCS wants you to include the details when uploading a card. I know I read that somewhere in guidelines or some other area. I always include the details when I post. I, too, want to do one-stop shopping. It's nice reading blogs and I will go to them for some extra details, but it's nice to have the basic information posted along with the card.

palval77 10-26-2007 11:29 PM

For sure I would like the Stamp Set. I can usually figure out the others. If not I send them a message and ask or go to the blog.

Stampin Wrose 10-26-2007 11:51 PM

Ahhh, I'm glad someone said this again.

Seems like every few months, this comes up.

Some people send you to their blog and NOT just the card. We're supposed to find it? No thanks.

So - I never click on blogs. Sorry. I just don't.

Blogs may be a lot of work, and if that's the case, and they don't have time to put the basics here, then maybe they shouldn't bother to even upload the card here.

I don't like feeling that they're doing me a favor by posting their card here and making me go to a blog for more info. (I don't think that's what it is, but that's why I don't think the excuse of "blogs are a lot of work" is valid.)

I think a lot of people just don't even think about it. They probably don't realize that many of us even care.

This site is FOR card-sharing. Post the ingredients!!!!!!!!!!

Totally_Addinktive 10-26-2007 11:58 PM

I have to agree with what everyone has said.

I am on a few yahoogroups for SU demos & sharing and they will say ... i made a card - its on my blog. Well I'm afraid i wont go and look at those - if you've bothered to join a group and sent an email how hard is it to attach or insert an image and provide the recipe?

However if they do provide image & recipe and i like the card I am more likely to go check out their blog for more work then.

srogers5 10-27-2007 01:10 AM

I prefer to have recipes listed whereever it's posted, but if people want to send others to a blog, then at least provide the permalink (the link to that specific project on the blog), not just the location of the blog. Some people update their blogs so frequently that projects are quickly buried; some people look at posts so infrequently that the projects are buried by the time they check them out.

Jillgunter 10-27-2007 04:00 AM

I to prefer the recipe on here. I will go to the blog if they have a tutorial or directions on how to make something.

momis mama 10-27-2007 04:48 AM

i recently found that if you upload to your member gallery...

the recipe doesn't show up.

i always include the recipe but found that some of the cards in my member gallery did not have the info i had entered when uploading. i found out that the ones that HAD BEEN in my regular gallery and then moved to my member gallery retained the info but the ones i uploaded DIRECTLY TO my member gallery did not.

bummer... just thought i would share this tidbit.

that is why the recipe isn't included in some (or most) of my entries to my MEMBER GALLERY.

Joan B 10-27-2007 05:19 AM


Muckyfingers 10-27-2007 05:20 AM

I'm so new that I've only uploaded one but I added the items I used :) The method was pretty self-explanatory :)

Menda 10-27-2007 05:27 AM

I think both blogs and gallerys are such a wonderful gift. Being computer challenged and trying to upload to my gallery, with frustration, I marvel at the people who take the time to come on and share PERIOD..... When I look in the gallery I am looking at the creation and using my creativity to see what works in my head. A color combo or a add on factor that I can use and learn from. I have loved klicking on to a blog I have not seen and sit in awe of things that are shared there. The only time I really look at the recipe for something is to find the name of a stamp set that I don't recognize. I am just so grateful people share what they share, in whatever way they choose to do so. TFS

genie1314 10-27-2007 05:37 AM

I am not the guru on this stuff, but from different conversations, this is what I have gathered...
Proper 'etiquette' is to always list all your materials here. If you have something involved in your project that is not obvious by the pic, that should also be noted. If you have more detailed information or commentary that you would like to share about the project, then it is appropriate to list it on your blog.
Now, keep in mind that this site is growing everyday, and some people are not 'in the know.' I polite "could you list your materials, please?' usually helps to get the needed info.

mrs_hawkins 10-27-2007 05:39 AM

I'm a blogger and a blurfer, but I still like to see a recipe on the SCS gallery. I always put a recipe on mine. And another pet peeve is people who participate in challenges and link to their blog in the chat forum instead of uploading their card to the SCS gallery.

Sorry, I'm crabby this morning. I didn't get much sleep.

wustaz 10-27-2007 05:47 AM

I prefer if the items are listed, but if they aren't, and I really like the card/item I will fav it anyways. I do check blogs out and I have added quite a few to my favs as well from here

wendykins 10-27-2007 05:52 AM

This topic comes up so often here on SCS, but here is my opinion, for what it is worth, LOL. I would appreciate if at least the basics, stampset, inks, paper(especially the colors on my laptop are so wonky) and if there is a specific technigque, i don't mind going to their blog, but if there is nothing, I would have to absolutely, with out a doubt, have to know everything about that card to click on a blog link, cuz when i am cruising the gallery for ideas, i want to know now(i know i am impatient, LOL)

KayInFL 10-27-2007 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by Menda (Post 7558510)
I think both blogs and gallerys are such a wonderful gift. Being computer challenged and trying to upload to my gallery, with frustration, I marvel at the people who take the time to come on and share PERIOD..... When I look in the gallery I am looking at the creation and using my creativity to see what works in my head. A color combo or a add on factor that I can use and learn from. I have loved klicking on to a blog I have not seen and sit in awe of things that are shared there. The only time I really look at the recipe for something is to find the name of a stamp set that I don't recognize. I am just so grateful people share what they share, in whatever way they choose to do so. TFS

What Menda says! Although I'm not so much computer challenged, I am time challenged (although if I spent a little less time on this site, maybe I'd have more time for other things! :rolleyes: )

I just appreciate this site and all the people who take the time to share so much! Without it I wouldn't be the stamper I am today, wouldn't have the friends, cyber or otherwise, that I have today, and wouldn't have the room full of things I don't have time to use (ah, but the satisfaction of knowing they are there....... priceless :mrgreen: )

I can usually work out the ingredients and if I can't, I ask. I've rarely had a PM go unanswered.

I am constantly amazed by the wealth of knowledge, talent and inspiration that is available here, and through all the blog links,(am I the only one who actually likes these?) FOR NOTHING!!!

Stampers are COOL http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/cool2.gif
Thanks everyone!!!!

Aimee30 10-27-2007 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Totally_Addinktive (Post 7557953)
I have to agree with what everyone has said.

I am on a few yahoogroups for SU demos & sharing and they will say ... i made a card - its on my blog. Well I'm afraid i wont go and look at those - if you've bothered to join a group and sent an email how hard is it to attach or insert an image and provide the recipe?

However if they do provide image & recipe and i like the card I am more likely to go check out their blog for more work then.

I am on a few yahoo groups as well but sometimes the cards don't go through to the group on yahoo.. lately if I attach them to the email they have been bouncing back. If I get them bounced back at me I then direct them to my blog....

I do put the receipe for my cards that I post here but I also put the link directly to that card from my blog in my gallery.

kmccullo 10-27-2007 05:55 AM

Amen Girl
I agree. I try to put the random story on my blog. Here, I put the basic information on what I used. I admit that sometimes by lift of things is weak but it is because I am bad about remembering the color names. I do try though.

Thanks for the gentle reminder for everyone.


JBgreendawn 10-27-2007 06:08 AM

here is another random thought...
there are a lot of people who come to sites like this, and only visit the gallery and they feel like the won the lotto when they figure out how to upload and share to the gallery too... so they have no concept that these conversations take place because they only go straight to the gallery and then leave from there...

I try to list what i know on mine and write unknown when I'm not positive. When i direct people to my blog ( hardly ever ) its usually because i have shot the project at different angles to show the dimension of it. ( that's the one thing about this gallery thats not so great is you can only do one photo in the post)

Cynamom 10-27-2007 06:16 AM

If you post at splitcoast, I would expect to see the info at splitcoast. To me it's almost like a bait and switch or something.

stampencamper 10-27-2007 06:32 AM

If they don't have the time to offer that information, I assume that they
won't mind if we don't have the time to post a comment. I am also
finding on blogs, if you want to make that card or like the color combo
when you want to print it, you won't get a print out. Why do people
share stuff on a blog, and if they are a demo, and yet you can't make
a copy of what they SHARE. that site no longer is a favorite for me to visit anymore.
Most people are great about sharing, and we know it is more time consuming,
and if it is a rare occasion for that person, we will
understand Carolyn

indyemmert 10-27-2007 06:50 AM

I always list the basic info for mine. If I have extra information about it on my blog, I put in the link. But I always fill in the products used. That's just common courtesy.

denidill 10-27-2007 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by marieos (Post 7559117)
These threads always turn so snotty over and over again. No one needs to put "shoulds" on any other poster. I think it is rude to insist that people post your way and do what you say. If they want to upload a thousand pictures without instructions, then accept that they have shared themselves via their artwork. Have you ever considered that maybe they want to keep their techniques a secret? Have you ever eaten a wonderful dessert but not been offered the recipe and when you ask they won't give it. Same deal here.

Actually, there are rules on SCS (I think Joan just posted them further up) that states you are to leave a basic recipe. JulieHRR has gone over this numerous times. I think people just need reminding that this is to be done for every upload. I guess, if people don't want to do this, then they are not following the rules of SCS and that is between them and the moderators. (You do not have to put the techinique down....just your basics....the technique is nice because you can use it as a keyword to find all the cards make using that technique....but this is not required by SCS).

HeartfeltGreetings 10-27-2007 09:01 AM

I'm sorry, but this topic has been done to death. I respect what everyone thinks about this issue, but threads like this one continues the festering and the bad feelings. It appears no one is ever happy anymore around here. You screwed if you do and you're screwed if you don't. Can't we all just be happy? This is why I don't frequent SCS much anymore, and I haven't uploaded anything for months (but just so you know....when I was uploading cards, I was putting the recipe in and MORE:)). However, I definitely added my blog link as well.

MSBetsyZ 10-27-2007 09:34 AM

I'm sorry, but I have yet to see any "Rules" about this. The "Julie" post about recipes had to do with bloggers in particular that uploaded cards just to point people to their blogs. It did NOT dictate that people had to provide any further information if there wasn't a blog link.

The whole thing came up specifically because so many people were giving the appearance of using SCS's huge membership to drive traffic to their own blogs, thus building their readership up on the back of Daven and Tracy's hard work. So not cool.

However, there has never, ever been a rule telling folks what they should do otherwise. In Daven's posts in the past, he's always stated that he really does not like to post too many rules...he just wants to provide a place for folks to come together and share and inspire each other. So all I see when I read threads like this is that some of YOU are deciding to make rules on Daven's behalf. If you absolutely must have rules to play nice, then ask Daven for his "ruling." Better that than run around in mob fashion, which is what these threads tend to become.

Last...if you notice, the thread Joan attached was LOCKED because so many people couldn't express themselves politely. So when you post in threads like this, stop and think that there are people on the other side of the screen.

SherryLC05 10-27-2007 09:43 AM

I think what SCS has asked is that you don't leave a link to your blog as your ONLY information. In that situation it appears to be more like promoting your blog than sharing your creation. I do not think it is against the rules to not put a recipe, however I think it is encouraged and appreciated to share the information.

I personally do not mind it when people put a link to their blogs- if I am at home I might even check it out. If I am at work, however I cannot view it since blogs are blocked. I greatly appreciate it when someone takes the time to include a basic recipe with their card. This is the main place I go to for ideas and inspiration. It is nice to not have to search everywhere for information.

I always try to post at least basic info with my cards- although sometimes I forget and leave something out. I have even waited to upload a card until I had time to put in all the information. But that's just me.

SCEmily 10-27-2007 09:51 AM

I know what you mean. I always post visit my blog or something like that where people have the option, but I always list what stuff I used on SCS too. I think it's kinda defeating the purpose of getting people to visit your blog if they have to just to see what stamps/color you used.

I love blogs, and love checking out new ones, so I think it's great when people put the link, but I think they should also fill out what stuff they used on the card.

Stamp Happy Susie 10-27-2007 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by HeartfeltGreetings (Post 7559672)
I'm sorry, but this topic has been done to death. I respect what everyone thinks about this issue, but threads like this one continues the festering and the bad feelings. It appears no one is ever happy anymore around here. You screwed if you do and you're screwed if you don't. Can't we all just be happy? This is why I don't frequent SCS much anymore, and I haven't uploaded anything for months (but just so you know....when I was uploading cards, I was putting the recipe in and MORE:)). However, I definitely added my blog link as well.

I was going to say the same thing but was afraid of getting flamed for it, I'm glad you said it. There seems to be a post on this subject every other day when it's unnecessary, there's a sticky at the top of the page dedicated to this subject. If there had been any indication in the title that this was yet another recipe/blog thread I would not have even looked at it.

There is no way everyone here will have the same opinion on the subject... so why not let it go? Or at least keep it in the sticky? I won't even post my opinion on the subject ~ it won't make one bit of difference. Like she said, can't we all just be happy?

Have a happy Saturday! :)

Stampin Wrose 10-27-2007 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by MSBetsyZ (Post 7559814)
I'm sorry, but I have yet to see any "Rules" about this. The "Julie" post about recipes had to do with bloggers in particular that uploaded cards just to point people to their blogs. It did NOT dictate that people had to provide any further information if there wasn't a blog link.

The whole thing came up specifically because so many people were giving the appearance of using SCS's huge membership to drive traffic to their own blogs, thus building their readership up on the back of Daven and Tracy's hard work. So not cool.

However, there has never, ever been a rule telling folks what they should do otherwise. In Daven's posts in the past, he's always stated that he really does not like to post too many rules...he just wants to provide a place for folks to come together and share and inspire each other. So all I see when I read threads like this is that some of YOU are deciding to make rules on Daven's behalf. If you absolutely must have rules to play nice, then ask Daven for his "ruling." Better that than run around in mob fashion, which is what these threads tend to become.

Last...if you notice, the thread Joan attached was LOCKED because so many people couldn't express themselves politely. So when you post in threads like this, stop and think that there are people on the other side of the screen.

Thanks Betsy, you are so right.

Really, it's just courtesy to list a few things, but if one doesn't have time, well, I'm disappointed. If they direct me to the blog, I just don't go. I went once, mind you, just once (I'm so not a blog person) and the card wasn't immediately evident. So I never go now. LOL

But - it's personal for me. I don't care enough to trash anybody one way or another. Whatever.

If I really loved a card and wanted to case it and nothing was there, I guess I'd PM the poster.

No sense getting panties bunched up about it.

mischelle larson 10-27-2007 03:49 PM

perfect example was a card with a star burst. a recipe here and a tutorial on her blog for the star burst. the starburst was fantastic by the way

Cynamom 10-27-2007 06:25 PM

We get new users here all the time, and the OP here only has 231 as of right now. It's likely she has not seen any of the other threads. I'm sure she's not trying to offend.

Coletta 10-27-2007 06:32 PM

I guesss I really don't understand what the thing is with blogs. Do people get money for the number of clicks they receive or what? I even read about someone who felt "embarassed" that people were reading and commenting on her blog, like they were peeping in her underwear drawer or sumthin'!

Who in the world has the time to devote to a blog for other than commercial reasons?

I just don't get the whole blog thing!


birdbrain 10-27-2007 07:05 PM

Julie says it all in the very first post of this thread,which is "stickied" at the top of the General Stamping forum:


I don't think the OP intended to "start" anything...with the multitudes of new members daily, this is something that everyone should be reminded of, although when I initially read this thread I was looking for that dead horse.;) Basic info is just a common courtesy.

montistamper 10-27-2007 09:38 PM

I'm just happy people upload their cards. I could care less if there is recipe. If I'm going to use a card for inspiration, I'm most likely going to substitute what I already have.

MSBetsyZ 10-27-2007 10:13 PM

No, you're right, Birdbrain, I don't think the OP intended anything hurtful at all, and I hope she's not thinking I am, lol. I just want people to stop and think, is all. A lot of uploaders, probably most, but I don't know that, put in some sort of recipe. Many do not. Whatever their reasons, they are valid to them, and it's not for us to say anything about it. Since there are upwards of 1,000 and more uploads every day, focus on the ones that make you happy, lol, not the ones that don't do things the way you think they "should."

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