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-   -   OK, This site is costing me TOO much money!!!!! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/ok-site-costing-me-too-much-money-36760/)

Totoely 03-19-2005 11:14 AM

OK, This site is costing me TOO much money!!!!!
Every time I read all the posts about cool stuff, (ie Ribbon, a new stamp, floor wax, a new idea, something on sale somewhere, etc) I gotta go buy it. Anyone else like this???

Sereikastamper 03-19-2005 11:21 AM

Nope I think you are totally alone in this boat!!! LOL
But I do have to say, that while I have spent a great deal more money, look on the oldest page of my gallery and look on my newest...having the right tools and the proper resources has made a HUGE difference in my stamping!!! :)
Stamping Makes me happy and when I give my creations away it makes someone else happy...so it is ALLL GOOOOOOOOOD! :D

HB 03-19-2005 11:27 AM

Oh Keri, you took the words right out of my mouth :D I LOVE to buy new stuff, it boosts my creativity. And every so often, when I have stuff I don't use any more I have a sale or give it away. Then I have new $$ for new stuff!

AngFab 03-19-2005 12:11 PM

LOL! Get out your charge card babie! I always have mine out when I browse the gallery. I always have a list going of stuff I HAVE to try!

Don't try to fight it! Just give in and join the fun! WhooHOOO!

StampinPixie 03-19-2005 12:18 PM

Well, OK, girls. . . here is another new tool, but at least it's inexpensive. In the April/May Paper Crafts, there is a Fiskars insert. On page nine of said insert, you will see a "texturing tool". It's like 3 styluses (is that a word) in one. You use it with embossing texture plates. I just happened to notice one at Archiver's Thursday and bought it, of course. And there it was in the mag.

Get out your change purse. :lol:

msdetloff 03-19-2005 12:29 PM

I don't have my paper crafts yet :cry:


StampinPixie 03-19-2005 12:32 PM

Mine just came in the mail this afternoon, so maybe there's still hope for you. 8)

StampinHappyInCT 03-19-2005 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by StampinPixie
Well, OK, girls. . . here is another new tool, but at least it's inexpensive. In the April/May Paper Crafts, there is a Fiskars insert. On page nine of said insert, you will see a "texturing tool". It's like 3 styluses (is that a word) in one. You use it with embossing texture plates.

I've had that tool and the texturing plates for a while. It takes a lot of muscle! Your arms gets quite tired if your doing a full card front!

Christine P 03-19-2005 12:41 PM

I never succumb to peer (stamper) pressure, ever!! BAWWHAHAHA...

I guess that is why I *didn't* just buy Prismacolor Pencils this morning from Viking! :wink:

Can you see my nose growing just like Pinocchio's?? :P

11Valerie11 03-19-2005 01:19 PM

Me, too! Since that collage challenge back a while ago, I find myself wanting tons of metallic accents - from brads to charms, and more!!

Ang517 03-19-2005 03:14 PM

This is SO me too! Things I didn't think I'd ever buy or use... purchased b/c of a sample or thread about it!

Mom-of-one 03-19-2005 04:42 PM

:D This site if very addicting!

sunfaerie 03-19-2005 04:47 PM

My wish list is always getting bigger and there isn't a day that goes buy that I don't see some sample on here of brilliance that I have to case onto one of my cards or SB pages :) Good luck in managing your spending.

rebecca wheeler 03-19-2005 04:56 PM

Today is my birthday, and what better way to spend it than with a bunch of friends at a technique workshop...we did polished stone, and shaving cream. I went with the intention of buying daubers, and staying under $20.00, WELL, Happy Birthday to me, and $60.00 later...now you know the rest of the story...This site and my friends are contributing to my PMS! Rebecca

lilbear 03-19-2005 05:07 PM

happy birthday rebecca......sounds like you had a great day. I NEVER spend any money......yeah right...LOL.....i went to a local stamp store today and bought MORE embossing powder. This time I bought platinum detail......its really nice. And just now i noticed at the top of one of the pages a place to buy paper for a really rather cheap price....40$ later...LOL!! My excuse for now is MY birthday is right around the corner. LOL!! :oops:

newdemo 03-19-2005 05:19 PM

Wow... this thread just doesn't sound anything like me... I'm a rock of resistance.

.... can anyone say "Paisley Print"????? :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

frankie 03-19-2005 06:17 PM

Oooooh, this site just feeds my insatiable addiction!! :lol: I want things I NEVER wanted before I saw the great cards here! I HATED that paisley background stamp from the 1st time I saw it and now I NEED it! :oops: :shock:

Now there's no telling what will happen when the new catalog is in my hot little hands! :lol:

mschoener 03-19-2005 06:48 PM

Re: OK, This site is costing me TOO much money!!!!!

Originally Posted by Totoely
Every time I read all the posts about cool stuff, (ie Ribbon, a new stamp, floor wax, a new idea, something on sale somewhere, etc) I gotta go buy it. Anyone else like this???

I feel that I have to keep up with the "Joneses" so that I can be just as creative as everyone else. :D I'm the same way. Everytime I hear about something new to try, I have to run out and get it. :roll:

gbbren 03-19-2005 06:57 PM

lilbear- where are you getting the paper for the good price? Please share!

Glittergal 03-19-2005 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by frankie
Oooooh, this site just feeds my insatiable addiction!! :lol: I want things I NEVER wanted before I saw the great cards here! I HATED that paisley background stamp from the 1st time I saw it and now I NEED it! :oops: :shock:

Boy, can I relate! I NEVER EVEN NOTICED that bg stamp in the catty until I saw some of the samples here, and now I want it, too!

But I have to agree with Keri - the more I see and learn from the talented stampers on SCS about all the great stamps and accessories and then buy and actually use them, the happier I am with the results of my efforts. And as long as my dh doesn't complain about all my purchases (and he's great!!), I guess I can continue hanging around here and feeding my addiction.

lemonie 03-19-2005 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by StampinPixie
Well, OK, girls. . . here is another new tool, but at least it's inexpensive. In the April/May Paper Crafts, there is a Fiskars insert. On page nine of said insert, you will see a "texturing tool". It's like 3 styluses (is that a word) in one. You use it with embossing texture plates. I just happened to notice one at Archiver's Thursday and bought it, of course. And there it was in the mag.

Get out your change purse. :lol:

I got the texturizing plates about a year ago when I 1st started stamping. I made a card for my Mom who was going to be in a "Silver Sneaker's" marathon. I just used a stylus so when I saw this tool a while ago, I decided to get it. I just haven't tried it yet. Here is a picture of the card I made. You can see the texture on the silver paper (look near the top...the little hearts are the texture). It really added to the card.

lemonie 03-19-2005 07:28 PM

Rats, forgot to attach the picture.

lemonie 03-19-2005 07:29 PM

Rats, forgot to attach the picture.

lemonie 03-19-2005 07:32 PM

forgot picture
4 Attachment(s)
I can't seem to attach picture. I will try again

Ronda Nix 03-19-2005 08:24 PM

I just decided that when it comes to stamping want comes before need! :wink:

iliveforjc 03-19-2005 09:53 PM


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