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-   -   OFFICIAL retired list with link to SU! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/official-retired-list-link-su-47513/)

mamakimberly 04-30-2005 10:13 AM

unOfficially, Official retired list with link to SU!

This is from Stampin' Up!'s website. With all the "maybe" lists running around, I thought it would be good to put an end to that nonsense and get the truth. Apparently some people truly did have the real list! I'm stunned!

Enjoy, everyone! HOLY COW!

BTW: I just want to clarify that while this IS on SU!'s website, it has NOT been released on their homepage, so this is not OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL LOL!

mamakimberly 04-30-2005 10:14 AM

Sorry, my jaw's still on the floor.... I'm gonna have a hard time with some of these (PAISLEY????)

Gotta go check my predictions now....

holy wow.

mamakimberly 04-30-2005 10:21 AM

Do you get more excited for the things they retire because you wanted to order them or because you are SO HAPPY they are removing that set so they can make room for new cuter stuff??

LOL I'm soooo disappointed children of the corn wasn't removed! That's a wasted corner of a catty page in MY book! LOL!

DebbiS 04-30-2005 10:22 AM

I only have 14 sets that are on the list. I know that seems like alot, but most are sets I bought for specific reasons and can still use them for personal stuff.

I am most disappointed in Coast to Coast leaving. I hope they replace it with another lighthouse set.

MSBetsyZ 04-30-2005 10:35 AM

So, can anyone explain WHY the header of that page is the same as that for the page announcing the 50 percent off list a few months ago?

"50 Percent Off Current Catalog Sets - Microsoft Internet Explorer"

You know? That blue bar at the top of the page that gives the name of the page? Do you think it's possible someone has "captured" an old web page, edited the content, and is giving people the link to that?

Somehow, I'm just NOT sold on this one...sorry, guys!

mamakimberly 04-30-2005 10:39 AM

I was wondering about that Betsy.... but it is definitely a link from SU's server, so I'm sold.

staceysas 04-30-2005 10:42 AM

I am not getting excited until i know FOR SURE that SU has posted it tomorrow!! :)

jailynnsmom 04-30-2005 10:43 AM

Thanks for letting me know it was up. I guessed several of them correctly. But have to agree with that corn one.. it was the first one I had on my guesses of retirements!!

maxiesmom 04-30-2005 10:44 AM

I'm certainly sold, it looks pretty official to me. Hmm, decisions, decisions now.

Kathy :)

vma7399 04-30-2005 10:45 AM

I can not get this thing to open right can someone please post what the sets are or type and send them to me in a pm??? I am dying here


StampinMelis 04-30-2005 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by MSBetsyZ
You know? That blue bar at the top of the page that gives the name of the page? Do you think it's possible someone has "captured" an old web page, edited the content, and is giving people the link to that?

It's the real deal. They probably just use an old page as a template for the new one and forgot to change that piece. It's an easy HTML slip up.

MoberKitty 04-30-2005 10:47 AM

I can't believe they have this up a whole day early!! Wow!
I'm totally bummed...I can't possibly spend that much $$ to get all the retiring sets I'd like.

But I'm really excited to see what new pet sets they come out with!

Thanks for the heads up MamaK!!!

lindylou1220 04-30-2005 10:50 AM

Why does it say "2001" and why does it say "promo training" in the other link?


mamakimberly 04-30-2005 10:52 AM

they all say web 2001...

Here is a link to LAST YEAR's retirement list, for comparison, and this is how it was posted:

mamakimberly 04-30-2005 10:54 AM

By the way, I did not post this to be controversial! I had actually decided I'd stay far away from the retirement list posting, due to the junk of the recent days.... but with the faux lists being sent here and there I thought it would be best to clear the air with something from SU themselves.

Sairabee 04-30-2005 10:55 AM

Ok, so how do you find out about what non-stamp items are being retired? Like the punches, etc. ???

mamakimberly 04-30-2005 10:58 AM

Sarah, In the past, we have found out with the new catalog. Like, no warning till you get the catty. I assume it will be the same.

lindylou1220 04-30-2005 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by mamakimberly
By the way, I did not post this to be controversial! I had actually decided I'd stay far away from the retirement list posting, due to the junk of the recent days.... but with the faux lists being sent here and there I thought it would be best to clear the air with something from SU themselves.

I'm not trying to be controversial, either {{{REALLY :) }}} but I just can't figure out why these apparent anomolies (sp?) and how cum we can get to this page without our demo sign on.:confused: I'm still gonna wait til tomorrow for my garage sale/tears/celebration!

MSBetsyZ 04-30-2005 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by mamakimberly
I was wondering about that Betsy.... but it is definitely a link from SU's server, so I'm sold.

Please don't think I'm trying to slam you or anything, MamaK...I'm not at ALL. However, I seem to be a target for EVERY "phish" email out there. I get literally DOZENS every week from "Paypal" or "Ebay" or "Your Bank" that all take me to pages that look EXACTLY like what the real thing does. Yet, each and every time I report it to the security link at the various places, they come back and say, "nope, not ours!"

It's a scary thought, but apparently this is all too easy to fake. One gal over on the demo side mentioned being asked to put in her demo id, which she did, and then decided to be on the safe side and go to SU for real and changed her password info. It's sort of like when these "phishing" emails ask you for your password or credit card info. A LOT of folks get totally sucked in and give their private info out, because the thing does look so real.

So, tomorrow if the list is revealed to be the same as what's floating around today, no big, I haven't lost out on a thing. I do believe I'm a died-in-the-wool skeptic!!!

Ahnna 04-30-2005 11:10 AM

MamKimberly, you the coolest and bravest.... Thanks for sharing!

mamakimberly 04-30-2005 11:10 AM

Betsy, the difference is the actual link in your web browser. I'm pretty up on technology (and I'm not just sayin' that!)... A lot of those links to fake sites will say in the link you CLICK ON the real site, but then you click on it and you're sent to http://phishysite.com/fakesitejunkandlotsofnumbers

This is actually sending you TO Stampin Up!'s website.

Now, could it be a joke by Stampin' Up! Sure. Could it be a prank and a hacker on SU! loading it up? Sure. But it is DEFINITELY on their server.

So take that for what it is. I understand the skepticism. :)

Rubber hugs!


P.S. Linda, the RL is posted for both customers and demos at the same time, unlike most promotions.

my4blessings 04-30-2005 11:13 AM

I just can't get the list to open for me, says something about a font reading error? Could someone who can get into it copy and paste and PM me?


StillJulie 04-30-2005 11:14 AM

I just compared my list. I got 80 right out of 139. Now I'm checking to see what all these sets look like...

I'm most disappointed about WG2 and Wonderful Wings. :(

GMC 04-30-2005 11:15 AM

Retired list
Yeah...have to agree, it is probably a legitimate list. Once you get to the list, you can navigate all over the SU website.

lindylou1220 04-30-2005 11:16 AM

[QUOTE=MSBetsyZ]...I seem to be a target for EVERY "phish" email out there. I get literally DOZENS every week from "Paypal" or "Ebay" or "Your Bank" that all take me to pages that look EXACTLY like what the real thing does....one gal over on the demo side mentioned being asked to put in her demo id, which she did, and then decided to be on the safe side and go to SU for real and changed her password info. It's sort of like when these "phishing" emails ask you for your password or credit card info. A LOT of folks get totally sucked in and give their private info out, because the thing does look so real...[QUOTE]

YIKES! I also got asked for my id & password and so I just went and changed it, too. Never crossed my mind that it could be phishing. I get and ignore those others all the time.

lindylou1220 04-30-2005 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by mamakimberly
...P.S. Linda, the RL is posted for both customers and demos at the same time, unlike most promotions.

Kimberly, thanks for letting me know. I've been lookin' around the site and it sure does seem real. Though I did go change my password just in case!

Leah H 04-30-2005 11:22 AM

WOW! There are no "must-haves" on the retiring list for me.

Guess that means I'll save up for the new catty instead!

azure722 04-30-2005 11:31 AM

Looking at this list I may break into tears. I can't handle it. I could deal with the colors, but all these sets I had on my wish list --- I can't afford them all. Wow! I may need a pep talk tomorrow when we can verify this.

Pendant23 04-30-2005 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by MSBetsyZ
So, tomorrow if the list is revealed to be the same as what's floating around today, no big, I haven't lost out on a thing. I do believe I'm a died-in-the-wool skeptic!!!

But all the links and coding and graphics take you to su's "real" pages and they match. I even checked the SU logo graphic file.

As to the "mistake' at the top, it is an easy one to make, I have seen it before on plenty of site. I think they were either 1) working on the page and it was NOT supposed to be available yet or 2) they wanted to beat SCS to the punch. :) :)

craftychickee 04-30-2005 11:55 AM

How did you find it?
How did you find the list? I went to the Stampin' Up! website and browsed around all over the place, and I couldn't find it listed anywhere. What did you click on or where did you go to get access to this list early? (Just thought that if you could tell us how you found it, all of us skeptics would be able to be certain....)

Qbee 04-30-2005 11:58 AM

SU had the same "title" mistake on the April special page. I called them about it and they corrected it. I do a bit of my own HTML and it generally happens when you use an old page for a template and forget to change things that aren't obvious. For instance on some browsers you might not even see the title mistake. Anyway, it's on their website and it looks like a legitimate retirement list. The title is just a mistake.

Take care, Brenda

Qbee 04-30-2005 12:00 PM


Thanks for posting the link. My demo and I just spent an hour on the phone talking about the retirement list. We were marking our catalogs and chatting as we went. It was a lot of fun. What a fun thing to do on a Saturday afternoon.

Take care, Brenda

wonton 04-30-2005 12:06 PM

Thanks for sharing the info MamaK, you rock...btw, which set reminds you of 'children of the corn'? I must be out of the loop.

mamakimberly 04-30-2005 12:17 PM

crafty, Em told me. But I've been trying to figure it out for a few days... they always have /___.asp for things so I was trying retiredlist.asp, retirement.asp, etc... I am pretty sure Emily got the retiredstamps.asp from another demo on the demo forum.

mamakimberly 04-30-2005 12:17 PM

wonton: charming children!! LOL!

CPLN4 04-30-2005 12:31 PM

Wow, that's a lot of stamps. I've only been into stamping for about 2 months. I only have one retiring set - Mazel Tov.

Is it normal that they're retiring so many stamps? Will there be that many new ones?

BearPawGal 04-30-2005 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by mamakimberly

This is from the source itself! With all the "maybe" lists running around, I thought it would be good to put an end to that nonsense and get the truth. Apparently some people truly did have the real list! I'm stunned!

Enjoy, everyone! HOLY COW!

Mamak, can I ask how you know this is official? I've just logged into my demo account on the SU! website and I see no links whatsoever to the retirement list. Exclude the 'hacked' lists, lists going from one group to another, etc etc etc......did you get this from the SU! website? I see nowhere for customers to get it either...just wonderin'....

sunny36 04-30-2005 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by my4blessings
I just can't get the list to open for me, says something about a font reading error? Could someone who can get into it copy and paste and PM me?


HELP!! As well, I can't get the list to open for me!!!!! Like Renee, could someone please copy/paste and PM me???Thank you thank you thank you!!
Or is it listed somewhere else on this site, and I am out-to-lunch?????

tiny bubbles 04-30-2005 01:07 PM

i said it in the demo area and i'm gonna say it here. i'm not gonna believe it till i get the OFFICIAL word from su. i know this goes to the su website but there are too many errors for me to believe it is real. there is no copyright information. there is no (r) symbol after the name Stampin' Up! there are incorrect dates on page two. there is no "updated 05/05" type message.

GingernHI 04-30-2005 01:22 PM

I have a question about the Stampin Around rollers. Do the one that match the sets retire also? It doesn't list them, but I'm assuming:rolleyes: that this would be correct.

For you guys that can't read the document. You need Adobe, it's a PDF document.


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