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Kerilou 11-01-2007 01:56 PM

Nursing Home Gift Ideas??
Here's the situation:
My Grandmother is in a nursing home, and every year for the holidays we like to do something for all the people who work there. Last year we did mini tear off calendars mounted on a decorated 1/4 sheet of cardstock. This needs to be a fairly cheap project, cause we need to do nearly 100 of whatever we do. It doesn't have to be big, or elaborate, just a little something to say happy holidays and recognize all they do for my Grandma. Please give me and my mom some good ideas that we may be able to use. We are stumped! TIA

nsruss 11-01-2007 02:59 PM

What if you did the post it note covers? Those are really cute, you can pick up the generic post its and they're fairly inexpensive and everyone can use post its!

PMR 11-01-2007 03:25 PM

How about small boxes to hold the hershey nuggets?

Briardlady 11-01-2007 07:01 PM

How about the jumbo clip bookmarks or fridge magnets?

Kerilou 11-02-2007 02:19 AM

ooh, all great ideas, keep em coming! Keri

Kerilou 11-02-2007 02:21 AM

ooh, all great ideas, keep em coming! Keri

Kerilou 11-02-2007 02:25 AM

Great ideas, keep em coming! Keri

wanda50 11-02-2007 04:25 AM

How about the altered 2" binder clips as a photo holder, that's a great way to use up paper and ribbon scraps. That's what I am doing at a scrap retreat this weekend for my co-workers. You can get them in boxes of 48 at office max. I think they are less than 30 cents each that way.

winnieu 11-02-2007 05:16 AM

I make bags of cookies and the pretzel/kiss treats...I stamp up some bags and make tags... I have my mother in law in the nursing home...so I give them out to the nurses and helpers there...The thought is there and I have made them for them. My mother in law loves having something to give them.

STAMPTAYLOR 11-02-2007 05:21 AM

Make up a "tea break" bag. Make up a container of the spiced tea mix, then measure out in individual bags enough for a couple of cups of tea. Then a couple of cookies, piece of candy in another bag. Tie together with some ribbon, make a stamped tag. I did that one year for a clinic full of nurses, they liked it.

I can't believe it's already November.


Disneywed 11-02-2007 05:45 AM

No ideas, just a wow, you are super, from a former nursing home nurse. :)

stamper1996 11-02-2007 06:18 AM

What about making popcorn balls (you can tint the mix red or green), putting them in cello bags, then adding a stamped tag and some ribbon?

pixiepinkgirl 11-02-2007 06:36 AM

When my Dad was in assisted living we got all the residents together on the front porch and had them hold up letters/signs that spelled out THANK YOU from your friends at """". It turned out realy cute and was even put in out local paper. We then got from Oriental Trading little sewing kits and I stamped a quick sleeve/band for them with the text of "Thanks SEW Much" on the tag hanging off. The kits were cheap especially when purchased in bulk.

Good luck with your idea and great that you are honoring the folks that take care of your loved one!

RevLinda 11-02-2007 06:44 AM

We are making Christmas ornaments that can be hung on a picture hanger or at the window. Most nursing homes require that the gifts be non-breakable so pretty paper baubles would be colorful -- and inexpensive. Sun-catchers would be perfect. Anyone have an idea how to make them from paper?

Stamping like crazy -- RevLinda

TrayMoney 11-02-2007 07:45 AM

I work for the Girl Scouts, so we have a lot of girls who do stuff at Nursing Homes.
I don't have any paper craft ideas for you, but I have tips!
If you are planning on doing food, check with the Home. A lot of residents are on special diets. I know I would hate to get a nugget box if I couldn't eat them.
Also, every nursing home I've spoken with about what they need, wants socks! The residents get cold easily and just don't have good socks, especially if they don't have a family member to buy them more. (the ladies like stockings too). You could buy big packs of socks at Sam's Club and wrap them individually in pretty paper and ribbons. I am sure that would be very appreciated.

TrayMoney 11-02-2007 07:47 AM

Oh NO!! I just reread and saw that you are doing stuff for the people working there!
I'm sorry!... they still might like socks :o)

SharenStampen 11-02-2007 08:03 AM

How about coasters? Everyone can use them.
I saw some stamped cork coasters by "genescrapper" in the "Anything but a card" section of the gallery & am going to make them for my church's Sr. Saints Christmas luncheon - (thank you, Genescrapper).
Don't know if you have a Hobby Lobby near you, but they sell the cork coasters in packages of 6 for $2.77 (in same aisle as cork boards at my HobLob) - HobLob has 40% coupons this week, so I'm stopping every day at my local HobLobs to get a package :)
Also saw packages of 4 coasters at a local $ store, but they had a plastic edge/ring around them that could make it difficult for stamping unless you use smaller stamps.

RevLinda 11-02-2007 11:23 AM

I misread the message also and thought you were talking about patient gifts. Thanks for reminding me that those who are caregivers need to know they are appreciated. I like the idea of coasters. I'm thinking of making some out of tile. All the goody ideas were great too. I am going to be swamped before Christmas, but winter months are just right for Thank You's.

Toni in Kansas 11-02-2007 12:43 PM

I work in a nursing home and know that the staff I see especially likes food!! I don't actually work for the nursing home, but am a therapist for the rehab company that contracts with them. I know that when a patient's family brings in food upstairs on the nursing floor you would think it was Christmas everyday!!

I would vote for one of the smaller nugget boxes. The 6 piece ones are simple to make and wouldn't cost alot either. That way you're assured that everyone gets something!


koopdedoo 11-02-2007 01:12 PM

What about purse sized hand cream with a cute poem about keeping such caring hands soft?

koopdedoo 11-02-2007 01:13 PM

I do agree with Toni, though...when in doubt, bake something YUMMY!!!

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